How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Pampas Grass

Pampas grass is a huge, but stunning grass that produces feathery plumes. We explore its care, keeping it in check, and growing healthy grass. Join Kevin Espiritu as he explains all about this interesting grass.

An area with thriving pampas grass appearing fluffy when viewed from afar with the blue sky in the background


The striking, feathery blooms of pampas grass are prized by floral arrangers and gardeners alike. It’s even been used by float decorators for the annual Tournament of Roses parade in Pasadena, California since the early 1900s!

Named for its original home in the grassy plains of Pampas, Argentina, this tall ornamental grass was first introduced to Europe sometime between 1775-1862. It arrived in California in about 1848, going into commercial gardening shortly thereafter, and has become a common sight in coastal areas. In the 1940s, it was even planted to help prevent erosion.

But if it’s not kept in check, this tall landscape grass is known to spread like wildfire – and may become a fire hazard itself. Here, you’ll find ways to manage your pampas grass plants and ensure that your plants flourish in garden beds or containers.

Plant Overview

Multiple stalks of young-looking Cortaderia selloana, growing in an area with green grass receiving abundant sunlight
Plant Type Grass
Family Poaceae
Genus Cortaderia
Species Cortaderia selloana
Native Area South America
Exposure Full sun to partial shade
Height 6-12 feet
Watering Requirements Moderate
Pests & Diseases Leaf spot
Maintenance Low
Soil Type Well-draining, sandy loam
Hardiness Zone 6-10

What is Pampas Grass?

Pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) is also commonly known as tussock grass, cortadera, paina, and pluma. People grow pampas grass as an ornamental privacy screen, a garden border, or as an accent.

Native Area

Lovely and fluffy Cortaderia selloana growing near a forest, with many greens and trees appearing in the background
They are invasive and are ideal for growing in containers or raised beds.

This feather duster shaped grass is native to the Pampas region of Argentina, South America, and also to Brazil and Chile. It is invasive in much of North America, which is why it’s best for many growing pampas grass to do so in pots and raised beds. This ornamental grass is a perennial evergreen year-round in every temperate zone. In those regions with cold winters, it loses its evergreen status.


A dense patch of Cortaderia selloana growing tall with sturdy stalks with other greens looking lush in the background
They have sharp leaves that can cause wounds.

The green leaves of pampas grass are razor-sharp, and can easily slice – so watch out! In spring, lovely seed heads in the form of feathery plumes emerge from the grass clump. As the wind scatters seeds, they germinate, rooting deep into the earth.

Pampas grass is dioecious, and it’s difficult to tell which plants are male or female until the plumes emerge. Female flowers are much wider and flayed at the sides. Female pampas grass catches pollen from the more compact male flowers via wind and insects. Those who want to grow new plants should purchase separate plants that include both male and female flowers.

However, gardening both sexes of plants is not recommended in the temperate zone in North America because pampas grass is classed as an invasive species, and it’s listed as one of the 16 Invasive Species Sold at Garden Centers in one of our posts. The clumps form so densely in areas where it remains evergreen that native plants have trouble gaining or retaining an ecological foothold due to lack of space. When people plant pampas grass in a zone or space that doesn’t have cold winters, they risk the spread of thick stands up to 20 miles away.

One great way to control the spread of these ornamental grasses when you’re gardening it is to cut the plumes from either male or female plants as soon as they emerge for floral arrangements. Another way to control this perennial grass is to only purchase female plants, which won’t be pollinated and won’t spread like wildfire – or provide fodder for wildfire.


While the majority of pampas grass falls into the selloana species and subdivides into roughly 25 varietals, there are other species that also use the common name pampas grass. Here are some varieties, as well as two ‘imposter’ plant types.


The ‘Aureolineata’ variety grows slow and in compact forms, having long leaves that pop out from near each stalk's base
The plumes grow in the spring with varying white to tan hues.

Also known as ‘Gold Band’, C. selloana ‘Aureolineata’ is a slow-growing, compact evergreen plant which grows to a large size of about six feet. Grows golden-tan to white plumes in spring. Tolerant of both heat and cold, and well suited to container gardening.


Countless stalks of the ‘Albolineata’ with heads looking almost silver under the sunlight with green leaves surrounding them
Their seed heads have a striking white color that looks almost silver under sunlight.

