25 Houseplants That Will Brighten Your Home With Color
Are you looking for some houseplants that will add a little color to your indoor garden space? There are many different options you can choose from, depending on your goals. In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moultonl shares her favorite houseplants that are bursting wih color!

Members of the houseplant community that frequent popular social media pages will notice an unavoidable color trend – lots of green. As many houseplants are foliage plants from the tropics, green is by far the most common color.
But for those who love bright pops of color, these common options can lack some creativity. Luckily, green is not the only houseplant color to choose from.
There are many different species and cultivars of houseplants that display bright colors, either in their leaves or their blooms. Place any of these colorful houseplants in a prominent spot in your home to enjoy the best of their brightness.
Calla Lily

botanical name Zantedeschia |
plant type Herbaceous or semi-evergreen perennial |
sun requirements Full sun or partial shade |
water needs Weekly |
height 2 to 3.3 feet |
Hybridized from the Zantedeschia arums, calla lilies have an abundant range of colorful blooms and make a great houseplant for a season or two. They instantly brighten up any sunny window and are easy to care for, needing water around once a week and a monthly dose of liquid fertilizer.
The beautiful spathes will bloom for around 8 weeks, filling your home with color. Once they have finished flowering, they can be placed in a cool place to rest until spring. Once you water, your calla lily will be revived to emerge again.
These tropical plants are guaranteed to add a lush burst of color to any room in your home.
African Violet

botanical name Saintpaulia ionantha |
plant type Semi-succulent |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight |
water needs As needed determined by soil |
height 3 to 6 inches |
They may look delicate, but African violets are anything but. These houseplant favorites can survive a dusty corner with an occasional watering, but will really perform if taken care of. They have lovely fluffy leaves and pretty flowers in shades of violet, purple, pink and white.
The original Saintpaulia species can still be found in the cooler mountainous regions of Tanzania and Kenya, growing between rocks and shaded by trees.
This is just one of the things that makes them ideal houseplants. The many hybrids of these special plants are available around the world and now fall within the genus Streptocarpus.
African violets flower for most of the year, adding an essential pop of color in the cooler months. As long as you water from the bottom to avoid getting droplets on the leaves, you can also enjoy the beauty of the fuzzy foliage throughout the year.
Flaming Katy

botanical name Kalanchoe blossfeldiana |
plant type Flowering succulent |
sun requirements Full sun or bright indirect light |
water needs Weekly in summer; Bi-weekly in winter |
height 12 to 18 inches |
Known for their long-lasting flowers and succulent leaves, Kalanchoe blossfeldiana (or Flaming Katy as it is commonly known) has clusters of flowers in bright colors ranging from pink, orange, red, yellow and white.
These succulents have been bred as houseplants because they are so low maintenance, requiring very little water and a bright sunny spot to encourage blooming.
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana comes from the dry arid regions of Madagascar and forms part of the 125 Kalanchoe species of tropical succulents from this region and others. This specific variety is mainly used indoors, but can also be planted outdoors in warmer USDA Zones.
Christmas Cactus

botanical name Schlumbergera |
plant type Succulent |
sun requirements Indirect light |
water needs Bi-weekly; Soil dependent |
height 6 to 12 inches |
Enough to brighten anyone’s day, the Christmas cactus is named after the colorful blooms that appear at Christmas time when most other flowers are dormant. What makes this plant extra special is its cascading nature, with leaves falling elegantly over rims of pots or hanging baskets and flowers forming at the ends.
In their natural habitat, Schlumbergera are epiphytes that grow under the shade of trees in tropical rainforests, making them different from desert cacti. This also means they require a different approach to care than regular cacti.
Simply replicate its natural environment (as is easy to do indoors) and you can’t go wrong. All you need is high humidity, well-draining soil and a good watering every few weeks.

