How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Parsley

Once you start growing parsley and taste it when it's fresh, you may find new reasons to use it. Petroselinum crispum is a biennial herb that can be grown in the garden and in pots for easy access. Lorin Nielsen will go through our growing guide helps you to get started.

Close-up of a growing Parsley in the garden. Parsley is a biennial herb characterized by dense clusters of vibrant green, deeply lobed leaves that grow in a tufted rosette. The leaves are divided into multiple leaflets that are finely serrated along the edges, giving them a delicate and frilly appearance.


Parsley is one of the most popular fresh herbs in the culinary world, and at the same time, it’s underutilized by many home cooks. To me, growing parsley in the culinary garden is an absolute necessity, as it can be used in almost everything!

It has a unique flavor profile that can be described as mildly bitter with an earthy flavor and is often used to balance savory dishes and brighten the flavors. Parsley has a subtle, refreshing scent and can be used in anything from soups and sauces to vegetables and meat-based dishes.

This plant belongs to the Apiaceae family and is harvested and consumed fresh or dried. In addition to adding distinct flavor and color to your favorite dishes, parsley also offers a number of health benefits. It’s loaded with minerals and vitamins, particularly vitamin K, which is beneficial for bone health and blood circulation.

While both curly and flat-leaf parsley taste almost the same, the flatter leaves are generally considered to be the more flavorful of the two. They’re also easier to chop into a fine minced form for easy use in cooking. Curly-leaf parsley is often included whole on the dinner place as an edible garnish.

Plant Overview

A vibrant parsley plant showcasing its lush, lobed leaves that add a burst of greenery. Sunlight filtering through the parsley leaves, creating a captivating glow that emphasizes the herb's natural beauty.
Plant Type Biennial herb
Family Apiaceae
Genus Petroselinum
Species Petroselinum crispum
Native Area Algeria, Greece, Morocco, Yugoslavia
Exposure Full sun to partial shade
Height 30”
Watering Requirements Regular
Pests & Diseases Aphids, carrot or celery fly larvae, caterpillars, powdery mildew, leaf spots, root rot
Maintenance Low
Soil Type Well-draining, rich or sandy
Hardiness Zone 2-11

What is Parsley?

The botanical name of parsley is Petroselinum crispum. However, in the culinary world, it goes by the common name parsley. Bright green in color, it is usually grown as an annual herb worldwide.

Native Area

A thick layer of the fluffy herb with feathery leaves attached to the thin green stems planted in dark brown soil
It is native to eastern and central regions of the Mediterranean.

Used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, parsley is native to the eastern and central Mediterranean. Because of its popularity and ease of growing conditions, the parsley herb has been widely naturalized worldwide.


Bright green, finely curled leaves grow on thin green stems in a raised bed in a sunny garden.
Its development depends on the seasons.

But is parsley a perennial? Somewhat. It can be grown as a biennial, producing foliage in its initial season before dying back in the winter. In the spring of its second year, it bolts straight to flower and seed production. Once parsley flowering concludes, and it sets seed in that second year, it dies back for good. This is why most grow it as an annual plant.


Curly, bright green leaves grow from slender stems, forming a compact and bushy herb with a vibrant texture.
The leaves can have different shapes according to the plant’s variety.

So, what does parsley look like? Depending on the parsley varieties in question, the plant may have flat leaves or tightly curved leaves and green leaf stalks. Curly-leaf parsley typically grows eight to twelve inches in height, where Italian parsley (sometimes called Italian flat-leaf parsley) ranges from 18-24 inches tall.

Curly parsley is often grown for culinary ornamentation. Its flavor is comparable to flat-leaf varieties like Italian parsley, but the frilly leaves of curly-leaf parsley herbs provide edible plating decoration.  


Deep green, curled, and finely textured leaves grow densely on bright green stems in a terracotta pot on a light windowsill.
If grown in a pot, choose a container that is deep enough for the plant.

When to plant parsley can make a major difference in how much yield you’ll have when it’s fully grown! The best time is at least three to four weeks before the final frost. A slow starter, parsley can take that long to germinate. An earlier start in colder climates also allows you time to acclimate your parsley to the outdoor temperatures.

Your soil temperature should be around 70°F (12°C) to aid in the initial germination of parsley seedlings. A seedling heating mat can help you grow parsley seeds. Aim for a warmer soil temperature for transplanting as well, as parsley roots will spread more readily.

For taller flat-leaf varieties, grow parsley in a location that is sheltered from wind. These taller varieties can get wind-damaged easily. Curly leaf varieties sit lower to the ground and tend to be more resistant to a stiff breeze.

