61 Blue Flowers: Complete List With Names and Pictures

Blue is a color that comes in many different shades, and can compliment just about any home garden or landscaped area of your home. But which blue flowers should you plant? In this article, you'll learn all about some of our favorite plants with blue flowers that will add some extra color to your home or garden.

Blue Flowers in Garden


Planting your garden with a myriad of colors can help create a beautiful, botanical picture. However, some flower colors are rarer than others. One such color of flower you might not have in your garden yet is blue. Blue is the color of tranquility, peace, and serenity. Unfortunately, blue is a color that does not occur often in nature, so flowers with this color can be harder to find.  

Thankfully, through the science of flower breeding, more blue flowers are becoming available all the time. These days, there are more blue flowers than ever, all waiting for a chance to be planted in your garden, or around your home.

Most of these blue flowers will vary in shape, size, and shade, so you’ll have plenty of variety to choose from. In this comprehensive list, you’ll learn all about the 61 most popular blue flowers, along with basic tips on how to care for each. You’ll also learn some facts about what makes them so great! Let’s jump in!

Azure Aster  

Azure Aster
These daisy-like perennials bring delightful beauty to any garden.

Scientific name: Symphyotrichum oolentangiense syn. Aster azureus 

The first blue flower on our list is the azure aster. Azure aster forms branching foliage through the majority of summertime. They then burst into gorgeous, blue, daisy-like flowers that will simply captivate you! These flowers will bloom from late summer up until the first frost of the year. It’s best to plant them using seeds instead of picking up plants from the wild, as this often results in killing the plant.  

You can expect to grow azure asters in USDA zones 3 up to 9. You will need to provide them with full sun to get them to bloom their best, though they can also tolerate shaded areas. They do not like soil that is overly wet; dry, sandy, or rocky soil is best for them. They also enjoy soil that is a bit acidic– 5.5 to 7.5 pH soil is their favorite! It’s worth noting that this species is prized in New York, as it is endangered there. 

Balloon Flower 

Balloon Flower
The balloon-like buds of the balloon flower are what gives them this name.

Scientific name: Platycodon grandiflorus 

The balloon flower is an easy-to-grow perennial that gets its name from the puffed-up, balloon-like buds they form before blooming into star-shaped flowers. It is planted during the spring when the weather becomes a bit warmer. This plant will bloom for the whole duration of the summertime; it is also self-seeding. Despite this, they aren’t aggressive growers. Balloon flowers resist pests and diseases quite well, and will come back each year to make you smile with their showy blooms. 

For planting, you can grow your balloon flowers from seeds or from nursery plants. They may need your help with keeping them upright; staking will help especially tall plants. As for sun, these plants will prefer full sunlight, but will also tolerate partial shade– which may be needed if exposed to the very hot afternoon sun. This flower needs soil that is loamy and has good drainage. You should keep the plant’s soil moist, but not overwater. It grows well in USDA zones 3 through 8.  

Bird-Bill Dayflower 

Bird-Bill Dayflower
The three petals of the bird-bill flower differentiate them from others.

Scientific name: Commelina dianthifolia  

The bird-bill dayflower is another gorgeous flower with bright blue blooms. It is named this way because each day, flowers appear on the plant that bloom by dawn and wilt by midday. Bird-bill dayflowers produce three petals that are shaped a bit like mouse ears.

These plants are very hardy; many consider them to be a weed. The stems are thick and watery, and from the nodes grow new leaves and branches. They flower through the summer and early autumn. This plant will enjoy a good amount of sunlight, although they can thrive in partially shaded conditions too.  

Bird-bill dayflowers are perennials; they will form tubers to come back after a year has passed. Bird-Bill Dayflowers enjoy moist soil conditions, and will also like rocky soil. They are propagated by seed, planted mid-spring if you have a greenhouse. They will work well in rock gardens, borders, and in containers, too. It has a USDA hardiness of 6 to 9. 


Many bees and birds are attracted to these sweet-smelling flowers.

Scientific name: Hyacinthoides non-scripta 

Also called the English bluebell, this plant is a perennial that produces gorgeous blue flowers shaped like bells. These flowers smell sweet and attract many pollinators, making them a good choice if you enjoy butterflies and birds in your garden.

They are usually found in shady habitats. However, they still enjoy being in the light of the sun, so they may grow best in partially shaded areas with lots of beautiful dappled sunlight. If you live in a woodland area, bluebells will grow easily in your garden, though they can subsist elsewhere too! They bloom from early to late spring; the flowers disappear by midsummer. 

Bluebells are easy to grow because they are hardy little plants. They easily resist pests and disease and are usually a plant that you can just let do their thing. Bluebells enjoy moist soil conditions, provided that they are planted somewhere well-drained. They have a USDA hardiness of 4-8. It’s worth noting that the whole plant is poisonous, so do not attempt to eat any part of it! 

Blue Daisy 

Blue Daisy
These classic perennials have yellow centers and narrow blue petals.

Scientific name: Felicia amelloides 

Blue daisies are herbaceous perennials that grow quickly and produce the classic daisy blooms we know and love– just in a pretty blue color! The flowers have a bright yellow center. These plants are lovers of the sun, enjoying being out in the full sunshine. They are also relatively easy to grow, simply needing consistently moist soil that is still well-drained. You may find that it is easier to grow them in a more temperate climate, as opposed to extreme heat or cold.  

Blue daisies bloom from June to August, so you have the entire summer to bask in their radiance. You’ll be happy to know that blue daisies are a favorite flower of many different kinds of butterflies, so enjoy the show in the summer times when the flowers are out.

It is fairly hardy as a plant and grows well in USDA zones 9 to 15. You can grow them from seeds a little bit before the final spring frost so that they will bloom throughout the hotter months. 

Blue False Indigo 

Blue False Indigo
Deep clusters of blue-ish purple flowers on long upright spikes make up the blue false indigo.

Scientific name: Baptisia australis 

Blue false indigo is a robust perennial that is bushy and grows two to five feet high, producing purplish-blue flowers. If planting in the full shade, they will need extra support, so you may need to provide them with a stake they can lean on. It does enjoy full sun and partial shade as well. Since they grow quite tall, they are a delight to witness when planted next to fences or with other companion plants. They bloom throughout the springtime.  

To propagate this plant, you can collect seeds from their seed pods in the late summer. However, please note that it may take a few years for the plant to flower. Blue false indigo can tolerate drought and poor quality soil. This is just a testament to how well they can grow pretty much anywhere they are planted. Trimming the foliage after blooming can help the plant maintain its rounded shape. Being very hardy, this plant grows in USDA zones 4 to 8. 

Blue Flax 

Blue Flax
Blue flax wildflowers thrive in poorer conditions.

Scientific name: Linum lewisii 

Native to California, blue flax is a short-lived wildflower that is often an annual plant, though it may be grown as a perennial in other places. This plant leans at an angle instead of growing straight up. It produces many flowers that bloom over the period of a day before wilting. They bloom through the late spring and summer.

