31 Different Types of African Violet Varieties

Thinking of adding some African Violets to your garden but aren't sure which varieties to pick? There are many different types you can choose from, so picking just one can be tough! In this article, gardening expert Liessa Bowen looks at the different varieties of African Violets you can grow.

Blue african violet varieties blooming in pot on countertop


African violets, Saintpaulia spp, are one of the most common indoor plants available today. They are small, readily available, and with proper care, they can bloom almost continually. African violets can thrive indoors in the average home. There are many different cultivars available that bloom in many different colors.

African violets are native to mountainous regions of tropical eastern Africa. The original native wild plants to be collected and named were Saintpaulia ionantha. These violets grow in rock crevices and along rocky outcroppings in rainforest areas. They have simple, rounded, fuzzy green leaves and single purple flowers.

Almost all of the cultivars available today are derived from the hybridization of two native species: S. ionantha and S. confusa. Many of them bloom in different colors and sizes. Let’s take a deeper look at some of the top varieties of African violet you can grow!

Types of African Violets

Blooming purple African violets lit by sunlight on a windowsill. The leaves are dark green, thick, oval, pubescent. The flowers are small, bright purple with yellow stamens.
There is a wide variety of African violets with different sizes, flowers, leaves, flower shapes, etc.

There is a tremendous variety of modern African violets with thousands of cultivars. Each variety has a great variability in size, leaf color, flower color, leaf and flower shapes, and plant growth habits.

To get familiar with some of these plant characteristics, let’s have a look at some definitions. There are two main types of growth forms: rosette and trailing.

Rosettes have leaves arranged in a circular pattern around a central crown. The flower stalks grow from the center of the plant.

Trailing varieties have multiple crowns that develop from the central root. These give the appearance of clusters of flowers growing together. Flower stalks grow from the centers of each crown for a more haphazard look.

From there, they can also be divided into at least five different size classes, with diameters ranging from tiny to quite large.

Size Classes

  • Large: 12 to 16 inches across
  • Standard: 8 to 12 inches across
  • Semi-miniature: 6 to 8 inches across
  • Miniature: 3 to 6 inches across
  • Micro-miniature: Less than 3 inches across

Their flower types can be divided into many categories based on overall shape and petal arrangement, as well as petal texture.

Petal Type & Texture

  • Single: A single row of 5 petals, the top two petals being smaller than the lower three.
  • Semi-double: Flowers with more than 5 petals, with yellow stamens exposed.
  • Double: Flowers have 10 or more petals, with yellow stamens typically hidden.
  • Frilled/Ruffled: Flower petals are wavy along the edges.
  • Star-shaped: 5-petaled flowers with all petals of equal shape and size.
  • Wasp-shaped: 5-petaled narrow flowers where top two petals are twisted.
  • Cup-shaped: 5 equally-sized petals are joined together to create a shallow cup shape.
  • Bell-shaped: 5 petals joined together into a narrow, semi-tubular bell shape.

Finally, African violet leaves show a great deal of variability as well. Leaves may be solid green or variegated green and white. The surface of the leaves may be smooth and flat or ‘quilted’ with highly textured patterns.

Leaves also have highly variable textures around the edges, ranging from smooth to slightly indented to very wavy. The one thing the leaves from all varieties have in common is they are all fuzzy and covered with fine soft hairs.

There are far too many African violet varieties to try to list them all, with more being developed and named each year. Let’s take a look at 31 beautiful and unique varieties of African violets. When thinking of the perfect variety to grow, all varieties of African violets are incredibly easy to propagate, meaning you can create additional plants for yourself or your gardening friends!

All of these plants are in the family Gesneriaceae and the genus Saintpaulia. The common variety names, however, are often as colorful as the plants themselves!


Close-up of a blooming plant on a beige background. The blooms are medium, pale purple, solitary. The leaves are dark green, heart-shaped with a fuzzy quilted texture.
‘Amethyst’ is a gorgeous violet with solitary pale purple flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Light purple
  • Flower Type: Single

This unique variety produces a rosette of somewhat heart-shaped dark green leaves. The leaves have a quilted texture which gives them a nicely patterned look.