Container growing is an option when considering how to grow parsley. Keep in mind that your plants will need a reasonably deep container for good root development.

When you plant seeds, don’t plant parsley seeds too deep. Instead, plant parsley seeds no deeper than a quarter of an inch. If you plant seeds on the soil’s surface and gently press with a finger to indent the soil slightly, you can then brush a little soil over the top, and you’ll grow parsley seeds just fine.

For transplanting, prepare your planting site in advance. Once the soil is amended to your liking, pop the herbs in at the same level they at in their starter pot. Water them in well afterward to help them recover from the transplanting process.

Don’t let your young parsley linger in its starter pot for too long. Parsley develops a long taproot, and waiting too long can cause it to become rootbound.

How to Grow

Once established, parsley is a low-maintenance plant. Still, that doesn’t mean you can neglect it. Let’s go over how to grow parsley in the most optimal conditions.


A healthy Petroselinum crispum in a white container, appearing to have curled leaves at the ends of thin green stems
They grow well under full sun.

Grow parsley in full sun as well as partial shade. They require at least five hours of sunlight every day or high-output grow lights to thrive. Place them on a sunny windowsill if growing indoors or use grow lights.


A close-up shot of a black soaker hose dripping with droplets of water in a well lit area
A soaker hose is ideal for meeting their watering needs.

Established herbs have moderate water needs. When you grow parsley, give it about one inch of water per week. Keep the soil moist. Refrain from overwatering as it can lead to root rot. Many find a soaker hose can provide a slow, deep watering of the sort parsley prefers.

Watering your parsley two to three times a week should be enough to keep the soil moist, even if watering needs increase during dry weather.


A pair of hands gently scatters soil into a garden bed, with a terracotta pot in the background, preparing the ground for growth.
These herbs prefer rich soil that drains well.

Parsley requires loamy, well-drained soil. Rich soil is ideal, although parsley seeds can be started in a standard seed starting mix and then transplanted into a richer soil blend. If you grow parsley indoors in a container, consider a high-quality potting mix. Outdoor in-bed growers may want to amend their soil with compost in advance to make sure their parsley grows well.

The ideal pH level at which to grow parsley is 6.0 to 7.0.


A lush layer of Petroselinum crispum leaves, appearing to have feathery leaves with think green stems that appear dainty
These plants can tolerate cold climates.

The ideal temperature range for parsley is between 72-86°F (22-30°C). It can tolerate colder conditions up to light frost and thrives well in USDA growing zones from 5a to 9b, but it’s grown throughout zones 2-11.


A person wearing white gloves to hold a bottle and spray fertilizer on plants that appear bright green and blurry in the background
This plant benefits from liquid fertilizers, whether grown indoors or outdoors.

A good, balanced organic fertilizer is usually all that’s required for growing parsley in your garden beds. Apply fertilizer once or twice during the growing season. 

You can grow parsley indoors in containers and give them similar fertilizing regimens. However, they may need a bit more fertilizer as there is less soil to hold onto the nutrients they need. Consider an extra fertilizer boost if they seem to need it late in the season.

Liquid fertilizers can work well for parsley, particularly for those growing indoors. Apply a dose of liquid fertilizer every six weeks throughout the growing season.


Close-up of a woman's hand harvesting parsley from a bed of mint and lemongrass herbs.
Cut or pluck the leaves for cooking as needed.

If you’re wondering how to prune parsley, have no fear. Most of your pruning will actually happen for harvesting purposes. You can always harvest a little of the new growth from the plant if you need small amounts for cooking. 

If you’re not trying to grow parsley for seeds, remove any unanticipated flower stems. This prevents the herb from setting seeds and keeps it focused on developing new foliage instead.


A person using bare hands to sprinkle Petroselinum crispum seeds on soil that appear to have a dark and ashy brown color
Sowing seeds is the most reliable way to propagate this herb.

Grow parsley and propagate it by planting seeds. As it does take a while for parsley to germinate, the sow seeds method is slow but reliable. Starting from seeds also is the easiest method. Use the planting section to guide you when you sow seeds.

While it’s possible to propagate parsley through cuttings, it’s usually not very reliable. To do so, place fresh-cut parsley stems in a glass of water. Change the water on to two times a day to make sure it’s fresh and clean. This method often doesn’t form as stable of a taproot, however, so starting from seeds is recommended.


A person using pruning shears to harvest Petroselinum crispum placed in a garden bed with dark brown soil and putting harvested pieces in a woven basket
They are ready to harvest after a maximum of 90 days.

Whether you grow parsley (either curly or flat-leaf varieties) in your vegetable garden, harvesting fresh parsley is a rewarding experience. So let’s go over how to harvest parsley properly!

