21 Types of Trees With Pink Flowers For Your Home or Garden

Looking for some trees with pink flowers to plant in your garden, or somewhere around your yard of your home? Trees with pink flowers can help add some additional balance to a well thought out gardening space. In this article, we take a look at our favorite pink-flowered trees, with names and pictures of each of them!

Pink Flowering Trumpet Tree


Every year, a sure sign that spring has come to stay in the eruption of stunning pink blooms on the trees in the garden. After a long and cold winter, the introduction of this bright, bold color is a welcome sight.

Trees with pink flowers are a lovely way to add color and a touch of romance to any landscape design, not to mention the sweet perfume they give off. Many types of flowering trees also attract pollinators like butterflies and bees, as pink is a color that falls within the ultraviolet spectrum they can see.

Below we share some of our favorite trees with pink flowers. This comprehensive guide will help you learn everything you need to know about both popular and lesser-known varieties of pink flowering trees, as well as care and growing tips. Let’s get started!

Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle
This tree will bloom in early fall and attract many different pollinators.
Scientific name: Lagerstroemia indica

Crape myrtle trees are small deciduous trees that produce stunning pink flowers and have a unique ornamental gray and brown trunk. The pink petals have a wrinkled texture that resembles crepe paper and gives the tree its name. The tree will bloom from late spring until early fall and attract many bees and birds. 

Hot and sunny climates, such as those found in Zones 6 through 9, are ideal for the crape myrtle. The trees grow fast, reaching maximum heights of 25 feet with a spread of about 15 feet.

They prefer limited soil space, although they do well in both alkaline and acidic soils. As long as the soil is kept moist and well-drained, the tree will succeed.

Crimson Bottlebrush

Crimson Bottlebrush
This tree comes in several different colors and is known to attract hummingbirds.
Scientific name: Callistemon citrinus

Crimson bottlebrush is a relatively small and compact shrub native to Australia. Although most varieties of bottlebrushes are red, there are several varieties, such as the Perth pink, which produce gorgeous masses of deep pink-colored blooms.

The flowers themselves have a spiky appearance and are each about four inches long. They attract all kinds of pollinators but are a particular favorite of hummingbirds. In addition, the flowers and their leaves are extremely aromatic.

Crimson bottlebrushes are generally low-maintenance plants that can grow up to eight feet tall. They grow best in full sun with acidic, well-drained soil and don’t typically experience pest problems or suffer from disease. This plant performs best in USDA Zones 10 and 11.


Desert Willow
This beautiful flowering tree will grow to be around 25 feet tall and will do well in full sun.
Scientific name: Chilopsis linearis

Despite its name, the desert-willow is not related to the famous willow tree. However, it does have a similar appearance in terms of its branches and foliage. Where this tree shines is its stunning pink flowers. These flowers are fragrant and showy and show up midsummer. The more the tree is pruned, the more flowers it will produce.

This tree reaches between 15 and 25 feet in height and loves full sun and heat. It doesn’t have a soil preference, although it should be well-drained and grows best in Zones 7 through 9.

Dwarf Poinciana Tree

Dwarf Poinciana Tree
These trees are common in tropical regions and will grow to about 12 feet tall.
Scientific name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima

The dwarf poinciana tree is an ornamental accent tree typically found in tropical regions like Southern Florida and Barbados, where it is the national flower. This small dwarf flowering tree has beautiful flowers in several colors. The most common flower color is red or orange, there are varieties with dark pink flowers as well.

This tree prefers full sun and can reach moderate heights of 12 feet, depending on how you prune it. In the U.S., it does best in Zones 9b and 10.

Flowering Almond Tree

Flowering Almond Tree
This tree is not only stunning but will attract all kinds of butterflies and other pollinators.
Scientific name: Prunus glandulosa  

The flowering almond tree is a deciduous tree native to China and Korea. It is rather small compared to other trees in this guide, reaching no more than five feet tall and four feet wide.

