21 Simple Houseplants For Minimalists
Are you looking for a houseplant that's both simple and elegant? There are a number of different houseplants that are minimalistic in both their appearance and their care. In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton shares her favorite houseplants for simple indoor garden spaces.

Minimalism has swept the world as a design style, but it’s also reached over the fence into gardening and indoor gardens. But having a simple, minimalist interior with limited objects doesn’t mean it should be free of nature.
Many houseplants are simple in both their appearance, and ease of care. If you’ve thought of starting an indoor garden but don’t want the clutter, there are plenty of houseplants that will help create a minimalistic feel.
The following indoor plants are simple in appearance, and are also virtually maintenance-free. With each of these plants, there will be no fuss or stress when looking after these structural beauties.
Monstera Deliciosa

botanical name Monstera deliciosa |
plant type Tropical vine |
sun requirements Bright indirect sunlight, partial shade |
water needs Medium |
height 80 to 90 inches |
Of all the hundreds (or even thousands) of tropical plants grown indoors, Monstera deliciosa is one of the most famous. The instantly recognizable leaves, with their characteristic splits and holes, have made these plants one of the most widely purchased and grown houseplants on the market.
The famous foliage of this plant, synonymous with tropical interior design, is an ideal complement to minimalist spaces. The leaves are unique enough in shape to provide interest without overwhelming the space. They can also grow tall with the assistance of a support or moss pole, or be kept small by restricting container size, making them incredibly versatile indoors.
As long as they are in the right environment – especially when it comes to humidity – they are also low-maintenance. Your monstera will continue to look stunning for years and years with just a little attention.
Jade Plant

botanical name Crassula ovata |
plant type Evergreen shrub |
sun requirements Bright indirect light to full sun |
water needs Medium to low |
height 12 to 24 inches |
If the minimal care requirements of a monstera still seem too daunting for you, try the humble jade plant instead. Scientifically known as Crassula ovata, jade is a succulent plant with thick stems and juicy leaves that store plenty of water. That means their watering requirements are minimal, especially in comparison to other tropical houseplants.
Jade plants have an interesting look that is both structural and soft. The branches are stiff and almost tree-like, rounded out by the succulent leaves that make a wonderful addition to minimalist interiors.
All jade plants need is a little extra sunlight indoors and limited watering to grow happily, perfectly suited to minimalist lifestyles. In fact, they are one of the most low-maintenance of all the plants on this list.
Snake Plant

botanical name Sansevieria trifasciata |
plant type Perennial evergreen succulent |
sun requirements Low to bright indirect light |
water needs Low |
height 18 to 30 inches |
In any image search for minimalist homes, you’re bound to find snake plants repeated several times. There are many reasons for this, from their upright and structured look to their ease of care. In fact, they are so easy to care for that they are often labeled almost impossible to kill.
Snake plants were scientifically known as Sansevieria (now classified under Dracaena), with several different species to choose from. While their upright leaves give the plant a simple shape, the different variegation patterns and colors in the leaves add continual visual interest.
Like jade plants, snake plants are also succulents happy to live with minimal watering. As they are prone to rotting, it’s best to wait until the soil dries out completely before watering again. They can also handle lower light areas in the home, but grow best in bright indirect light.
Bird of Paradise

botanical name Strelitzia reginae |
plant type Perennial evergreen shrub |
bloom colors Orange and blue |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Medium |
height 60 to 96 inches |
One of the trending houseplants of the year is the bird of paradise – Strelitzia. Native to South Africa, these tropical plants have spread throughout the global houseplant community in recent years, beloved for their massive and arching leaves.
Bird of paradise is also known as the crane flower after the interesting blooms. Emerging in striking orange and blue, these spiked unique flowers look just like orange birds. They need a very sunny position indoors to produce these flowers, but you can still enjoy the impressive foliage when the plant is not in flower.
As these plants are large, potentially growing to ceiling height, they will need a large pot and plenty of sun. But this size can also be used to your advantage, making a big impact in an empty corner with little effort.
Fiddle Leaf Fig

botanical name Ficus lyrata |
plant type Evergreen tree |
sun requirements Bright, indirect light |
water needs Water when the top inch of soil feels dry |
height 36 to 48 inches |
Fiddle leaf figs took the world by storm when interest in houseplants spiked several years ago. Since then, Ficus lyrata has remained a popular indoor plant around the world, most appreciated for its impressive size and massive fiddle-shaped leaves.
Like the bird of paradise, fiddle leaf figs can grow into large indoor features that easily reach ceiling height with the right care. Unfortunately, that care can be quite tricky. Fiddle leaf figs are known for dropping their leaves at the first sign of stress, becoming a source of frustration for many houseplant newbies.
These plants are better suited for their minimalist look to match minimalist interiors rather than their care difficulty. But, if you keep conditions around the plant as consistent as possible between seasons and don’t move them often, your fiddle leaf will be far less likely to lose its leaves.

