25 Beautiful Flowering Plants That Bloom in Winter

Are you looking for some flowers that will bloom in the winter? Believe it or not, there are actually a number of plants that bloom during the colder months, rather than in the spring. In this article, gardening expert Melissa Strauss creates a list of her favorites, with names and pictures of each!

Flower blooming in the winter in a garden


Just because there is a chill in the air doesn’t mean that we must live in a colorless, flowerless world for the next few months. There are quite a number of flowering plants that prefer the chill of winter and will happily show off their prettiest colors while everyone else in the garden is sleeping.

Winter and early spring blooming plants ensure that it is possible to have a colorful garden year-round. If you are searching for ways to brighten up your winter garden, look no further.

Let’s take a deeper look at some of our favorite winter flowering plants that will make other winter gardeners green with envy!


Close-up of a flowering Amaryllis plant in a sunny garden against the blurred background. The flower is large, bell-shaped, consists of 6 large, oval bright red petals with pale green stripes closer to the center of the flower. Long red stamens with pale yellow anthers protrude from the center of the flower.
This is one of the most popular flowering plants during the winter months.
botanical-name botanical name Amaryllis
plant-type plant type Perennial, Bulb
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 7-10

Amaryllis are exceptionally popular during the winter months, and especially in December. It’s hard not to encounter at least a handful of these interesting winter bloomers in a wide variety of retailers surrounding the winter holidays. They are a much-beloved plant because of the ease with which they bring a huge amount of color in a small, easy-to-maintain package.

Typically sold as a bulb in a decorative winter container. They are happiest sitting in a sunny window and produce beautiful flowers with little to no attention at all. Amaryllis bulbs make a charming hostess gift around the holidays.

Once they have bloomed and are spent, the bulbs can be dropped in the garden in a spot that gets a few hours of sun, and not only will they come back year after year, but they will also multiply over time as well!


The calendula plant blooms profusely in the garden. The flowers are small, daisy-like, bright orange, with narrow, long petals arranged in a single row around bright yellow centers. The leaves are simple, oval, oblong with serrated edges.
Calendula produces delightful bright orange daisy-like flowers that are widely known for their skin-soothing effects.
botanical-name botanical name Calendula
plant-type plant type Perennial, Annual
sun-requirements sun requirements Filtered Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 9-11

These little flowers are pure rays of sunshine in the late fall and early winter. They are members of the aster family, and they are widely known for their use in skin-soothing preparations and teas. Calendula flowers also make beautiful cloth dyes with their brilliant yellow and orange petals.

Calendula are perennial in zones 9-11 and will continue to bloom through the winter months in these zones. Farther north, they should be planted in fall, and they will provide pops of color until the temperature reaches 25°F. Deadheading will encourage this plant to produce lots of flowers.


Close-up of a blooming camellia in the garden. The leaves are simple, thick, with serrated edges, shiny. The flowers are medium-sized, double, rose-like, composed of several layers of well-organized, densely spaced, rounded rose-red or coral-colored petals, completely covering the centers of the flowers.
Camellia is a stunning winter flowering shrub with fragrant flowers and evergreen foliage.
botanical-name botanical name Camellia
plant-type plant type Shrubs
sun-requirements sun requirements Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 7-10

Known as the Winter Rose, I hold a special place in my heart for these stunning winter-blooming shrubs. Camellias are very hardy and evergreen. They are also prolific bloomers in the fall and winter months. Considered hardy to zone 7, there are a handful of more cold-tolerant varieties that will be perfectly happy in zone 6.

The two most popular species are C. sasanqua, which produces smaller flowers, in great numbers, from about October through December, and C. Japonica which picks up right as C. Sasanqua is dropping its blooms, and produces larger, sometimes fragrant blooms from December through April in some cases. Camellias bring a major wow factor to the winter landscape.

