How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Hawaiian Hibiscus

The Hawaiian hibiscus is a gorgeous tropical flowering shrub or tree well worth growing. Kaleigh Brillon discusses how to grow and care for these island treasures to make your own tropical paradise.

Two white flowers of hawaiian hibiscus appearing soft and elegant with bright pink stamens and deep green leaves


When you think of Hawaiian hibiscus, you’re probably thinking of relaxing on the beach with a drink in your hand the sound of waves and lush tropical greenery everywhere. Suddenly, it’s time for a vacation! If you need a little piece of tropical paradise in your home, you need to consider adding this beautiful plant to your garden.

‘Hawaiian hibiscus’ isn’t referring to just one type of hibiscus—it’s talking about seven species in the genus Hibiscus, as well as the Chinese hibiscus, which is a related type of flower but is not a native species to Hawaii. Oddly enough, the Chinese hibiscus is the most common ornamental species in Hawaii and is probably the kind of flower you’re picturing right now!

Hawaiian hibiscus needs warm temperatures to thrive, but you may still be able to grow these tall flowering species in your gardens, even if you live in colder areas. Planted as annuals or as house plants, you may also have moderate success provided that you give them summer-like conditions that mimic nature. Let’s get into how to grow these so you can start that Hawaii-style staycation as soon as possible.


Bright red flowers looking almost orange under the sun, with waxy deep green leaves in a sunny garden
Plant Type Flowering shrub
Family Malvaceae
Genus Hibiscus
Species Hibiscus arnottianus, Hibiscus brackenridgei, Hibiscus clayi, Hibiscus furcellatus, Hibiscus kokio, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Hibiscus waimeae, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Native Area Hawaii
Exposure Full sun or partial shade
Height 12”
Watering Requirements Regular
Pests & Diseases Aphids, Japanese beetles, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, leaf spot, root rot, southern stem blight, viral diseases
Maintenance Low
Soil Type Well-draining, slightly acidic
Hardiness Zone 9-11

What is Hawaiian Hibiscus?

Hawaiian hibiscus is aptly named because they’re either native plants to or predominately grown in Hawaii. The yellow hibiscus flower, Hibiscus brackenridgei, is Hawaii’s official state flower. Unfortunately, this specific hibiscus flower, among a few others, is hard to find and is listed as endangered, which is a shame as this indigenous species produces gorgeous yellow Hawaiian hibiscus flowers!


A bright, yellow flower appearing to gradually change to vivid pink at the center, surrounded by textured green leaves
They grow on bushy shrubs that appear like small trees.

The beautiful flowers are grown on bushy or tree-like flowering plants. If they’re grown in their natural habitat, they’ll grow to be a small tree. If they’re grown indoors or in cooler climates, they’ll grow to be small bushes. Depending on the specific hibiscus species, they’re either indigenous species or endemic to the Hawaiian islands, and likely won’t be found anywhere else unless someone put them there. 

The flowers come in several colors, including white, yellow, red, orange, and pink. Yellow hibiscus flowers are extremely rare. You could consider the shape of these flowers to be iconic, with their five or six flat petals that form a deep cone in the middle that has a long pistil sticking out of it. If you think they look like okra flowers, that’s because they’re in the same family: Malvaceae.


Close up of vivid pink flower with prominent stamen, with yellow fluffy heads, having deep green plants looking blurry in the background
These flowers have various uses, ranging from medicinal to cosmetic purposes.

The flowers are most commonly used for leis, which are beautiful necklaces made with colorful flowers and are given to people for almost any occasion worth celebrating. They’re also used to make essential oils and are used in traditional medicine to treat various illnesses. The bark of Hibiscus tiliaceus, a red or yellow Hawaiian hibiscus, is used to make useful items like fishing lines, mats, and nets. The Chinese hibiscus has been used to make mascara.

Types Of Hawaiian Hibiscus

There are seven species of native hibiscus flower in Hawaii. They look similar and are all of the genus Hibiscus but some of them have slightly different attributes.

Hawaiian White

A big white O’ahu flower with light pink base and vivid pink stamen with yellow fluffy heads, surrounded by deep green leaves
The flower of O’ahu appear pure white with hints of pink.

Hibiscus arnottianus, or the O’ahu white hibiscus, has white flowers that might turn pink toward the end of the day! It blooms all year long and is one of the few varieties that have a scent.