Blue flax needs a medium amount of water and a lot of sunlight in order to flourish. The plant self-germinates, producing a good amount of flax, though you are free to plant them as you see fit, too. 

Interestingly, blue flax should be grown in soil conditions that are rocky, sandy, or otherwise poor. This is because richer soil can cause the plants to die, as they have to compete for nutrition from other plants who prefer that soil quality– which is most of them!

They are best suited for wilder gardens, such as those in the woodlands, versus perfectly manicured flower beds. Blue flax grows in USDA zones 4 to 9. 

Blue Hibiscus 

Blue Hibiscus
The large flowers of the blue hibiscus bloom throughout the year.

Scientific name: Alyogyne huegelii 

Most gardeners know that Hibiscus comes in some very tropical colors, but hoe about blue? Blue hibiscus flowers are related to mallow plants; they’re not exactly hibiscuses, nor are they perfectly blue, but we think they’re fantastic all the same! This plant is hardly ever bothered by pests or diseases, which makes them a good choice for organic gardens.

The flowers bloom several times throughout the year, through the summer and the late autumn. This plant enjoys full sun; the soil it is planted in must be medium-moisture and well-drained. Alkaline soil is best, though they fare fine in acidic soil too, with little need for fertilizer. 

Blue hibiscuses are fairly low-maintenance, which is always a good thing. You will need to prune older shrubs to promote growth, though this is quite minimal. You can propagate this plant by rooting semi-ripe cuttings in the late summertime. It’s worth noting that this plant is pretty hardy once established, and can be resistant to drought given enough time. It grows in USDA zones 9 to 11. 

Blue Mist Shrub 

Blue Mist Shrub
Hardiness zones 5-9 are best for the blue mist shrub.

Scientific name: Caryopteris clandonensis 

The blue mist shrub, sometimes called bluebeard, is a shrub that grows somewhere between 3 to 5 feet tall, producing showy flowers that delight any gardener. The flowers bloom through late summer up until the first winter frost and smell wonderfully aromatic.

The flowers are attractive to pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Once the plant has been established, it will only need occasional watering. They enjoy full sun, as they need at least 6 hours of it per day. The soil should also be well-drained. 

Note that pruning the shrub should be put on hold until the springtime when leaves begin to form again. This plant is deciduous throughout most regions, though it may remain evergreen when planted in certain areas. Regardless, the shrub grows quickly and will be able to grow, in time to flower in the summertime. They thrive best in USDA zones 5 through 9.  

Blue Orchid 

Blue Orchid
Tropical or warm, humid regions are best for growing blue orchids.

Scientific name: Vanda coerulea 

The blue orchid produces flowers that are a faint blue-purple in color, making them a great choice for subtle bits of color for your garden. Orchids are a bit finicky in terms of care, so you’d do well with having prior knowledge of them before attempting to grow these in your garden. Blue orchids will enjoy a hanging planter, so try to provide them with one.  

Being native to Northeast India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Southwest China, they require direct, bright sunlight, and are happiest in warm to slightly cooler temperatures. Some different varieties of blue orchid can be found in nature.

They will need water periodically throughout the spring to fall, whereas they rest during the wintertime. Try to keep their soil moist in the hottest months of the year, reducing gradually come the autumn.

Blue orchids grow best in USDA zones 9 to 11. You can opt to purchase seedlings, as these are the easiest means to grow blue orchids yourself. 

Blue Star 

Blue Star
These low-maitenance flowers grow well in just about any garden.

Scientific name: Amsonia tabernaemontana 

The blue star is a delicate plant that produces pale blue star-shaped flowers; they are herbaceous perennials that make a great addition to any garden. Blue Stars grow well in average, well-drained soil that is slightly moist, although they can tolerate some drought as well.

They do well in part shade but prefer full sun. When given full sun, they usually do not require pruning nor staking. Rich soils may make them vulnerable to drooping, which will require staking then. 

These plants bloom from March through May. They grow two feet up to three feet tall. Blue stars are great for first-time gardeners as they don’t require too much attention or maintenance. You can opt to propagate by seed, as these plants germinate at a good pace. However, expect blooms to come in the second year of its life. Blue stars grow well in USDA zones 3 to 9. 

Bluecrown Passionflower 

Bluecrown Passionflower
Bluecrown passionflowers are some of the most unique and interesting-looking flowers on our list.

Scientific name: Passiflora caerulea 

The bluecrown passionflower grows as a vine, spreading some 3 to 6 feet in growth, growing anywhere from 10 to 25 feet tall! It has gorgeous, twining tendrils and unique, showy, blue flowers. Passionflower is evergreen in tropical climates and deciduous in places with cool winters. It can survive temperatures as low as 5° Fahrenheit. The blooms grow sporadically through the early summer and early fall. 

Water these plants thoroughly, but fairly infrequently. Bluecrown passionflowers love the sun, but will also thrive in part-shade. Ensure that the soil is well-drained and that your plant gets enough air; otherwise, it could be prone to fungal infestation.

It enjoys loose soil that is either sandy or gravelly; over-composting should be avoided as this prevents the plant from flowering. They can be propagated by seed or cutting. Bluecrown passionflowers grow best in USDA zones 7 to 9. They also produce interesting-looking fruits, but these aren’t particularly tasty. 

Blue Violet 

Blue Violet
Not only are these flowers lovely, but they are also edible!

Scientific name: Viola sororia 

The blue violet may be common, but its purple-blue blooms are uniquely spectacular. Its leaves are heart-shaped, topped with white-throated blue blossoms. They bloom through the springtime, from March to May; Blue Violets may also bloom sporadically through the summertime. Violets are also purple, but these flowers are wild, and are considered more of a weed.

They thrive best in the sun but will be amenable to partial shade as well. Blue violets love water and will need moist, but well-drained soil to be at their best. They are found commonly in southern states. It’s important to note that they are a bit hard to control if left to themselves, sometimes becoming a weed in certain conditions.  

These plants attract birds and butterflies aplenty, making a great show for when the flowers bloom in the springtime. You can use the flowers candied to decorate cakes or cookies, or even use them in teas. They do not grow very tall, usually maxing out at around 8 inches. They will grow best in USDA zones 3 to 7. 


Most people often view chicory as a weed,but some can appreciate the beauty in its blue flowers.

Scientific name: Cichorium intybus 

The chicory is an annual or biennial plant that has showy, blue flowers. It is sometimes seen as a weed, though many people cultivate this flower for how beautiful it can be. The flowers are around 1 to 1½ inches across, developing 10 to 20 ray florets; each petal ends in 5 teeth. These flowers bloom in the morning and close later in the day.  

These flowers enjoy a full amount of sun and can thrive in most soils— though they prefer gravelly soil or soil that has been mixed with clay. Chicory tolerates road salt and alkaline soils well, too.

These flowers do not need a lot of water, as they can withstand drought, though it may be advisable to keep the soil they are in moist. Chicory is also sometimes grown to be used in salads or teas. They grow best in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 10. 