Flowers are single bloom and pale purple. This standard-size plant is a typical-looking African violet, similar to the varieties most commonly available commercially.

‘Champagne Pink’

Close-up of a blooming plant in a brown clay pot. The blooms are small, double-blooming, pale pink, surrounded by dark green oval, slightly scalloped leaves.
‘Champagne Pink’ produces delicate light pink double flowers and variegated foliage.
  • Plant Size Class: Semi-miniature
  • Growth Habit: Trailer
  • Foliage Color: Variegated green and white
  • Flower Color: Light pink
  • Flower Type: Double

Here’s a charming vareiety. ‘Champagne Pink’ has light pink double flowers. Leaves are highly variegated with plenty of white and light green.

This plant is a small trailer and will eventually fill its pot to overflow with flowering rosettes.

‘Cherry Princess’

Close up of several vibrant fuschia flowers with white edges and yellow stamens blooming from dark green leaves. The petals are slightly ruffled on the edges. The foliage is quilted in texture and slightly scalloped on the edges.
These stunning flowers have semi-double to double blooms that are beautifully unique.
  • Plant Size Class: Semi-miniature
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: Deep fuchsia pink with white edging
  • Flower Type: Semi-double and Double

This stunning little plant will wow you with its super-showy bright blooms topping a deep green rosette. ‘Cherry Princess’ flowers are deep fuchsia in color with white edging, or you may prefer to think of them as white flowers with broad fuchsia stripes on each petal. Whichever way you think of them, they are beautiful!

‘Crimson Ice’

A single flower against a blurred leafy background. The bloom is small, white with bright fuchsia spots and yellow stamens in the center. A light shines brightly on the delicate petals.
This variety has ruffled white flowers with fuchsia spots.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: White with fuchsia
  • Flower Type:  Single, ruffled

‘Crimson Ice’ has uniquely colored flowers. It looks as though someone took a relatively large ruffled white flower and dipped the parts of some of the petals in bright fuchsia paint.

The coloration may vary slightly from flower to flower, furthering the look of an artist’s touch. The leaves are solid deep green and slightly heart-shaped.


Close-up of a flowering houseplant. The leaves are dark green, large, heart-shaped, and variegated with white spots. The blooms are large, solitary, deep purple with slightly purple spots on the petals. The edges of the petals are slightly wavy. There are bright yellow stamen in the centers of each flower.
‘Devotion’ produces elegant dark purple single flowers and variegated leaves.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Variegated green with speckled white along the edges
  • Flower Color:  Deep purple
  • Flower Type: Single

This is an elegant plant that can grow quite large indoors. ‘Devotion’ sports an abundance of deep purple single blooms that look charming amidst deep green and white variegated leaves.

The leaves are smooth-edged and heart-shaped and look great by themselves, even when the plant is not blooming.

‘Diamond Tiffany’

A close-up of a saintpaulia in bloom surrounded by dark green ruffled leaves. The blooms are densely ruffled, semi-double, creamy white with pale green edging.
This variety has delightful ruffled dark green leaves and delicate white ruffled flowers with pale green fringing.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: White with pale greenish edges
  • Flower Type: Semi-double, ruffled

‘Diamond Tiffany’ is a head-turner. Slightly ruffled deep green leaves grow in a low rosette. At the center, oversized semi-double flowers fill the space. The flower petals are densely ruffled and white, with a pale green edging along some of the petals.

There’s a lot to look at with this plant, and it can be difficult to tell where the leaves stop and the flowers begin.


Close-up of saintpaulia plant in bloom. The blooms are large, ruffled, solitary, light purple in color with a pale greenish-white border. The foliage is dark green with white fuzz.
This variety produces beautiful light purple flowers with ruffled pale green margins.
  • Plant Size Class: Large standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Light purple with pale greenish-white edging
  • Flower Type: Single, ruffled

‘EverGrace’ is a large standard-size plant that grows a broad rosette of solid green ruffled leaves. The flowers are single blooms with ruffled edges.

The flower color is light purple with pale greenish-white edges. This is a stunning plant, both in size and colorful ruffled form.


