How to Plant, Grow and Care for Zebra Plant
Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly known as the zebra plant, is a tropical perennial with glossy, dark green leaves and striking white veins. Learn how to grow this decorative houseplant and deal with any issues with Kevin Espiritu’s comprehensive guide.
Zebra plant (Aphelandra squarrosa) is a finicky houseplant. It’s grown for its vividly-striped foliage and beautiful golden flowers.
The exotic zebra plant is a beautiful option for indoor gardening, but only if you know the right tips. Let’s go over the proper care for your zebra plant and prepare you for what you’ll need to do!
Plant Overview
Plant Type
Aphelandra squarrosa
Native Area
Bright, indirect light
6’ in the wild
Watering Requirements
Pests & Diseases
Whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs, fungus gnats, botrytis blight, leaf spots, stem rot, and root rot.
Soil Type
Hardiness Zone
What is a Zebra Plant?
Aphelandra squarrosa, commonly known as the zebra plant, is a tropical evergreen perennial highly prized for its striking foliage. It is characterized by large, glossy green leaves with bold, white veins resembling zebra stripes.
Native Area
Originating in southern Brazil, Aphelandra squarrosa is truly a jungle plant. It likes the humid climate and covered conditions found in that habitat. In its natural environment, it can act as a climbing plant, but in containers it usually stays under two feet tall.
Dark, blackish-green glossy leaves with white veins give the zebra plant its name. Just for its foliage alone, it’s a delight to grow!
But when the zebra plant blooms, it absolutely shines. From a bract that’s yellow or orange in coloration explodes many yellow blossoms. The flower spikes of these tropical plants can reach up to four inches in length and are beautiful.
It can be quite a feat to coax the zebra plant into flowering, with at most two flowering sessions a year. Still, even when it’s not in bloom it’s lovely, and well worth the effort!
Zebra plant isn’t toxic, but it can be a skin irritant. It’s best to prune while wearing gloves to avoid getting the sap on your skin. Wash and sterilize your pruning shears to remove any leftover sap once done.
The ASPCA says it’s not toxic to cats, dogs, or horses. Even so, you’ll want to put your aphelandra out of their reach. It may irritate their mouths or paws. Better to be safe than sorry!
Is there another zebra plant? There is, actually! Calathea zebrina, one of the calathea plant types, is also referred to by the common name of zebra plant.
But don’t let that fool you. Aphelandra squarrosa and Calathea zebrina aren’t related. Calathea zebrina has wider lines on lighter-colored leaves. And, of course, it doesn’t flower!
Most people refer to Aphelandra squarrosa as the zebra plant, though. It’s only one variety of calatheas that shares the name.
There’s a couple succulents that also masquerade as the zebra plant. Haworthiopsis fasciata and Haworthiopsis attenuata are both South African succulents, and they look somewhat like aloe in their growth pattern. These tropical plants are only occasionally referred to as zebra plants.
To plant the zebra plant, begin by selecting a well-draining pot or garden spot with partial shade to bright, indirect sunlight, as it thrives in filtered light. Prepare a potting mix rich in organic matter with good drainage, such as a combination of peat moss, perlite, and compost.
Plant the zebra plant at the same soil level it was in its nursery pot, ensuring its roots are covered but not buried too deeply. Water thoroughly after planting and keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged, as this plant is sensitive to overwatering.
How to Grow
Aphelandra squarrosa is one of the more difficult houseplants to care for. But that doesn’t mean care is impossible! You’ll need to give it more love than English ivy, pothos, cast iron plant, or other easier types. But with that devotion comes true reward.
They thrive when given bright, indirect light. While they can tolerate a bit of shade, they won’t flower as often or as long if they’re not given enough light. Be sure to avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch your plant’s leaves.
If you’re trying to grow your zebra plant outdoors, be sure that it’s in a sheltered location. It needs light, but not direct sunlight. Placement under a thick tree canopy or porch should work well. Growing in a greenhouse is an option as well to increase the humidity.
Sensitive to over and under watering, these houseplants can be a smidge tricky to maintain. Keep up moist soil throughout the active growing season, and stay watchful.
