Red Perennial Flowers: 15 Different Red Perennials
Thinking of adding some perennial flowers to your garden but aren't sure which ones to add? How about some crimson colored flowers that will come back year over year, for at least a few seasons? In this article, hobby gardener Jason White looks at 15 different red perennial flowers, with names and pictures of each!

Red is the color of love, passion, and vitality. As a passionate gardener, you want your plants to reflect your emotion and hard work– red flowers allow this. A perennial flower is preferable because it returns year after year, bigger and brighter than before. Birds, bees, and butterflies love the color of red, which means you can turn your yard into a bird-watching haven.
In addition, the color red can bring a pop of color to a garden, instantly brightening your yard. The best part about perennial flowers is that once planted, they are likely to return each year if provided proper care.
Let’s take a deeper look at some of the most popular red perennial flowers that will come grow back year over year. Typically, you’ll need to only plant them once, and you should see them return for at least a few growing seasons. Let’s jump in!

Scientific Name: Amaryllis
You can buy Amaryllis bare or as a planted bulb. They feature stunning colors and distinct shapes, but red varieties are spectacular. Amaryllis thrive in temperatures of 60° to 70°F, in bright rooms but not in direct sun.
These plants cannot survive frost, so bring them inside before freezing temperatures. Do not overwater this plant, and use houseplant fertilizer to promote growth. This African plant is a perennial that can bloom for up to 75 years. The Amaryllis features trumpet-shaped flowers on 1- to 2-foot leafless stems; Amaryllis flowers grow from 4 to 10 inches.
The most popular Amaryllis colors are red and white, but they come in pink, salmon, apricot, rose, and purple. You can bring them indoors in August and stop watering. Begin watering again in November for Christmas blooming. Amaryllis thrive in USDA zones 8 to 11; can grow in clay.
Asiatic Lily

Scientific Name: Lilium asiatica
This vibrant lily originates from Asia. The Asiatic lily comes in a variety of bright colors including red, pink, plum, orange, yellow, and white. These gorgeous flowers grow up to four feet and are a good choice for novice gardeners because they are relatively low maintenance.
These plants bloom in late spring to early summer. The Asiatic lily is different from other lilies in that it is not fragrant. Plant Asiatic lilies in the late summer or fall. Asiatic lilies enjoy the sun to partial shade. Ensure the soil is well-drained or the roots will rot.
Every lily has its thorn– these plants are deer and rodent magnets, so plant away from deer paths. These lilies thrive in zones 4 to 9.

Scientific Name: Rhododendron
This beautiful shrub is a hummingbird magnet. The rhododendron grows up to eight feet tall and four to six feet wide, but some varieties are 20 feet wide. There are 500 to 900 species of rhododendrons and azalea, with varieties in Myanmar and China. Rhododendron typically blooms from April to June.
The rhododendron also features pink and purple flowers. Although bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds enjoy azalea, it is highly toxic to humans. The value that the rhododendron provides to bees is critical. Grow this variety of rhododendron in the shade.
This plant thrives in USDA zones 4 to 8. Try the variety ‘Red Red’ if you like red flowers!
Bleeding Heart

Scientific Name: Dicentra
One of the most unique red perennials is the Bleeding Heart. Plant in the spring after the last frost and keep these red perennials in the shade. Add compost before you plant and mulch to keep moisture in. The bleeding heart likes moisture and will do okay in poorly draining environments.
These plants bloom in the spring and finish growing when the warm weather comes. When summer arrives, the flowers fade, and leaves fall, resembling a bleeding heart. A bleeding heart plant can grow between 1.5 and 3 feet.
Bleeding hearts are resistant to deer and rabbits. These aesthetically pleasing plants attract birds and butterflies. Opt for the D. spectabilis ‘Valentine’ variation that features cherry-red blooms with white tips on burgundy stems.Bleeding hearts thrive in USDA Zones 3-9.
Cardinal Flower

Scientific Name: Lobelia cardinalis
The cardinal gets its name from the bright robes that cardinals in the Catholic religion wear. Cardinal flowers enjoy rich moist-to-wet soil; add mulch to seal in moisture. Water heavily if rainfall does not occur. These plants thrive in full sun but will flower in partial shade. The cardinal flower grows from 3 to 4 feet.
Cardinal flowers also come in white, blue, purple, and rose pink.These flowers bring color to your garden, blooming in summer to early fall when other perennials finish flowering. These hardy plants are pest and disease resistant and are hummingbird magnets! Plant in USDA zones 3 to 9, but zone 2 has some luck.

Scientific Name: Dianthus caryophyllus
Known as the flower of the gods, Carnations are indigenous to the Mediterranean. Carnations represent love and are frequent additions to Valentine’s and Mothers Day bouquets. The popular carnation is available in pale pink, peach, red, yellow, white, orange, purple, green, and bicolor.
Carnations thrive in full sun to partial shade and grow 12 to 18 inches. These drought-resistant flowers like warm weather but not extreme heat, which will cause the flowers to wilt. Carnations bloom in the spring and rebloom later on in the year and require well-drained soil. If grown from a seed, carnations are unlikely to flower their first year. They are resistant to deer but rabbits are a fan.

Scientific Name: Chrysanthemum
Chrysanthemum, or mums, make a big bang in the garden, as the last plant to bloom before the first frost. Chrysanthemum thrives in full sun and rich, well-drained soil. The Chrysanthemum has a shallow root, so it requires frequent watering, or it will flower weakly.
Add mulch around the plant base to promote moisture retaining. Mum are a perennial that comes in orange, yellow, white, lavender, purple, red, and bicolor. The mum grows from 1 foot to 3 feet tall and 1 foot to 2 feet wide. Plant in the early springtime or the fall, six weeks before the first frost.
Check out the ‘Ruby Mound’ variety for deeper red colored flowers. Mums thrive in USDA zones 5 to 9.