C. selloana ‘Albolineata’ is also called ‘Silver Stripe’. It is similar in most ways to ‘Gold Band’, but features white stripes along its leaves. Topped with white plumes of seed heads with a silver sheen.


Seed heads of the ‘Pumila’ appearing almost translucent under bright light, surrounded by other green plants appearing in the background
Their plumes boast a range of pale yellow hues to ivory white.

C. selloana ‘Pumila’ is sometimes referred to as ‘Dwarf Pampas Grass’. Blooms pale yellow to ivory white plumes. Grows to about five feet. Some suppliers offer plants that don’t produce seeds to reduce the risk of invasive spread. A dwarf pampas grass well suited to container gardens.

‘Sunningdale Silver’

An are covered with white plumes of ‘Sunningdale Silver’, having long and short stalks with vivid green color surrounded by other plants
Their plumes tend to resist rainfall.

Another variety of white pampas. Features silvery plumes not impacted much by rainfall, as pannicles are less prone to clumping. Stems grow to ten feet.


Ears of dry Cortaderia selloana Rendatleri commonly known as Pampas Grass are tinted in warm autumn colors against a blue sky on a sunny day.
They have pink seed heads that appear fluffy and feathery.

C. selloana ‘Rendatleri’ or ‘Pink Feather’ is a true pink plumed pampas. Grows from seedlings to an average of eight feet. Search for ‘Rendatleri’ for stunning pink feather blooms and lovely foliage!

‘Silver Fountain’

Lush white plumes of the ‘Silver Fountain’, with dense looking fluffy heads attached to sturdy green stalks, surrounded by leaves
Their white plumes peak during late summer.

C. selloana ‘Silver Fountain’ is a white pampas grass. Features densely-packed long, green leaves with white stripes. Produces large heads of silky, silvery plumes on seven feet tall stems in the late summer.

‘Splendid Star’

Tall stalks of the  ‘Splendid Star’, appearing to have vivid green stems, shooting toward the sky with white seed heads
They are great as container or border plants.

C. selloana ‘Splendid Star’ is a dwarf pampas grass with golden-streaked leaves. A hardy pampas that grows well in containers or as a border plant. Flower stalks are filled with fluffy white pannicles.


Lush seed heads of the ‘Monvin’, having long stalks and white feathery tops with a light blue sky looking peaceful in the background
This variety show off white and feathery plumes in the fall.

C. selloana ‘Monvin’ also known as ‘Sun Stripe’ has several yellow stripes along its leaves, and shoots up six to seven-foot tall plumes tipped with silvery-white flower pannicles in the fall. Commonly used as a windbreak plant.


Stalks of the ‘Patagonia’ variety that has bluish gray foliage and fluffy white plumes that rise up to around six feet, surrounded by other greens
They develop fluffy white tops and bluish gray parts.

C. selloana ‘Patagonia’ produces bluish gray-green foliage in tight tussocks. Blooms rise to six feet and are full of feathery and silver-white flowers in the fall.

‘Purple Pampas Grass’

Multiple stalks of ‘Purple Pampas Grass’ appearing to have dark purple seed heads, which will turn alight ivory or white over time
Their plumes have a purple or pink hue that turns white over time.

C. jubata ‘Purple Pampas Grass’ is also known as ‘Andean Pampas Grass’. Note this is not a selloana species, but a relative. Grows to 22 feet tall! Flowers start pinkish or purplish, then mature to become ivory or white. Individual plants are female. Reproduces by apomixis rather than by seed or division.

‘Hardy Pampas Grass’

Stalks of ‘Hardy Pampas Grass’ bending with the wind, having fluffy white seed heads, appearing to have tall green stalks with clouds in the background
They have purple-bronze tops that turn white in the fall.

Called Saccharum ravennae ‘Erianthus’, this grass is not a true pampas grass but is similar. Forms thick clumps of tall ornamental grass none to twelve feet in height. Purplish-bronze or white flowers bloom in early summer, turning to silver feather in fall. Leaves have a single white stripe down the center and turn bronze and red in the fall. Perfect landscape grass.


Thick seed heads of Cortaderia selloana, appearing to have strong and green stalks surrounded by trees with a cloudy sky in the background
Some areas have banned planting this type of grass.