Christmas Cactus

Close-up of a flowering plant Christmas cactus in a greenhouse on a blurred background. The plant has fleshy, segmented stems resembling leaf blades with rounded serrated edges. A beautiful double flower blooms at the end of the stem. The flower is bright pink, tubular, consists of two flowers: from the first flower grows another tubular flower with long stamens in the center.
This popular succulent has large bright pink, red, white, or yellow flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Schlumbergera bridgesii
plant-type plant type Succulent, Cactus, Perennial
sun-requirements sun requirements Bright Indirect Light
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 9-11

Christmas Cactus grows better as a houseplant in most climates, but in 9-11 it can grow outdoors, year-round. It also makes a beautiful hanging plant. As long as you don’t mind bringing it in when the weather drops, it will reward you handsomely with an explosion of blooms throughout December and into January.

This interesting succulent has segmented stems that each terminates in a significantly sized bloom, usually in red, white, pink, yellow or purple. They are very easy to care for, with moderate water and light requirements, and they are lovely year-round, as they are evergreen, provided that they don’t freeze.


Close-up of many blooming Crocus flowers in a sunny garden against a blurred background. The flowers are small, cup-shaped, purple in color with white centers and protruding bright orange anthers.
Crocus bloom from late winter to early spring with small purple cupped flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Crocus
plant-type plant type Bulb
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 3-8

Crocuses are a true winter flower in every sense. Plant these small bulbs in the fall. Without a doubt, they will be among the first little leaves pushing up through the snow in late winter to early spring. Pollinators are especially fond of these plants as they provide the first bits of food after the winter’s dearth.

Crocuses like well-drained soil and will come back year after year, quickly multiplying to bring even more color to the winter garden. These flowers need a period of cold weather before they will bloom, so be sure to get them in the ground several weeks before the ground freezes. When these little violet flowers peek through the snow, they are certain to delight.


Close-up of flowering cyclamen in the garden around the bark of a tree. The plant has large, heart-shaped leaves marked with a silvery pattern. The flowers are solitary, inverted, pink, resembling butterflies flying over the leaves.
Cyclamen has magnificent variegated leaves and inverted flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Cyclamen
plant-type plant type Tuberous Perennial
sun-requirements sun requirements Bright Indirect Light
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 5-8

There are different varieties of cyclamen, some of which make great houseplants and others that need cooler temperatures to produce their pretty flowers. Cyclamen like moderate watering and good drainage.

When watering, avoid pouring water over the flowers and foliage. Instead, water from below if potted, and water the ground if planted in the earth.

Cyclamen are known for their lovely leaves and upturned flowers that bloom from late fall through winter. The tropical cyclamen sold as houseplants are only tolerant down to 40°F. However, there are many varieties that are frost tolerant and will hold onto their blooms even in snowy weather. Hardy Cyclamen typically have smaller flowers than their tropical counterparts.


Close-up of blooming daffodils in the garden against a blurred background. The flowers are large, yellow, deeply split into 6 petals and have a central bell-shaped crown with wavy edges. The leaves are long, narrow, ribbon-like, dark green.
Daffodils bloom with sunny yellow, white, or orange flowers with a delicate aroma.
botanical-name botanical name Narcissus pseudonarcissus
plant-type plant type Bulb
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun or Part Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 3-9

Daffodils are another late winter bloomer in colder zones, although some varieties are December bloomers when kept indoors and will pop up early in zones 8-9.

Also known as narcissus, these lovely flowers will come back year after year, bringing new friends along with them, creating a whole crowd of sunshine yellow-, white-, orange- and combination-colored blooms.

Drop these bulbs in the garden during the fall. If you plant them a few weeks before the first freeze, they will be in full swing by March. They have to be, after all, as they are the March birth flower! The delicate shape and gentle fragrance make these a wonderful cut flower as well. My flower girl carried a bouquet of these pretty blooms and spent the entire day with her little nose in her bouquet.


Close-up of a flowering Daphne odora plant lit by the sun in a garden. The plant has large, oval, thick, leathery, glossy, dark green leaves and rounded inflorescences of fragrant, pale pink, tubular flowers, each with 4 spreading petals.
Daphne is an evergreen plant that produces beautiful clusters of delicate, fragrant flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Daphne odora
plant-type plant type Broadleaf Evergreen Shrub
sun-requirements sun requirements Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 7-9

The name Daphne calls to mind more than one literary allusion. If you’re a Bridgerton fan, you know her as the Diamond of the season. If you’re a Greek mythology buff, she is the infatuation of Apollo, a nymph associated with bodies of freshwater, and the reason laurel wreaths come to be awards of great accomplishment.

