37 Tall Houseplants For Indoor Garden Spaces

Looking to add some tall houseplants to your indoor garden space, but aren't quite sure where to start? There are many different types plants that can grow quite tall, and function as a houseplant. In this article, we look at our favorite tall houseplants with names and pictures of each!

tall houseplants


Tall houseplants are a simple way to spruce up your home decor and bring the natural world indoors. Sure, many smaller houseplants are quite common. But, there are spaces that need tall houseplants to move your eyes around the room with ease, make a statement, and get glimpses of soothing greenery. 

However, bigger houseplants tend to cost more. So, it is important to research which one to purchase before spending the money. It only takes a few tall houseplants to turn your home into an indoor jungle, so how can you select one that’s perfect for your indoor space?

Let’s get inspired by plants from around the world that stretch to the ceiling and bear remarkable leaves. From heart-shaped beauties to elephant ear-shaped wonders, check out our favorite tall houseplants for indoor gardens you can add to your home!

African Candelabra

African Candelabra in Pots at a Plant Nursery
African Candelabra is a popular indoor cactus that can grow quite tall.
Scientific Name: Euphorbia ingens
  • Plant Type: Flowering xerophytic
  • Geographic Origin: Southern Africa
  • Size: 20’ to 25’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

So we start off with…. an indoor cactus? Yep, you got it! The African Candelabra is one of the best tall houseplants that are low-maintenance and beautiful to look at. This tall cactus is native to South Africa and prefers full sun, so place yours somewhere with lots of direct sunlight.

Water your African Candelabra twice a month after letting its soil completely dry from its last watering. If you don’t have a place for direct sun, then it’s time to consider another option.

African Fig

Rich Green Leaves of an African Fig Plant
African Figs love moisture, so it should be sprayed daily with purified water.
Scientific Name: Ficus cyathistipula
  • Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen
  • Geographic Origin: Africa
  • Size: 13’ tall
  • Water Needs: High
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

The African Fig has beautiful hardy green leaves. While African Fig leaves are noteworthy, this houseplant bears white flowers in the early springtime. So keep yours somewhere that gets direct sunlight to promote a show of blooms.

This tall indoor houseplant likes a lot of water. Keep the soil of your African Fig moist so check it regularly. This indoor-friendly Ficus variety is fairly low maintenance and will look great in a variety of different locations.

Areca Palm

Beautiful Areca Palm Planted Indoors
Areca Palms need plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.
Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
  • Plant Type: Perennial Palm
  • Geographic Origin: Madagascar
  • Size: 10’ tall
  • Water Needs: High to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Bright Indirect Light

Areca Palm is the ideal houseplant to add a lush yet decorative splash of green to your home. This perennial palm has big leaves and can grow up to ten feet tall. Water your Areca Palm during the growing season every three days to one week.

This plant prefers bright indirect light, but Areca Palm also tolerates direct sunlight. However, the leaves may show burn damage with direct sun exposure.


Bamboo Growing in a Luxury Bathroom
Bamboo prefers to be away from cold and drafty air.
Scientific Name: Bambusoideae
  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial flowering plant
  • Geographic Origin: East Asia
  • Size: 5’ to 8’ tall indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full to Partial Sun

Bamboo has light green leaves and tall stalks. This easy to propagate plant is ideal for filling up vertical space with life. Gardeners love keeping Bamboo in their homes because it is considered a symbol of health and good luck in some cultures.

Water your Bamboo once a week and place it somewhere that gets direct sunlight for most of the day.

Bird of Paradise

Tall Potted Bird of Paradise Plant
Bird of Paradise thrives when it has plenty of moisture.
Scientific Name: Strelitzia
  • Plant Type: Herbaceous perennial
  • Geographic Origin: South Africa
  • Size: 6’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full to Partial Sun

Bird of Paradise is a unique houseplant worth adding to your indoor garden. This tropical flowering plant has striking deep green leaves and a unique flower that resembles a colorful bird.

