21 Tall Perennial Flowers For Your Home Garden
Looking to add some height to your garden this season? Adding some tall perennial flowers can be a great addition to your garden when it comes to filling in open space. They also come in a wide variety of different colors to mix in with other garden plants. In this article, we take a deeper look at our favorite tall perennial flowers.

There are three types of plants: Annual, biennial, or perennial. Annual plants live for one growing season, produce seeds, and then die. Biennial plants live for two growing seasons before they release seeds and die. Perennials can live longer than two years.
Plant enthusiasts love tall perennial plants because of their longevity, eye-catching vibrancy, and versatility. While caring for them may have its own sets of challenges, cultivating tall perennial flowers can be transformative for any flower garden.
This list features some of the tallest and most striking perennial flowers to add color and beauty to any garden. Let’s take a closer look at 21 of the tallest perennial flowers to learn just why these plants are so spectacular and popular.
Perennial Hibiscus

botanical name Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis |
plant type Perennial shrub |
bloom colors White, Pink, Lavender, Red, Burgundy |
sun requirements Full Sun |
water needs Moderate to high |
height Eight feet or more |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
soil needs Well-drained soil |
Commonly known as the Rose Mallow, this tender, dainty, and beautifully vibrant tropical plant appears very fragile. However, it is strong enough to endure cold winters. With 12-inch wide flowers bursting in bold colors such as red, pink, and white, this unique beauty can grow up to seven feet tall.
Since it needs plenty of sunlight and moist draining soil, this plant can tower high in your garden giving brilliant splashes of color when it blooms during the spring. This hardy perennial thrives in climate zones 4 to 9 with the proper care and maintenance.
The Hibiscus is terrific at attracting pollinators to your garden. However, other wildlife, like deer, will pass them up, which is excellent for home gardeners who want a deer-resistant ornamental plant.
Oriental Lily

botanical name Lilium Auratum |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Yellow, Pink, Lavender, Orange, Dark Red, White |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate |
height 2-8 feet tall |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
soil needs Rich, moist and well-drained |
The Oriental Lily is a beautiful perennial flower with a magnificent bloom in late August. This plant is easy to grow and typically can reach between three and six feet in height. Its distinctive floral design and pattern make it a refreshing accent to any garden.
These breathtaking lilies are typically more cold-hardy than other varieties, making them excellent for climate zones 3 to 9. This low-maintenance perennial thrives without much fuss.
The Oriental Lily produces large, fragrant blooms that vary in color and are a perfect addition to any landscape. The bulbs reproduce over time, so it is helpful to dig them up and separate them every few years to keep them viable and coming back every spring.
Joe Pye Weed

botanical name Eutrochium Purpureum |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Shades of purple to burgundy |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate to high |
height 4-6 feet tall |
hardiness zones 4-8 |
soil needs Adaptable, but consistently moist |
Would you like to enhance your garden with a butterfly fan club? Plant a few Joe Pye Weed and watch the magic happen! This cheerful pink perennial is full of delicious nectar that often attracts a montage of dancing butterflies.
With its thick stems and serrated dark green leaves that can reach up to 12 inches long, this plant will catch your eye immediately. Bubbly and bright, the durable Joe Pye Weed can grow up to eight feet tall.
Well, drained soil, sun, and partial shade are the secrets to the success of growing this delightful plant. If you live in a climate zone 4 to 9, this perennial will thrive well. This low-maintenance perennial is a must-have for many gardeners.

botanical name Delphinium Elatum |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Purple, Blue, White, Pink |
sun requirements Full morning sun 6-8 hours |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 6 feet tall |
hardiness zones 3-7 |
soil needs Well draining light soil |
Bold and beautiful, the Delphinium is a yard show stopper. These spike-shaped plants provide an eclectic and colorful garden accent. Bursting blossoms in an array of vibrant blues, purples, whites, and pinks, this perennial plant is a wonderful treat.
However, this perennial can be challenging for some home gardeners, requiring some upkeep. The most prominent varieties can grow up to six feet tall and require staking during their growth period.
Delphiniums prefer bright sun or light shade and well-drained, fertile soil. They are vulnerable to extreme winds and rain and do not like hot, dry summers.
Herbstonne Black-Eyed Susan

