How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Sweet Woodruff

Sweet woodruff has flowers reminiscent of baby's breath, and it thrives in shady areas. Kaleigh Brillon shares a complete growing guide for this useful perennial ground cover.

A lovely patch of sweet woodruff, having bright green leaves and stems with dainty white flowers, placed in a sunny area


Finding a ground cover that can survive underneath shady trees can be a challenge for many gardeners. Many plants can’t survive without sunlight, or they at least won’t grow prolifically like you want them to. Sweet woodruff may be able to solve your problems! This aggressive perennial thrives in full shade and spreads quickly, making it an efficient and durable ground cover. It can even grow underneath black walnut trees where many other species struggle.

Sweet woodruff is appropriately named since it has a pleasant scent close to freshly mown hay. You can save some leaves and dry them to make a potent potpourri if you enjoy the scent enough. Its pretty white flowers will attract pollinators and make your yard look beautiful.

It’s an attractive ground cover that will grow in areas others won’t. It does however, grow so quickly that it’s considered invasive in many areas. If you let it grow in an open area, you’ll need to prune it regularly to stop it from spreading. It won’t last long if it escapes the shade of a tree, so that may make it easier to handle.

Let’s take a look at how this durable ground cover can be a good fit in your garden.

Plant Overview

A dense and healthy patch of Galium odoratum, appearing to have a bright green hue and small white blooms
Plant Type Perennial ground cover
Family Rubiaceae
Genus Galium
Species Galium odoratum
Native Area North Africa, Europe and Asia
Exposure Partial to full shade
Height 12-20”
Watering Requirements Regular
Pests & Diseases Leaf spot, powdery mildew, slugs, rust
Maintenance Low
Soil Type Well-draining, average
Hardiness Zone 4-8

What is Sweet Woodruff?

Galium odoratum (sweet woodruff) is commonly used as a ground cover. It is often grown under trees because the roots deter competition, and the leaves can hog all the sunlight. Sweet woodruff is stronger than it looks and will assert dominance by sending out creeping roots to establish itself.

Native Area

A layer of healthy-looking Galium odoratum, having bight green leaves and dainty white petals with small petals
These plants have various uses, such as for making medicine and adding scent to linen.

The plant is native to northern Africa (particularly North Africa), northern and central Europe and western Asia. It has been utilized for medicinal uses. The dried leaves were also used in bygone years to stuff mattresses or to scent linen. This gives it the common name of sweet-scented bedstraw.


Vibrant green Galium odoratum, having deep colored leaves looking textured and lance-like, growing on the side of a concrete surface
Their roots creep and can grow foliage excessively.

Sweet woodruff doesn’t look like a fighter. Its six to nine lance-shaped leaves come out from the stems to create a circular or star shape. It grows many star-shaped flowers, giving it a dainty appearance. The leaves can be light or dark green leaves. The white flowers tend to look like white stepping stones from a distance.

The growth habits make it a force to be reckoned with. Given the right growing conditions, it will send out creeping roots that will grow more stems and leaves. This allows it to spread out like the mat-forming perennial that it is. The stems can easily break off from the roots, and if the roots are left intact, they will grow. This can be annoying if you’re trying to get rid of it. However, this also means you can mow over it when it gets too tall, and it’ll come back.

It can grow up to one foot in height. Mowing it may be required if you live in an area with lawn height limitations. A single plant can spread out to one and a half feet – enough to cover a planter.

Sweet woodruff isn’t edible, but its freshly mown hay scent is fragrant enough to make potpourri. It’s also used to make maiwein, or May wine, a white wine flavored with sweet woodruff, orange, and pineapple leaves.


A close-up shot of dainty white flowers of the Galium odoratum, having bright green leaves, appearing vivid under the wwarm sunlight
They are easy to grow and often thrive after planting.

Planting sweet woodruff is fairly easy, and once planted, it’ll stick around in your garden for a while. You can easily find seed packets online, but your local garden center may have seedlings in early spring.

The best time to sow seeds in the ground is in late winter, about ten weeks before the last frost date. They benefit from cold exposure, so freezing temperatures won’t harm the seed. Sprinkle them over the ground and lightly cover them with soil and water them. Water them at least once a day and make sure the ground stays moist but not wet. Avoid planting them in an area where water puddles since they can’t tolerate standing water. 

You can wait a little longer if you’re starting seeds indoors and aim for early spring sowing instead. The seeds will need to be refrigerated for two weeks, but they should start germinating quickly if you keep them at 50°F (10°C). You can transplant seedlings outside after they have several sets of leaves and there’s no longer any danger of frost.

Since sweet woodruff likes lots of shade and spreads rapidly, the best place to plant it outdoors would be underneath a tree. Some trees, like the black walnut tree, are allelopathic, meaning that they create chemicals like juglone that weaken or kill a variety of plants. Galium odoratum isn’t affected by juglone, making it the perfect choice for areas that are difficult to keep planted! Sweet woodruff will also work well in a flower bed or planter that gets shade for most of the day if you don’t want it to spread or become invasive. 