botanical name Begonia |
plant type Perennial flower |
sun requirements Filtered light |
water needs Weekly |
height 8 inches to 2 feet |
Begonias are grown for their spectacular leaves, abundant flowers and ability to grow well in shade – something very necessary for houseplants.
Look for varieties like Begonia bowerae with its patterned leaf coloration and names like ‘Tiger’ and ‘Rubra’ for sensational color. Or, you can try the more popular King Begonia (Begonia rex) with large dark green leaves patterned with white, pink and purple. And, don’t forget the magnificent Polka Dot Begonia (Begonia maculata) with its eye-catching spotty leaves.
The leaves aren’t the only colorful feature of these plants. Many types of begonia bloom with flowers in pink, white, red and many more to enjoy in the warmer months.

botanical name Guzmania lingulata |
plant type Herbaceous perennial |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight |
water needs Bi-weekly; As needed dependent on soil |
height 2 feet |
A group of bromeliads called Guzmania have become popular as houseplants, largely because of their spiked flower bracts that come in a startling range of colors.
These bright and beautiful plants come from South America where they grow as tropical epiphytes. Although they certainly look complex, they are not at all difficult to care for.
These plants enjoy moderate humidity and prefer filtered or distilled water over tap water. As they produce pups often that can be repotted, it’s easy to fill your home with color once you have just one Guzmania.
It may take a few years to bloom, but once it does, the vibrant color can last up to 6 months. With interesting shapes too, the blooms are well worth the wait.

botanical name Anthurium andraeanum |
plant type Herbaceous plants |
sun requirements Bright, indirect light |
water needs Weekly |
height 16 inches tall |
This old-fashioned plant has made a comeback in recent years, with waxy spathes in the most intriguing colors. Some anthuriums come with bright flat color and others with a combination of more than one color that blend together in interesting patterns.
They are also epiphytes originating from tropical rainforests in South America, brought into homes to make easy-to-care-for houseplants.
If taken care of, these plants can bloom all year round, with a little break in winter. Each bloom will last 2-3 months, surrounded by beautiful heart-shaped leaves that add even more ornamental value.

botanical name Calathea |
plant type Neotropical rhizomatous herbaceous perennial |
sun requirements Bright, indirect sunlight |
water needs Weekly |
height 2 feet |
If you are a foliage-lover that’s looking for color in your home, you can’t go wrong with many of the different types of calathea plants. This genus is full of stunning leaves in two tones like green and pink and cream and green with tinges of pink or even tow-tone greens.
Despite their complex look, these plants are easy to care for, with similar requirements to most tropical houseplants. Calatheas are native to Central and South America where they grow under trees in tropical jungles, meaning they prefer bright indirect light, warm temperatures and high humidity.
These leafy plants are a great contrast to other green foliage plants and provide interest when other plants are not flowering.
Chinese Evergreen

botanical name Aglaonem |
plant type Herbaceous perennial |
sun requirements Low to bright indirect light |
water needs Weekly |
height 1 to 3 feet |
Leafy Aglaonema plants, also known as Chinese evergreens, have been grown for centuries for luck in Asia, thought to bring prosperity to households. They come in a variety of colors and combinations, making them sought-after indoor plants for a colorful contrast to plain green plants.
Aglaonema variegation appears in shades that range from red, pink, silver and maroon to green in dark to lime. They produce flowers in a spadix, similar to peace lilies, that are often removed to make the plants last longer.
These striking plants are easy to care for too. Give it the basics and your household could benefit from some luck at the same time.
Polka Dot Plant

botanical name Hypoestes phyllostachya |
plant type Herbaceous perennial, shrub |
sun requirements Bright indirect sunlight |
water needs Weekly |
height 30 inches |
Hypoestes phyllostachya is a pretty compact plant grown for its polka dot foliage in color combinations that come in shades of pink and green, white and green and maroon and green most commonly. They are also called freckle face plant or confetti plant due to these interesting variegation patterns.
Hailing from the tropical regions of Madagascar, with some species coming from Southern Africa and Eastern Asia, this plant loves a bit of warmth, humidity and regular water.
In their countries of origin, polka dot plants are often grown as annuals. They also produce bright flowers, but if grown indoors it’s best to remove the buds as soon as you see them, so the plants don’t go to seed.

