Cacti & Succulents

Cacti and succulents are low-maintenance, gorgeous plants to grow. Learn how to properly care for them with our detailed tutorials. No matter if you're looking for a tiny little houseplant, a plant for xeriscaping with, or anything in between, we likely have something here to catch your eye!

Not sure which type you're most interested in? Peruse our list of different types of succulents to discover your favorites!

Different Types of Succulents on Table

Cacti & Succulents

57 Types of Succulents With Names and Pictures

Are you looking for the perfect type of succulent for your garden, but aren't sure which one to pick? There are many different succulent types, so picking the perfect addition to your indoor garden may seem a little daunting! In this article, we look at our favorite types of succulents, including names and pictures of each!

flowreing succulents

Cacti & Succulents

27 Beautiful Flowering Succulents For Indoor Gardens

If you are looking for a flowering succulent to add to your indoor plant collection, you have plenty of options to choose from! So, where do you start? In this article, we've hand-picked our favorite succulents that flower beautifully in many different colors. You'll learn about each plant, with names and pictures of each!

low light succulents

Cacti & Succulents

31 Low Light Succulents For Your Indoor Garden

Looking for a succulent that can grow without needing to constantly be in the light? There are many different succulents to choose from that have lower light requirements compared to other houseplants. In this article, we take a look at our favorite low light succulents, with names and pictures of each!

Cold Hardy Succulents

Cacti & Succulents

18 Cold Hardy Succulents For Cool Climates

Looking to add some succulents to your garden, but aren't sure which plants will tolerate cooler weather? There are a number of different cold-hardy succulents that can handle cooler temperatures. In this article, gardening expert Paige Foley shares her favorite succulents that will thrive in colder hardiness zones.

hoya varieties

Cacti & Succulents

Hoya Varieties: 51 Different Types of Hoyas You’ll Love

Thinking of planting a hoya plant but aren't sure which one to pick? There are many different types of hoya varieties, so it can be tough to pick one that suits your home. You could always pick more than one, or use this guide to help narrow your search. In this article, we take a look at our favorite hoya cultivars with names and pictures of each!

Grow String of Turtles

Cacti & Succulents

How to Plant, Grow, and Care For String of Turtles Plants

If you are considering adding a string of turtles houseplant to your indoor garden collection, there's some important factors to consider. These particular plants make wonderful houseplants, but they need to have the right growing conditions in order to thrive. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton guides you through each step of how to plant, grow, and care for string of turtles plants.