It is best to provide a trellis or fence for these beauties to climb.

Scientific name: Clematis 

The clematis is a beautiful vine that can grow blue flowers; these vines grow vigorously and can be up to 10 to 20 feet long! Depending on the cultivar you grow, you can also find clematis plants that will be fine living in a small garden. These plants are happiest when allowed to climb. You should give them a trellis to climb onto, with some trellis wire to help them adjust.  

Plant clematis in the spring, so that it has time to grow enough to be well-established come the winter. They will need a good amount of water, especially in the early stages. Clematis likes the sunlight and will need a place where they can get full sun for at least 6 hours every day. However, you must do what you can to keep their roots cool. Clematis will grow best in USDA hardiness zones 4 through 9. You may propagate them from seed, or use cuttings. 


Pollinators are attracted to these bright, bell-shaped flowers.

Scientific name: Aquilegia 

Columbines are wonderful garden perennials that can grow blue, bell-shaped flowers. They bloom from mid-spring throughout the summertime, allowing you a good chance to enjoy the blossoms before the autumn comes. They come in an array of sizes, usually reaching up to 3 feet, but there are certain dwarf varieties that do not grow more than 6 inches tall.  

Columbine flowers love the sun, but will also thrive in part-shade. They enjoy well-drained soil that is average in quality, and of medium moisture. You can expect birds, bees, and butterflies to flock to your garden to drink the flowers’ nectar; this is certainly delightful to behold!

They are easy to grow and will do well in most gardens. These plants are self-seeding, so while the individual plants last only three years or so, you will never find yourself wanting. Plant columbines in the springtime for the best effect. They grow best in USDA zones 3 through 8. 


These stunning flowers love being in full sunshine.

Scientific name: Centaurea cyanus 

Cornflower, or bachelor’s button, is a splendid annual plant that grows daisy-like double heads, blooming a beautiful blue color. They grow upright, some 1 to 3 feet tall, and spread 6 to 12 inches wide. They bloom from May to July; plant them outdoors at the final spring frost.

These plants are easy to care for and re-seed fairly often, so you will not need much to maintain them. Cornflowers enjoy the sun, so be sure to give them plenty; they will also be happy with light shade. You can plant them in average, moderately moist, well-drained soil. 

Cornflowers will not need a lot of care with regard to pesticides, since they resist pests and disease fairly easily. If they grow too tall, it’s a good idea to stake them so they have something to rest on. The flowers are attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. They grow best in USDA zones 2 through 11. 

Desert Bluebells 

Desert Bluebells
The best place to find these sturdy plants is in the desert.

Scientific name: Phacelia campanularia 

The desert bluebell is an attractive plant that grows best in the soils of the California deserts. If you live in an area in or close to these parts, you can enjoy the bright blue blooms that this plant has to offer. These are annual plants with cobalt blue flowers around one inch across. They are a favorite of bees– bumblebees in particular, so it’s a good idea to plant them when you can!  

These flowers grow 6 to 18 inches tall, and self-propagate when well established. They love the full sun and will be able to tolerate drought nicely. They are low-maintenance plants that stay free of disease and pests. Their soil must be somewhat dry and well-drained, but still fertile; they enjoy a circumneutral pH of 6.8-7.2. They grow best in USDA zones 5 through 10. It’s good to note that besides bees, these flowers also attract butterflies.  

Dwarf Morning Glory 

Dwarf Morning Glory
These little charming flowers are surrounded by bright green heart-shaped leaves.

Scientific name: Evolvulus 

The dwarf morning glory is a gorgeous, herbaceous perennial plant that grows flowers that are lavender to blue. These plants adore the sunlight and will drink it in all day, closing at nightfall– similar to the morning glory! It enjoys soil that is organically rich and well-drained. They grow 1 to 3 feet tall and make a great ground cover, provided they are pruned properly.  

Dwarf morning glory blooms well in the summer through fall. It is drought-tolerant and will do great for areas of your garden you do not spend a lot of time in. They thrive most in the summer months at temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

You can propagate them with seeds, or using softwood cuttings. Deadheading is not an issue, as these flowers tend to remove the dead blooms themselves. Pruning is a good idea to control the rate and direction in which your plants grow. These plants thrive best in USDA zones 8 through 11. 

Empire Blue Butterfly Bush 

Empire Blue Butterfly Bush
You will set these dainty flowers blooming from mid-summer to late fall.

Scientific name: Buddleja davidii ‘Empire Blue’ 

The empire blue butterfly bush is a fascinating plant that grows clusters of purple-blue flowers with bright orange centers. They are a treat for butterflies and hummingbirds. While deciduous, you may treat this plant as a perennial, as it comes back yearly when cut down to the ground. They bloom through the midsummer up until mid-fall.

The empire blue butterfly bush does not require a lot of maintenance. You can opt to prune them in the late winter after any major frosts have passed. They grow quite large at around 5 feet tall when not pruned. 

Empire blue butterfly bushes need full sunlight to grow properly. Blue Butterfly Bushes enjoy both dry and moist, yet well-drained, conditions. It tolerates most weather conditions, pollution, pests, and disease very well. It also does not require any particular soil pH. Empire blue butterfly bushes grow best in USDA zones 5 to 9. 

Fairy Thimbles 

Fairy Thimbles
Earleaf bellflower is another name for fairy thimbles.

Scientific name: Campanula cochlearifolia 

Fairy thimbles are darling members of the bellflower family, growing low to the ground and producing beautiful blue flowers. They grow somewhere around 3 to 6 inches tall, spreading 1 to 2 feet across. This plant enjoys full sun, though they will also thrive well in part-shade.

They enjoy medium-quality, well-drained soil. It’s important that this plant not be grown in circumstances that are both hot and dry, or the otherwise easy-to-grow flowers will not do so well.  

Neutral or alkaline soil suits this plant well, as long as it is kept moderately moist. You will not have trouble re-sowing fairy thimbles, as they are self-sowing and will make an appearance each year regardless, being perennials. They flower from late spring to mid-summer. While they are moderately easy to grow and do not require a lot of care, they grow best in USDA zones 5 through 7.  


Forget Me Not Flower
These little darlings are one of the true-blue flowers available to gardeners.

Scientific name: Myosotis scorpioides 

Forget-me-nots are one of the quintessential blue flowers, though you may be surprised to learn that they are a weed in some parts of the US! Remember to look up regulations to see if you can plant forget-me-nots where you are.

It is a herbaceous perennial that grows 6 to 12 inches tall and spreads 9 to 12 inches across. They enjoy full sun and part shade. They also enjoy soil that is organically rich, with good moisture. You can grow them in water no higher than 4 inches if you prefer. 

Forget-me-nots are very low maintenance and make a great addition to any garden, as long as you can keep on top of controlling their growth. You will find that they attract butterflies during their bloom period of June to August. This plant is also generally resistant to most pests. It grows best in USDA zones 5 through 9. 