In the winter months, you can allow the soil to dry out a bit between waterings. The ideal for those cooler months is a barely-moist environment. For best results, use filtered water that’s just over room temperature. This mimics the temperature of a typical rain.
Your zebra plant is a humidity hog! It prefers humidity around 60-70%. This can pose a problem indoors, especially if it’s near a vent. Keep your plant out of direct lines of vents and away from heaters. Mist its leaves, but only when you feel that the moisture will evaporate quickly. Try to avoid lots of standing water on the leaves whenever possible.
You can also place a tray of water with some pebbles beneath the pot. The pebbles keep the pot out of the water, preventing overwatering. The water will provide ambient humidity around the plant.
If all else fails, turn on a humidifier to provide cool, damp air nearby. This keeps them happy and healthy. In conclusion, they need high humidity!
Aphelandra squarrosa likes rich soil that retains water, but drains well. That being said, the container you use should have good-sized drainage holes.
If you prefer to use potting mixes, I recommend going for an African violet potting mix. There’s enough water-absorbing material in those to keep the soil moist.
Prefer to make your own potting soil for your zebra plant? No problem! A blend I use consists of one part coarse sand or perlite, one part garden soil, and two parts peat moss. You can opt for coconut coir instead of peat if you’d like. Leaf mold also works wonderfully.
It grows best in a pH level in the moderately acid range (5.6-6.0). Try to avoid going too acidic on your soil for this plant. Be sure to test your soil pH to keep it in the right range.
It prefers temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C). Happily, this coincides with most people’s preferred indoor temperature range!
Never allow your zebra plant to spend long in temperatures below 55°F (13°C). It can cause damage to the plant’s beautiful foliage.
Zebra plants are hungry little things. Those flowers take a lot of food to produce! During the growing seasons in spring and summer, aim for feeding every one to two weeks.
It’s best to use a water-soluble quick-release plant food to feed your Aphelandra squarrosa. Aim for a balanced fertilizer blend, diluted per the manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t fertilize in the winter months.
Don’t rush to repot your zebra plant every year. In fact, it grows well even if it’s a bit rootbound! Most types will grow well and flower in a five to six-inch pot.
If you do decide to repot, do so in the spring before the plant comes out of its winter dormancy. Use a pot that’s only one inch larger than its existing pot. Remove as much soil from the roots as possible without damaging them, and repot in fresh potting mix.
Keep a watchful eye on your zebra plant flower bract. As flowers die off, it’s important to remove them fast. If left in place too long, the lower leaves may start to droop and fall off. This will leave behind only stems with tufts of leaves at the top.
Once the bract dies, you can prune the stem and leaves back to a pair of leaves at the base. This will encourage a bushier growth pattern in the spring.
Propagation is pretty simple via air layering or stem cuttings.
Cuttings, four to six inches long, should be placed in a mix of perlite and moist peat. To retain moisture, cover them in plastic. Place them in an area that’s 70-80°F (21-27°C) and in indirect sunlight.
To propagate via air layering, select a healthy stem and remove leaves in the center of the stem. Be sure you have a couple of inches of bare stem available. Then, make an incision about halfway into the stem. Place a toothpick in the incision to keep it open, and coat the area with rooting hormone. Wrap moistened sphagnum moss around and secure it in place with plastic wrap.
In a month, or so, you should see roots appearing in the moss. You can then cut the stem and repot it, but be sure to keep humidity high until the plant is established.
How to rebloom
It’s tricky to coax a bloom out of this type of houseplant. The flower often is already in place when you find it for sale. But how do you get it to flower again?
Begin by focusing on the foliage and keeping it alive through the winter. Move to a cooler location for two months in winter. As spring comes, bring it back to a warmer location with lots of bright lighting.
It takes about three months of bright, indirect sunlight before it will produce a flower. The intensity of the light is what spurs blooming. The length of the day makes no real difference! With enough light, fertilizer, and humidity, it should bloom in three months. Cut the flower bract back once it finishes flowering. You may be able to entice another bloom out in the fall if your timing is good.
If the water level, humidity, or lighting are off, it may not flower. It’s gorgeous as a foliage specimen, so that may not be a problem!