Close-up of a saintpaulia plant in bloom against dark green hairy leaves. The flower is small, dark pink in color with pale pinkish-white ruffled edges. Yellow stamen peek out from the center of the flower.
This variety produces incredibly beautiful deep pink flowers with pale ruffled edges.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: Deep pink with pale pink-white edging
  • Flower Type: Single, ruffled

‘EverLove’ is hard to miss! It has dazzling dark pink flowers with pale pinkish-white ruffled edges. Leaves are deep green with very wavy edges. An EverLove violet in full bloom is quite something to look at and uniquely beautiful.

‘First Kiss Blush’

Close-up of saintpaulia plant in bloom. The blooms are small, solitary, pink in color with irregular purple freckles on the petals and with bright yellow stamens in the centers.
This variety produces solid pink flowers with irregular purple freckles.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Rich pink with purple freckles
  • Flower Type: Single

‘First Kiss Blush’ really does look like it’s blushing. It produces single flowers, and the flower color is a rich medium pink with a smattering of purple freckles across the petals, referred to as a fantasy-type pattern. Leaves are solid green and heart-shaped and form a neat standard-size rosette.


Close-up of saintpaulia flowers in bloom. The blooms are solitary, large, and rich pink in color with slightly wavy edges and white inserts in the center of the flowers, giving them a glow. Foliage is deep green, and hairy.
This variety has white flowers with deep pink margins and some flowers are completely pink.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: White with dark fuchsia edges
  • Flower Type: Single with lightly ruffled edges

‘Harlequin’ is a brightly dazzling variety. The flowers are large and primarily white, with a healthy dose of pink around the edges.

Some flowers are entirely washed with pink, adding some interesting variety to the blooms. Leaves form a neat standard-size rosette and are deep green in color.

‘High School Sweetheart’

Close-up of two saintpaulia flowers in bloom against a white background. The blooms are large, dark pink with ruffled pale green edges. The foliage is deep green, pubescent, with slightly ruffled edges. Yellow stamen peek out from the centers of the flowers.
This variety has dark pink semi-double flowers and slightly ruffled leaves.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: Dark pink with greenish-white edge
  • Flower Type: Semi-double, ruffled

‘High School Sweetheart’ has deep dark pink semi-double flowers. The flower petals are ruffled with pale greenish-white edges. Leaves are also lightly ruffled and uniformly dark green.

The contrast between the dark green leaves and the dark pink flowers, combined with the ruffled leaves and flowers, makes this a lovely violet.

‘Irish Flirt’

Top view, close-up of a blooming plant against a black background. The flowers are small, double, snow-white, with a greenish tinge. The foliage is dark green, heart-shaped, with slightly wavy edges, with a hairy texture.
This variety has spectacular white double flowers with ruffled edges.
  • Plant Size Class: Semi-miniature
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: White with pale green borders
  • Flower Type: Double to semi-double, ruffled

‘Irish Flirt’ has large, showy flowers that practically cover the entire top of the plant in full bloom. The flowers are double or semi-double, with large petals ruffled around the edges.

Flowers are white, bordering on pale green, with most flowers having various patterns of both white and green coloration. Leaves are compact, solid dark green, and lightly ruffled around the edges. This is a very cute plant with a dramatic bloom!


Close-up of three saintpaulia in bloom on a white background. The blooms are large, double, with corrugated edges, light pink in color with a light purple border around the edge.
This variety produces unique large double flowers in light pink with a purple border.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: Pink with light purple edges
  • Flower Type: Double, ruffled

‘Julia’ is hard to miss. This is a standard-size rosette with amazingly large flowers for its size! The flowers are big and bright with double-ruffled blooms.

The flower color is light pink with a complimentary light purple border along the ruffled edge. Flowers are so densely petaled and ruffled that they look almost rounded.

