How to Plant, Grow and Care For Twinleaf Flowers
Are you looking for a special little plant for your woodland shade garden? Twinleaf is a unique, spring-blooming plant that would be a wonderful addition to a rich, moist, shady spot. In this article, gardening enthusiast Liessa Bowen will introduce twinleaf, and discuss how to use this plant in your landscape.

The delicate white flowers of twinleaf, or Jeffersonia diphylla, are a beautiful sight alongside other early-season plants such as bloodroot and spring beauties. This uncommon native wildflower is a little-known plant that grows in moist, shaded woodlands scattered throughout eastern North America.
Twinleaf is a welcome addition to a shaded woodland garden in the home landscape. It grows best in partial to full shade with rich, medium-moisture, well-drained soil. Although rare in the wild, it is not difficult to grow in a garden setting. As long as you live in a fairly mild temperate climate and have compatible growing conditions, you should have no problems growing your twinleaf plants.
Twinleaf is perhaps most appreciated for its white spring-blooming flowers. The flowers are showy and attract early-season pollinators. The flowers are simple, pure white, and have 8 petals. After flowering, plants develop an unusual seed capsule resembling an oval-shaped hooded pod. This seed capsule pops open when the seeds are fully ripe, shooting the seeds a short distance away from the parent plant and allowing the colonies to expand.
While not flowering, twinleaf has attractive foliage from spring through fall. Multiple stems emerge from the ground, each with a single leaf divided into equal halves and separated by a thin connector. The leaves reach only about 6 to 8 inches high in the spring. After flowering, the leaves and stems continue to grow, eventually reaching a peak height of around 12-18 inches tall.
To incorporate twinleaf plants into your shade garden, keep reading to learn more about this interesting and somewhat unusual plant.
Twinleaf Plant Overview

Plant Type
Herbaceous perennial
Native Area
Eastern United States
USDA Hardiness Zone
5 to 7
Sun Exposure
Partial shade
Soil Type
Rich, Moist, Well-drained
Plant Spacing
6 to 12 inches
Suggested Uses
Shade garden, Ground cover, Natives
Plant With
Ferns, Solomon’s Seal, Trillium
Bloom Season
Flower Color
Bees, Early pollinators
Rabbits, Slugs, snails
Resistant To
Heavy shade
0.75 to 1.5 feet
Plant History

Twinleaf is a spring-blooming wildflower that is native to eastern North America. Only one species of twinleaf (Jeffersonia diphylla) grows in North America. Another species (J. dubia) is native to Asia. There are no known cultivars of this wild plant.
Within its range in North America, twinleaf grows in moist woodlands alongside other familiar spring-blooming flowers such as spring beauty, bloodroot, trillium, wild ginger, and Solomon’s seal. It blooms from March to May with showy white flowers.
Unlike the spring ephemeral wildflowers that go dormant shortly after blooming, twinleaf foliage remains green throughout the growing season.
This plant is somewhat uncommon and not as well-known as other spring wildflowers. It is considered a rare or threatened species in some parts of its range.
It can, however, be grown by the home gardener for an attractive addition to the home landscape, as long as you can legally obtain seeds or plant starts from a reputable source. Never dig these plants from the wild.

For the adventurous home gardener, twinleaf is easy to grow and low maintenance. If you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 5 through 7, you should be able to grow twinleaf in a moist woodland garden setting.
This plant is relatively low-growing and makes an effective ground cover. It does not creep or vine along the ground. Instead, it will create a dense leafy foliage cover for smaller areas.
In ideal conditions, it will multiply and spread over time, creating a fairly dense cluster of leafy vegetation. Divide these plants, if needed, in the fall. Division is unnecessary if you want to grow large colonies of twinleaf.
Twinleaf would be perfectly at home in a moist wooded area under some trees. Give it a location with partial to full shade. If you are growing under deciduous trees, plants will receive more sunlight in the early spring before the trees leaf out, and then, by the time the weather has warmed, they will be protected from bright direct sunlight by the leafy canopy.
To keep these plants looking their best, use some mulch around the base to keep the roots cool and moist and help prevent them from drying out. Be sure to grow them in moist, well-drained soil. Twinleaf is not drought-tolerant, preferring its soil to stay consistently moist but not saturated.
Twinleaf can be propagated and grown from seed or by dividing mature clumps. The easiest way to acquire a new plant would be to obtain one from a gardening friend. If your gardening friends have never heard of this species, your next best option would be to buy a nursery-grown plant from a reputable online grower specializing in native plants. This native can be grown from fresh seeds, but it can be difficult to obtain them unless you already have a source of mature plants.