In real life, Daphne is a beautiful, evergreen plant that blooms not only in winter but spring and sometimes summer as well. These shrubs are known for their clusters of wonderfully fragrant, colorful blossoms. Daphne likes a bit of shade, and is a lovely, small shrub at maturity. They are slow growers, but very rewarding once established.


Red flower blooming from shrub in the garden. The image focuses on the new blooms of the flower with green foliage at the base.
This winter bloomer has become more popular in the garden over the last decade.
botanical-name botanical name Distylium
plant-type plant type Broadleaf Evergreen Shrub
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 7-9

Distylium are a relatively new plant in terms of popularity, but they are catching on quickly, particularly in the Southern United States. These compact evergreen shrubs have attractive, year-round foliage and are very tolerant of different soil conditions.

In December, they produce lots of small reddish flowers that last through the winter months. The Coppertone variety produces coppery red, new foliage, adding even more color to the garden. These plants are very hardy and have few known pests and diseases.

Dutchman’s Breeches

Close-up of flowering Dutchman's Breeches plants in a sunny garden. The plant has bluish-green, fern-like leaves and leafless stems from which small, panty-shaped, white flowers hang down. The flowers are waxy, consist of 4 petals with 2 spurs directed upwards. The tips of the flowers are yellowish.
Dutchman’s Breeches is a low-maintenance plant that blooms in early spring with small, panty-shaped white flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Dicentra cucullaria
plant-type plant type Herbaceous, Perennial
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 3-8

Technically a spring bloomer, Dutchman’s Breeches blooms early in the season and the plant remains attractive in the winter months. The foliage is feathery and fernlike, and the flowers look like small white pants hung out to dry.

This is a low-maintenance perennial plant that blooms easily. It likes a fair amount of sun and goes dormant after the flowers fall, making room for late spring and summer flowers. All parts of Dutchman’s Breeches are toxic to humans and most animals, so it’s best to keep this one out of reach of children.

Glory of the Snow

Close-up of a flowering Chionodoxa forbesii plant in a garden. Glory-of-the-Snow has pale blue star-shaped flowers with translucent centers and bright yellow stamens. The leaves are thin, long, flat, ribbon-like, bright green.
This is the earliest flowering plant of the year, producing small blue flowers in clusters of 5-10.
botanical-name botanical name Chionodoxa forbesii
plant-type plant type Bulb
sun-requirements sun requirements Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 3-8

Glory of the Snow gets its name for being one of the earliest bloomers of the year and is known to pop right up through the snow if it gets the inkling that spring is on its way. This is another bulb flower that will come back year after year, and if it’s happy in its space, it will multiply and give you a great return on your investment.

The flowers are small and peer upwards toward the sun. These star-shaped blooms usually have periwinkle blue petals that fade to white in the center. There are pink varieties as well if you like a mix of colors in your garden. These pretty blossoms appear in sprays of 5-10 flowers. Give these flowers space and you will quickly have a wonderful cluster.

Lenten Rose

Close-up of a flowering Hellebores plant against a blurred background of a garden and a blue sky. The plant has beautiful flowers similar to wild roses, bowl-shaped, dark burgundy in color with golden stamens in the centers. The leaves are small, lobed, bright green with a purple tint,
Lenten Rose grows well in partial or full shade, producing beautiful wild rose-like flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Hellebores
plant-type plant type Evergreen, Perennial
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Full Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-9

Hellebore, also known as Lenten Rose, is not actually a rose at all. But rather, it is a hybrid member of the buttercup family. It gets its name from its habit of blooming in late winter, around the time known to the Christian faith as Lent. It comes in a wide variety of colors and has the appearance of a small garden rose.

Hellebore are easy to care for and likes partial to full shade. This frost-friendly perennial prefers a bit of shelter for its foliage from freezing winds. All parts of this plant are toxic to humans.