Water your Bird of Paradise every one to two weeks or when the soil is completely dry. This plant tolerates nearly any type of light but prefers full sun for the most colorful blooms.

Corn Plant

Tall Corn Plant With White Background
Corn Plants require you to wipe the leaves twice a month with a wet sponge to remove dust.
Scientific Name: Dracaena fragrans
  • Plant Type: Evergreen shrub/tree
  • Geographic Origin: Tropical Africa
  • Size: 6’ tall indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate to Low
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

The Corn Plant is a beautiful addition to any home garden. This plant has long leaves with a bright yellow stripe. The eye-catching leaves grow on a stalk, similar to Bamboo, that can grow up to six feet tall when in a pot indoors.

Corn Plants prefer to have their soil slightly moist. Water your indoor Corn Plant once a week or less. These tall indoor houseplants have beautiful oblong green leaves with slight yellow variegations. This plant enjoys it when you mist them a couple of times a week.

Corn Plants like bright indirect sunlight, but the leaves will burn if you put this plant directly under the sun. The more light, the greater intensity of variegation you will see in new growth.


Colorful Leaves of a Full Croton Plant
Croton does not like direct sunlight, and should be placed near a window where it can receive bright, indirect light.
Scientific Name: Codiaeum variegatum
  • Plant Type: Evergreen shrub
  • Geographic Origin: Australia, Indonesia, Malaysia, & the western Pacific Ocean islands
  • Size: 8’ tall
  • Water Needs: High to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

Crotons are a popular houseplants that grows quite tall and adds life to any indoor space. This evergreen shrub bears a spectacular display of colored leaves. A Croton plant’s leaves are green with yellow and red veins and variegations, especially when placed somewhere that gets direct sunlight.

This beautiful plant likes its soil moist but not soggy. You may need to water your Croton every couple of days to once a week, depending on the season and your climate zone. Check to make sure the soil completely dries out before watering again.

Desert Rose

Flowering Desert Rose Tree
Desert Rose should be watered regularly only after the soil has dried.
Scientific Name: Adenium obesum
  • Plant Type: Perennial succulent
  • Geographic Origin: The Arabian peninsula and southwestern Africa
  • Size: 9’ tall
  • Water Needs: High to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

A Desert Rose is a flowering succulent that produces a spectacular display of colorful flowers for indoor and outdoor gardens. This tall indoor houseplant grows up to nine feet tall in the wild. However, a Desert Rose’s growth is stunted by small pots. If you want yours to grow very tall, ensure the roots have enough space in the pot to spread.

Water your Desert Rose two to three times a week to ensure the soil stays moist but not soggy. To promote the fullest blooms, place your Desert Rose in direct sunlight.

Dragon Tree ‘Anita’

White and Green Spiked Leaves of the Anita Dragon Tree
In summer, Dragon Tree ‘Anita’ requires abundant watering, but without standing water in the pot.
Scientific Name: Dracaena reflexa
  • Plant Type: Tropical shrub
  • Geographic Origin: Madagascar, Mozambique, & Mauritius
  • Size: 3’ indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate to Low
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Dragon Tree ‘Anita’ is similar to the Corn Plant. This variation is slightly different because the leaves are thinner and closely resemble palm tree leaves.

Give your Dragon Tree ‘Anita’ bright indirect sunlight since direct exposure to the sun may create burn spots on the beautiful leaves of this plant. Water this stunning indoor houseplant once a week.

Dragon Tree ‘Madagascar’

Red and Green Spiked Leaves of the Madagascar Dragon Tree
In winter, the amount of watering can be reduced to a minimum for a Dragon Tree Madagascar.
Scientific Name: Dracaena marginata
  • Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen
  • Geographic Origin: Madagascar
  • Size: 15’ to 20’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate to Low
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Dragon Tree ‘Madagascar’ is also similar to the Corn Plant. The Madagascar Dragon Tree has a slight red or Fuschia pink variegation on its long, thin leathery leaves.