A vibrant yellow Aloalo flower with vivid red center sitting on a woody stem with waxy round leaves looking deep green
The flowers of Aloalo stand out with their distinct and bright yellow color.

The official state flower, Hibiscus brackenridgei, boasts bright yellow flowers that will catch your eye if you can find it. This yellow Hawaiian hibiscus, referred to as ma’o hau-hele or pua aloalo in the Hawaiian language, is an endangered species that grow up to a towering 30 feet and only flowers in the winter and spring.

Red Kauai

Three vibrantly red flowers of Red Kauai with red stames appearing to heave fluffy dots of yellow, growing in a container
The Red Kauai’s flowers have thinner petals than other varieties.

Hibiscus clayi has gorgeous red flowers and doesn’t have a scent. This one is easier to identify because its petals are slightly slimmer than the others.

Linden Leaf

Bright pink-colored flower of Linden Leaf, with soft and vivid petals, having a yellow stamen appearing to have yellow powder
The Linden Leaf plant grows extensively, blooming pink and purple flowers.

Hibiscus furcellatus is a smaller native variety that usually only spreads out to eight feet. It has elegant light purple and pink flowers that only last a day, but it can usually bloom all year long.


Orange flower of Kokio with yellow stamen, appearing wet with countless water droplets sitting on its petals
The native Kokio is a rarity that blooms lovely orange flowers.

Hibiscus kokio is at risk of becoming an extremely rare native endangered species. It grows gorgeous orange and bright yellow flowers all year long. Just like the state flower, the bright yellow flowers on these native plants are harder to come by.

Sea Hibiscus

A vivid healthy looking yellow flower with petals in unique formation, with bark center attached to woody stem with deep green leaves
Aside from its flower, its bark is also useful.

The bark of the Hibiscus tiliaceus has been put to use for mats, cordage, and a host of other handy items. It stands tall above the others, occasionally growing up to a whopping 50 feet! The flowers for this indigenous species are usually yellow or red.


A healthy pure white flower of Kauai with vibrant stamen pointing slightly downward, attached to green woody stem
The Kauai thrives in shady areas with just enough sunlight.

Hibiscus waimeae is another native endangered species. It usually only grows up to 14 feet. This variety is good for shady areas since it’s more tolerant of shade than these other native plants.

Chinese Hibiscus

Vivid pink flower appearing healthy and vibrant, having a prominent stamen with yellow tips, surrounded by bright green leaves
It is one of the most popular varieties in Hawaii.

Finally, there’s Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, the Chinese hibiscus. It’s not actually a Hawaiian hibiscus and was introduced into the Hawaiian landscape, but it’s the most popular hibiscus flower you’ll find on the islands. It’s often smaller than other varieties, produces pink, yellow, and red flowers, and only blooms in the summer.


A sapling growing in a white container, placed near a window, with the stem buried in dark brown soil, developing a flower bud
Grow young plants indoors if it is too cold outside.

Hawaiian hibiscus shouldn’t be difficult to grow if you’re able to provide the proper conditions for it. Ideal temperatures are USDA zones 9-11, but you can grow it as an annual in your backyard or as a house plant if you’re in colder areas.

Outdoor plants will ideally need access to at least six hours of sunlight each day, but they can also tolerate partial shade. Choose an area that’s protected from high winds, so the delicate blossoms don’t fall off of the tall, tree-like shrub. The soil should be slightly acidic, although it can tolerate neutral or somewhat alkaline soils.

If you have hibiscus seeds, start them indoors 10-14 weeks before the last frost date. Depending on where you live, this will likely be January or February. Your seedlings or store-bought starts can be transplanted outside after all dangers of frost have passed. If you’re going to grow it as an indoor plant, you can do it any time of year so long as the room is the ideal temperature.

If you’re planting transplants, wait for the late afternoon or a cloudy day to make the transition easier for the plant. Dig a hole for the root ball that’s deep enough for the top of the ball to be level with the ground’s surface. Cover the area with a couple of inches of mulch and keep it consistently moist as the plant acclimates to its new home.

Easy enough, right? Now let’s zoom in and look closer at the details.

How to Grow Hawaiian Hibiscus

As native plants to the main Hawaiian islands, these lovely flowering plants need a tropical environment. If you don’t have that, you can try to mimic it as much as you can to increase your chance of beautiful flower growth. It’s not as hard as you might expect!