The flowers on this tree are a stunning combination of pink and white, each about an inch in size or smaller. They make for an excellent addition to a pollinator or butterfly garden, particularly the eastern tiger swallowtail that uses the plant as a larval host. That being said, these are not dog- or cat-friendly plants.

You can find flowering almond trees in Hardiness Zones 4 through 8. They are full sun plants, although they also do well in partial shade. They are also drought-tolerant plants that can handle a wide range of soil conditions.

Gala Apple Tree

Gala Apple Tree
This tree is native to New Zealand and produces the popular gala apple.
Scientific name: Malus domestica gala

This variety of apple trees is native to New Zealand and produces light pink and white flowers. The flowers produce the gala apple, a tasty and popular variety of apple trees that is great for making apple juice.

This tree generally blooms from April to mid-May, depending on the winter weather and if the tree has met its required chill hours during winter dormancy. The flowers usually have an outer pink shell, and when the blossom opens, the petals are a lovely mix of white and pink.

This tree thrives in USDA Zones 5 through 8. They require full sun to bloom and produce fruit.

Higan Cherry

Higan Cherry
This trees bloom will start in the spring and will occasionally bloom into the fall months.
Scientific name: Prunus subhirtella var. autumnalis

Higan cherry trees are one of the most spectacular and most popular varieties of the cherry tree. It is known for its incredible pink and white flowers and its unique bloom time. These trees bloom in the springtime but will also occasionally bloom throughout the fall.

Each flower on this variety of trees is less than an inch wide and has ten petals. Throughout their bloom time, they undergo a variety of color changes, from dark pink as a bud to a pink-white when open. They also produce tiny black berries.

Higan cherry ornamental trees are cold-hardy plants that grow well in moist, well-drained, acidic soil. It likes full sun to partial shade and will grow best in Zone 5 through 8.

Hong Kong Orchid Tree

Hong Kong Orchid Tree
This tree is drought tolerant and will do well in full sun.
Scientific name: Bauhinia blakeana

The Hong Kong orchid tree is a rounded tree that has a canopy of grey-green leaves. It blooms in the summer and winter months, producing large, six-inch blossoms in shades of pink and purple. Unlike other varieties of orchid trees, this variety’s flowers are sterile and do not produce seed pods.

This plant is often found in corporate landscapes, parking lot islands, parks, and near decks or patios. It is a heat and sun-loving plant and is found only in Zones 9b through 11. Because of this, it is also a drought-tolerant plant. This tree is not a true orchid, but its flowers closely resemble those majestic plants.

Jane Magnolia

Jane Magnolia
This tree gives off a light pleasant scent and will bloom in late spring.
Scientific name: Magnolia liliflora ‘reglorescens’ x stellate ‘waterlily’

Jane magnolia is a hybrid tree developed by the U.S. National Arboretum in the 50s. The tree produces large, tulip-shaped flowers that have a dark-pink exterior and a white interior. The blossoms are lightly scented as well. The tree usually blooms in late spring.

This type of magnolia can be found in Zones 4 through 7. For optimal growth, this tree should be planted in moist, well-drained soil. It should also be planted in a place where it can receive full sun in the morning and partial shade in the hotter parts of the day.

Japanese Flowering Apricot

Japanese Flowering Apricot
The flowers on this tree have a wonderful scent and are also edible.
Scientific name: Prunus mume

This ornamental tree is incredibly beautiful, producing small pink and white flowers with five petals and a bright yellow center. Despite what the name suggests, these trees are enjoyed not for the fruit they produce but for their flowers and foliage. The blooms have a strong scent, which many suggest smells like cloves, and are edible.

The Japanese flowering apricot tree can grow up to 20 feet tall and has a wide canopy of 15 to 20 feet. They are commonly found in parks and parking lots and do best in Zones 6 through 8.