botanical name Rudbeckia Hirta |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Yellow, Orange |
sun requirements Full Sun |
water needs Low-moderate |
height Up to 6 feet |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
soil needs Moist, and well drained |
Bursting full of cheer, this bright yellow plant can soar up to six feet tall and blooms in midsummer to late fall. Heat and drought resistant, this plant is easy to care for. They attract common pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and other insects.
However, these perennials are aggressive and territorial. They can overtake vegetation when planted near other perennials, so gardeners should be mindful of the surrounding area where they want a Herbstonne Black-Eyed Susan. Before you know it, this perennial can blanket an entirely open field with its yellow blooms.

botanical name Alcea rosea |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Blue, pink, purple, red, white, yellow |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Low-moderate |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 3-8 |
soil needs Adaptable to most soil types |
Want a perennial to border your garden fence? Hollyhock may be the candidate for you. Hollyhocks are unique because they are short-lived perennials.
Many also consider them biennials because many typical varieties tend to live for only two years. They are prone to fungal diseases, like rust, and pests, so home gardeners should be mindful of these issues when performing regular care and maintenance.
Growing up to eight feet tall, these bouncy, charming plants are a fun accent for your garden. You can find them in a wide variety of bright colors available in single or double-cup blooms. This perennial thrives well in climate zones 3 to 8 and is essential for the Painted Lady Butterfly and other pollinating insects.

botanical name Boltonia Decurrens |
plant type Flowering Perennial |
bloom colors White, purple, pink |
sun requirements Full sun |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 6 Feet |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
soil needs Can tolerate most soil types |
Boltonia is a North American native perennial that can reach upwards of six feet. The star of the party, this starry white, yellow, or pink flower, loves to flirt with its cutesy charm. Also known as the False Aster, the Boltonia prefers full sun but will grow in partial sunlight, although it may require staking if the light is limited.
The hardiness zone for Boltonia plants is between 4 and 9, making this perennial a terrific choice for a backyard wildflower garden.
You can expect butterflies and other small pollinators to start coming around when these flowers are in your yard. Choose a spot with well-drained soil but remember to keep their soil moist for optimal growth.

botanical name Aruncus Dioicus |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors White, cream |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 6 feet |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
soil needs Adaptable and can tolerate many soil types |
Care to bring shade to a hot garden? Goatsbeard is the perfect perennial flower accent to achieve this objective. The unique foliage of this plant, adorned in early summer with white petal plumes, provides a cooling appeal that gives comfort to the plants that may not endure well under the sun.
Also known as Buck’s Beard, this perennial has a six-foot growth span providing a unique touch to your magical garden landscape. Interestingly, the Goatsbeard has its male reproductive organs on one plant, with the female organs on another.
Giant Himalayan Lily

botanical name Cardiocrinum Giganteum |
plant type Perennial Bulb |
bloom colors White |
sun requirements Partial shade, dappled sunlight |
water needs Moderate, does not tolerate overwatering |
height Up to 9 feet |
hardiness zones 7-9 |
soil needs Fertile, well drained soil |
Tall and radiant, the Giant Himalayan Lily can stand as high as nine feet. During the summer, it produces beautiful white trumpet flowers with maroon stripes. This perennial is a fragrant flower adorning gardens with an exceptional floral scent.
The Giant Himalayan Lily prefers partial shade and well-drained soil to prevent root rot. However, they can suffer from scorching if in direct sunlight for too long. They thrive best in climates 7 to 9 and require more maintenance than other lilies due to their impressive size.
Queen of the Prairie

botanical name Filipendula Rubra |
plant type Flowering Perennial |
bloom colors Pale pink |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate to high |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
soil needs Adaptable, can be well-drained or poorly-drained |
Sweet and soft like cotton candy, this fluffy perennial flower provides a burst of color, which creates a festive gala in your garden. This native wildflower can grow up to eight feet tall and has large, dark green leaves to accent its beautiful floral crown.
Although the Queen of the Prairie provides pollen for visiting insects, it does not offer nectar. Instead, its blooms and leaves emit a soft fragrance and are incredibly low-maintenance, making it a terrific perennial to add to your landscape.
Plume Poppy