The Dragon Tree ‘Madagascar’ prefers indirect sunlight and tolerates low light areas in your home. Avoid placing your Dragon Tree ‘Madagascar’ in direct sunlight since this burns the leaves. Water this tall indoor house plant once every week or two, depending on the season.

Dwarf Umbrella Plant

Crown Leaves of the Dwarf Umbrella Plant
The glossy and bright green leaves of the Dwarf Umbrella Plant grow in spirals along the stem.
Scientific Name: Schefflera arboricola
  • Plant Type: Broadleaf Evergreen
  • Geographic Origin: Taiwan
  • Size: 4′ to 6’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Bright, Indirect Light

Dwarf Umbrella Plants are popular in home gardens. They can have leaves that are bi-colored with a rich green and a lighter bright green in the interior. Since they are from humid areas, you can frequently spray their leaves with water to mimic this environment.

Plant in a rich, loose, and well-draining potting mix when planting indoors. Move the potted plant outdoors in the summer where it can receive bright light, but not direct. Under a patio is ideal. Occassional pruning is ideal to keep these plants looking their best.

Elephant Ear

Large Elephant Ear Plants Growing Along a Brick Wall
Elephant Ear is a moisture-loving plant, so it needs regular watering.
Scientific Name: Colocasia
  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Asia
  • Size: 3’ to 5’ tall
  • Water Needs: High
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

Impress house guests with your indoor Elephant Ear plant. These tall, wide houseplants bear huge heart-shaped leaves, with the top of the heart facing downwards.

This plant is ideal for indoor gardens that have a space with plenty of direct sunlight. Elephant Ears are thirsty plants, so water yours daily during the summer season.

European Fan Palm

European Fan Palm Growing Indoors
European Fan Palm tolerates dry air well, but it is advisable to spray the leaves with soft water several times a day.
Scientific Name: Chamaerops humilis
  • Plant Type: Evergreen palm
  • Geographic Origin: Europe
  • Size: 4’ tall
  • Water Needs: High to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full to Partial Sun

European Fan Palm is an amazing tall houseplant worth adding to your indoor plant collection. This gorgeous palm bears the palm leaf you have in your head. The leaves are shaped like a fan, with long and slender leaves adorning each branch.

The European Fan Palm is the only palm tree native to Europe. Give your European Fan Palm water two to three times per week. European Fan Palm prefers full sun, but it tolerates partial shade.

European Olive Tree

European Olive Tree With Orange Background
European Olive Tree is drought-resistant, therefore, when grown indoors, it is necessary to let the soil dry out.
Scientific Name: Olea europaea
  • Plant Type: Fruiting tree
  • Geographic Origin: Europe
  • Size: 30’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

The European Olive Tree is a potted tree that looks clean and fresh in indoor spaces. A European Olive Tree grows best in full sun. The dark-green leaves on this tree are small and oblong.

Water your European Olive Tree once a month to fully saturate the soil. Then let it dry out completely before its next watering.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Ficus lyrata Plant in White Planter Next to Sofa
Fiddle Leaf Fig prefers bright diffused light, without direct sunlight.
Scientific Name: Ficus lyrata
  • Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen tree
  • Geographic Origin: Western Africa
  • Size: 2’ to 10’ tall indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Fiddle Leaf Figs are one of the most popular houseplants that indoor gardeners adore keeping in their homes. This popular plant has gorgeous heavily veined leaves that make a spectacle in any space. 

Water this indoor tree once a week and allow for the soil to dry before rewatering this plant baby. Place your Fiddle Leaf Fig in a spot that has indirect sunlight. You’ll notice slow growth in your plant if conditions are too dark.