Kanzan Cherry Tree

Kanzan Cherry Tree
This beautiful flowering tree has a shorter lifespan but will make a huge impact in any garden.
Scientific name: Prunus serrulata ‘kanza’

Chances are when you think of “cherry tree,” this is the variety you envision. This popular variety has a vase-shaped form and a profusion of medium-to-dark pink flowers that bloom every spring. The flowers are roughly two and a half inches in diameter and can be seen in April and May in Zones 5 through 9.

The Kanzan cherry is a full sun variety that grows in a variety of soil types. It reaches heights of about 40 feet as a mature plant. However, it only lives for about 25 years. It is also highly susceptible to heat and pollution stressors.

Persian Silk Tree

Persian Silk Tree
This tree is native to Asia and will do well in areas with less rainfall.
Scientific name: Albizia julibrissin

The Persian silk tree is a deciduous ornamental tree that has unique pink flowers with long, silky strands. The tree has an umbrella-like shape to it, creating a wide-spread canopy that, when dotted with the spiky pink and white flowers, is amazing to behold.

This tree isn’t picky when it comes to soil types and is relatively drought tolerant. It is native to Asia and thus prefers temperate conditions. In the U.S., it grows best in Zones 6b to 11b.

Pink Dogwood Tree

Pink Dogwood Tree
This tree is a popular choice in many different landscapes.
Scientific name: Cornus florida var. rubr

The pink dogwood tree is a favorite among gardeners and landscapers for many reasons. Not only is it incredible to look at when in full bloom it is also great for planting under power lines or near buildings.

The tree blooms in April and May and produces fairly large pink flowers with white variegations towards the yellow-green center. Some dogwood trees produce white flowers, but their pink counterparts are just as beautiful. Certain varieties of dogwood trees also produce purple flowers as well, for a different look. Their leaves are egg-shaped and a dark-green color that turns bright a purplish-red in the fall. Overall, the tree tends to grow in a rounded shape.

Dogwood trees like at least four to six hours of unfiltered sunlight per day and can subsist in loamy, acidic, sandy, clay, or well-drained soils. They grow best in Zones 5 through 9.

Pink Trumpet Tree

Pink Trumpet Tree
This tree is native to South America and prefers little water and lots of sun.
Scientific name: Handroanthus heptaphyllus, H. impetiginosus

When pink trumpet trees bloom, they erupt in thousands of trumpet-shaped pink flowers on leafless branches. The result is a stunning pink flowering tree that makes a lasting impression on its viewers. They are an early-flowering tree, typically blooming in March or April.

This tree is a deciduous tree native to South America and thus prefers full sun and low water. It can grow in sandy, clay, alkaline, or acidic soils but requires well-drained soil at all times to thrive. Its roots are not invasive, making it a preferred ornamental tree for residential areas.

Prairifire Flowering Crabapple

Prairifire Flowering Crabapple
This tree not only has its beautiful blooms to boast but it also has stunning foliage from summer to fall.
Scientific name: Malus prairifire

There are several different kinds of flowering crabapple, but one of our favorites is the prairifire flowering crabapple. This stunning tree produces dark pink and red flowers, which bloom from April to May. They also have showy foliage that ranges from a dark maroon color in the summertime to a fiery bronze in the fall.

This tree can be grown in Zones 3 through 8, giving it a fairly large range of climates to grow in. For optimal growth, the flowering crabapple should receive a minimum of six hours of direct sun, although full sun is better. They don’t have a soil preference and can be grown in clay, sandy, wet, acidic, or alkaline soils.


This tree is not only pretty to look at but it is also known for its healing capabilities.
Scientific name: Cercis canadensis

Redbuds are small, delicate flowering trees that are often the first to bloom in springtime. Despite their relatively diminutive size, they are hardy plants that produce showy flowers in soft shades of pink. They only bloom for a couple of weeks. However, their red-colored, heart-shaped foliage is also a pleasant sight throughout the seasons. 

There are three variations of the redbud: the eastern redbud, the western redbud, and the California redbud. The flowers of all variations are edible, and the bark has been used by healers for centuries to treat illness. Chickadees and grosbeak love the seeds the tree produces, and it attracts several types of butterflies and honeybees.

