21 Plants That Can Live on Top of Your Refrigerator

Looking for a houseplant to put on top of your refrigerator? There are actually a number of different plants that like a slightly warmer environment, and don't require too much sun. But if you pick the wrong plant, you'll end up with a wilted, dying mess. In this article, we look at our favorite plants to put on top of your fridge.

refrigerator houseplants


Whether you have limited space in your home or you want to cover every surface in your home with plants, you may want to know which plants do best on the top of a refrigerator. Houseplants can provide both oxygen and green scenery in this hard to decorate the area.

The top of the fridge has some specific qualities that make it well suited for some plants over others. Some older refrigerators have warm tops, and many fridges let out warm air. In this case, some plants do not do well due to the heat or increased airflow. Another issue may come up if the top of your fridge is not exposed to light.

As a result, you must be strategic about the plants you choose to put on your fridge. You may also need to take some different steps to maintain the health of your plant. These steps may look like more frequent watering and strategy related to lighting.

The key to having healthy plants on top of your fridge is to choose the right plants in the first place. While hardiness zones are listed in the descriptions below, these are not as relevant if you keep these plants inside. Read on to learn more about the best plants for you to put on your fridge.

Aloe Vera

Aloe barbadensis miller
The transparent gel inside aloe is rich in vitamins, minerals and contains powerful antioxidants.
Scientific Name: Aloe barbadensis miller
  • Plant Type: Succulent
  • Geographic Origin: Africa
  • Plant Size: 1-2 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect sun
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

Aloe Vera is a popular succulent plant known for its plump, tapered leaves and its gel that has healing properties. This plant grows very quickly, and it can reach its mature size in less than five years.

In general, this plant is one of the hardiest plants you can get. Aloe Vera prefers warm air, and it does not require frequent watering. It’s easy to grow, and tolerates many different types of sunlight. This quality makes it a great plant for the top of your fridge. Set your aloe up for success by planting it in sandy soil.

Areca Palm     

Dypsis lutescens
Optimal lighting for Areca Palm is diffused sunlight.
Scientific Name: Dypsis lutescens
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Madagascar
  • Plant Size: 20-35 ft tall, 10-20 ft wide
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full sun
  • Plant Zone: 10-11

You can recognize this plant by its narrow fronds and robust amount of leaves. They are steady but slow growers. The key to success with this plant is good drainage and regular watering. Keep an eye on this plant’s soil to ensure that it gets water whenever it seems dry.

This plant will do best on top of your fridge if it will get plenty of light and if you leave plenty of space for it.

Arrowhead Plant     

Syngonium podophyllum
Arrowhead Plant likes bright light but doesn’t like direct sunlight.
Scientific Name: Syngonium podophyllum
  • Plant Type: Vine
  • Geographic Origin: South America, Central America
  • Plant Size: 3-6 ft tall
  • Sun Exposure: Partial shade
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

Arrowhead Plant does well in a wide range of environments, including on top of your refrigerator. Not only can it handle neglect, but sometimes it even thrives while being ignored. Thanks to its vine shape, it can trail beautifully wherever you want it to.

This plant is fairly agreeable with different growing conditions, and it stands up well to the frequent temperature changes found in a kitchen.

Baby Rubber Plant 

Peperomia obtusifolia
Baby Rubber Plant stores water in their thick fleshy leaves, stems & roots.
Scientific Name: Peperomia obtusifolia
  • Plant Type: Epiphyte
  • Geographic Origin: South America, Central America
  • Plant Size: 6-12 in
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full sun
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

The lush green and gold leaves of this plant make a beautiful addition to any fridge-top garden. Baby Rubber Plants are tolerant of drought-like conditions. So, if you only water them once a week, they likely will not mind.

Peperomia can do very well with a bit of neglect. They also enjoy indirect light, and they can handle some dry air that may come from your refrigerator.

Bird’s Nest Fern

Asplenium nidus
Bird’s Nest Fern is a perennial plant and can live 4-10 years indoors.
Scientific Name: Asplenium nidus
  • Plant Type: Epiphytic
  • Geographic Origin: Asia, Africa, Australia
  • Plant Size: 3-5 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 11-12

While ferns can be somewhat picky about their environment, the top of the fridge may be a great spot for them. This is because they like heat, and they do best with little touching from humans and pets.

On the other hand, a Bird’s Nest Fern is more likely to thrive when near a few other plants. The key to helping ferns succeed is to provide plenty of warmth and moisture.


Scientific Name: Bromeliaceae spp.
Bromeliad requires foliar spraying in summer to keep healthy.   
Scientific Name: Bromeliaceae spp.
  • Plant Type: Epiphyte, Terrestrial perennials
  • Geographic Origin: Central America, South America
  • Plant Size: 1 in to 3 ft depending on the variety
  • Sun Exposure: Bright indirect light
  • Plant Zone: 10-11

Bromeliads come in several sizes and colors, which means you can pick one that fits your needs perfectly. Choose a bromeliad if you want a pop of color on top of your fridge. They can be red, orange, yellow, green, and purple.