botanical name Pilosocereus pachycladus |
plant type Cactus |
bloom colors Pink, red, white |
sun requirements Full to partial sun |
water needs Low |
height 48 to 72 inches |
Let me address the elephant in the room here – cactuses are not usually considered indoor plants. Their love of sunlight and dry air isn’t a perfect match for most interiors, and many cactuses grown indoors end up rotting due to overwatering.
But, if you have a sunny south-facing window that receives direct light all day and live in a dry area where tropical houseplants are almost impossible to grow, cactuses are the perfect solution.
With their lighting and climate needs covered, cactuses need almost no attention throughout the year to thrive. As they typically prefer dry soil most of the time, you only need to water around once a month, potentially less depending on the plant’s performance. In terms of care, this makes them one of the best plants for minimalists around.

botanical name Epipremnum aureum |
plant type Vine |
sun requirements Low to bright indirect light |
water needs Low; can tolerate occasional underwatering |
Epipremnum aureum is another houseplant known for its incredible ease of care. With trailing vines that cascade over hanging baskets and pots, they are also ideal for shelving or hanging in minimalist interiors to keep floor areas open and clean.
The main species, commonly known as the golden pothos, has bright green leaves with flecks of yellow variegation. This species is the easiest to care for, but not the only option if you’re looking for something a little different.
There are many pothos cultivars with interesting variegation patterns, from the well-known Marble Queen to the more recently developed cultivar Pearls and Jade.
This allows you to choose the perfect cultivar for your minimalist interior and needs. Keep in mind that highly variegated cultivars are slightly more difficult to care for and need more sunlight to grow well.
ZZ Plant

botanical name Zamioculcas zamiifolia |
plant type Evergreen perennial |
sun requirements Low to medium light |
water needs Low; allow the soil to dry out between watering |
height 18 to 24 inches |
With a unique look and ease of care, Zamioculcas zamiifolia is an ideal houseplant for minimalists. The arching stems have become instantly recognizable online, but where they really stand out is the glossy leaves dotted along these stems.
ZZ plants are able to adapt to almost any growing conditions. They are happy with low light or a bright and sunny window, moderate or low humidity and even limited nutrients. The only thing they can’t handle is soggy soil due to the rhizome structure.
But as long as you wait until the soil has almost completely dried out before watering again, you should have no trouble growing these plants.
Regular ZZ plants are stunning on their own, but there are also interesting cultivars like Raven, with black leaves that complement muted interiors perfectly.
Rubber Plant

botanical name Ficus elastica |
plant type Evergreen tree |
sun requirements Bright indirect light, can tolerate some shade |
water needs Allow soil to dry out slightly between waterings |
height Up to 96 inches |
Another member of the Ficus genus, the rubber plant (Ficus elastica) is much easier to care for than its more well-known cousin, the fiddle leaf fig. It grows just as large with plenty of branches (when correctly shaped), making it a perfect option for filling empty corners.
The leaves may not be as large as the fiddle leaf fig, but they remain eye-catching with a glossy sheen and deep color.
For your rubber plant to grow to its full potential, it needs a sunny spot with a few hours of direct sun in the mornings and protection from direct light in the hottest parts of the day. But if you’re happy to keep it small, it will survive well in moderate to bright indirect light and a smaller pot too.
Ficus elastica has deep green and glossy leaves. For a pop of color, you can also look for variegated cultivars with margins of cream or even touches of pink or burgundy in the leaves.
String of Pearls

botanical name Senecio rowleyanus |
plant type Succulent |
sun requirements Bright, indirect light |
water needs Low to moderate; allow soil to dry out between waterings |
height 24 to 36 inches |
Another succulent of a few mentioned on this list, string of pearls is another plant unfussed by watering schedule. Most often, people tend to overwater this delicate plant rather than underwater it.
The compact nature of this vining species makes it ideal for countertops or shelving where it can be viewed and enjoyed without taking up too much space.
The vines of string of pearls are quite delicate, so it’s important to handle these plants with care. Keep them away from high-traffic areas where the vines may be disturbed as they can break off easily.
That, along with plenty of bright indirect light and water as soon as the soil dries out will keep your string of pearls looking lush and full.
Chinese Money Plant