botanical name Cyclamen persicum |
plant type Tuberous perennial |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
water needs Weekly |
height 6 to 16 inches |
In the autumn and winter months, there is a lot to be said for stunning cyclamens that flower in white, pink and red (to name a few). The flowers are unusual as the petals are pulled backward, almost looking ready for take-off.
Cyclamens like cool temperatures and humidity, coming from a Mediterranean climate with cool and damp winters. During hot, dry summers, they go dormant. The leaves will yellow and fall off but don’t be alarmed – the tubers beneath the soil will rest until it’s time to shoot up again in a couple of months.
If they are kept cool and dry at this time, they will come back and provide more foliage and flowers for years to come.
Nerve Plant

botanical name Fittonia albivenis |
plant type Tropical houseplant |
sun requirements Low to medium light |
water needs Twice per week |
height 3 to 6 inches |
Similar to the polka dot plant, Fittonia species have colorful, patterned leaves in contrasting colors. You’ll find bright red, bright green and a host of colors in between. The markings are not like dots but more like stripes, following the veins of the leaves.
Nerve plants like warm temperatures and high humidity. They also remain relatively compact, making them excellent terrarium plants. Think groundcover under the canopy of trees in a tropical rainforest and you’ll understand how they like to grow.
The name nerve plant comes from the colored veins that look like a nervous system – an interesting addition to any houseplant collection.

botanical name Phalaenopsis |
plant type Monocotyledonous flowering plant |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight or dappled light |
water needs Weekly |
height Species dependent |
When you think of a houseplant with long-lasting flowers, orchids are probably the first to come to mind. The flowers of orchids can last months, even if you ignore them most of the time. Killing them kindness is their biggest downfall.
There are many types of orchids, but the most common ones sold as indoor plants are the Phalaenopsis (or moth orchids) which come in a variety of flashy colors.
Placed in a brightly lit space and watering by soaking the whole pot every 1-2 weeks, you are sure to be rewarded with stunning blooms.
Once the blooms have died down, they are easy enough to get to re-bloom with the right care and environment. The dark green leaves are also quite beautiful while you’re waiting for the flowers to appear again.

botanical name Euphorbia pulcherrima |
plant type Shrubs or small trees |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight |
water needs Weekly |
height 2 to 13 feet |
As the festive season starts, houseplant sections of nurseries and stores fill with bright red (and sometimes cream, yellow or pink) poinsettias.
The houseplant industry has taken the Euphorbia pulcherrima from Mexico and Central America that grow outdoors into a large bush and made it a smallish houseplant, sporting its colorful bracts just in time for Christmas.
These are tropical plants, often discarded when the season is over. Those in warmer climates can consider planting them in their gardens to grow into full shrubs, but others can also keep them as houseplants.
Due to their tough needs, it is tricky to get them to flower again. But if you’re up for a challenge, you can fill your home with color once again, hopefully just in time for the holidays. Like many euphorbias, poinsettias have a milky substance in their stems that may be harmful to the skin, so always handle with care.

botanical name Codiaeum variegatum |
plant type Evergreen shrub |
sun requirements Full sun, partial shade |
water needs Weekly |
height 4 to 10 feet |
Another tropical plant with exceptional color variations in its leaves is the croton. This unusual plant can even have different color variations on the same plant, making them one of the most colorful indoor plants you can get.
In tropical regions they are grown outdoors and will reach up to 10 feet tall. Confined to a pot, they will not grow as big, but still need a bit of space in a position that gets a lots of sunlight during the day. The more light it gets, the brighter the leaf color will be.
Once they are in a good position and growing well, try not to move them as they may go into shock and lose all their leaves. Don’t worry if this happens though – with proper care the leaves will hopefully return.