Along with being a beautiful sight, gentian flowers also have healing properties for tummy problems.

Scientific name: Gentiana acaulis 

The gentian is a much-beloved herbaceous perennial that grows deep, true blue flowers. These plants enjoy the sun but will prefer having cooler summer conditions. It may be a bit of a balancing act to ensure they get the full sun needed for flowering, but not enough that their leaves become bleached. 

Gentian enjoys gritty soil that is full of gravel, as long as it is moist and well-drained. You can expect this plant to tolerate drought as long as it is not frequent; they also can tolerate alkaline soil pretty well. 

This plant does not have any serious problems with regard to pests or disease, making them relatively easy to care for, as long as you can balance their sun needs. They are low-growing, standing at 4 to 6 inches. They make good ground cover because of this. Gentian’s bloom period is from May to June. They grow best in USDA zones 3 to 7. 

Globe Thistle 

Globe Thistle
The unique spherical shape of the globe thistle makes it stand out from other blue flowers.

Scientific name: Echinops 

Globe thistle is an interesting plant to grow, given its spiky leaves and round flower heads that come in a gorgeous shade of purple-blue. This plant is a great addition to any garden, especially for those who need plants that are more low-maintenance.

Spherical flowers bloom in the late summertime. You should cut them back a bit after they flower to preserve the health of the plant, usually bringing out another set of blooms– though this isn’t guaranteed!  

Globe thistles enjoy moist, well-drained soils before they are fully established; once they have been established, they can tolerate drought fairly well. This plant is resistant to most pests and diseases, though they can attract aphids sometimes. These plants grow 2 to 5 feet tall and must be pruned every now and again. This plant easily self-sows, allowing it to come back each year more beautiful than ever. Globe thistles thrive in USDA zones 3 to 8. 


Glory of the Snow
These miracles pop up out in blue blooms that contrast with the delicate whiteness of snow.

Scientific name: Chionodoxa luciliae 

Glory-of-the-snow is a charming plant that grows flowers in March through April, usually coming in through the melting snow; this is what gives them their name. They are a low-growing plant, making a good ground cover at 4 to 6 inches tall. Glory-of-the-Snows spread around the same amount width-wise. They thrive best in the full sun but will enjoy partial shade, too. They will enjoy most types of soil as long as it is medium-moisture and well-drained.  

These plants do not last very long as the foliage disappears by the end of spring, though they are sure to come back the following year. This plant does not have any serious problems with disease or pests, though nematodes can be a nuisance in some parts of the US. Glory-of-the-snow looks great when planted with other early spring bulbs like tulips and daffodils. They grow best in USDA zones 3 through 8. 

Grape Hyacinth 

Grape Hyacinth
A sweet fragrance is emitted from these bright and pretty flowers.

Scientific name: Muscari 

Grape hyacinths are low-growing plants that develop adorable, tiny, bell-shaped flowers that grow in clusters– much like grapes! These flowers bloom in shades of light blue through purple-blue. Grape hyacinths are also quite fragrant, so if you’d like to enjoy their perfume, be sure to plant plenty! They are winter-hardy and make a great addition to pretty much any garden. Plant them in the fall and expect blooms in the mid-to-late spring the following year.  

Grape hyacinths enjoy full sun, but will easily do well in shady areas, too. They love moist, well-drained soil. They are fairly tolerant of diseases and pests. Re-seeding can be prevented with proper pruning, though we’re sure you’ll always want to see more of these blooms. They are great in formal beds as well as rock gardens, beside ponds and streams, and in pots and planters. They thrive best in USDA zones 4 through 9.  

Great Lobelia 

Great Lobelia
It is best to plat these poisonous plants out of reach from children or pets that may get into them.

Scientific name: Lobelia siphilitica 

Great lobelias are beautiful perennials that grow showy, lavender-blue flowers. Their stems grow some 2 to 3 feet in height and may need staking for extra support. It grows best in moist conditions, usually along streams or rivers. To recreate this condition in your garden, you will need to keep your great lobelias’ soil at constant moisture. Rich soil is preferred for the best amount of nutrients. Beyond this, they enjoy full sun to partial shade in northern climates but will enjoy shade much more in hotter areas. 

These plants bloom in the late summertime to mid-fall. They tolerate deer, disease, and pests very well, though not drought, as previously mentioned. Otherwise, they are fairly low maintenance. Great lobelia attracts hummingbirds and other avian friends.

It’s worth noting that all the parts of this plant are poisonous and will be dangerous if ingested in large quantities. It grows best in USDA zones 4 through 9. 


These blue flowers are native to North Carolina and thrive in moist or conditions.

Scientific name: Gentiana saponaria 

Harvestbells, otherwise known as soapwort gentian, are a perennial plant that grows bottle-shaped violet-blue flowers. These open only partially. The plant itself grows 8 to 20 inches tall. They bloom from August through October, though warmer climates may see the blooms through to November.

These flowers will need light shade to thrive, though they will not refuse full sunlight either. They prefer moist soil, usually sandy, but will be fine in other kinds of soil so long as the moisture condition is met. Acidic soil, with a pH of less than 6.8, is their preference. 

Bumblebees pollinate harvestbells, as they are strong enough to force their way into the partially-shut flowers to drink the nectar. With regard to planting, it may be easier to transplant instead of plant by seed, as this will take an exceedingly long time. As for USDA hardiness zones, harvestbells do best in zones 4 to 8. 

Himalayan Blue Poppy 

Himalayan Blue Poppy
A little extra care is required for these overparticular plants.

Scientific name: Meconopsis betonicifolia 

Himalayan blue poppies are absolutely beautiful flowering plants that produce gorgeous, true blue flowers. These flowers prefer partial shade and will do well in a shade garden. It may be a bit of a challenge to grow these to their fullest potential since they are finicky about their environmental conditions.

The soil condition must be neutral to a bit acidic; it should also be moist but well-drained. It is a good idea to enrich this plant with humus to promote growth. This plant enjoys cool summer periods, and as such will not appreciate hotter conditions. 

Himalayan blue poppies grow anywhere from 3 to 4 feet tall, spreading 1 to 2 feet across. They bloom from early to mid-summer. Blue Poppies are perennials, therefore it is best to cut them down to the ground after the fall. They are not resistant to pests like slugs and snails, as well as diseases like mildew. These plants grow best in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 9. 


These stunning flowers have a very short bloom period of only 2 or 3 weeks.

Scientific name: Hyacinthus orientalis 

The hyacinth is a much-adored plant that grows flowers in a myriad of colors, including blue. This plant prefers full sun, as well as soils that are organically rich. Average pH levels are good for this plant, as long as the soil is moderately moist but well-drained. The soil should be kept moist shortly after planting to encourage the roots to grow nice and strong. They bloom for 2-3 weeks during the mid-spring, so be sure to enjoy their beauty while you can! 