botanical name Pilea peperomioides |
plant type Herbaceous, perennial |
sun requirements Bright indirect light to partial shade |
water needs Moderate; allow soil to dry out slightly between waterings |
height Up to 12 inches |
Whether you call this species Chinese money plant, pancake plant, or UFO plant, you’ll certainly recognize it as soon as you spot one. Pilea peperomioides is well known for its fascinating leaves that are almost perfectly round, emerging from the center of the plant in a spherical shape.
Its scientific name comes from the resemblance to members of the Peperomia genus – another entry on this list. Chinese money plants are not only known for this eye-catching look, but also for their ease of care and propagation.
As long as they receive moderate to bright indirect light and the occasional watering, this plant will produce small plantlets popping up through the soil. Simply cut them off, replant them into their own containers and quickly expand your collection. Or, to maintain the minimalist ethos, give them to your friends and family instead.
Lucky Bamboo

botanical name Dracaena sanderiana |
plant type Perennial evergreen aquatic |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight or artificial light |
water needs Grows in water; needs to be kept constantly moist |
height Up to 36 inches |
Popular in Feng shui, lucky bamboo is not typically the first option to come to mind when looking for minimalist houseplants. However, their ease of care and sculptural look make them wonderful choices for any houseplant lover.
Lucky bamboo is quite versatile, with stalks that can be trained into different interesting shapes. This allows you to keep them relatively stiff for a more modern minimalist design, or to twist them into more organic shapes for softer interiors.
To add to their interest, these plants also have different meanings and significance depending on how many stalks are on the plant. Mostly, they are believed to bring good luck to their owners when well looked after.
Cast Iron Plant

botanical name Aspidistra elatior |
plant type Perennial evergreen |
sun requirements Low to medium; can tolerate full shade |
water needs Prefers consistently moist soil, but can tolerate occasional dryness |
height 24 to 28 inches |
If you’re a minimalist that prefers softer foliage over the structural look, the cast iron plant is a great choice. These plants look quite similar to peace lilies, with long green and glossy leaves that grow upwards and then cascade over the pot. They are also another entry on the almost-impossible-to-kill list, needing minimal attention to thrive.
Cast iron plants look best when planted in a decorative pot cover to highlight the simple color and shape of their foliage. Use this as an opportunity to match the color of the pot to the rest of your interior for a harmonious minimalist design.
Suitable for low-light areas, cast iron plants can almost be forgotten about. Water them every couple of weeks, repot every few years and they should be in your family for generations.

botanical name Peperomia obtusifolia |
plant type Herbaceous, perennial |
sun requirements Bright, indirect light or partial shade |
water needs Water every 1-2 weeks |
height 6 to 12 inches |
Peperomia is a vast genus of plants eyed by collectors (and one of my personal favorites). Although collecting many plants to fill space is not high on the priority list for minimalists, this variety between species does provide minimalists with many options to choose from, perfectly suited to your interior.
One of the best attributes of Peperomia species is their interesting flowers. When temperatures are high, you’ll see thin stalks emerging from the base of the plant with spadix blooms. These flowers often provide a wonderful color contrast, especially on varieties with more muted tones throughout the year.
The watermelon peperomia is a crowd favorite, but can be trickier to keep looking good as they are prone to a few problems. Choose tougher species like the semi-succulent peperomia commonly known as baby rubber plant for a more minimalist selection.
Spider Plant

botanical name Chlorophytum comosum |
plant type Herbaceous, perennial |
sun requirements Bright, indirect sunlight or moderate shade |
water needs Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering |
height Up to 24 inches |
Chlorophytum comosum, commonly known as spider plant, was incredibly popular in the 1970s, now making a comeback in a big way. They have no relation to actual spiders, luckily. Rather, the common name relates to the appearance of the small plantlets growing from arching stems, looking just like small spiders.
Spider plants are another plant that is easy to propagate. In the right conditions, these small plantlets form from leafless stems. They can simply be chopped off and rooted in water or soil to grow on their own. For bigger plants, dividing is another quick way to increase your stock.
With their cascading leaves and quick growth, spider plants are great for hanging baskets. This allows you to fill your home with greenery while keeping surfaces clear of clutter. They don’t need much attention, happy in moderate light and with the occasional watering.
Chinese Evergreen