botanical name Macleaya Cordata |
plant type Herbaceous perennial |
bloom colors White, PInk |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 3-8 |
soil needs Moist, sandy and well-drained |
With the potential to grow as high as seven or eight feet tall, the Plume Poppy is a tropical floral perennial that can rapidly conquer territory wherever planted, thanks to its accelerated growth and spread. However, each plant will only spread about two feet wide.
Providing lots of room to grow will allow these chipper perennial flowers to decorate your yard with beautiful accents and charm.
The Plume Poppy thrives in growing zones 3 to 8, although it can be invasive when growing in the right conditions. This perennial will need continuous monitoring to ensure it does not take over your entire landscape in warmer climates, though.

botanical name Gunnera Tinctoria |
plant type Herbaceous perennial |
bloom colors Brownish-red |
sun requirements Partial Shade |
water needs Moderate to high |
height Up to 6 feet |
hardiness zones 7-9 |
soil needs Rich, moist and well draining |
Want to take a walk on the wild side? Planting Gunnera in your garden will provide an exotic twist to spice up your yard and give it a magical flair! With a ten-foot growth span and six-foot-wide leaves, this perennial plant will make your garden the talk of the town!
Also known as Dinosaur Food, the Gunnera is an impressive ornamental perennial with deeply lobed leaves. This plant prefers wet boggy soil and will thrive in areas where other plants may be prone to root rot.
The Gunnera is a hardy plant, but it requires some maintenance and care to ensure the soil is continuously moist and does not succumb to extensive frost.
Canna Lily

botanical name Canna Indica |
plant type Perennial bulb |
bloom colors Red, Orange, Yellow, PInk |
sun requirements Full Sun |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 8-11 |
soil needs Rich, moist and well drained |
The Canna perennial is a garden centerpiece with big leaves and brightly colored floral blossoms. Boasting luscious bursts of red, yellow, orange, and white, this spectacular plant will happily shine brightly in any radiant garden.
Canna can grow up to eight feet tall and have variegated leaves accenting colorful floral blossoms. These leaves grow from the stem and unfurl to reveal a display of sizeable ornamental foliage with maroons and browns. This perennial is exceptionally tolerant to disease, making them a low-maintenance plant for your garden.
Cup Plant

botanical name Silphium Perfoliatum |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Yellow |
sun requirements Full Sun |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
soil needs Moist, rich soil – can tolerate light drought |
The Cup Plant stretches eight feet to the sky with pride, capturing a plant lover’s eye with their golden crown of daisies. This unique perennial flower has upper leaves that attach and clasp the stem creating a watering fountain for birds and insects.
This perennial also goes by other names, including the Pilot Weed, Squareweed, and Carpenter’s Weed. You can expect the Cup Plant to grow between three and eight feet tall and is highly tolerant of cold temperatures. This perennial can hibernate in extremely cold winters, laying dormant until spring.
Chimney Bellflower

botanical name Campanula Pyramidalis |
plant type Flowering Perennial |
bloom colors Light purple, blue |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 5 feet |
hardiness zones 7-10 |
soil needs Adaptable, but prefers well-drained soil |
The Chimney Bellflower is a bluish, purplish bell-shaped flower that produces chimney-shaped stalks. While not the tallest perennial (it can grow up to five feet), the Chimney Bellflower is a uniquely shaped plant capable of blooming from mid-summer through the fall.
This perennial is highly adaptive and will grow in numerous soil types and light exposures. However, it does prefer direct sun or partially shaded areas where it will have a good amount of sunlight. The Chimney Bellflower is self-fertile, making it easy to spread when living in the right growing conditions.
Common Foxglove

botanical name Digitalis |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Red, Pink, White, Yellow, Purple |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 6 feet |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
soil needs Moist, well-drained |
Common Foxglove perennials can grow up to eight feet, sporting beautiful purple-colored trumpet-shaped flowers, while others may produce lovely rose-colored flowers. These versatile plants can grow in various soils and provide a melodic interlude to any garden.
Depending on the heat, they thrive best in climate zones 4 to 10. This perennial prefers full sun or partial shade. The Foxglove may grow better in a partially shaded spot if you live in a hot location. This plant is also a biennial, so it does have a shorter life span than other perennials.
Desert Candles

