Pruning Cucumbers: The Key to Healthy Vines
Pruning cucumbers - should you do it? Is it important? We answer those questions and more in our guide to pruning cucumbers the right way!
Pruning cucumbers - should you do it? Is it important? We answer those questions and more in our guide to pruning cucumbers the right way!
The key lime tree is easy to grow and produces delicious fruit. We'll show you how to grow your own in our in-depth grower's guide!
The passion fruit vine produces lovely, lush foliage, stunning flowers, and delicious fruit. Gardening expert Rachel Garcia reveals all the tips you need for a successful harvest.
The mini-monstera, Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, isn't a true monstera at all! Learn about this tropical wonder in our in-depth growing guide.
Jade plant pruning seems complex, but is really a matter of proper planning. We'll teach you how to prune your jade plants!
Monstera adansonii is a lovely tropical plant with great foliage. Our in-depth growers guide reveals all the tips you need to grow it!
Learning proper Meyer lemon tree care will give you an abundance of fruit for life. Our guide reveals how to grow them!
Sweetly fragrant star jasmine is a garden stunner. Our complete guide to growing it will help you raise your own superstar climbing plant!
The lush fronds of foxtail fern create a stunning wave of bright green foliage in your garden. Follow this guide from gardening expert Rachel Garcia to learn how to grow them successfully in pots or in the ground.
Unusual tropical fruit and two-toned leaves? That's the star apple, a fruit most don't know. Gardening expert Rachel Garcia teaches you how to grow it at home in this guide.
Kumquat trees produce a delicious, tangy citrus fruit. Learn how to grow kumquat plants in your garden in our care guide.
Strawberry guava trees or Psidium cattleianum are an easy-growing, edible and ornamental fruit tree for your backyard. Learn to grow them here.