Fishtail Palm

Fishtail Palm in Black Container
Fishtail Palm leaves should be sprayed with warm water to keep from drying out.
Scientific Name: Caryota
  • Plant Type: Palm tree
  • Geographic Origin: Asia
  • Size: 10’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Fishtail Palm is a plant that’s worth keeping your eye open for at your local plant nursery. This plant gets its name from the fishtail shape of its decorative leaves.

Water your Fishtail Palm once a week during the summer and spring seasons. During autumn and winter, water your Fishtail Palm twice a month. This tall plant prefers bright indirect sunlight since the delicate leaves are prone to burn damage in direct sunlight.

Guiana Chestnut

Money Tree Growing in Brown Container
It is better to bottom water, or water along the contour of the pot, to prevent the trunk of the Money Tree from getting wet.
Scientific Name: Pachira aquatica
  • Plant Type: Tropical wetland tree
  • Geographic Origin: Mexico, Central America, and South America
  • Size: 20’ to 30’ indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate to High
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Transform your indoor space with an indoor Guiana Chesnut tree, also known as a Money Plant or Saba Nut tree. This tropical plant has an intricate trunk and roots that braid around themselves for a natural art piece in your home.

In the wild, the Guiana Chesnut tree grows in swampy areas of Central and South America. Water your Guiana Chesnut tree once a week or more if the soil dries out.

Place your Guiana Chesnut plant somewhere in your home that receives bright indirect sunlight.

Jade Plant

Jade Plant Sitting on a Table Top
Jade plants are one of the most popular houseplants, and should be watered no more than two times a week.
Scientific Name: Crassula ovata
  • Plant Type: Succulent
  • Geographic Origin: Southern Africa
  • Size: Up to 6’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low
  • Sun Needs: Full to Partial Sun

A Jade Plant sometimes goes by the name of the money tree and known botanically as Crassula ovata. It is a noteworthy succulent that stretches to the ceiling and brings life into indoor spaces. Unfortunately, this tree doesn’t actually grow useable currency. Instead, the Money Tree grows beautiful jade-green leaves.

Water your Jade Plant well one or two times per month. Place this beautiful plant somewhere that gets lots of light. Jade Plants prefer full sun but tolerate partial shade too.

Kentia Palm

Potted Kentia Palm Growing Indoors
In natural conditions, the Kentia Palm can grow up to 12 feet in height.
Scientific Name: Howea forsteriana
  • Plant Type: Flowering Palm tree
  • Geographic Origin: Lord Howe Island
  • Size: 3’ to 12’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate to High
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

The Kentia Palm is one of most low maintenance plants you can add to your collection. This vibrant palm tree bears bright green leaves that lighten up a room. Water your Kentia Palm at least once a week. If the soil of your Kentia Palm dries sooner, water it more frequently.

Kentia Palms prefer indirect or filtered light. Place this striking houseplant anywhere that gets lots of light without directly exposing the delicate leaves to sunlight.

Lady Palm

Lady Palm Trees in Concrete Containers
Lady Palm is a fairly massive plant with dense greenery, the height of which can reach 3 m.
Scientific Name: Rhapis excelsa
  • Plant Type: Evergreen fan palm
  • Geographic Origin: Asia
  • Size: Up to 6’ tall indoors
  • Water Needs: High
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Spruce up your front entranceway, living room, or kitchen with a striking Lady Palm tree. This indoor houseplant stretches to the skylights and looks great while doing so.

Lady Palm plants prefer a bright spot with indirect sunlight. This tall houseplant needs frequent watering to ensure the soil stays moist but not overly drenched.

Lemon Tree

 Citrus limon
In addition to watering, Lemon Tree leaves should be regularly sprayed with water.
Scientific Name: Citrus limon
  • Plant Type: Evergreen tree
  • Geographic Origin: South East Asia
  • Size: 10’ to 20’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full Sunlight

Add a citrus scent to your home with an indoor Lemon Tree. This is one of the tall houseplants that adds a fresh look and smell to an indoor space.