‘Little Intermezzo’

Several flowers of a saintpaulia plant up close. The blooms are made up of single flowering petals that are frosty white with a deep blue-purple center. A small yellow stamen emerges from the center of each flower. The background is blurry and gray. A tiny portion the plant's dark green leaves peek out from the bottom.
The unique ‘Little Intermezzo’ African Violet has delicate white petals with a blue-purple center.
  • Plant Size Class: Miniature
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: White with dark purple-blue center
  • Flower Type: Single, star

With frosty white petals and a blue eye, ‘Little Intermezzo’ is sure to please! Miniature in size, they only grow to be about 2-4 inches.

This is a very new variety, as they were hybridized and made available in 2020 by Optimara African Violets. The dark green leaves are plain and pointed.

‘Little Maya’

Close-up of a blooming saintpaulia plant surrounded by dark green, heart-shaped, hairy leaves. The flowers are small, dark reddish-pink with yellow stamens.
The rich dark red flowers of ‘Little Maya’ grow compactly.
  • Plant Size Class: Miniature
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Dark red
  • Flower Type: Single

‘Little Maya’ is a miniature plant, staying small and compact in size but big in brightness. The deep red flowers stand out against solid green heart-shaped leaves.

Flowers are single blooms, solid dark reddish=pink with the slightest ruffle around the edges.

‘Little Ruby’

Close-up of a small flower against a blurred background of dark green heart-shaped leaves. The flower is small, semi-double, dark red.
Tiny and aptly named ‘Little Ruby’ produces dark red semi-double flowers and dark green heart-shaped leaves.
  • Plant Size Class: Micro-miniature
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Deep red
  • Flower Type: Semi-double

‘Little Ruby’ is a sparkling little jewel of a plant. This tiny plant has deep green heart-shaped leaves and grows in a nice compact rosette.

The flowers are deep red and have a semi-double form. Almost anyone would have room for this little violet in their collection. The dark red flowers against the dark green leaves make for a very fine specimen!

‘Lonestar Twilight’

Close-up of a blooming flowers on a white background. The leaves are dark green, heart-shaped, hairy, with a thin white variegated edge. The flowers are large, solitary with corrugated edges. The flower petals are white with a dark purple border and yellow stamen.
Fun and unique in color, ‘Lonestar Twilight’ has beautiful heart-shaped leaves with a white variegated margin and solitary ruffled flowers.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Variegated deep green with white edges
  • Flower Color: White with purple edges
  • Flower Type: Single, ruffled

‘Lonestar Twilight’ is a really beautiful variety. Leaves are deep green and heart-shaped with a fine variegated white edge.

The leaves form a neat, standard-size rosette. Flowers are single with ruffled edges. The flower color is white with a very attractive deep purple border.

‘Mac’s Jubilant Jamboree’

Close up downward view of variegated saintpaulia plant with purple and white flowers. Each flower is semi-double blooming with purple petals with white, sightly ruffled edging. The foliage is dark green with pinkish-cream variegation on the edges.
This semi-miniature and unique variety is sure to be a stunning piece in any home.
  • Plant Size Class: Semi-miniature
  • Growth Habit: Trailing
  • Foliage Color: Variegated medium green and pinkish-cream
  • Flower Color: Purple with white edges
  • Flower Type: Semi-double, slightly ruffled

‘Mac’s Jubilant Jamboree’ blooms with full white flowers that have purple veining and brushstrokes. The leaves are heart-shaped and variegated with pinkish-cream contrasting with medium green.

This trailing semi-miniature plant blooms flowers that are only a little bigger than an inch in diameter. When the flowers first open, the fringe has a green hue to it. Later, it turns white.

‘Music Box Dancer’

Close up of five double pink star-shaped flowers with white slightly ruffled edges growing in a pot with medium green quilted foliage. Rounded yellow stamen are in the center of each flower.
This variety has beautiful pink blooms with white edging on the flower petals.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Medium green
  • Flower Color: Rose-pink with white edge
  • Flower Type: Semi-double to double, star

The flowers of ‘Music Box Dancer’ are pink with faded white borders. They have semi-double to double blooms that form a star shape.

The foliage is quilted in texture and has a lovely medium green color. These plants can grow to be about 12 inches wide, so plan a good spot for them to grow accordingly!

