Romneya Coulteri: A Giant California Tree Poppy
Romneya coulteri, also called matilija poppy, is a gigantic California native and great for large-area xeriscaping. We'll share all our tips!
Romneya coulteri, also called matilija poppy, is a gigantic California native and great for large-area xeriscaping. We'll share all our tips!
Aloe Aristata, also known as Lace Aloe or Aristaloe aristata is a perfect succulent houseplant for your indoor garden.
The Hass avocado tree is a prolific producer, and you can easily grow them at home! Our complete guide gives you all the best tips.
Growing succulents from seed can be tricky to do. We reveal the pros and cons of this method and how to do it in our guide!
Oenothera fruticosa, or narrowleaf evening primrose, is a drought-tolerant plant. Our guide shares how to use it in your borders or xeriscape!
Euphorbia myrsinites is a fascinating and beautiful plant useful in xeriscape - but can be invasive if not controlled. Our guide shares tips!
Helleborus foetidus, commonly known as stinking hellebore, is a lovely winter-to-spring blooming perennial that's also easy to grow. Kevin Espiritu discusses everything you need to know to plant and care for this perennial.
Black-leaved plants have always been popular because they can be pretty rare. If you add succulents into the mix, you have a winning combination. Wendy Moulton looks at these dark varieties to add to your collections.
The pineapple guava tree, sometimes called feijoa, produces tangy tropical fruit. Our growing guide shares all you need to grow your own!
Agave ovatifolia or Whale's Tongue Agave is a neglect-loving succulent perfect for xeriscape gardens. Learn to grow it here.
Gaura lindheimeri, or Lindheimer's beeblossom, is a lovely perennial with butterfly-shaped flowers. Our growing guide gives you all the tips!
Juniperus conferta or Shore Juniper is a low-lying ground cover option for dry climates. Give it a try!