botanical name Eremurus |
plant type Perennial bulb |
bloom colors Yellow, Orange |
sun requirements Full sun |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 5-8 |
soil needs Rich, well-drained |
Want to light your garden organically? Consider using Desert Candle perennial flowers. Golden cylindrical stalks with tail-like clusters bursting with small, pretty scented flowers are a true delight for any garden.
With a height of between five and eight feet, these spectacular perennial flowers stand like bold candles against a scenic lush green landscape.
The Desert Candles plant will thrive in zones 5 to 8 and are heat and drought-resistant. However, this perennial does not like winds, so planting it in a spot that provides shelter from blowing winds is best.
Beehive Ginger

botanical name Zingiber spectabile |
plant type Perennial bulb |
bloom colors Yellow, Red, Orange |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade and dappled sun |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to 15 feet |
hardiness zones 8-10 |
soil needs Rich, moist and well-drained |
The Beehive Ginger is a quirky plant that adds an eclectic vibe to any floral adorned yard. Aptly shaped like a beehive, these colorful flowers sit within its long, upright, bright green leaves. This perennial flower grows up to eight feet in height. Its purple and white flowers often bloom during the summer from this fun plant.
This perennial plant is edible, although many gardeners opt to plant it strictly for its ornamental features. Beehive Ginger is not hardy to colder temperatures and thrives best in growing climates 9 to 11.
Giant Viper’s Bugloss

botanical name Echium Pininana |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Light purple |
sun requirements Full sun |
water needs Low-moderate |
height Up to 18 feet |
hardiness zones 8-10 |
soil needs Adaptable, preferring well-drained soils |
Nicknamed the Tower of Jewels, this perennial flower can grow up to 13 feet. Its gigantic stature makes it the king of the garden. Come mid to late summer, and you’ll get to admire its blue funnel-shaped flowers as they burst onto the scene to add some extra flair.
The Giant Viper’s Bugloss thrives best in climates 8 through 10, requires well-drained soil, and prefers total sun exposure for optimal growth. This perennial is also drought-resistant, making it a low-maintenance plant for many plant lovers.
Bear’s Breeches

botanical name Acanthus Mollis |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Pink, White |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate |
height Up to |
spacing Up to 4 feet |
hardiness zones 6-10 |
soil needs Well drained with average moisture |
Simply elegant, Bear’s Breeches will add vintage charm to your dainty garden. With a growth span of up to four feet, this perennial plant does well in the sun or partial shade. This unique plant produces tall white flowers with elegant purple bracts and adds a romantic air to your backyard environment.
Many know this plant as the Sea Holly, Gator Plant, or Oyster Plant. This perennial can grow between three and six feet tall and wide when it hits maturity.
Plant enthusiasts in climate zones 6 to 10 can enjoy adding a Bear’s Breeches to their current landscape. However, they can be aggressive growers, so homeowners should monitor their spread.
Swamp Sunflower

botanical name Helianthus angustifolius |
plant type Flowering perennial |
bloom colors Yellow |
sun requirements Full sun to partial shade |
water needs Moderate-high |
height Up to 8 feet |
hardiness zones 5-10 |
soil needs Moist and well-drained |
The Swamp Sunflower is another garden champion. This yellow perennial is bright, bold, beautiful, and bursting with edgy style. This easily makes the Sunflower a winner for your garden.
With a height of up to ten feet, you can be confident that this extraordinary plant will display its majesty. The Swamp Sunflower is a popular favorite that shines brightly as a perennial flower superstar!
Its leaves can reach up to 30 cm long, with the flower heads measuring 10 to 15 cm wide. However, this perennial does not spread out much and may only reach 0.5 to 1 meter across. Sunflowers prefer full sun exposure, so just remember to keep its soil moist, and it will be content.
Final Thoughts
Designing and planning your outdoor garden can be challenging, especially when you are unsure which perennials will go well with others and their needs. We hope this feature of our favorite tall perennial flowers gives you a good indication of the tallest flowers to choose that will add beauty, flair, and color to any landscape.