In many areas, planting these tall ornamental grasses may not be allowed. Hawaii and New Zealand have banned pampas grass. It’s on the invasive species list for California and Texas as well as parts of the UK and Australia. Despite these warnings, it can be grown under controlled conditions, so check with your local agricultural extension before planting!

If you’re starting from seed, use cell packs or flats rather than direct sowing. Plant your seed in a well-draining soil in mid-winter indoors. Press the seed into the surface of the soil, but do not cover. This seed requires light to germinate. Kept at 65-75°F (18-24°C), it takes 14-28 days for germination.

Transplant seedlings in the spring after the last hard frost. USDA zones that are warmer than zone 7 and that don’t get damaging cold may plant earlier.

Pampas grass can be planted either in containers or directly in the ground. Either way, plant well away from areas where pets and small children will be unsupervised, as the grass has sharp edges and can cut tender skin. Pampas grass can be extremely flammable. If you live in an area where wildfires are a concern, plant it away from homes or outbuildings.

If you have a tall variety for a border or windbreak, pick a suitable area with sandy, loamy soil. Plant six feet apart, and no deeper than it was in its container. It will spread to fill in the available space.

Dwarf varieties are suited to large containers, which prevent spreading. Large containers can be moved indoors during cold periods. Some dwarf varieties are sterile, and will not reproduce through seed, making this a non-invasive species planting option. Use a well-draining container for the best growth.

How to Grow

Pampas grass care is pretty simple! Let’s discuss how to grow pampas grass in your own garden, and how to keep this low-maintenance plant under control.


A lovely patch of ripening Cortaderia selloana, appearing to have fluffy and feathery white tops surrounded by other greens
They prefer full sun but can tolerate some shade.

Grow pampas grass in full sun to partial shade. Ideally, select an area where it will receive six or more hours of light per day. It is hardy in zones 6 through 10.


Close-up of a man's hand watering a garden with a stream of water using a green hose.
Water them a few times a week, adding more when the weather gets warm.

For the first year after planting or transplanting, water regularly but not heavily, once to twice a week. Water slightly more in hotter climates, but know this grass handles drought. Pampas grass can tolerate salt spray, which makes it very suited to coastal growth. In most areas, the amount of irrigation that comes from natural rainfall is plenty after it is established.

Pampas grass can tolerate extreme drought as well. Not only is it drought-tolerant, but it handles a range of humidity as well.


Close up of female hands holding fresh loose soil of dark brown color with loose texture.
They prefer sandy and loamy soil that has good drainage.

Pampas grass can grow almost anywhere but thrives in sandy, loamy well-draining soil. Your plant will benefit from the aid of some compost before planting but does not require heavy fertilization. As long as you are working in well-drained soil, poor soil is adequate to support it. The optimal pH range to grow pampas grass is between 5.4 and 6.5. There is no need to mulch.


Fluffy looking ends of the Fluffy ends of the Cortaderia selloana appearing to have multiple strands attached to vivid green stems looking dainty under sunlight
They thrive in the cold.

It thrives in temperatures between 65 to 90°F (18-32°C). It will survive in frosts in late winter or early spring, but it requires some maintenance. To avoid most diseases related to pampas grass, bunch it together in dormancy, and transplant a portion to overwinter in a container. Then move a bunch indoors to eliminate the chance of water buildup in stalks that can occur in late winter or early spring frost.


Organic matter decomposing in a mound, creating nutrient-rich soil amendment for gardening.
Organic fertilizer is ideal for these plants.

Annual (late winter) application of organic fertilizer is useful, but not always necessary when you grow pampas grass. If you do want to fertilize, apply a balanced fertilizer.


An area with dense stalks of Cortaderia selloana, having thick seed heads looking light-colored under the sun with fields in the background
Wear protective clothes before working on this type of grass.

Any time you’re planting pampas grass or working within your common pampas grass clump, wear long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and sturdy leather gardening gloves to protect your skin. The blades are tough to cut through, so long-handled loppers or even a chainsaw may be your best choice for tools.