Twinleaf is easily grown from seed, but only if the seeds are fresh. Seeds should be recently harvested and sown as soon as possible before they can dry out, as the germination rates drop quickly after harvest. It should be noted that plants grown from seed will take a long time to reach flowering maturity, between 3 and 5 years.
If you can access flowering plants, you can collect your own seeds. The trick, however, is collecting them before the pods pop open, as the force with which the pods pop open will distribute the seeds away from the plant. After flowering, keep a close eye on the seed pods. Watch for the seed pods to turn brown. At this point, the seeds should be viable and ready to harvest.
If you can obtain freshly-harvested seeds, put them in moist soil in an airtight bag and store them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. In the fall, winter, or very early spring, sow the seeds outside:
- Place the seeds on the soil surface.
- Gently push them in slightly without burying them under the soil.
- Cover the seeds with a very thin layer of mulch and keep this area moist.
- After the winter cold stratification in your refrigerator, your seeds should sprout in the spring.

You are unlikely to find twinleaf plants for sale at your local commercial garden center. Your best source of buying young plants will be through a specialty nursery that stocks nursery-grown native plants. Some botanical gardens, arboretums, or gardening clubs may sell native plants, or you can look for online sellers specializing in native species.
Timing is important for planting your seedlings into their final garden location. You will want to transplant your seedlings on a cool spring day into a pre-prepared moist, shaded location. Twinleaf seedlings can be quite delicate, so handle them with extreme care to avoid damaging them.

If you know someone already growing twinleaf, you can ask them for a plant division but do not disturb or dig plants from the wild. If you have extra twinleaf plants to share, you can probably find a willing taker by asking around with your gardening friends or a local gardening club.
Plant division is the quickest and easiest way to propagate this native flower. You can easily divide mature clusters in the early spring or fall. Simply dig up part of a cluster of plants and transplant it to a pre-prepared shaded location with rich, moist soil.

If you are ready to transplant a twinleaf plant or plants, you really need just a few basic items: a spade or sturdy trowel for digging, gloves to help protect your hands, and water to give your newly transplanted plant a big drink. You will have the best luck if you follow these transplanting tips:
- Transplant during the early spring or fall
- Transplant on a cool, overcast day
- Prepare your planting site in advance
- Move your plants as quickly as possible
- Water plants thoroughly after transplanting
- Plant to the same depth as before
- Give them a shaded location with rich, moist, well-drained soil
How to Grow
Because this wildflower is native to the U.S., it doesn’t need much maintenance after establishment.

Twinleaf is a shade-loving plant. It will do best in a location with partial to full shade, ideally less than 3 hours of bright sunlight per day. It is best to avoid direct midday sun as this can easily burn these delicate plants.

Twinleaf loves constant soil moisture. Keep the soil moist but not wet. Avoid both dry soils and saturated soils. You should water your twinleaf plants regularly to prevent them from drying out during drought.

The soil should be rich, moist, and well-drained. Twinleaf prefers slightly acidic soils with a pH of less than 6.8. Ensure that your soil is fertile and high in organic matter.
Climate and Temperature

This is a reliable perennial in climate zones 5 through 7. These plants are cold-hardy in these climate zones, but they do appreciate some mulching in both summer and winter to help protect their sensitive roots. Leaf mulch from native trees is best. Twinleaf plants will not do well in extremely hot and dry climates or extremely cold climates.