Scientific Name: Hibiscus
The hibiscus is a hardy red shrub that grows between 3-10 feet tall and 2-8 feet wide. This aggressive grower blooms in the summer and year-round in tropical environments. Plant hibiscus in the spring, after the last frost. Because this plant is a tropical native, keep inside until the nighttime temperatures are consistently higher than 50 degrees.
Deadhead and prune the hibiscus, and do not worry about cutting back too much because they rapidly grow.
Hibiscus varieties are also a yellow perennial flower, and can also come in white, red, pink, and orange. The hibiscus thrives in full sun to partial shade. The thirsty hibiscus needs moist soil, regular watering, and well-drained soil. Add mulch around the hibiscus base to maintain moisture. New hybrids live a decade while older varieties live up to fifty years!

Scientific Name: Tagetes
Marigold is another perfect flower for new gardeners. These bright and vibrant plants look beautiful as red perennials and can feature bicolor flowers.
These popular flowers grow 4 to 48 inches tall and 6–24 inches wide. The marigold comes in colors of yellow, orange, white, red, gold, and bicolor. Plant in the full sun and water regularly.
Gardeners plant these pest-resistant flowers to keep unwanted creatures out of gardens. The marigold achieves full bloom in the summertime. To keep marigolds blooming, deadhead frequently, removing dead flowers. Marigold thrives in a variety of conditions, including USDA Zones 2-11.
Oriental Poppies

Scientific Name: Papaver orientale
The colorful oriental poppy comes in red, maroon, peach, salmon, or orange flowers. Oriental poppies bloom in the summer, in June and July. These brightly colored flowers make quite an impact, growing and blooming quickly. Gardeners typically plant the flowers in the spring or fall.
Poppies grow quickly and burst to 20 to 30 inches tall and one to two feet wide. Poppies enjoy full sun to partial shade and are drought-resistant and heat resistant. Oriental poppies thrive in medium moisture, well-drained soil.
Oriental Poppies thrive in USDA Zone 3 to 7. If you enjoy red perennial poppies, try the Livermere variety.
Red Valerian

Scientific Name: Centranthus ruber
Red Valerian or the Devil’s beard is a relatively low-maintenance, colorful plant that is a perfect choice for a novice gardener. They smell lovely and also attract butterflies.
Red Valerian bloom in red, pink, or white. They grow to be 2 to 3 feet tall and do well in full sun or light shade. Plant in the fall or spring and space one foot apart. Thrives in full sun and grows from 24 to 40 inches.
The Red Valerian blooms from May to September. You do not have to add compost or gardening soil because Red Valerian thrives in poor soil. These plants do not require watering and are disease-resistant. Red Valerian thrives in USDA zones 5 through 8.

Scientific Name: Salvia coccinea
You are probably familiar with Salvia because it is a sage plant. Salvia plants grow sage, which has numerous herbal and medicinal applications. They prefer full sun or light shade and are drought-tolerant. You can water Salvia in the summer months if less than one inch of rain occurs.These plants bloom in the summer for up to two months.
Salvia varieties grow anywhere from 18 inches to 5 feet tall and feature the colors red, blue, pink, purple, or white. Hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees enjoy the ancient plant. Salvia thrives in USDA climates 8 through 10.
Scarlet Bee Balm

Scientific Name: Monarda didyma
Known as Oswego tea and red bergamot, this member of the mint family grows attractive bright red flowers. The minty-smelling flower is an addition to earl gray tea and salads. This cold-tolerant plant prefers moist to wet soil. It thrives from full sun to partial shade. These gorgeous flowers are three to four inches wide and grow on stems that are two to four feet tall.
Bird and butterfly lovers choose this plant because it attracts hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees. The Scarlet bee balm blooms for eight weeks from early/mid to late summer.Deadhead these plants after blooming to avoid self-seeding.

Scientific Name: Tulipa
Gorgeous tulips come in an astonishing 3,000 varieties, including the stunning red color.
Tulips thrive in full sun but will also flower in partial shade. Plants range from 6 inches to 2 feet in height. For best results, plant tulips in cool fall soil before the ground freezes for spring tulips to bloom.
Use well-drained gardening soil and add compost to allow tulips to reach full potential. Although tulips are technically a perennial, the bulb’s ability to come back year after year is impaired from hybridization. As a result, many gardeners plant new bulbs every fall. Tulips thrive in USDA Zones 3 to 8.

Scientific Name: Achillea millefolium
These drought and pest-resistant plants are aromatic and attract butterflies. Yarrow does not stand up to late frost. For best results, plant Yarrow in the spring or early summer. Furthermore, they can be cut and enjoyed for the medicinal properties they feature.
Plant these flowers 1 to 2 feet apart because they grow and spread quickly. These aggressive plants can push out neighboring plants, so plant with care.
Yarrow grows gorgeous flowers that do not need much maintenance. Medium-moisture soil that is well-drained allows these plants to thrive from late spring into summer.
Due to its low-maintenance nature, Yarrow is a good flower for gardening beginners. The colorful plants are yellow, red, pink, or any combination of the three.
Yarrow grows 3 feet tall and spreads 18 to 24 inches across. The yarrow plant thrives in well-drained soil that receives a lot of sun but can grow in partial shade. Yarrow thrives in USDA zones 3 through 9.
Final Thoughts
Red perennial flowers are a perfect option for your garden to add vitality, passion, harmony and balance. A bonus feature of red perennial flowers is that they attract hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies. If you plant any of the striking red options we’ve discussed here, your flower garden will look fantastic during this growing season!