When you grow pampas grass, annual pruning is needed to hack back the old parts of the plant and promote new growth. Late winter or early spring is ideal before the pampas plant starts to send up new growth and enters its active growing season. Poke a stick or other long item repeatedly into the base of the plant, as small animals may have used your plant as a nesting site over the winter.

Once you’re sure nothing’s in there, cut through the heavy leaves while keeping about six to eight inches of foliage intact. This promotes fresh growth. Occasionally, your grass will form extra clumps around the main cluster. Remove these when you do your annual pruning. Also, thin your plant every three years or so by removing about a third of the foliage and roots. This is a tough job on an established grass and may require the use of a heavy-duty saw or quality ax to get through the root cluster.


A patch of lovely Cortaderia selloana with feathery plumes, placed in a beautiful garden with rocks peeking from the background
The ideal time to divide them depend on where you plant them.

Pampas plants are best divided when new growth appears in the early spring. However, it can also be divided in the autumn in warmer zones. To divide plants that are two to three years old, carefully dig up your plant and gently remove it. Separate segments of the root ball which have both root and grass stalks attached, and then replant them.

If your plant is four to five years or older, use a shovel to cut a smaller segment from the larger root mass, and transplant the smaller segment into a new planting location.


An arrangement containing stalks of Cortaderia selloana, appearing dark brown and white with a light background
They look great in floral arrangements and decorative bouquets.

If you wish to use your pampas grass flowers for floral arrangements, harvest the pannicles as soon as the flowers have fully emerged, but before they mature and begin shedding. They can be used immediately or dried for later use. When using, spray the plumes with hairspray prior to setting them in place. This helps prevent shedding.

Common Problems

Pampas grass is pretty low maintenance. In most areas, insects, and diseases aren’t huge issues. To keep these grasses as a viable focal point in your garden, take care to look out for the following.

Growing Problems

A bundle of growing Cortaderia selloana, appearing thick and untidy, reaching high with fluffy tops with the sky in the background
Cut them back to keep them from taking over the garden.

Most gardeners have problems keeping these grasses in check in their garden. That’s why many regions are not suited for planting pampas seedlings in the ground. Sometimes gardeners inherit a property where someone thought it was a good idea to grow pampas grass, when in fact planting pampas grass in their garden was a mistake.

To adequately control it, put on your protective gear. Then wait for a rainy day, and begin pruning all the seed heads or plumes in every developmental stage. Ensure each of these does not touch the ground as the seeds within them will germinate if they touch the ground. After you prune, put seeds and all in a garbage bag. Then firmly grab the base of the foliage and pull them up by the roots. Place all the blades in your garbage bag.


Spider mites attached to thin webs surrounding stalks of a plant appearing light brown with thin spines with a dark gray background
Various pests can live in these plants, such as flea beetles and spider mites.

When it comes to insects and small mammals in the grass, it is more likely to house them than to be bothered by them – small rodents, flea beetles, and spider mites may make your pampas grass their stronghold, but nothing tries to eat it.


A plant with lesions appearing to have damage caused by disease, with some discoloration, appearing dark under the sunlight
They are prone to developing diseases, such as leaf spot.

This plant may occasionally be subject to helminthosporium leaf spot, but otherwise is disease-free. The grasses may need to be removed and destroyed to stop the spread to other areas of the garden.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do pampas grass come back every year?

This plant is pervasive in the garden, to say the least. In some areas, it never leaves! But the grass will re-emerge from the soil in spring if it died back in winter.

Is pampas grass poisonous to dogs?

While it’s not poisonous, it’s dangerous due to its sharp leaf margins. Do not let your pets or children near it to prevent injury.

How long does pampas grass last?

It lasts as long as it is allowed to last. Most people look for expert tips about how to control it.

Where does pampas grass grow best?

It grows best in its native range, in South America.

Can pampas grass survive winter?

It can. In gardens, it re-emerges from the soil in spring if it died back in winter

Is pampas grass illegal in US?

No, but it is classed as an invader, and should not be planted in areas without adequate space or among other ornamentals. It’s harmful to birds and other animals that ingest it, and landscaping pampas grass is best grown in pots.

How do you keep pampas grass fluffy?

You can prune the plants that have the pampas grass colors you like and lay them in the sun on a dry day. They’ll plump up in that process.

Does pampas grass attract bugs?

It does. Insects may take up residence in your grass.

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