‘Myakka Trail’

Close-up of a blooming purple flowers lit by sunlight. The flowers are small, dark purple with yellow stamens. The leaves are large, dark green, and formed into a beautiful rosette.
This trailing variety has a rosette of dark green leaves and single dark purple flowers.
  • Plant Size Class: Semi-miniature
  • Growth Habit: Trailing
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Purple
  • Flower Type: Single

‘Myakka Trail’ is a nice little trailing variety. Leaves are uniformly dark green. Every single rosette will eventually grow into a cluster of compact plants that cascade over the edges of the pot. Flowers are single blooms in a deep purple color.

‘Ness’ Forever Pink’

Close up of beautifully blooming houseplant against a dark background. The flowers are ruffles and star-shaped with pink petals that have light green borders. The green and slightly scalloped leaves have water droplets on them.
This pink-ruffled variety can grow to be quite large.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Pink with light green edges
  • Flower Type: Semi-double

‘Forever Pink’ is a variety that has semi-double blooming flowers that are pink with green edges. They are also ruffled and star-shaped. The leaves are quilted in texture with slightly scalloped edges.


Close up of saintpaulia plant growing against a dark background. The leaves are dark green and round with slightly serrated edges. Each of the seven flowers has semi-double to double blooming purple petals that are ruffled at the edges.
‘Nightfall’ is aptly named for its deep blue to purple blooms and dark green foliage.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: Dark blue
  • Flower Type: Semi-double to double, frilled

This deep purple variety is sure to add drama to any home. The frilled edges of the petals are lovely and add a delicate touch to the plant.

The leaves are round with slightly serrated edges. The tiny pops of yellow stamens add bright color to the dark plant.


Close-up of a plant with flowers that are large, dark purple in color with corrugated edges. The leaves are dark green with variegated white edges.
‘Peacock’ blooms with large, star-shaped, dark purple flowers.
  • Plant Size Class: Miniature
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Dark purple
  • Flower Type: Star

This showy variety is called ‘Peacock,’ and it has star-shaped flowers. This means the five petals are equal-sized and evenly spaced.

The flowers are a deep royal purple in color and quite large in comparison to the miniature leaves. The tiny leaves are uniformly dark green and grow in a neat low rosette.

‘Pow Wow’

Close-up of a blooming plant. Dense rosettes of dark green variegated leaves, heart-shaped with variegated heavily speckled white edges. Some leaves are almost completely white. The flowers are small, dark burgundy, semi-double, with ruffled edges.
The uniquely colored Pow Wow has dark green variegated leaves with speckled white borders.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Variegated green with white borders
  • Flower Color: Dark maroon red
  • Flower Type: Semi-double

‘P’ow Wow’ is a dazzling plant with bold colors and contrasts. The leaves are deep green and variegated with heavily speckled white borders.

The flowers are deep burgundy with large, showy, semi-double petals. The combination of the dark red flowers with the variegated leaves is really nice!

‘Quilting Bee’

Close-up of a delightful plant against a blurred background. The flowers are large, strongly ruffled, and pale purple in color with a dark purple border on the corrugated edges. The leaves are hairy, dark green with ruffled edges.
‘Quilting Bee’ is a delightful variety with ruffled dark green leaves and heavily ruffled lilac-violet flowers.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Dark green
  • Flower Color: Antique pink and violet with pale green
  • Flower Type: Double, frilled

Delicate and lovely, ‘Quilting Bee’ has a lot going on in a single plant. The leaves are dark green and quilted, as well as being ruffled around the edges, displaying a great amount of texture within the leaves alone.

Then the plant blooms, it’s like looking at something from grandma’s house! The flowers are heavily ruffled in shades of antique pink, lilac purple, and even hints of pale green. This is a very unique-looking variety.

‘Radiant Glow’

Close-up of saintpaulia plant blooming flowers against a black background. The flowers are small, star-shaped, white with dark purple spots on the petals.
The tiny flowers of ‘Radiant Glow’ are light purple and star-shaped with white margins.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Pink to lilac, with white edges
  • Flower Type: Star

The slightly ruffled, star-shaped blooms of ‘Radiant Glow’ are very appealing. Flower colors include shades of pink and light purple petals with white edges.