Close-up of a flowering Mahonia shrub in a sunny garden. The plant has dark green feathery leaves with spines along the edges, resembling a holly. The shrub blooms in clusters of bright golden-yellow cup-shaped, rounded flowers.
This is an evergreen shrub with glossy foliage and showy small yellow flowers with a pleasant fragrance.
botanical-name botanical name Mahonia
plant-type plant type Shrub
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 6-9

Mahonia is an evergreen sometimes referred to as Dull Oregon Grape. There are about 70 species of this versatile plant. It makes a wonderful shrub with its glossy, year-round foliage which resembles holly.

Mahonia blooms at the end of winter, an early sign of spring’s arrival. When in bloom, it is very showy and cheerful. It produces lots of small yellow flowers with a wonderful fragrance. Mahonia prefers a spot that is partially shaded.


Close-up of many blooming pansy flowers against a blurred green leafy background. The flowers are medium-sized, solitary, have 5 rounded petals, the bottom three of which are bright yellow, and the top two are deep purple. Black lines radiate from the center of the flower creating a beautiful pattern on the petals. The leaves are oval, oblong with serrated, rounded edges.
Pansies produce colorful, edible flowers in early spring.
botanical-name botanical name Viola tricolor var. hortensis
plant-type plant type Perennial, Annual, Biennial
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-10

Pretty pansies conjure those silly talking flowers that Alice encounters on her Adventures in Wonderland. They are also my favorite edible flowers to decorate holiday cookies with.

These delicate, colorful flowers will bloom from fall through spring in warmer climates, and in cooler climates, though they take a break for the coldest months, they will be some of the earliest colors in springtime.


Close-up of a Pieris plant in a sunny garden. This ornamental shrub has lush, egg-shaped foliage that grows in a spiral on stems. The lower leaves are dark green, while the upper leaves are bright red and yellowish.
This is an evergreen plant with broad, ovate leaves that are bright red and yellow.
botanical-name botanical name Pieris japonica
plant-type plant type Broadleaf Evergreen Shrub
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-8

Pieris, or Andromeda as it is sometimes called, is another wonderful evergreen that puts out the most effort in late winter. This highly ornamental shrubby plant has broad, ovate leaves that grow in a spiral pattern on its stems. The leaves are brightly colored in shades of red and yellow, when they first appear in late spring.

Large clusters of flowers show up in late winter and early spring. The flowers are green to pink, and bell shaped, and downward facing. These flowers give way to fruit which splits to drop seeds. Pieris likes a bit of shade and a bit of shelter from cold, harsh winds that would damage its early flowers.


Top view, close-up of a growing Poinsettia plant. The plant has lush dark green, oval leaves and bright red, oval bracts on top of green leaves arranged around green-yellow tiny flowers.
Poinsettia is a gorgeous Christmas plant with deep red bracts over dark green foliage.
botanical-name botanical name Euphorbia pulcherrima
plant-type plant type Shrubs
sun-requirements sun requirements Bright Indirect Light
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 9-11

Poinsettias are a favorite flower of the winter holiday season. It’s difficult to walk into a grocery store or nursery that time of year without tripping over a display of these brilliant, bold blooms.

Like amaryllis, Poinsettias are fun to enjoy indoors and in containers during the winter months. If you live in zones 9-11, you can plant them directly in the garden and they will come back year after year.

Poinsettias are not tolerant of cold weather, but in zone 8 I have some that come back year after year, even when the frost gets them. Poinsettias come in more than one color, although red is the most popular, there are variegated, white, yellow, and orange varieties that are equally as beautiful.


Close-up of a low growing Primrose plant in a sunny garden. The flowers are large, creamy, with dark yellow centers, and consist of 5 heart-shaped petals. The leaves are rough, tongue-shaped, bright green, growing in a rosette.
A garden favorite, primrose is a cold-tolerant plant that produces delicate flowers in winter months.
botanical-name botanical name Primula vulgaris
plant-type plant type Part Shade
sun-requirements sun requirements Perennials
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-8

Primrose is a wonderful genus of over 500 species that may remain evergreen in the zones where they are hardy. While very cold tolerant, if the temperature is cold for very long periods of time, primrose can go dormant, but it will spring back to life as soon as things start to warm up.

