
All about gardening - we have many in-depth guides about edibles, ornamentals, houseplants, and much more. We provide answers for your garden issues!

A pile of large, golden-brown allium bulbs mixed with smaller, papery-skinned allium bulbs, showing their overlapping layers and rough, dried roots.


How to Harvest, Cure, and Store Onions and Garlic So They Last

Are you growing onions or garlic this year? These low-maintenance veggies aren’t too difficult to cultivate, but the process of harvesting, curing, and storing them properly involves a few steps. Beyond the basics, a few clever ideas can simplify the process further. Plant biologist Emily Estep will walk you through our pro tips when it comes to harvesting, curing, and storing onions and garlic.

A dense cluster of lush bushes covered with abundant peach-colored flowers, surrounded by green leaves.


How to Plant, Grow, and Care for ‘At Last’ Roses

‘At Last’ roses bring double rosettes in sunset tones that flower nonstop from early summer through frost. With the beauty of a hybrid tea and the durability of a landscape rose, this effortless selection boasts disease resistance and easy care. Explore this sturdy rose, brimming with romance and sweet perfume, with garden expert Katherine Rowe.

xeriscape garden with Annuals and Perennials

Ornamental Gardens

27 Low-Maintenance Perennial Plants for Home Landscapes

Perennials anchor the garden, embellishing the display year after year with color and textural interest that gets bigger and better with age. Rely on tried-and-true perennials to do the heavy lifting with little gardener effort. Explore superior perennials whose rugged nature belies their beauty with gardening expert Katherine Rowe.

Dense clusters of tiny white flowers blooming on a low-growing plant nestled among rounded gray stones.


21 Wildflowers Native to Washington State

Washington wildflowers provide floral beauty while feeding pollinators, birds, and mammals. They’re perfect substitutes for weak, nonnative ornamentals that struggle during cold winters or dry summers. Discover the best ones for your backyard ecosystem alongside native plant gardener Jerad Bryant.

A vibrant cluster of blooming red flowers with lush green leaves, set against a natural outdoor backdrop, showcasing their rich, velvety petals in full bloom.


A Comprehensive Guide to Rose Propagation

One rose is never enough, although it is enough to make more roses! Propagate new shrubs from old ones through seeds, cuttings, layering, or division. Join native plant gardener Jerad Bryant in turning one rose into many.

Lobularia maritima has small, gray-green, narrow leaves and produces dense clusters of tiny, fragrant flowers in white that form a carpet-like mat.

Ornamental Gardens

19 Garden Plants That Will Grow in Sun or Shade

Garden transition zones often call for plants that span sunny and shady conditions. Short of full sun to deep shade, options abound to bridge areas with varying exposures. Certain species and varieties fit sun and shade circumstances depending on your growing area and climate (including sun and heat intensity). Explore plant selections to bridge light conditions with gardening expert Katherine Rowe.

Thich plants pink leaves appearing vibrant and vivid in a sunny area, having deep green and purple hues

Ornamental Gardens

21 Garden Plants With Pink Leaves

Depending on the tone, pink foliage has the power to calm and unify or ignite and enliven the planting display. From chaotic magenta brushes to light blush tinges, pink leaves create striking visual interest among other leafy greens and flowering specimens. Join gardening expert Katherine Rowe in exploring garden plants in the prettiest of pinks.

Many flowers of showy plants for bees butterflies, serving as the flower's pollinators

Ornamental Gardens

23 Showy Plants That Feed Bees and Butterflies

Whether you want to encourage healthy bee populations or just simply love watching the butterflies, you’ll want to plant an array of showy plants that feed these fragile pollinators. These plants can add color and texture to your garden. Plant biologist Emily Estep walks you through a list of bold, flowering plants that bees and butterflies adore.

The American Beech Tree has smooth, gray bark with toothed, glossy, dark green leaves.


How to Plant, Grow, and Care for American Beech Trees

Do you have an American beech tree on your land that you’d like to preserve and maintain for many years to come? Perhaps you’re thinking about transplanting a young, container-grown American beech somewhere near your home? These U.S. natives can become massive, living for hundreds of years if healthy. Plant biologist Emily Estep will tell you everything you need to know about the great American beech.