Hyacinths grow 6 to 10 inches tall and spread over an area of 4 to 6 inches. They are easy to grow as long as you keep on top of their needs. They must be planted in the autumn to see blooms as early as possible. Hyacinths grow well in USDA zones 4 to 8 but should be winter protected in zones lower than 5. Be sure to mulch their beds to prevent damage from the frost. 


One very popular choice of blue flowers for gardeners is hydrangeas.

Scientific name: Hydrangea macrophylla 

Hydrangeas often have white flowers, but are more well known for some varieties that have large clusters of pretty, blue flowers. They grow quite tall, often reaching impressive heights of 6 to 10 feet! They spread the same amount, too. Hydrangeas enjoy part-shade to full shade, and will only tolerate full sun when their soil is consistently moist.

If you want to grow blue hydrangeas, you will have to pay attention to the pH levels of the soil; highly acidic soils produce blue flowers, while more alkaline soil produces pink flowers. 

The flowers bloom through the summertime and will bloom on and off for 3 to 6 months. Hydrangeas hardly need any pruning, though you may opt to do so after they flower. These plants are also vulnerable to cold, and will thus need mulch as a root cover to help with temperature fluctuations.

They may not bloom very well some years because of circumstances outside of your control; continue caring for them and they will bloom their best. These plants thrive most in USDA zones 5 through 11.  

Impatiens Flower 

Impatiens Flower
These rare beauties can light up any part of your yard or garden.

Scientific name: Impatiens namchabarwensis 

The impatiens flower has a number of varieties, but it is the Impatiens namchabarwensis that grows bright, sapphire blue flowers. These flowers will need full sun, though they also do well in partial shade. Impatiens require rich, well-drained soil of even moisture.

They flower from the spring through the summertime, allowing you a good window of time to enjoy their rare, beautiful blossoms. These plants grow to be 12 to 24 inches tall. Impatiens can be sensitive to frost, so keep them safe through the wintertime by mulching their root cover. 

Impatiens grow as a self-sowing annual in a lot of places where the winters are cold and will be a perennial in places with milder winters. Ensure you give these plants the best care you can give them, as they are quite rare. They do well in beds or containers, or almost any place you would like to enjoy them. 


The bloom time for irises is spring or summer.

Scientific name: Iris versicolor 

Irises are one of the most well-known flowers that bloom blue. They grow around 2 to 2.5 feet high and spread the same amount in width. They enjoy the sun as well as part shade. The Iris Virginica is actually known as the “Southern Blue Flag” which is quite popular in southern parts of the United States.

Irises prefer their soil to be medium-moist to wet. It may be a bit of a challenge to ensure that they get the amount of moisture that they want. Besides keeping the soil moist, these plants aren’t particularly high maintenance. It is worth noting, though, that they are susceptible to rot and pests, so plan accordingly. 

The irises’ bloom times are from May through June, though they may still flower in July and August. You may opt to grow them in wetter gardens near water features, as they enjoy the moisture. They prefer acidic soil with a pH of less than 6.8. Irises spread by self-seeding, so expect to see a lot of these plants year after year. They thrive in USDA zones 3 to 9. 


These tall flowers look great in a garden or in a vase.

Scientific name: Delphinium 

Larkspurs are a much-loved plant that grows flowers in a wide range of colors, including blue. They grow tall, from 4 to 6 feet, and spread 2 to 3 feet across. They enjoy full sun and will bloom beautifully from June through July.  Larkspurs enjoy alkaline soil that is rich and fertile, with medium moisture and a lot of drainage. While they are lovers of the sun, this is better given to them when they are in a cooler climate. Warmer climates will have them appreciating partial shade.  

Since they grow so tall, you may stake them to keep them upright. Staking your larkspurs with bamboo stakes and string can really help the taller varieties grow their best. Also, because they enjoy medium moisture, you will need to mulch your larkspurs’ beds to retain a good amount of moisture. Adding compost will also help bring out the best in your plants. They grow best in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 7. 

Lead Plant 

Lead Plant
It can take many years for lead plants to mature and bloom flowers, but it is worth the wait!

Scientific name: Amorpha canescens 

The lead plant is a deciduous shrub that grows tiny, blue to purple flowers grouped together in terminal spikes. It grows 2 to 3 feet tall and spreads around 2 to 2.5 feet across. They bloom from July to September. They enjoy full sun and will tolerate drought fairly well as long as they are well-established. Ensure that their soil is well-drained; with this fulfilled, they can survive well in poor and sandy soils.  

It’s worth noting that this plant will take a relatively long time before they start flowering; around 4 years of being established is enough to get them to that point. Be sure to give them the proper care necessary if you want to see blooms in their future.

This plant doesn’t have many problems with insects, other pests, or diseases. They will do well in prairie-style gardens full of wildflowers, and are great as ground cover. As for hardiness, they thrive best in USDA zones 2 through 9. 

Lily of the Nile 

Lily of the Nile
This summer-blooming flower is popular among southern gardeners.

Scientific name: Agapanthus africanus 

The lily of the Nile is bright, showy, and alluring, coming in gorgeous shades of blue to blue-purple. These flowers absolutely love the sun and will need 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day.

It’s worth mentioning that they do not thrive in very hot areas, so if you live somewhere where it gets sweltering, it may be a good idea to indulge lilies of the Nile in partial shade. They enjoy fertile, well-drained soil that is a bit moist. This variety of Agapanthus will prefer acidic soils to alkaline ones. 

This plant grows to heights of 1.5 to 2 feet, spreading around the same amount sideways. It blooms from June to July. They will need regular watering during the growing period to ensure proper establishment. It’s important to stop watering when the foliage turns yellow.

This plant will grow best in USDA hardiness zones 8 to 11. As a final note, it may be a good idea to grow lilies of the Nile in containers versus planting them in the ground. 


Love in a Mist
These unique flowers are not frequently bothered by pests or diseases.

Scientific name: Nigella damascena 

Love-in-a-mist is a beautiful, annual plant that grows fluffy blue flowers with a tangle of foliage around them, somewhat like mist! It grows 8 to 20 inches tall and spreads some 12 to 18 inches across.

The flowers do best when given full sun, though partial shade will also be good for them if you live in a more arid area. The soil must be average pH, somewhere around 6.6 to 7.5, with soil that is fairly moist; the soil must be well-drained for the plant to thrive. 

Bloom time ranges from late spring to early fall; deadhead the flowers to promote extra blooms so you can enjoy this short-lived plant to its best potential. Love-in-a-mist is easy to care for because it is virtually disease and pest-free; it is not fussy with maintenance either. Lastly, this plant will grow best in USDA hardiness zones 2 through 11. 


The blue flowers of the lungwort start off as being pinkish in color.

Scientific name: Pulmonaria officinalis 

If you are looking for dainty blue blooms to brighten up your early spring, lungwort may be a good option for you. This plant was once used to treat lung ailments; this is how it got its common name. It does not grow very tall, only reaching a full height of 6 to 12 inches, though it spreads a little bit more, some 12 to 18 inches wide.