Common Problems
Let’s discuss some of the issues that can arise in the course of care.
Growing Problems
If the leaves begin to curl or become crinkled, it’s getting too much light. This actually can happen! It’s most common in situations where it’s experiencing direct sun. Move it to a shadier location so it can recover.
Tip wilt can occur if your potting mix is too dry. This usually happens when you’ve been lightly watering it. The top and sides of the pot have enough moisture, but the center doesn’t. To avoid tip wilt, do a heavy watering at least once a month. Make sure that the growing medium is completely damp, and allow excess water to drain off. You want consistently moist soil.
Leaf-wilt and leaf-drop can occur in multiple situations. If the soil is too wet or too dry, lower leaves can wilt and fall off. If it’s over-fertilized, lower leaves can wilt and fall off. Finally, as the flower bract dies off, lower leaves can wilt and fall off. It’s tricky!
To figure out how to handle this, you’ll have to use the process of elimination. Keep a watchful eye on the soil, and be sure it stays moist but not wet, or dry. If your watering technique is good, reduce the fertilizer a bit by diluting it more. And be sure to trim off dead flower bracts quickly.
Whitefly infestation is a possibility. These tiny flying insects will suck on the plant sap, leaving yellow dots on the dark green leaves.
To combat these, remove and destroy badly infested growth. Use yellow sticky traps to catch adults. An insecticidal soap will also help.
Insecticidal soaps also work wonders against aphids. These pests will also suck on the dark green leaves. Again, remove badly infested leaves as necessary.
Fluffy white mealybugs may become an issue as well. These cling to the leaves, and can leave similar damage to whiteflies. A cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol can help you to remove them. Prevent their return by spraying down the leaves of your plant with neem oil.
Finally, although they’re least common, fungus gnats find moist, peaty soil appealing. Sticky traps will trap the adults. A soil drench with neem oil can help wipe out larvae.
Because zebra plants love high humidity, you can run into many fungal issues. Here’s a short list of diseases you may encounter.
Botrytis blight can form along the edges of leaves and contribute to leaf collapse. Spores will also form on the leaf material, making a gray-tan patch on the underside.
Corynespora and myrothecium leaf spots are both common. Both of these fungi cause water-soaked lesions on leaves. Myrothecium also produces spores in concentric circles on the underside of leaves. Avoid overhead watering, and mist only when you’re sure the moisture will evaporate.
Phytophthora stem rot creates black, mushy lesions on the stems at the soil line. In time, the plant will collapse due to the damage. This usually happens if water can splash infected soil up onto the stem line.
There’s no cure for phytophthora stem rot, so your best bet is prevention. Ensure you have well-draining soil, and avoid splashing soil onto stems or leaves. Do not allow water to stand around the base of plants.
And finally, we come to pythium root rot. This fungal rot usually impacts weaker plants, causing the roots to turn black and mushy. In time, the upper part of the plant will yellow, wilt, and die off.
Prevention is the key. Overly wet conditions can create the perfect environment for these fungi to thrive. Avoid soggy soil, instead opting to maintain a moist but not overly wet consistency.
Frequently Asked Questions
My zebra plant has brown edges on the leaves, like they are burned a bit. What is happening?
The two most likely causes of brown leaf tips are too much sun and over-fertilizing. Remember, they light bright but indirect light, not full sun. If you are giving them the right amount of light, you can try dialing back how often you fertilize.
How often should a zebra plant be watered?
In the growing season, once per week should be enough. Outside of the growing season, cut back to every other week. The basic rule is to keep the soil consistently moist in spring and summer, and let it dry in fall and winter.
How long does a zebra plant live?
In domestic situations, this plant generally only lasts about a decade. You’re doing great if yours has survived beyond ten years to this point.
Where should I place my zebra plant?
Put this plant in an area where it receives bright, but indirect light, and a daily spritzing to keep it in the correct levels of humidity. If you would rather use a humidifier, that works too.
What are the signs of overwatering in zebra plant?
The first signs are yellowing and transparent leaves. This can lead to a mushy, brown stem and root rot.
Do zebra plants multiply?
Technically, no. However, they do air layer and propagate by cuttings easily.