Water your mature Lemon Tree once a week or twice a month. Water your indoor lemon plant more regularly If growing a sapling. This indoor tree prefers full sunlight. Keep your lemon tree close to a window that gets hours on end of direct sunlight.

Majesty Palm

Majesty Palms Growing in Luxury Home
Majesty Palm is a large palm tree that adapts well to residential conditions.
Scientific Name: Ravenea rivularis
  • Plant Type: Tropical tree
  • Geographic Origin: Madagascar
  • Size: 3’ to 8’ tall
  • Water Needs: High to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

The Majesty Palm is a worthwhile addition to your indoor garden oasis. Whether you are bringing life into your home office, bedroom, or living spaces, this tall plant goes with nearly any decor. Keep your Majesty Palm happy in a brightly lit spot that does not get direct sunlight.

This pet-friendly tree likes to have its soil moist at all times. Water your Majesty Palm once a week or more if needed. Majesty palms are known for being a bit more fussy, so ensure you provide them proper care.

Ming Aralia

Ming Aralia Growing Next to Gray Wall
Ming Aralia loves warm air and consistently moist soil.
Scientific Name: Polyscias fruticosa
  • Plant Type: Evergreen shrub
  • Geographic Origin: Australia and South Pacific Islands
  • Size: 6’ to 8’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Partial Sun

Decorate your home office or indoor garden oasis with a Ming Aralia. This beautiful houseplant has feathery leaves that are a conversation starter with houseguests.

Ming Aralia prefers some direct sunlight, but not all day. This plant needs moderate watering. Water your Ming Aralia once or twice a week or when the soil is dry.

Native Lily

Tall Native Lily in Black Container
Native Lily has large leaves on high cuttings, reaching up to 6 feet in height.
Scientific Name: Alocasia brisbanensis
  • Plant Type: Perennial herb
  • Geographic Origin: Australia
  • Size: 4’ to 6’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Shade

Native Lily is a tall Alocasia variety worth adding to your indoor plant collection. With giant elephant ear-shaped leaves, Native Lily is a showstopper in a front entrance space or any interior area of your home.

Put your Native Lily plant on a weekly watering schedule and keep it somewhere that does not get too much sunlight. This plant has been known to produce blooms, but usually only if it’s grown outdoors and only during summer.

Norfolk Island Palm

Norfolk Island Palm Plants Ready to be Purchased
Norfolk Island Palm is the only species that is cultivated as a houseplant.
Scientific Name: Araucaria heterophylla
  • Plant Type: Conifer tree
  • Geographic Origin: Norfolk Island
  • Size: 3’ to 6’ indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate to Low
  • Sun Needs: Full to Partial Sun

Add a splash of color to your living rooms and indoor spaces with a Norfolk Island Palm. This plant has intricate leaves that are eye-catching and calming to look at.

The Norfolk Island Palm gets its name because it is endemic to Norfolk Island, near Australia. Water your Norfolk Island Palm tree once a week or once every other week. This gorgeous tree prefers full sun with some periods of partial shade.

Parlor Palm

Parlor Palm Growing in Indirect Sunlight
Parlor Palm reacts extremely negatively to sudden changes in temperature.
Scientific Name: Chamaedorea elegans
  • Plant Type: Palm tree
  • Geographic Origin: Mexico and Guatemala
  • Size: Up to 6’ tall indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate to Low
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Spruce up a drab home office or indoor space with a spectacular plant. Parlor Palms need water once a week during the growing season. In wintertime, water your Parlor Palm less frequently. Place this striking palm tree somewhere in your home that gets lots of indirect sunlight.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily Plant Growing near a Window
Peace Lily is a popular home plant from the Aroid family reaching a height of up to 6 feet.
Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum
  • Plant Type: Flowering tropical plant
  • Geographic Origin: Southeastern Asia
  • Size: 3’ tall indoors, 6’ tall outdoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Peace Lilies are incredibly popular. They are one of the few indoor plants that have beautiful white blooms. They can add gorgeous decoration to front entranceways, dining rooms, or any other space in your home.