A shrub with bright red flowers, growing well with woody stems, placed in a sunny and grassy area with another shrub in the background
Most varieties prefer abundant sunlight.

Hibiscus requires as much sun as possible, although they can tolerate partial shade. If you grow it indoors, it will benefit greatly from a grow light. If you don’t have a grow light, make sure to place the plants in bright, indirect light for most of the day.


A person holding a hose pointing the nozzle to a patch of plants, appearing bright green in a sunny area in a garden
Keep them moist but not overwatered.

While the genus Hibiscus can be drought-tolerant, they’ll look their best when you can keep the ground moist. Water it every day as long as the water can drain freely and not puddle up. Cut back on watering when the plant has stopped growing blooms during the winter months.

They also like humidity, so indoor plants will benefit from being in the same room as a humidifier.


A person holding some soil using bare hand, appearing to show a garden bed in the background with greens on one side
Use nutrient-rich soil, whether for planting in containers or on the ground.

Hibiscus isn’t too picky when it comes to types of soils, as long as their growing medium has plenty of nutrients. A healthy dose of compost should give it everything it needs. They like slightly acidic conditions with a pH of 6-6.5, but can tolerate neutral or even slightly alkaline conditions if they must. Amend with the right pH adjusting amendment if it’s too acidic or alkaline.


A vivid red flower attached to woody stem, with big rounded petals having many vibrant deep green leaves with other plans in the background
Specific varieties can tolerate the cold well.

Blooms develop when the temperature is 60-75°F (16-24°C). Most Hawaiian hibiscus varieties are ideal for USDA hardiness zones 9-11, with the exception of the Chinese hibiscus that prefers zones 10-12, and the picky Hibiscus clayi that loves zone 11 specifically. 

This may sound discouraging if you live in cooler zones, but the lowest temperature in zone 9 is 20°F (-7°C), so these delicate flowers are actually pretty hardy despite their natural habitat in the Hawaiian islands! Daily temperatures shouldn’t drop below 55°F (13°C) for the best results.


Someone using bare hand to mix fertilizer with loamy soil, appearing dark brown almost black, with grass blades in the background
It doesn’t need much fertilizer but can benefit from it.

Healthy plants likely won’t require any fertilizing outside of additional compost a few times each year, but they will flower better if they have it. If you do need to use fertilizer, choose something that’s low in phosphorus. Fertilize outdoor plants every two to three weeks, or once a month indoors. You don’t need to fertilize in the cool months.


A vivid red flower growing on a shrub with deep green leaves, placed in a warm and sunny garden, with other shrubs in the background
It’s not necessary but pruning keeps the shrub’s size under control.

Pruning isn’t required, but it will keep your plant looking bushy and tamed, as well as prevent it from reaching tall tree heights. Prune your plant in the winter while it’s dormant, and it will create bushier growth in the upcoming season. Trim off leggy growth, branches that stick out too far for your liking, and extra twigs and stems you don’t want as you form it to the right shape for your landscape. Don’t be shy – they aren’t afraid of haircuts!


Someone holding cuttings of plant, placing them in small container filled with dark brown soil, placed ion a light brown wooden surface
Using cuttings to propagate them is easier than growing with seeds.

You can choose to propagate hibiscus from seed, or use the quicker version and take cuttings. Make sure to choose a healthy plant before taking cuttings.


Someone transferring sprouts from seedling tray to a round pot, having recently grown true leaves appearing vibrant green
Transfer the sprouts to a bigger container after their true leaves grow in.

To plant hibiscus seeds, you can soak them for eight hours to speed up the germination process, but this is unnecessary. Plant the seeds a quarter of an inch deep in potting mix. Keep its growing medium moist, and you should see a seedling emerge in two to three weeks.

Seedlings should have access to sixteen hours of sunlight, and yes, grow lights will work perfectly! When seedlings have two sets of true leaves, you can move them to a bigger pot. Harden off seedlings off before they’re moved outside permanently.


Someone wearing gloves transferring strong looking cuttings into a pot with soil, with seedling trays and soil scattered on the table
Wait for cuttings to develop strong roots before placing them in soil.