Their pretty, delicate flowers grow in clusters atop rosettes of leaves and come in a variety of colors such as red, pink, blue, orange, white, yellow, and purple. They prefer partial shade, although some varieties can handle more sun than others. Primrose plants will clump and multiply over time.


Close-up of many flowering Scilla plants in a shady garden. The flowers are bell-shaped, small, bright blue, grouped on purple thin erect stems. The leaves are green, flat, long, ribbon-like.
Scilla blooms from late winter with bright blue flowers that prefer full sun to thrive.
botanical-name botanical name Scilla
plant-type plant type Bulbs, Perennials
sun-requirements sun requirements Sun or Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-8

Scillas, also known as wood hyacinths, are late winter to early spring bloomers. They show up around the same time as crocus. These delicate, bright blue flowers are bulb plants, so they will multiply year after year, creating a beautiful cerulean carpet.

They prefer full sun but will tolerate part shade. They can survive in full shade, but they will not produce near as many flowers without a fair amount of sunlight.

Scilla is a great addition to the winter bulb garden, with their unusual color. They are winter hardy all the way to zone 4. They are small at only 4” tall, but they make up for their stature in quantity as they reproduce quickly.


Close-up of a flowering Snowdrops plant in the garden. The plant produces small flowers that consist of 6 white tepals, the three outer tepals are long and curved, while the inner tepals are small and serrated. The leaves are linear, basal, dark green.
This is an early flowering, cold tolerant bulbous plant that produces beautiful, delicate white flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Galanthus
plant-type plant type Perennial Bulb
sun-requirements sun requirements Part Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 3-7

Snowdrops are a true cold weather flower; they are hardy to zone 3! However, they do not tolerate warm winters, so south of zone 7 they aren’t very happy. Snowdrops, or Galanthus, are bulb flowers that need to be planted while green. They don’t like to be left out to dry.

Snowdrops are one of the earliest blooming flowers each year. They make a beautiful edge for a path or flower bed and are just as enchanting as can be with their small, white flowers that have a weeping quality. These pretty plants will multiply by offsets, which tend to clump. After a couple of years, these should be dug up and spaced out to give them room to grow.

Spring Starflower

Close-up of blooming flowers of the Spring Starflower plant in the garden. The flowers are small, star-shaped, have dark blue petals, turning into white centers. Golden stamens in deepened throats of flowers.
Spring Starflower produces stunning star-shaped flowers with dark blue petals fading into white centers.
botanical-name botanical name Ipheion uniflorum
plant-type plant type Bulb
sun-requirements sun requirements Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 5-11

This pretty little plant is native to South America and blooms in early spring. A mid sized bulb flower, the blooms are expectedly, starlike, and stunning. They have 6 delicate petals which open fully to reveal a small sprinkling of stems in the center. The petals are a periwinkle blue fading to white at the center.

These pretty plants have fragrant flowers as well as foliage. The stems and leaves are reminiscent of garlic in scent. These are wonderfully resistant to pests and disease and will come back year after year, multiplying freely.


Close-up of blooming Viola flowers in a sunny garden. The flowers are medium in size, have 6 rounded pale purple petals with deep purple veining towards the yellow centers of the flowers.
In warm climates, Viola can bloom continuously throughout the winter.
botanical-name botanical name Viola
plant-type plant type Annual, Perennial
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-9

Violas and Pansies are very close cousins, coming from the same genus of plants, Violas are a wider ranging species that encompasses Pansies. In warmer climates, these sweet flowers can bloom continuously through the winter and reseed themselves, so they appear to be perennials. In colder climates, they can be planted as soon as the ground thaws, and act as flowering annuals.

Violas are commonly used as decorations on baked goods. Unfortunately, in my experience they are also a tasty treat for squirrels, but they bloom freely so they typically rebound quickly if an animal decides to snack on them.

They go dormant only in the warmest months and can bloom for more than half of the year in temperate climates.