They enjoy having partial shade, but will not be happy competing for nutrients if planted under a tree. As such, be sure to keep them watered consistently so that they stay healthy. 

It’s worth noting that there are no real conditions to watch out for with lungwort, as it stays relatively disease and pest-free. Though mildew and slugs may sometimes prove to be a problem, these are easily controlled. Ensure that the soil quality is moist and well-drained. Lungwort grows to its best potential in USDA zones 3 to 8. 


The attractive spikes of the lupine plant grow up to 4 feet high.

Scientific name: Lupinus 

Beautiful spires of lupines are a wonderful sight to see, especially when they flower blue. The plant grows tall, somewhere around 3 to 4 feet high, spreading 1 to 1.5 feet wide. They are usually best grown in pots and can come as annuals or perennials.

You can plant them as seeds in late spring or fall, and cuttings can be planted in early to mid-spring. Lupines will need full sun for best results. They enjoy rich soil that is moderately moist and well-drained. They bloom quite long, lasting over the period of the spring and summertime. 

Lupines enjoy temperate climates, not preferring overly hot or humid summers. Too much heat can cause these plants not to flower, so be careful. If you live somewhere arider, you will probably need to give them more shade to compensate. Beautiful as they are, you will need to take extra care with lupines, as they are prone to pests and diseases. They grow best in USDA zones 4 through 8. 


Another name you may see for monkshood is wolf’s bane.

Scientific name: Aconitum napellus 

Tall, elegant, and gorgeous, monkshood is a wonderful perennial that grows beautiful, blue flowers. It is a good idea to plant them in partial shade, as they enjoy this very much, though they will also benefit from full sunlight in areas that aren’t too hot. Monkshood requires more sun in cases where the flowers droop.

Monkshood grows a bit slow; planting them in the early spring can bring pretty flowers in the mid to late summertime, blooming thereafter. They enjoy soil that is moist but well-drained and has a neutral to acidic pH.  

Monkshood will need you to water it fairly often, but not enough to drown the plant. When well-established, they can go without water for short periods of time. More consistent watering will mean more consistent flowering, so don’t skimp!

It may be difficult to grow monkshood from seeds since they take a long time to sprout. Cuttings may prove to be more efficient. They grow to their best potential in USDA zones 3 to 7. 

Morning Glory 

Blue Morning Glory Flower
As their name may suggest, these flowers unfurl into bloom as the morning sun arrives.

Scientific name: Ipomoea purpurea 

Morning glories are some of the best-known blue flowers, growing on vines that are eye-catching and brilliant with blooms that last through the summer and fall. They grow 6 to 10 feet tall, spreading some 3 to 6 feet wide.

You may have gotten it from the name, but morning glories love the sun. Give them full sunlight and you will have better flowering periods; they are tolerant of both cold and warm temperatures. They will only open if they are in direct view of the sun, so be sure to save them a nice spot in your garden. 

Morning glories do not tend to be bothered by pests, nor do they contract a lot of diseases, but they may be susceptible to fungal problems. This is easily fixed by making sure their soil is well-drained to prevent rot from excess moisture. Morning glories are fairly hardy plants and grow well in USDA zones 2 through 11. 

Mountain Larkspur 

Mountain Larkspur
Though this plant is harmful to humans, many bees and hummingbirds like its nectar.

Scientific name: Delphinium glaucum 

Mountain larkspur is another perennial that grows showy, blue-purple flowers. It reaches 3 to 8 feet in height and may need to be staked to keep stable. The bloom time lasts from mid-summer to early autumn.

Mountain larkspur needs part shade in order to grow properly and could be planted next to something else to get the shade it needs. It needs a lot of water to stay happy, but ensure the soil is well-drained to prevent rot. 

It’s important to note that mountain larkspur is highly poisonous to humans and should not be consumed in any capacity. These plants grow relatively fast and will blossom in the springtime. As for soil, it can tolerate sand, loam, and clay. The nectar is attractive to bees and hummingbirds. Mountain larkspur is a hardy plant, seen blooming among wildflowers, and can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 3 through 8. 

Oxford Blue 

Oxford Blue
Another unique-looking blue flower on our list is the oxford blue.

Scientific name: Eryngium bourgatii 

Oxford blue is native to the Mediterranean, producing unique-looking flowers that range from blue to blue-violet. They are happiest when they are put in full sun, and will make a good choice for parts of your garden that may be drier than others.

Oxford Blues enjoy normal soil of virtually any pH and will tolerate sand in the soil as well. They do need watering, albeit seldomly, and will benefit most from dry soils. With this in mind, they are very easy to care for and are quite rewarding when they bloom in mid to late summer. 

This plant grows 18 to 20 inches tall and spreads 12 to 18 inches wide. They have a medium growth rate, which is fine because they are so low-maintenance; all you really need with oxford blues is time. The blueness of the flowers becomes more intense with more sun exposure, so be sure to give them a lot of it! They are best grown in USDA zones 4 through 9. 


These gorgeous climbers are easy to care for and can grow just about anywhere.

Scientific name: Passiflora incarnata 

The passionflower, much like the blue crown passionflower, is a vine that grows showy, attractive flowers that are often purple, though many varieties come in blue. They grow well in the Southeast United States.

These vines grow a great height, from 12 to 36 feet, so be sure that they have plenty of space to climb! They are happy in full sun, but will also do well in part shade. When well-established, they can tolerate drought, though you should give them a moderate amount of water regardless. They are tolerant to both heat and cold, making them a good choice for gardens all over the US. 

You can propagate passionflowers by seeds or by cuttings. They are great for trellises, arbors, and columns, as well as over fences. This plant clings by using tendrils, and will thus not cause structural damage as they climb. They are best grown in USDA zones 5 through 9. 

Perennial Geranium 

Perennial Geranium
The long bloom time of perennial geraniums makes them ideal for gardens or yards.

Scientific name: Geranium bohemicum 

Perennial geraniums, especially Geranium bohemicum, are hardy, perennial plants that grow bright blue flowers. They enjoy full sun exposure, so be sure to give them a spot where they can drink in a lot of sunlight. In very hot climates, they will also appreciate partial shade.

They grow 12 to 18 inches tall and spread 12 to 14 inches across. This makes them a suitable, attractive ground cover. As for water, they do not need very much, as they are drought-tolerant. This plant blooms from May through October, giving you a long time to enjoy its gorgeous blue flowers. 

You can plant perennial geraniums by seed or by cutting. This particular variety of perennial geraniums is self-seeding, so you will see them multiply over the course of the year. Enjoy them by putting them in drier spots of your garden, and they’re sure to bring much-needed life and color to it. These flowers are best grown in USDA zones 3 through 9. 


Periwinkles bloom most in sunny and warm gardens.

Scientific name: Catharanthus roseus 

Periwinkle is a favorite plant, commonly used in garden beds, that grows blue flowers. It is a herbaceous perennial that grows 6 to 18 inches tall and spreads around the same amount. It’s a great plant to use for ground cover. It enjoys sandy, loamy soil that is well-drained.