As a native to North America, this plant is well-adapted to deciduous forest habitats. You do not need to add any extra fertilizers. However, you should grow it in nutrient-rich soil enriched with some organic compost. If you have sandy soil, add some organic matter to help hold moisture and give some extra natural nutrients.

Twinleaf is a low-maintenance plant, but there are some things you should be aware of. This little wildflower does not compete well against neighboring aggressive vegetation. Diligently pull weeds in the vicinity and keep other plants from growing too closely, as they can easily outcompete any twinleaf nearby.
Garden Design

It can be difficult to find interesting flowering plants to grow in the shade, but twinleaf can fill that role. You can easily incorporate twinleaf into a shade garden, native plant garden, or woodland plant garden. Grow it with other spring-blooming shade-loving plants to create an attractive early-season display of beautiful flowers and interesting foliage.
Because twinleaf plants stay fairly small and compact, you can grow them towards the front of your garden or near walkways, where you can appreciate them.
As you consider where to plant, try giving it plenty of space so it won’t have to compete with larger, more aggressive plants. An isolated patch of twinleaf would be very appealing in a woodland garden.
Twinleaf is also a good plant to incorporate along edges. Place low-growing plants along the border of your garden. Twinleaf doesn’t grow aggressively and makes a wonderful addition to a woodland edge. It doesn’t vine, climb, or drape itself over walls; it simply makes attractive clusters of vegetation with beautiful spring flowers.
Wildlife Value

This native plant provides early-season flowers for pollinators such as bees and the occasional early woodland butterfly. Most butterflies, however, fly during the warmer months when twinleaf has finished blooming, and most butterflies also tend to stay in sunnier areas. .
Pests and Diseases
Fortunately, twinleaf is a low-maintenance plant and is not susceptible to many pests or diseases. The most common problems you may encounter are browsing rabbits and damage caused by snails and slugs.

The most significant problem you may face is rabbits. Rabbits are known to eat many different plants, and twinleaf is no exception. If you find rabbits a problem, you can put a simple, low wire fence or a critter cage around your twinleaf plants to protect them from rabbits.
Snails and Slugs

Like twinleaf, snails and slugs thrive in moist, shaded habitats. You may never see the snails and slugs that eat your plants since they often browse at night, but you may notice large ragged holes in the leaves and slime trails left by their movement.
It can be challenging to control these pests, but hand-picking them, particularly at dusk when they become active, can help tremendously.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will twinleaf foliage stay green throughout the growing season?
Many spring wildflowers bloom in the early spring and then go into dormancy for the summer, fall, and winter. Twinleaf will stay green throughout the growing season. Leaves emerge in early spring and go dormant again in the fall. As long as these plants are in an area with sufficient shade and moist soil, they will stay green throughout the summer months.
Where can I find twinleaf to grow in my garden?
Unlike more popular plants that are readily available commercially, you may have some trouble finding twinleaf. Check with specialty garden centers and greenhouses that may specialize in native plants. You may also find plants for sale from online retailers that specialize in native plants. Be sure to purchase from reputable merchants who grow their own plants. Native plants should not be removed from the wild.
Will twinleaf become weedy and invasive in my garden?
No, you don’t have to worry about twinleaf becoming weedy or invasive. This plant will slowly spread and form small colonies, but it will stay quite contained and will not get out of control. If you find you have more twinleaf than you need, try asking around with your gardening friends and neighbors or check with your local gardening club to see if anyone else wants to try this lesser-known plant in their garden.
Final Thoughts
Twinleaf will be a great choice if you want something a little different for your shady woodland garden. This perennial wildflower has attractive green foliage and beautiful, white, spring-blooming flowers.
It may be a bit difficult to acquire these native plants because they are not readily available at most nurseries and garden centers. Still, you can find them through specialty growers who sell nursery-grown native plants.