botanical name Aglaonema commutatum |
plant type Herbaceous, perennial |
sun requirements Indirect to low light |
water needs Allow soil to dry out slightly between waterings |
height 24 to 36 inches |
Chinese evergreens, members of the Aglaonema genus, are hailed as some of the easiest houseplants to care for. Even the hybrid cultivars, with flashy colors and impressive leaves, don’t need to be fussed over at all. This is a great benefit for minimalists who don’t want to spend too much time worrying about their houseplants.
The other benefit of this genus for minimalists is the variety. If you have a muted interior without much color variation, you can choose a Chinese evergreen with basic greens or slightly cream variegation. If you’re looking for pops of color, you can go for brighter options such as those from the Siam series.
The large leaves are very eye-catching, especially when planted in a smaller pot that they can gently fall over. With regular watering and moderate light, your Aglaonema will be happy for years.
Peace Lily

botanical name Spathiphyllum wallisii |
plant type Perennial |
sun requirements Indirect sunlight to low light |
water needs Keep soil moist but not waterlogged |
height 16 to 24 inches |
If there is any houseplant that screams minimalist in its look, it’s the peace lily. Spathiphyllum species, members of the Araceae tropical plant family, have all the characteristics a minimalist would love – a simple look, some interest in the blooms, and low maintenance needs.
Peace lilies are popular gifting plants around the world. Their glossy green leaves are well-suited to any interior design, but especially minimalist spaces where the foliage can truly shine.
In the right light levels, they will also produce their classic spadix flowers, surrounded by the stark white modified leaves these plants are known for.
One of the biggest downfalls people face growing these plants is overwatering. They do like moisture, but also hate soggy soil and quickly succumb to root rot. Make sure the container has good drainage and wait for the soil to dry out slightly before watering again.

botanical name Anthurium andraeanum |
plant type Herbaceous, perennial |
sun requirements Medium to bright indirect light |
water needs Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil are dry |
height 18 to 24 inches |
Another prominent member of the Araceae genus, anthuriums are also known for their interesting blooms. Similar in shape to the peace lily, the spiked flowers are surrounded by a waxy modified leaf. But, rather than a stark white, these appear in a range of bright colors or even multiple colors in one inflorescence.
Red is the most traditional anthurium color, but certainly not the only one available. My personal favorite is the watermelon anthuriums, with touches of pink, white and green that look just like a watermelon slice. These are muted enough to fit with minimalist designs while still providing visual interest.
For these flowers to appear, your anthurium will need bright indirect light. Place them close to a bright window shielded by a sheer curtain or out of the path of the sun’s rays to keep the leaves protected. Also keep up watering and fertilizing to keep them healthy enough to flower continuously.
Money Tree

botanical name Pachira aquatica |
plant type Tree or small shrub |
sun requirements Bright indirect light to partial shade |
water needs Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering |
height Up to 72 inches |
Money trees, scientifically known as Pachira aquatica, are also popular Feng shui houseplants. True to their common name, these plants are believed to bring luck and financial prosperity to whoever chooses to grow them.
Although they can become large plants, money trees can be kept small by restricting container size. This makes them suitable for home offices or even bedrooms, as long as they receive enough bright indirect light throughout the day.
Money trees have slowly grown in popularity in recent years and are now widely available as houseplants. Some even come with decorative braided stems that add some interest to minimalist spaces.
Bird’s Nest Fern

botanical name Asplenium nidus |
plant type Fern |
sun requirements Indirect light; can tolerate low light |
water needs Water 1-2 times per week |
height 12 to 24 inches |
Although many ferns fit the aesthetics of minimalist interiors, they lack one important characteristic – ease of care. Ferns require high humidity and frequent watering to look their best, and certainly cannot be forgotten about for a few days. That is not the case for Asplenium nidus, commonly known as the bird’s nest fern.
Bird’s nest ferns are epiphytes that can be attached to other trees (or pieces of wood when growing indoors) to grow vertically. If you want to fill some open wall space with living décor, this is the perfect option.
Like other ferns, they do appreciate high humidity to grow well. But Asplenium nidus is far less fussy about care and can handle conditions that differ slightly from what they are used to well.
Areca Palm

botanical name Dypsis lutescens |
plant type Palm tree |
sun requirements Bright, indirect light |
water needs Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering |
height Up to 72 inches |
Finally, we have a classic indoor plant for those looking to emulate the tropical look – the areca palm. There are many palm options to grow indoors, and most are suited to minimalist designs. However, this palm is one of the easier to care for, adding to its minimalist nature.
As they grow quickly to several feet tall, areca palms are another great option for corners of your home. Combined with a small bookshelf and a comfy armchair, you can create a cozy reading nook with a natural and tropical feel.
Final Thoughts
So, if you’ve chosen to live more simply, or with less, there are plenty of indoor plants that will fit right along with your lifestyle. Whether you prefer a vining plant like the pothos, or something that flowers like a peace lily, there are plenty of options to choose from. Any of the plants we’ve listed here are easy to care for and simple in appearance.