Water your Peace Lily once per week. This tropical plant thrives in bright indirect sunlight, so it’s perfect as an entryway plant that doesn’t get direct sunlight.


Potted Philodendron Growing in a Living Room
Philodendron prefers bright light, although it can grow in partial shade.
Scientific Name: Philodendron
  • Plant Type: Tropical flowering plants
  • Geographic Origin: The Caribbean, Colombia, and Venezuela
  • Size: 6’ to 20’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Partial Sun

Philodendrons are popular houseplants because their leaves are so beautiful to stare at. Many types of philodendron can grow quite tall if left to grow unchecked. Many varieties grow up to 5 feet in height, and are fairly low maintenance.

Water your Philodendron once a week or when the top layer of soil is dry. Keep this plant in a bright room that gets good sunlight. Let your Philodendron get some direct sunlight, but be careful not to scorch the leaves. 

Ponytail Palm

Ponytail Palm in White Container
For uniform crown growth in conditions of side lighting from windows, turn the Ponytail Palm regularly.
Scientific Name: Beaucarnea recurvata
  • Plant Type: Dioecious succulent tree
  • Geographic Origin: Mexico
  • Size: Up to 4’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full Sun

Ponytail Palm looks like something out of a Dr. Suess book. It has thin, wispy leaves and a base that takes up nearly the entire pot. This palm tree thrives indoors and can grow up to four feet tall inside your home. It’s a great option for spaces in your house that can grow vertically but may be limited on horizontal space.

Water your Ponytail Palm every one to two weeks. This unique-looking tree thrives in full sun. It’s also a low maintenance houseplant that requires minimal care as long as basic needs are met.

Rubber Plant

Potted Rubbr Plant on a Table
With good care, the Rubber Plant will live long and grow until it reaches the ceiling!
Scientific Name: Ficus elastica
  • Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen shrub
  • Geographic Origin: Southeast Asia
  • Size: 6’ to 10’ indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

Any decor matches the beautiful deep-green leaves of the Rubber Plant. This eye-catching houseplant is perfect for spots that get bright light without direct sun exposure.

Rubber plants need water once a week or when the soil is dry. This particular plant is known to be tolerant of neglect, so it’s a perfect houseplant for novice indoor gardeners.

Snake Plant

Snake Plants Sitting on Top of a Table Next to Watering Can
Snake Plants can tolerate relatively long periods without water.
Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata
  • Plant Type: Evergreen succulent
  • Geographic Origin: Tropical Africa
  • Size: 8’ tall indoors
  • Water Needs: Moderate to Low
  • Sun Needs: Partial Sun & Indirect Sun

The Snake Plant is one of the few plants that are easy to care for and beautiful to look at. These plants grow straight up with a deep green leaf with bright yellow sides.

Snake Plants prefer indirect sunlight, but they benefit from a few hours of full sun exposure. Water your Snake Plant once a week or less. Snake plants are one of the most popular succulents commonly seen in indoor gardens.

Stromanthe Triostar

Stromanthe Tricolor Growing in Large Red Pot
This handsome plant features pink and white variegation with purple undersides of the leaves.
Scientific Name: Stromanthe sanguinea
  • Plant Type: Tropical Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Amazon Jungle, South America
  • Size: 2′ to 3′ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Part Sun

If you are looking for an unexpected splash of color for your space, look no further than the Stromanthe Triostar. The variegated foliage with vibrant pink shades is uncommon in most houseplants, giving it the nickname, Magenta Triostar.

The Stromanthe Triostar is a fast-growing plant that will slow its growth when conditions aren’t right, such as bound roots or not enough light. This plant is best suited for experienced gardeners as it requires some extra attention and nurturing.