These multi-hued flowers are unique in appearance. Leaves are solid green and grow in a neat, standard-size rosette.

‘Ramblin’ Firedance’

Overhead view of saintpaulia plant in a pot on a beige surface. The flowers are pink and single blooming with yellow stamen. The leaves are rounded and medium green with deep reddish-purple stems.
The lovely flowers of ‘Ramblin’ Firedance’ are a beautiful shade of pink that contrast against the dark foliage.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Trailing
  • Foliage Color: Medium green with light variegation
  • Flower Color: Rosy pink
  • Flower Type: Semi-double

‘Ramblin’ Firedance’ is well-named. The leafy rosettes are relatively small, and the leaves are mostly green with a tendency for some scattered white variegation.

This is a trailing variety, and the plant cluster will eventually drape gracefully over the edges of the pot. Flowers are a rosy, pink color with semi-double petals, like little pink flames dancing across the top of the foliage cluster.

‘Rambling Moonbeam’

Close-up of a semi-double flower against a blurred background. The flower is large, white with yellow stamens.
‘Rambling Moonbeam’ produces pure white flowers and simple heart-shaped green leaves.
  • Plant Size Class: Miniature
  • Growth Habit: Trailing
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: White
  • Flower Type: Double

Pure white double flowers bloom profusely across the top of the entire mass of ‘Rambling Moonbeam’. This miniature trailing violet has uniformly heart-shaped green leaves. The combination of the showy white flowers and simple green leaves is very pleasing.

‘Silver Romance’

Close-up of saintpaulia plant in bloom against ruffled dark green foliage. The flowers are large, double, light pink in color with corrugated, pale green edges.
This variety has delicate pink ruffled flowers with white and pale greenish edges.
  • Plant Size Class: Large
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Variegated dark green with white edges
  • Flower Color: Antique pink with white and pale green
  • Flower Type: Double

‘Silver Romance’ looks like a charming old-style antique variety. The flowers are soft dusky pink with white and pale greenish highlights.

The flowers themselves are rather large and intensely double-petaled, making them look full. Leaves are large and quilted with slightly ruffled edges. The leaf color is deep green with a speckled white border.

‘Summer Twilight’

Close-up of flowers against dark green foliage. The flowers are large, double, dark purple with ruffled, white edges. The leaves are large, slightly ruffled, dark green in color with greenish-white specks along the edges.
‘Summer Twilight’ has large purple semi-double flowers with white edges.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Variegated green with pale greenish-white edges
  • Flower Color: Purple and white
  • Flower Type: Semi-double

This variety has large flowers that bloom profusely around the center of the plant. The leaves of ‘Summer Twilight’ are a rich green color edged with greenish-white speckles. Leaves are large and lightly ruffled, giving a very attractive appearance.

The flowers are quite eye-catching. This violet produces an abundance of purple semi-double blooms with bold white edges and slightly ruffled petals. What a beauty!


Close-up of blooming flowers against dark green ruffled leaves. The flowers are large, white in color with a modest pink blush in the center of each petal, and highly ruffled edges.
‘Zephyr’ blooms with large star-shaped white-pink flowers with highly ruffled petals.
  • Plant Size Class: Standard
  • Growth Habit: Rosette
  • Foliage Color: Green
  • Flower Color: Pink and white
  • Flower Type: Star, ruffled

The variety called ‘Zephyr’ is a plant that’s hard to ignore. Medium green leaves are slightly ruffled around the edges and form a standard-size rosette.

Flowers are large and star-shaped with highly ruffled petal edges. The flowers are white and pink, appearing primarily white with a modest pink blush in the center of each petal.

Final Thoughts

Anyone who loves African violets will have plenty of choices of beautiful plants available. There are many thousands of cultivars ranging from micro-miniature to large sizes, rosette and trailing growth habits, and countless combinations of leaf and flower styles and colors.

Fortunately for the African violet enthusiast, these plants all require the same basic care and growing conditions. The hardest thing to do may be finding enough space to accommodate all the unique and beautiful plans you will want to grow!

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A small green money plant sits on a table in a wicker pot. Sunlight streams through the nearby window onto the leaves.


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