Bromeliads do not grow very quickly, so you do not need to worry about fitting a large plant on top of your fridge. They can handle fluctuations in temperature, humidity, and light levels. You can also find species that have different needs to suit the conditions in your kitchen.


Calathea spp.
Calatheas are grown for the sake of beautifully patterned leaves, the patterns of which are extremely diverse.  
Scientific Name: Calathea spp.
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: South America
  • Plant Size: 6 in to 3 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Part sun to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 11b to 12b

The Calathea genus contains a wide range of plants with different colors and markings. Most varieties have striped leaves with shades of green. These fast-growing plants usually reach one to two feet within a year, under the right conditions.

Calatheas are very sensitive to cold and dry air. Moreover, they are sensitive to metals and minerals in the water. As a result, only water your Calathea with filtered or distilled water.

Cast Iron Plant

Aspidistra elatior
Cast Iron Plant can grow without sunlight under fluorescent lighting.
Scientific Name: Aspidistra elatior
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Asia
  • Plant Size: 2-3 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 8-10

The Cast Iron Plant lives up to its name when it comes to hardiness. It does well in a range of temperatures. Plus, it does not need much water, and it is okay with low light.

If no other plants have been able to thrive on top of your fridge, this may be the one to try. The main thing to avoid is too much watering or too much light.

Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonema spp.
In summer, the Chinese Evergreen plant feels great at a temperature of 20-25 degrees.
Scientific Name: Aglaonema spp.
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Asia
  • Plant Size: 1-2 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

This genus contains many beautiful varieties that would do well on your fridge. While this plant is somewhat particular about its growing conditions, it is fairly easy to care for once those conditions are met.

Most Chinese Evergreens do well with warm and moist conditions. Pay attention to the variety you get because some varieties need more sun than others. In general, those with lighter leaves need more sun.

Chinese Money Plant       

Pilea peperomioides
The pilea can thrive in shady places with environments and soils with high humidity.
Scientific Name: Pilea peperomioides
  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Geographic Origin: China
  • Plant Size: 12 in
  • Sun Exposure: Bright, indirect sun
  • Plant Zone: 10

This uniquely shaped house plant can be recognized by its thick round leaves that spring from a central stem via smaller stems. This plant is especially popular for those who enjoy a Scandinavian style. While this plant used to be difficult to find in the United States, its rapid and easy propagation has made it much more available.

The Chinese money plant is a very hardy grower. It does well in a range of temperatures, and you do not need to water it frequently. As long as you provide this plant with indirect but bright light, this plant should do well on your fridge. Check your plant for offshoots since these can easily propagate more money plants.

Devil’s Ivy        

Epipremnum aureum
Devil’s Ivy – the easiest plant to grow indoors.
Scientific Name: Epipremnum aureum
  • Plant Type: Vine
  • Geographic Origin: South Pacific Islands
  • Plant Size: 20-40 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full sun
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

Also known as a Pothos, this is another plant that will do well trailing down the side of your fridge. This plant can do well on your fridge, whether it gets a lot of light or if it is mostly in the shade. Devil’s Ivy does well in almost every growing condition.

The plant prefers that its soil dries out in between waterings and it can withstand drought. These qualities are why it is one of the most popular houseplants available. Popular pothos cultivars include the golden pothos, and the snow queen pothos.


Dieffenbachia spp.
The Dieffenbachia juice contains toxic substances that, if it comes into contact with the skin, can cause burns.
Scientific Name: Dieffenbachia spp.
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: South America
  • Plant Size: 3-10 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Part to full sun
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

Choose this plant for its beautiful broad ovate leaves. While this plant is fast-growing, it likely will not reach more than 3 or 5 feet indoors. Many of the plants in this genus were previously thought to belong to other genera.

If you provide Dieffenbachia with bright, indirect sunlight and high humidity, you will have a happy plant. Regular misting is a good idea in dry winter months.

Dragon Tree   

Dracaena draco
In the winter months, Dragon Tree needs much more bright sunlight than in the summer.
Scientific Name: Dracaena draco
  • Plant Type: Evergreen tree
  • Geographic Origin: Northwestern Africa
  • Plant Size: 15-50 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full sun
  • Plant Zone: 9-12

Select this plant if you are looking for a large plant for the top of your fridge. While this plant can grow very tall, it takes a while since it is so slow-growing. The Dragon Tree does well without much intervention as long as it has some sun and a bit of moisture.

However, direct sun is not necessary. It can start to lean towards the sun, so you should rotate it ninety degrees regularly. This plant can easily withstand temperature changes.

Heartleaf Philodendron  

Heartleaf Philodendron 
The ideal temperature for Heartleaf Philodendron is between 55 and 80 degrees Farenheit.
Scientific Name: Philodendron hederaceum
  • Plant Type: Vine
  • Geographic Origin: South America
  • Plant Size: 6-36 in
  • Sun Exposure: Partial sun
  • Plant Zone: 11-12

Prized for its heart-shaped leaves, the philodendron makes a striking addition to any home. This plant will do best if the top of your refrigerator gets plenty of indirect sun. Beyond this need, most types of philodendron including the heartleaf, are pretty easy to care for.