Swiss Cheese Plant

Monstera deliciosa Plant in Green Container
In spring and summer, Swiss Cheese Plant watering should be plentiful when top layer of soil dries out.
Scientific Name: Monstera deliciosa
  • Plant Type: Upright Vine
  • Geographic Origin: Mexico, Central, and South America
  • Size: Up to 15’ tall and 8’ wide
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

The Swiss Cheese Plant or Monstera Deliciosa is one of the most popular tall houseplants around. This upright vine grows tall and wide with big leaves that have eye-catching holes, like Swiss cheese.

Water your Swiss Cheese Plant once a week and place it near a window but away from direct sun exposure. This is one of the most common larger houseplants that you can bring into your home, and is one of the most popular types of monstera.

Umbrella Papyrus

Cyperus alternifolius
Umbrella Papayrus requires abundant watering all the time, the soil should never dry out.
Scientific Name: Cyperus alternifolius
  • Plant Type: Perennial grass-like plant
  • Geographic Origin: The Arabian Peninsula, West Africa, and Madagascar
  • Size: 2’ to 4’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Partial Shade

The Umbrella Papayrus, or Umbrella Palm, is a gorgeous tall houseplant that adds a breath of fresh air to an indoor office space or home interior. With thin leaves and tall stems, this plant fills verticle space nicely.

Water your Umbrella Papayrus heavily once a week or twice a month. This plant thrives in partial shade but tolerates some sunlight. Keep in mind that full sun will scorch the delicate leaves.

Weeping Fig

Weeping Fig Plant in Container
Weeping Fig does not tolerate either drought or overwatering.
Scientific Name: Ficus benjamina
  • Plant Type: Broadleaf evergreen tree
  • Geographic Origin: Asia and Australia
  • Size: 3’ to 6’ tall
  • Water Needs: Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

The Weeping Fig is one of the few houseplants on NASA’s list of plants that help keep our air clean.

Put your Weeping Fig on a weekly watering schedule and watch this plant grow to the ceiling. Place your Weeping Fig anywhere in your home that gets bright sunlight without letting the sun’s rays stay too long on your plant.


Yucca Plant Growing as a Houseplant
Yucca has adapted to dry air and the lack of moisture, so it prefers moderate watering.
Scientific Name: Yucca
  • Plant Type: Perennial shrub/tree
  • Geographic Origin: America and Mexico
  • Size: Up to 10’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low to Moderate
  • Sun Needs: Full to Partial Sun

The Yucca plant is a fun addition to your indoor garden. This plant spruces up a home office in no time and grows up to ten feet tall.

Yucca plants retain water well, so water yours once every ten days to avoid oversaturating it. This plant also prefers full sun to thrive.

ZZ Plant

Potted ZZ Plant on Pink Background
ZZ Plant loves heat, bright light, and moderate watering.
Scientific Name: Zamioculcas
  • Plant Type: Tropical perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Africa
  • Size: 3’ to 4’ tall
  • Water Needs: Low
  • Sun Needs: Indirect Sun

The ZZ Plant is the perfect low-maintenance tall houseplant for indoor gardens. This beautiful houseplant prefers a heavy watering once a month. So, let the soil dry completely before watering again.

Place your ZZ Plant somewhere that gets indirect sun. ZZ Plants are hearty and can tolerate low light, but direct sun exposure will burn the leaves.

Final Thoughts

Tall houseplants are an ideal way to fill up empty space and bring life and natural color into your home decor. There are many different plants to choose from, but those that have been mentioned in this list are some of the most enviable options around. Next time you’re shopping for a new plant to add to your collection, consider grabbing one of these tall natural works of art for your home garden.

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Two pets sitting next to four houseplants on a ledge


25 Pet Friendly Houseplants For Indoor Gardens

Are you thinking of starting an indoor plant collection, but have pets in your home? Pets and plants can live together quite well if you've selected the proper plants. In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton looks at her favorite pet-friendly indoor plants for your houseplant colleciton.