Cuttings should be three to five inches from the strongest shoots available. Dip the cutting into a rooting hormone and place it in a pot with potting mix. Keep the cutting consistently moist and make sure the plant receives plenty of sunlight. Avoid letting it get too cold or hot. After three to five weeks, the cutting should have a well-developed root system.

Common Problems

You’re bound to have some issues with your hibiscus plant eventually. (It’s one of the many joys of gardening!) Here are some problems you should look out for.

Growing Problems

A yellow flower with deep red center, with waxy, deep green leaves and woody stems, drooping slightly and looking damp
Unfavorable conditions can impact its growth and development.

If you see yellow leaves that aren’t just your beautiful rare blooms, your plant is trying to tell you that something isn’t right. First, make sure there haven’t been any sudden changes in temperature, sunlight, or water. Did you move your plant to a new location? Did someone start ‘helping’ with watering, and now it’s being overwatered? When was the last time you amended or fertilized? It may need some fertilizer. If it’s spring or fall, your plant may be transitioning along with the weather, and that’s perfectly normal.

If your plant is dropping buds and preventing you from seeing it flower, it may not be in the right temperature range. 60-75°F (16-24°C) is the ideal blooming temperature. It may also be a sign that the plant isn’t receiving enough light or water.


Multiple spider mites sitting on leaf surface appearing to have whitish strands and veins
These plants are prone to various pests, including spider mites and aphids.

Aphids, mealybugs, thrips, and spider mites are small and, unfortunately, common pests that you might see. They feast on the sap of plants and can cause hibiscus plants to become stunted. Gently ‘power washing’ these pests away with a hard spray of water can reduce their numbers, and insecticidal soap should take care of them. Neem oil is also effective. Ladybugs like to eat aphids and mealybugs for dinner, so try attracting some of those to your garden with umbellifers like fennel and yarrow, and companion plants like sweet alyssum.

Japanese beetles like to eat leaves, stems, and flowers, and they’ll gobble up your plants if they’re given a chance. Fortunately, the small tree can handle quite a bit of damage before it affects them. Their larvae are white grubs that live in the ground and eat roots. The easiest way to get rid of them is to pick them off and kill them, but a specific species of beneficial nematodes (Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, often shortened to Hb) is very effective at hunting down and killing grubs in the soil. Two treatments two weeks apart in temperate spring will ensure your success. Milky spore powder has long been introduced to gardens to treat Japanese beetle species as well and might be an effective option.


Woody roots appearing damp and rotten, caked with wet soil surrounded by bright green grass blades and vivid leaves
Too much moisture causes root rot.

Root rot caused by fungi occurs when the ground is too wet and produces ideal conditions for fungal development. These fungi attack the root system of your ornamental, causing the roots to rot. Since these do love lots of available water to produce lushly green foliage and to flower, it’s easy to get carried away and risk damaging the roots. To prevent root rot in your gardens, make sure your growing medium is well-draining and doesn’t turn muddy or gloopy with excess water. If you’re prone to overwatering, try letting the top half-inch of the ground dry out before watering again. Hibiscus is drought-tolerant, so it won’t bother them too much.

Southern stem blight and leaf spots (particularly alternaria leaf spot) are fungal infections that affect the stems and leaves, respectively. You can prevent these with copper fungicides, but once they’re infected, there’s no universal cure. Remove damaged or infected foliage in your gardens, and monitor the rest where the infected plant was planted to ensure you’ve caught it before it spread. If an individual plant is seriously infected, remove the entire shrub to reduce the risk to others.

Viral diseases don’t have a cure and are often introduced to the garden by pests. Control pest populations and, if a virus infects one, remove that plant to prevent further spread to others. Consult your local extension office if you’re unsure of the disease you’re dealing with.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Hawaiian hibiscus come back every year?

Hawaiian hibiscus are perennials when they’re grown in the proper conditions. They’re also perennial indoors or can be grown as annuals in colder climates.

What hibiscus are native to Hawaii?

There are seven native species of these lovely ornamental plants that are native to the main Hawaiian islands. The official flower of Hawaii is among these, with beautiful yellow Hawaiian hibiscus flowers that are cheery and bright. Others, such as Chinese hibiscus, were introduced at some point and have become quite popular!

How much sun does a Hawaiian hibiscus need?

The more, the merrier! They prefer full sun, at least six hours of direct sunlight each day, but they can tolerate partial shade if necessary.

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