botanical name Streptocarpus |
plant type Herbaceous perennial |
sun requirements Bright shade to partial sun |
water needs Weekly |
height 1 to 2 feet |
These hardy plants feature fuzzy large leaves and gorgeous flowers in spring through to fall. The large trumpet flowers come in white, red and shades of lilac and pink with dark stripes that flow from the centers.
They are commonly called Cape Primrose and come from the South African coastline, growing in dappled shade near rivers and forests. Streptocarpus thus make great houseplants where lots of light is a problem, although it will produce better flowers with bright light.
They don’t like to be overwatered, meaning they aren’t at all needy. Some of the new hybrids will flower all year round and the choice of colors is impressive. Even when a streptocarpus is not flowering, they have good-looking leaves so are well worth adding to a houseplant collection.
Prayer Plant

botanical name Maranta leuconeura |
plant type Herbaceous, perennial |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight |
water needs Bi-weekly |
height 6 to 12 inches |
Maranta leuconeura have very similar characteristics to the previously mentioned calatheas, but have differences in leaf shape and markings that distinguish them. These plants have a quirky growth habit as they will fold up their leaves at night, giving them the common name prayer plant.
Marantas are a bit more cold-hardy than calatheas and have a spreading habit that also works well in hanging baskets. They come from several tropical regions across world, and by replicating that atmosphere in the home, they will become favorites for their ease of care and nightly rituals.
Rubber Plant

botanical name Ficus elastica |
plant type Perennial |
sun requirements Medium to bright indirect light |
water needs Weekly |
height 6 to 10 feet |
Many Ficus varieties have beautiful markings on their leaves, making them a colorful addition to any indoor plant collection. One of the best color variations out of this group is Ficus elastica – especially the hybrids that have pink tinges on the leaves.
These tough plants are evergreen tropical, easy to care for and always rewarding. The new leaves that form from the top are more colorful and provide a lovely contrast with the older more mature leaves.
Give them the right amount of sun and water and you will have a plant friend for life.

botanical name Caladium |
plant type Tropical perennials |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Weekly |
height 12 to 30 inches |
For spectacular leaf color variations in a houseplant, caladiums are a must-have in any collection. They have large heart-shaped leaves and are part of the arum family, related to peace lilies. Although the leaves often die back in winter, they emerge again in the warmer months to fill your home with color.
Caladiums like warm, humid conditions and need a little rest period to rejuvenate each year. Their tender leaves will scorch in sunlight so care should be taken to give them a good bright light but not direct sun.
They boast the common name angel wings which provides an indication of the frailty of the leaves. Despite their somewhat fussy nature, they are well worth growing for their wonderful colors.
Purple Shamrock

botanical name Oxalis triangularis |
plant type Perennial |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs 2-3 times per month |
height 6 to 12 inches tall |
Oxalis triangularis is easily defined as a striking plant. It looks like thousands of dark purple butterflies have settled on a mound and decided to stick around for a while. The startling color is impressive, made even more interesting when the triangular leaves turn downwards to resemble little umbrellas at night and on cloudy days.
From autumn, through winter and into spring, clusters of white or pink flowers appear around the leaves, adding to the beauty of this plant. They have a tuberous root system that will need a period of dormancy during the year.
The plants will let you know when it’s time when the leaves start falling. Stop watering for 4-6 weeks and then start again to allow the plant to resprout and grow.
They come from Brazil where they grow outdoors as a low-growing groundcover, sheltered from bright sunlight. They make great container plants, and If given similar conditions indoors – bright indirect light – they will live happily year after year.

