
Starting seeds is a cost-effective way to get a jump start on the garden, but can be tricky. Learn how to successfully kickstart your garden!

The plant features clusters of delicate, white, star-shaped flowers and slender, lance-shaped green leaves with serrated edges.


23 Native Seeds that Require Cold Stratification to Plant in Fall

Although native plants provide food for insects and birds, many of their seeds require a cold period before they can germinate. Planting them in the fall allows them to experience cool temperatures over the winter so they can emerge as seedlings in the spring. Join native plant enthusiast Briana Yablonski to learn some native plant seeds you can plant this fall.

A plant with seeds still attached to the top of the stem with dried buds surrounding it ready for beginner seed-saving


A Beginner’s Guide to Seed-Saving in the Garden

When seed-saving for the first time, you may feel overwhelmed with information about hybrids, heirlooms, and proper seed-saving techniques. This easy guide takes you from start to finish so you can confidently collect your favorite plants’ seeds. Learn how magical these tiny living things are alongside native plant gardener Jerad Bryant.

Close-up of a dried seedhead with a cluster of small, fluffy seeds ready for dispersal, supported by a slender, brown stem.


9 Native Plant Seeds to Collect Now

Native plant seeds are invaluable treasures. Use them to grow limitless supplies of perennials, annuals, shrubs, and trees wherever you’d like. Native plant seeds appear seasonally, and certain species ripen during the fall. Join native plant gardener Jerad Bryant in discovering these nine seeds you should start harvesting now.

A close-up of dried black flower buds scattered on a smooth, dark surface.


How to Save Petunia Seeds For Next Year

You can save petunia seeds if you allow them to dry out on the plant and collect and store them correctly for planting the following season. Wendy Moulton will take you through the simple steps to do this and enjoy free petunias in the next couple of seasons.

Violas with delicate purple and yellow petals growing vibrantly among green leaves in a garden setting.


27 Best Heirloom Plants You Can Grow From Seed

Are you looking for historical plant varieties to stuff into your garden? Look no further than these 27 best heirlooms you can grow from seed. Join native plant gardener Jerad Bryant and leaf through these perennials, herbs, and wildflowers that start easily from seeds.

This plant showcases tall, wiry stems adorned with rich purple, ball-shaped flower heads and finely divided green foliage, with native seeds that don't require stratification.


13 Native Plants With Seeds That Don’t Require Cold Stratification

As more gardeners learn about the benefits of native plants, it’s no surprise these plants’ popularity is increasing. However, since many of these plants require a period of cold before they can germinate, they can take extra time to grow. If you’re interested in planting native seeds now, join plant expert Briana Yablonski to learn about seeds that can germinate without cold stratification.

Closeup of a milkweed pod in a field, with hundreds of dark brown ripe ovules inside the pod.


How to Collect Native Plant Seeds

Native plants reseed readily when they’re thriving. Collect some seeds to spread them where you’d like! That way you’ll have native plants in every corner of your garden. Learn how to best collect and germinate these seeds alongside native plant gardener Jerad Bryant.

Light morning dew on the lawn after the rain.


When and How to Plant Grass Seed

If you have patchy grass and envision a lushly bladed zone punctuating planting beds, now is the time to get sowing. Depending on your growing area, the optimal time to plant grass seed is late summer and early fall. Grass seed grows quickly and, with care in site preparation, creates a leafy lawn in no time.

Sunflowers come in a surprising range of colors and flower forms, towering over most other plants


21 Easy Annual Flowers to Grow From Seed

When it comes to planting annual flowers, there are some great advantages to growing them from seeds. Cut flower gardener Melissa Strauss has 21 excellent annuals to grow from seeds for your garden.

Seeds need scarification. Close-up of bean seeds soaking in water in a white tray. Pink kidney beans, distinguished by their smooth, kidney-shaped form, boasting a delicate pink hue with beige tones. The surface of the seeds is slightly wrinkled due to exposure to water.


Which Seeds Need Scarification?

You’re ready to start your season. Your seed-starting supplies are gathered. Spring has sprung. Then, you remember the term scarification that you learned about over the winter. What seeds require that? Brush up on the basics and learn which seeds need scarification with organic farmer Jenna Rich.

Close-up of different seed packets on the store counter. Botanical Interests seed packets are characterized by their visually appealing and informative design. Featuring vibrant and detailed botanical illustrations, these packets provide a clear depiction of the mature plant's appearance, complete with flowers, foliage, and sometimes fruit.


How to Read a Seed Packet

What do you get when you buy Botanical Interests seeds? Master Naturalist Sarah Jay outlines all the information contained in one of our seed packets and how to read it here.

Seed starting methods. Close-up of a woman's hand with seeds above the starting trays in a sunny garden. The seeds are tiny, dark brown in color, and round in shape. The starting trays are large, plastic, black, with recessed cells filled with soil.


3 Seed-Starting Methods Compared: Which Technique is Best for You?

Starting seeds allows you to experiment with the thousands of varieties of plants available and get a jump on the growing season. But it can be difficult to know which seed-starting method to use! Join Briana Yablonski to learn whether you should choose winter sowing, soil blocking, or seed trays.