If you live in Zones 4 through 9 you won’t find growing this tree difficult. It typically grows up to 30 feet tall and prefers at least four hours of direct sunlight a day. It also does well in a variety of soil types.

Red Horse-Chestnut

Red Horse-Chestnut
This tree will reach a height of 40 feet and has a canopy that is perfect for yards and parks.
Scientific name: Aesculus x carnea

The flowers produced by the red horse-chestnut are some of the most glorious. Each spring, this deciduous tree grows eight-inch cone-shaped panicles that have bright, hot-pink flowers. In addition to their stunning look, the flowers are extremely attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds. It produces long seed pods at the end of the flowering season.

This tree reaches heights of 40 feet and has a large canopy, making them an excellent shade tree for parks. It thrives in moist, well-drained soil but can do well in either full sun or partial shade and is suitable for Zones 5 through 8, making them great for temperate climates like California.

Smoke Tree

Smoke Tree
Another drought tolerant tree that will do well in any type of soil.
Scientific name: Cotinus coggygria

The blossoms on the smoke tree are a light, smoky pink color. They have a cloud-like appearance, adding to the “smoke” theme. The flowers bloom in late summer and early fall, typically dropping off by September. It’s an interesting visual for an ornamental tree.

The smoke tree prefers well-drained soil, although it isn’t picky about what kind of soil it’s in. It is also drought-tolerant and can handle extra wet conditions, making it a fairly low-maintenance plant. However, it likes full sun to grow to its full height of 15 feet. This plant is considered a red flowering bush but can be grown into the form of a tree.

Weeping Cherry Tree

Weeping Cherry Tree
These romantic trees are stunning to look at and produce thousands of light pink flowers.
Scientific name: Prunus pendula

There is not a single pink flowering tree in this guide that is as graceful or romantic as the weeping cherry tree. Not to be confused with a fruiting cherry tree or cherry blossom, this showy tree is small and slender, with long branches that trail towards the ground. Every spring, the tree bursts with pink and white single or double flowers from the black branches, usually before the leaves show up.

The weeping cherry tree is one of several varieties. However, it is most commonly found in Zones 4 through 9. They like moist, well-drained soil and prefer full sun.

Winesap Heirloom Apple Tree

Winesap Heirloom Apple Tree
The apples produced from this tree are crisp and tart making them perfect for baking.
Scientific name: Malus winesap

Another variety of apple tree that produces pale pink flowers is the winesap heirloom apple tree. This tree has roots back in Colonial times and grows fruit that is crisp and tart, making them the perfect alternative for baking.

Interestingly, the winesap variety of apple trees cannot self-pollinate like many other varieties of apples. If you decide to plant a Winesap apple tree and hope to enjoy its fruits, you will need to plant at least two other varieties of trees to help pollinate it.

Variegated Weigela

Variegated Weigela
These trees are often used as shrubs around gardens as they don’t get very tall.
Scientific name: Weigela florida variegata

The bold pink, trumpet-shaped flowers this shrub produces every spring are some of the most beautiful blooms a gardener could hope to see. Their foliage is variegated with streaks of white, and the branches are arching, making this entire plant a spectacle throughout the entire bloom season.

These hardy little plants only grow in Zones 5 through 9 and prefer full sun to partial shade. They do well in just about any type of soil you can imagine and will reach heights of four feet tall and five feet wide.

Final Thoughts

Pink flowering trees are some of the most visually stunning plants nature has to offer. Whether they are bold and showy like the Persian silk tree or delicate and romantic like the weeping cherry, there are many varieties of pink flowering trees that suit your grow zones and maintenance requirements.

Now that you know more about trees with pink flowers and how to care for them, why not plant a couple in your home garden? If you have any questions, leave a comment below! We’d also love to hear from you if you have a favorite pink flowering tree that we left off of this list.

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