botanical name Hoya carnosa |
plant type Evergreen perennial |
sun requirements Medium to bright, indirect light |
water needs 2-3 times per month |
height 2 to 4 feet |
Hoya is a varied genus of plants, many of which sport interesting colors to add to your home. Some like Hoya carnosa compacta even have interesting curly foliage that is highly sought after. But what makes them extra special is the fluffy clusters of flowers.
Only mature plants will flower, so there may be a wait, in which case you can enjoy the colorful foliage in the meantime.
There are about 300 different species of hoyas called many different names, but the most popular shared common name is wax plant. They come from a large area in Asia, stretching into northern Australia. With this vast range of climates, they adapt well to different conditions, but prefer tropical to subtropical environments.
High humidity and moderate watering will keep them happiest. They prefer a single spot in a pot or hanging basket to cascade.
Philodendron Pink Princess

botanical name Philodendron erubescens |
plant type Perennial |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight |
water needs Weekly |
height 4 feet tall |
Philodendron erubescens ‘Pink Princess’ is a special plant that collectors gravitate towards because of the mottled pink and green leaves. Each new leaf is a surprise on this low-maintenance plant. It has become one of the most popular houseplants on the market with many Instagram feeds showing off its alluring foliage.
With bright indirect light, moderate humidity and regular watering, this plant will give you plenty of new leaves to marvel at. This hybrid has been grown from the Philodendron erubescens that comes from Central and South America around Columbia in the tropics. The Pink Princess is grown in a lab and propagated from cuttings to preserve the color.
This is what makes slightly pricier, along with their rarity. But luckily, as they become more widespread, they will become far more accessible to collectors looking for a pop of pink color.
Bird of Paradise

botanical name Strelitzia reginae |
plant type Evergreen tropical herbaceous |
sun requirements Full sun |
water needs Weekly |
height 6 to 30 feet |
One of South Africa’s iconic flowers is Strelitzia reginae or, as it’s commonly known, the bird of paradise. It received this common name for its recognizable orange and blue flowers sitting atop tall thick stems. The leaves of the strelitzia and big and green, giving any space a jungle-like look.
Unfortunately, they are quite slow growing and without enough light indoors, they may not produce flowers. These plants prefer at least 4-6 hours of sunlight a day, plenty of water and warm temperatures. They can also thrive indoors in bright, direct sunlight. Look out for the variety named after Nelson Mandela – Mandela’s Gold – that has brighter yellow coloring in the flowers.
Syngonium Pink Allusion

botanical name Syngonium podophyllum |
plant type Perennial |
sun requirements Bright, indirect light |
water needs Weekly |
height 3 to 6 feet |
Syngonium podophyllum ‘Pink Allusion’ has the most lovely, blush pink heart-shaped leaves on a vigorous plant that eventually grows into a vine. These tough plants have cousins that are also known for their foliage, mainly cream and white with shades of light and dark green.
These vines are tough and even hard to kill in the home. In fact, in some regions, they are very invasive outdoors if not confined to a container.
Once they have grown from their clustered shape, they can be trailed upwards on moss poles or planted in hanging baskets to cascade, showing off their dusty pink foliage. They don’t mind low light too, making them useful and versatile houseplants.
Bromeliad ‘Guacamole’

botanical name Neoregelia ‘Guacamole’ |
plant type Perennial |
sun requirements Full Sun, Partial Shade Partial or Dappled Shade |
water needs Weekly |
height 15 inches |
From the tough bromeliad family comes another fountain-shaped plant with an interesting name. This Neoregelia ‘Guacamole’ variety is startling with lime green foliage crossed with horizontal blotches of chocolate brown. With enough filtered light, these hardy bromeliads can grow incredibly well indoors with little attention.
Other Neoregelia varieties are also very colorful, appearing in shocking pink and red to maroon and green and combinations of all the colors. They are also epiphytes and can be grown tied to a piece of wood as an alternative to growing in a pot.
Final Thoughts
If you’ve decided you need to add some color to your indoor garden, any of the houseplants on this list can help provide a little extra excitement. Whether you prefer the stunning foliage of the Philodendron Pink Princess, or the understated variegation of the nerve plant, each of these plants will bring their own special charm to your indoor garden.