They do not mind dry air, and they do not need to be watered too frequently. However, when you do water this plant, make sure you are doing so after planting it in well-draining soil. Philodendrons are fairly sensitive to overwatering.


Maranta spp.
During the spring-summer period, watering Maranta should be plentiful.
Scientific Name: Maranta spp.
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: South America
  • Plant Size: 6-12 in
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 11-12

The Maranta genus is closely related to the Calathea genus. As a result, this genus also is very sensitive to minerals in the water. So, it is best to use filtered or distilled water for these plants. Maranta enjoy humid, warm conditions and well-drained soil.

Depending on the variety, this plant can have pink, yellow, or light green accents on the green leaves. Water your plant whenever the soil is dry.

Nerve Plant     

Fittonia albivenis
Nerve Plant belongs to moisture-loving plants, so the earthen ball should always be moderately moist, but not wet.
Scientific Name: Fittonia albivenis
  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Geographic Origin: South America
  • Plant Size: 3-6 in tall, 12-18 in the spread
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect sun to partial shade
  • Plant Zone: 11

This plant comes in several varieties that have different colored bold veins. These colors can be red, white, pink, and green. Since Nerve Plant is such a low grower, it can do well when paired with other plants. It can often trail along with the soil. If your refrigerator does not get much sun, this may be the perfect plant for you.

The Nerve Plant is pretty hardy besides its dislike of excessive sun. It does especially well in a terrarium so that it can be in near-constant humidity.

Peace Lily       

Spathiphyllum spp.
High humidity is a prerequisite for the health of a Peace Lily.
Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum spp.
  • Plant Type: Flowering tropical plant
  • Geographic Origin: Asia, Central America, South America
  • Plant Size: 1-3 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Indirect light to partial shade
  • Plant Zone: 11-12

The Peace Lily is a flowering house plant that is known for its white blooms. This plant will do well on the top of a refrigerator if it gets plenty of indirect light. Too much light can burn the leaves. It can withstand many conditions other than cold.

This plant will grow best if the soil is kept moist, but it can withstand a bit of dryness. It is better to underwater this plant than overwater it.

Snake Plant    

Dracaena trifasciata
Snake Plant, grown at home, is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, and therefore it is very popular.
Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata
  • Plant Type: Evergreen perennial
  • Geographic Origin: West Africa
  • Plant Size: 6 in to 8 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 9-11

If you want a plant that you can set on top of your fridge without needing to water it too much, the Snake Plant is ideal. It will also do well if your fridge is a bit warm. This plant is generally very low-maintenance.

It prefers warm weather, and it does not need very much water. The Snake Plant is drought-resistant and does well in a range of light conditions.

Spider Plant    

Chlorophytum comosum
Spider Plant has the ability to purify the air of carbon monoxide and formaldehyde, so it is recommended to grow it in the kitchen.
Scientific Name: Chlorophytum comosum
  • Plant Type: Perennial
  • Geographic Origin: Africa
  • Plant Size: 1-2 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Partial sun to full shade
  • Plant Zone: 9-11

Bring some excitement into your kitchen with this visually fun plant. The long, narrow leaves are made up of cream and green stripes. Spider plant is very hardy, which means it is well-suited for almost any condition.

You can mostly set and forget this plant, as long as you water it occasionally. This plant is a good choice for a shady kitchen because it prefers some shade. Spider plants also have a decent lifespan, if they are properly taken care of.

String of Hearts       

Ceropegia woodii
String of Hearts are perennial herbaceous plants with creeping stems and a thickened or tuberous rhizome, which contains moisture reserves.
Scientific Name: Ceropegia woodii
  • Plant Type: Succulent vine
  • Geographic Origin: Africa
  • Plant Size: 2-5 in tall, 12 in wide
  • Sun Exposure: Partial sun
  • Plant Zone:9-12

The delicate stems and thick, heart-shaped leaves of this plant look lovely as they trail down the side of your refrigerator. It is also known as a plant that is easy to care for. Grow your String of Hearts in the right location, and it should do very well.

Water this plant when the soil is dry to the touch and makes sure that it gets plenty of indirect sunlight. Drainage is key with this plant.

Swiss Cheese Plant        

Monstera deliciosa
This plant is able to ionize the air in the room, which is a big plus when growing such a flower.
Scientific Name: Monstera adansonii
  • Plant Type: Climbing evergreen
  • Geographic Origin: Central America
  • Plant Size: 3 ft
  • Sun Exposure: Full to partial sun
  • Plant Zone: 10-12

This popular plant comes in many varieties. This vine type is a prolific climber. Monsteras do not require much maintenance to grow well, and this makes them a good fit for the top of the refrigerator. The Monstera adansonii is more affectionately known as the swiss cheese plant due to the holes that appear in its leaves.

They do well in bright, indirect light and well-drained soil. Monsteras also enjoy high humidity and regular watering. Give your Monstera a bit of water any time the soil seems dry.

Final Thoughts

The kitchen is often the center of activity in the home. So, why not use a plant or two on your fridge to bring even more life into the space. When selecting your plants, remember that certain plants do well on top of a fridge compared to others. Now that you know about some great plants you can put on your fridge, pick some and bring some green into your kitchen.

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