Winter Aconite

Close-up of a flowering Winter Aconite plant in a sunny garden. The flowers are solitary, consisting of several rows of oval bright yellow petals arranged around the stamens. The leaves are dark green, narrow, divided into several finger-shaped lobes.
Winter Aconite is an early flowering plant producing cheerful yellow flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Eranthis hyemalis
plant-type plant type Bulbs, Perennials
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 4-7

These cheerful yellow flowering plants are members of the buttercup family. They are native to Asia and Europe and are typically found in the wild at the boundaries of woodland areas. They grow in clumps of about 3”-6” tall and are one of the earliest blooming flowers of the year.

The flowers are bright yellow and resemble a strawberry blossom, but the plant is toxic, so steer children and pets away from this pretty plant. Aconite dies back completely in summer, at which time it is dormant, but it will return in the spring with little rays of golden sunshine.

Winter Heath

Close-up of a flowering Erica carnea plant in a sunny garden against a blurred background. Large clusters of many small bell-shaped purple flowers with burgundy protrusions in the centers. The leaves are medium green, needle-shaped.
This plant blooms from December to February with incredibly beautiful purple-red bell-shaped flowers.
botanical-name botanical name Erica carnea
plant-type plant type Shrubs
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 5-7

Winter Heath is a true winter bloomer, producing its stunning purple red blooms from December through February. It’s a mounding plant that sends up spikes topped with clusters of purple bell-shaped flowers with a burgundy protrusion in the center. This is a hardy and easy to grow winter wonder.

A wonderful groundcover for sunny spaces, Winter Heath is native to Europe where, in the wild, it grows on rocky terrain. It loves well drained and slightly sandy, acidic soil.

The plant is evergreen, so it retains its attractive green foliage year-round. Very low maintenance, Winter Heath is resistant to pests and attractive to pollinators.

Winter Jasmine

Close-up of a flowering shrub with long, leafless branches of the Jasmine nudiflorum plant. The flowers are small, bright yellow, tubular, fully open with darker yellow throats.
This plant blooms with bright yellow flowers in January.
botanical-name botanical name Jasmine nudiflorum
plant-type plant type Climbers, Shrubs
sun-requirements sun requirements Full Sun to Part Shade
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 6-10

Winter Jasmine can bloom as early as January, and its brilliant yellow flowers will chase away the gloomiest of winter days. While this variety has none of the scent that is loved in most varieties of jasmine, it has all the looks, and it is very easy to grow.

Native to China, Winter Jasmine is nicknamed Yingchun, which translates to ‘The flower that welcomes spring.’  It is considered a vining plant but has more of a draping habit than truly climbing.

Keep an eye out for aphids and mealybugs who love this plant for its availability in a period of dearth. Neem oil or other insecticidal soaps make a good treatment for these insects.

Witch Hazel

Close-up of a flowering branch of a Hamamelis plant against a blurred background in a garden. The plant has leafless branches and bright yellow, radially symmetrical flowers, consisting of many thin, narrow, long, crumpled petals.
Witch Hazel is a winter flowering shrub that produces bright yellow flowers with thin petals.
botanical-name botanical name Hamamelis
plant-type plant type Shrubs, Trees
sun-requirements sun requirements Full or Filtered Sun
hardiness-zones hardiness zones 3-8

You may recognize this plant as an ingredient in many cosmetic products where it is prized for its astringent and anti-inflammatory properties. The North American Witch Hazel is commonly called winterbloom for its habit of blooming… in the winter! It actually begins blooming in late fall and is commonly the last of the fall flowers.

Witch Hazel has fun and interesting flowers. The blooms are bright yellow with very thin, delicate petals. The flowers are faintly fragrant as well as visually interesting. This plant has a rich history of use in many facets of human use among Native Americans as well as early American settlers.

Final Thoughts

Wintertime doesn’t need to be gray and colorless, not with so many beautiful, winter blooming plants for the house and garden. Whether you are a houseplant aficionado or an outdoor gardener, these flowering plants are certain to inspire.

Winter and early spring blooming flowers come in a wide variety of shapes, colors, and sizes. With so many choices available, there really is no excuse for a dull garden during any season!

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