Give them a good soaking weekly; this is enough to get them going. Periwinkle loves the full sun, but will also do fine in partial shade, especially if it is in a hotter climate. It has a long flowering period, from June until the first winter frost of the year.  

Too much shade can cause poor flowering for this plant, so they should be put in a place where they can soak up the sun. Periwinkles love hot and humid weather, after all. They can be propagated via cuttings, which is the easiest way to get them to grow elsewhere. They do well in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11. 

Pincushion Flowers 

Pincushion Flowers
Many butterfly gardens have pincushion flowers.

Scientific name: Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’ 

Pincushion flowers are compact perennials forming clumps of flowers, blooming with blue blossoms for a very long time– from late spring to the first frost. They grow 12 to 18 inches tall and spread around 15 inches wide.

They thrive best in the full sun, so be sure that they have all the sunlight they need for maximum flower production! You may need to give them more shade in places where the summer is very hot, in order to protect the plant.

They enjoy average pH soil of medium moisture, as long as it is well-drained. These flowers are also drought-tolerant when they are well-established. 

Pincushion flowers attract butterflies, so this is good if you are looking to create a butterfly garden. Deadhead these flowers to promote more bloom time, though you should cut them down during the last bits of fall. They are fairly hardy and will grow well in USDA zones 3 through 9. 

Poor Man’s Weather-Glass 

Poor Man's Weather-Glass
This annual flower plant is fairly easy to grow.

Scientific name: Anagallis arvensis 

Poor man’s weather-glass is a low-growing annual with soft green leaves and the ability to bloom blue flowers. It grows 8 to 10 inches tall and spreads 1 to 2 feet wide, making it an excellent option for ground cover. This plant is quite resilient and can handle being in a variety of different soil types as long as it is in full sun. It’s also a pest and disease-free plant, so it is very easy to care for.  

This plant flowers in the springtime; you may extend their bloom period by deadheading as well as making sure they have enough sunlight. When done well enough, poor man’s weather-glass can bloom from March to July. Poor man’s weather-glass enjoys moist soil. However, you must ensure it is well-drained to prevent rot and fungal infection. They grow best in USDA zones 3 through 12. 

Poppy Anemone 

Poppy Anemone
Many spring gardens are the home of colorful poppy anemones.

Scientific name: Anemone coronaria 

Poppy anemones are a fan-favorite flower that comes in many different colors, including blue. They grow 10 to 16 inches tall and spread 6 to 9 inches across. Anemones love the full sun, so we advise putting them in a bright and sunshiny spot.

They enjoy sandy soil that has medium moisture and is well-drained. They are sensitive to cold, so those in colder climates will need to plant them in the late spring, where there is no more danger of frost. Poppy anemones have average water needs and will tolerate most types of soil pH. 

They bloom well depending on the time of year you plant them; mid-spring planting will give you beautiful blooms all summer long. It’s worth mentioning that if you live somewhere very hot, it will be good to give poppy anemones some shade to protect them. They do best in USDA zones 7 through 9. 

Rose of Sharon 

Rose of Sharon
These tropical flowers come in a variety of colors, including blue.

Scientific name: Hibiscus syriacus 

Often mistaken for other flowers, the rose of Sharon is a gorgeous deciduous shrub that grows large, showy flowers coming in a range of colors, including blue. These shrubs grow quite tall at some 8 to 12 feet and will spread 6 to 10 feet across.

They also self-seed, so you are sure to see a lot of this plant if given the right conditions! Roses of Sharon love the full sun but will be happy with partial shade as well. They enjoy average soil pH, as long as the soil is of medium moisture and well-drained. Roses of Sharon have a preference for rich, fertile soil, so try to give them fertilizer when able. 

This plant is fairly free of troubles with diseases and pests. They bloom their best when given a lot of sunlight, though too much can damage the plant if you live in a very hot area. Striving for a balance is important. They bloom best in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 8. 


Not only is sage a fragrant herb used in yummy dishes, but it also blooms beautiful lavender-blue flowers.

Scientific name: Salvia officinalis 

Common sage is an herb that most everyone likes in different culinary applications, but it also grows beautiful lavender-blue flowers. It grows 2 to 2.5 feet in height and spreads around the same amount. It blooms through June, making it a good early summer bloom to look forward to. Sage enjoys the full sun, so be sure to give it a good spot in the garden where it can get as much as it wants.  

It doesn’t require much in the way of water, especially when well-established. Sage tolerates drought and in some cases will prefer drier soil, though you can still give it a good soak weekly for good measure, as long as you don’t go overboard. Wet soils can be fatal to the plant. This plant has no real problems with regard to pests or diseases. Sage grows best in USDA zones 4 through 8. 

Sea Holly 

Sea Holly
Hardiness zones 5-9 are ideal for growing sea holly flowers.

Scientific name: Eryngium planum 

Sea holly is similar to oxford blue, in that they grow similar-looking flowers; this variant flowers in a gorgeous steel blue. This plant grows 2 to 3 feet tall and spreads 1 to 2 feet across. It enjoys the full sun with almost no reservations. This plant is a great choice for gardens that are drier than average, given that it has an inclination towards dry, sandy soil.

It is a very low-maintenance plant and will thus make an attractive option for many people who don’t have much time on their hands. The blueness of the sea holly intensifies with more sun, so be sure to give it a lot of sunshine! 

It’s important not to overwater this plant as it is susceptible to root rot. Otherwise, it is relatively disease and pest-free. You may deadhead the plants to induce more flowering and to create a neater look. Sea holly grows best in USDA zones 5 through 9. 

Siberian Bugloss 

Siberian Bugloss
This is an easy-to-grow plant that has really pretty foliage as well as flowers.

Scientific name: Brunnera macrophylla 

Siberian bugloss is similar to forget-me-nots in appearance and might be a good option for you if you are looking for a blue-flowering plant with a similar charm. What makes this plant unique is its beautiful foliage that it is prized for alongside its dainty blue flowers.

This plant grows somewhat low to the ground, with a height of 1 to 1.5 feet, spreading 1.5 to 2.5 feet across. It blooms from April until May, giving you a good window of time to appreciate the flowers. 

This plant grows best in partial shade, so take care not to give it too much sun. If you live in a hotter area, this plant may even enjoy full shade– take this into account! Siberian bugloss is easy to care for and does not have many problems with regard to pests and diseases. It grows best in USDA zones 3 through 8. 

Siberian Squill 

Siberian Squill
If you are looking for a blanket of blue on your property, Siberian squill is an excellent option.

Scientific name: Scilla siberica 

Siberian squill is a low-growing plant that produces early-blooming flowers in a gorgeous blue shade. They are small at only 4 to 6 inches tall, spreading around the same amount as well. They enjoy full sun to part shade, so adjust accordingly depending on how hot it is where you live. Squills grow easily as long as the soils are of an average pH, medium moisture, and good drainage. These plants are tough and will survive the cold very well. 