Begin harvesting parsley within 70 to 90 days after you plant parsley seeds. Wait until the stems have at least three segments before you cut. It indicates that the stem is ready for harvest. 

Instead of cutting from the top, cut at the base of the stem to encourage growth. It will give you bushier plants and an improved yield. Also, it’s better to select longer, more mature stems from the outside of the herb, leaving the center stems alone.

As most treat parsley as an annual for good herb production, it’s recommended to harvest parsley by taking all the foliage from your plant at the end of the season. But to make sure it doesn’t go to waste, you’ll need to store that big harvest.


Fresh green herbs processed and placed in ice cube trays to be frozen, with the tray appearing white sitting on a woven mat
Freezing this herb can extend its lifespan.

Parsley stores well in the refrigerator in one of two ways. You can place dry parsley stems inside a plastic bag, leaving the top open to allow for airflow. Alternatively, you can place the stems in a glass of water, changing the water every day to make sure it remains fresh. Both methods will keep your parsley intact for five to seven days.

For longer-lasting ways to store parsley, you have two options: freeze parsley or drying it. 

Freezing is good if you want to maintain that fresh parsley flavor. Simply mince up your leaves and pack them into an ice cube tray, using just enough water to keep the leaves stuck together. Freeze solid, then take the parsley cubes and place them into a freezer storage bag.

Drying parsley should be done at cool temperatures whenever possible. Too much heat can degrade the flavor of the herb. You can hang-dry parsley in a paper bag or use a low-heat dehydrator. Both methods work well. Once dry, crumble the leaves and place them in an airtight container. Dry parsley will last for up to a year.

Common Problems

There are a few issues you might encounter with parsley growing. While they aren’t always severe, it’s important to treat them if they should arise.


Clusters of tiny, green, pear-shaped aphids, with long antennae and slender bodies, infest the plant's stem, creating a bumpy appearance.
Aphids and other insects tend to target this plant.

Aphids may appear on the underside of the leaves or on the stems. They secrete a sticky substance called honeydew that can develop sooty mold. Pruning is the first line of defense against aphids. Typically an application of neem oil will kill off most aphids.

Carrot fly larvae and celery fly larvae both cause similar types of damage. In both cases, the larvae hide in the soil and will gnaw tunnels through the roots of your plants. Unfortunately, this includes parsley root. Consider adding a companion or two with your parsley. Alliums are employed in parsley companion planting to deter these fly larvae. Also, covering your parsley with a floating row cover will prevent the flies from getting near the herbs to lay their eggs in the soil around them.

The larvae of swallowtail moths are voracious caterpillars and will happily devour your parsley leaves. Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis, commonly known as BT, is an effective method of eliminating multiple species of caterpillar.


A close-up shot of powdery mildew on a plant's leaf, appearing fluffy and snow-like on the surface of the plant with a deep green color
Prevent powdery mildew on these plants by using neem oil.

Powdery mildew is caused by fungi and appears as a powdery growth on the leaves. It’s a good idea to do regular applications of neem oil as a preventative. However, if an outbreak occurs, remove mildew-coated leaves and destroy.

Assorted leaf spots can appear on parsley. While these aren’t always life-threatening, they can render the leaves unappealing or inedible. If symptoms of leaf spot persist remove damaged leaves.

Soggy soil can create the perfect environment for the fungi that cause stem and root rot. Be sure your soil is well-draining. It should stay moist but not muddy and should not be oversaturated. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Does parsley regrow after cutting?

Parsley does regrow after cutting during its first year. To ensure it has enough foliage to regrow, avoid cutting the center of the herb, instead taking from the outside stems.

Does parsley come back every year?

Parsley is technically a biennial. However, in the second year it bolts straight to seed rather than producing much foliage. Most people opt to grow parsley as an annual.

Why is my parsley plant turning yellow?

There are two potential reasons, both of which are related to watering. Overwatering can cause the herb to yellow and droop. It also can promote the development of fungal root rots. Avoid overwatering and make sure your herb garden soil drains excess water away.

How many times can you harvest parsley?

It depends on how much you harvest at a given point. You can do cut-and-come-again harvesting methods to harvest small quantities regularly, and are only limited by how fast the plant grows back.

How long does parsley last?

As short-lived perennials in most areas, they have a life span of two years.

Should I let my parsley gone to seed?

While you can do this to allow the herb to produce seed and/or self-seed, if you want those tasty leaves, remove the flowers as soon as they appear to prevent a change in its flavor.

Should I let my parsley flower?

While you totally can, see my answer to the last question.

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