It’s a good idea to mass these plants around shrubs or trees to maximize their beauty. You may propagate by seed or by division– the latter is best when the plants are dormant. Since these plants are relatively low maintenance, you don’t need to do much to keep them happy. Simply ensure that they are watered every now and again and that they get the sunlight required to bloom well. USDA zones 2 through 8 are best for this plant. 


This is a clump-forming plant with pretty little flowers that grow on stalks.

Scientific name: Veronica 

Speedwell is a type of plant that grows beautiful spires of flowers in a range of colors, including blue. The height of the plant depends on the variety but often grows from 9 to 36 inches tall, spreading a similar amount in width. It’s a good idea to plant speedwell in the spring, to allow for them to grow well throughout the growing period.

As the name suggests, they grow fairly fast but aren’t invasive. You will need to give speedwell full sun to maximize its potential, though it will also tolerate light shade. It also enjoys average, well-drained soil with a neutral pH. 

Speedwell attracts butterflies and bees, though not so much deer or rabbits; this is a good thing. Use loamy soil to keep this plant happy. Speedwell is drought-resistant, but you will still need to give them a moderate amount of water each week. Speedwell blooms its best in USDA zones 4 through 8. 

Stiff Blue-Eyed Grass 

Stiff Blue-Eyed Grass
A container or garden bed would make a good home for stiff blue-eyed grass.

Scientific name: Sisyrinchium Demissum 

Stiff blue-eyed grass is an elegant perennial that grows dainty, blue flowers. It grows up to 20 inches tall and spreads 6 to 10 inches across. It blooms well through the spring and summer. Stiff Blue-eyed grass is drought-tolerant and fairly easy to grow. This plant enjoys the full sun to part shade and will thrive best in moist soil that is well-drained. Rich soil will make stiff blue-eyed grass happy, so using compost is a good idea.  

This plant grows well in containers as well as in beds and will be beautiful in most applications. Watering the plants regularly through the first growing period will help the roots establish well. Mulching the soil is also a good idea; this is to prevent moisture loss. After the blooming period ends, it may be a good idea to cut the plant down to prevent overgrowth. This plant grows best in USDA zones 4 through 9. 

Swan River Daisies 

Swan River Daisies
There are not many pests or diseases that are likely to attack swan river daisies.

Scientific name: Brachyscome iberidifolia 

Swan river daisies are a beautiful annual plant that grows gorgeous, showy, blue flowers. It grows fairly low, getting to a height of 1 to 1.5 feet high, spreading the same amount in width. This plant loves cool summer climates and will enjoy full sun as long as it isn’t too hot. In hotter climates, you should give them partial shade. It will tolerate some drought, though. Swan river daisies enjoy moist, organically rich soil that has good drainage. 

This plant may be annual, but it blooms for a long time, from May until the year’s first frost. Be sure to deadhead the plants; pruning them back will lengthen the blooming period and will give good shape. While this plant may be susceptible to slugs and snails, it’s mostly free of disease and other pests. Swan river daisies will bloom at their best in USDA zones 2 through 11. 

Sweet Pea 

Sweet Pea
These soft flowers are not only attractive but smell amazing as well.

Scientific name: Lathyrus sativus 

Sweet peas are a favorite flower for their wonderful fragrance and showy blooms. While it comes in a myriad of colors, did you know these plants can also grow blue flowers? Sweet peas grow tall at 6 to 8 feet. They should be grown with stakes or on bamboo tripods to help them stay upright.

This plant attracts pollinators, so they’re good to grow if you want to see more bees and butterflies. Sweet peas love the full sun but will be happy to stay in partial shade when in warmer climates. Rich, well-drained soil is a favorite for sweet peas; weekly watering is ideal. 

Plant your sweet peas after the last frost has passed; warmer temperatures are even better. Give them a good amount of fertilizer during the growing months and they will bloom at their best. They have good hardiness and will thrive in USDA zones 2 through 11. 

Triplet Lily 

Triplet Lily
Another great option for your butterfly garden is triplet lily flowers.

Scientific name: Triteleia laxa 

The triplet lily flowers in the late spring and early summer, blooming funnel-shaped flowers in a lovely shade of purple-blue. It grows 15 to 18 inches tall, spreading around 4 inches wide. This plant will naturalize itself in good conditions, and will thus give a repeat performance of blooms each year.

This plant enjoys full sun and will be happy to soak up as much sunlight as possible. They thrive best in light, sandy, fertile soil that has good drainage. Those in colder areas should mulch these plants to preserve temperature. 

Triplet lilies are easy to grow and will not be a demanding endeavor to take on, regardless of gardening skill level. This plant also has little trouble with disease or pests. It does, however, attract butterflies – great for a butterfly garden! You can grow these flowers with ease with just enough care; their water needs are average. They grow best in USDA zones 6 through 10. 


These dainty little flowers are often used in bouquets.

Scientific name: Oxypetalum coeruleum 

Tweedia is a broadleaf evergreen that grows pretty, light sky blue flowers. It grows 2 to 3 feet high and spreads around the same amount across. Tweedia enjoys full sun, though will not be upset about partial shade either, depending on what kind of climate it is grown in.

It has a good soil tolerance and will be fine even in some poor soils, as long as it is well-drained. Tweedia is drought-tolerant and will be fine with dry to moderately moist soil. It’s a good idea to protect this plant from the wind and the rain wherever possible. 

This plant has few problems with disease or pests and is thus relatively easy to care for. The flowers are showy and bloom seasonally. You can opt to plant them in beds or containers; containers must be brought indoors before the autumn frost. Tweedia grows best in USDA zones 10 to 11. 

Veronica Georgia Blue 

Veronica Georgia Blue
These stunning blooms are particularly pretty when planted in groups.

Scientific name: Veronica umbrosa (peduncularis) ‘Georgia Blue’ 

Related to the speedwell, the final flower on our list is the gorgeous Veronica Georgia blue. This is a perennial which enjoys the full sun, blooming throughout the springtime. It grows 4 to 6 inches tall and spreads 1 to 2 feet across, making it a good choice for ground cover.

Maintenance is relatively low; you will not need to toil endlessly to make this plant bloom its best. This plant enjoys full sun to very light shade and will do great in soils that are average, of medium moisture, and have good drainage. 

They are a good choice for borders and garden edges, as well as containers. They are especially pretty when planted in groups. It is also relatively pest and disease-free, so there isn’t much to worry about on that front. On a great note, it will attract butterflies and hummingbirds, which are always a welcome sight! Veronica Georgia blue grows best in USDA zones 4 through 9. 

Final Thoughts

We hope this article about our favorite blue flowers has given you insight into these magnificent plants. Blue is truly a regal, gorgeous color that can bring a lot of life and joy into your garden. Now that you know the basics of how to care for many of these fantastic flowers, why not bring some into your home and see for yourself just how wonderful they are?

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