How to Grow

Sweet woodruff is only picky about sunlight and water, so they’re pretty easy to care for as long as you remember to limit their sun and give them their water. If you live in an area where it frequently rains, growing them won’t require much effort.


An are with healthy-looking Galium odoratum, having several sprigs of dainty white flowers, surrounded by lance-like leaves
It could be wise to grow them in containers depending on the climate.

Sweet woodruff grows well in USDA zone 4-9. You may be able to get them to grow in higher or lower zones, but it will require extra care, and you’ll probably need to stick to containers so you can move them to shade or indoors as needed.

This perennial prefers partial to full shade, which means little to no sun. Dappled sunlight is best, and that’s when rays of light poke through the tree canopy throughout the day. It may be able to grow on the north or east-facing side of your house if there are trees or a fence on the east side that blocks most of the morning sun, and the house blocks most of the afternoon sun.


A black hose appearing to be dripping wet with water covering its length, slowly falling on the greens located underneath
These hoses can be ideal to keep the plants moist without overwatering.

If it often rains in your climate, you won’t have to think about this part as much! But for people who live in areas that are prone to drought and high temperatures, you’ll need to water these plants almost every day, depending on how dry the ground is. If you live in the southwest United States, don’t expect this plant to do well since it can’t tolerate desert conditions.

Aim for always moist soil but not sopping wet. Water should be able to drain away easily and not create puddles. Watering every day might not be necessary. The best way to gauge if your plants are thirsty is if the top inch or so of soil is dry. If you want to grow sweet woodruff in a dry shade area that receives almost no sun, it will be able to tolerate dry shade conditions better than it would if it received sun.

The best way to water is to do it early in the morning so the leaves will have all day to dry out. Wet leaves will increase the chances of diseases and pests. Soaker hoses are the best way to prevent wet leaves, but it won’t be the end of the world if you use a sprayer nozzle to water them.


A gardener in orange gloves fills a gray container with soil, using a soil calculator to measure the right amount.
This plant type prefers acidic soil but can tolerate varying pH levels.

Sweet woodruff isn’t picky about soil. It prefers slightly acidic soil but can tolerate a wide range of pH levels between 4.3-8.3. It can tolerate somewhat nutrient-deficient soil, but adding a generous amount of compost or decaying leaves before you plant it will give it a better start.

The most important aspect of soil that will make or break your ground cover is its ability to drain. Sweet woodruff needs well-drained soils that won’t hold excess water. While it should be well-drained soil, it should still be consistently moist and damp to the touch, but never oversaturated. Sweet woodruff can’t tolerate wet feet, and the full shade conditions it loves make it harder for water to evaporate.


A patch of vibrant green Galium odoratum with tiny white buds, appearing to have lance-like leaves and thin stems
They can tolerate heat but may struggle under too much sun.

The hotter your climate is, the more shade your sweet woodruff will need. It can’t tolerate heat and may go dormant in the late spring or throughout the summer if it gets too much sun and not enough water. 


Hands cradle rich compost soil, preparing for planting in a garden bed.
It can benefit from a layer of compost once or twice annually.

Sweet woodruff doesn’t require fertilizing unless your soil is completely out of nutrients. If it seems like your perennials need a nutrient boost, add a fresh layer of compost once or twice a year. Even a simple layer of decaying leaves will help.


A dense layer of Galium odoratum appearing to have vibrant green leaves, having countless small and white flowers
They can grow thick, so prune them as needed.

Pruning isn’t necessary if you’re allowing it to grow freely, but you may want to prune it if you want to stop it from spreading or if you don’t like how thick it’s become. 

You need to break off the roots to stop them from spreading. To do this, drive a garden spade or shovel deep into the ground to break the roots and remove them. You don’t need to worry about removing stems and leaves – that’s free compost!

Sweet woodruff can grow pretty tall for a yard. If you’re not concerned about spreading but want to make it shorter, you can mow over it with a rotary mower like you would for grass. It’s best to use a high setting, so you don’t accidentally cut it too short.


A round patch of Galium odoratum appearing vivid green, with leaves looking to have lance-like shapes placed on dark-colored mulch
They can multiply quickly and extensively by growing new roots or self-seeding.

Sweet woodruff can multiply by sending out new roots or by self-seeding. If you want to start them somewhere else, you can remove a clump of the plant, roots and all, and grow it in another shady area. 

Common Problems

Sweet woodruff is mostly easy to grow and has very few insect and disease problems. Here are a few of the issues you might come across and what to do about them.

Growing Problems

A small group of Galium odoratum with leaves appearing to open slowly, looking vibrant green with thin stems, placed in a sunny area
It can harm the garden if it grows too extensively and becomes invasive.

The biggest issue with sweet woodruff is that it can become invasive if you care for it properly and let it spread as it pleases. Full shade and enough water will keep it growing. You can contain it in a planter or flower bed or prune it once or twice a year to prevent it from spreading. As annoying as it may be, prolific growing means you’re doing it right!

As your plant ages, you may notice leggy growth. This is simply part of the aging process. Remove the leggy stems and leave the roots intact, and it will renew itself in no time.


Close-up of a slug crawling on leaves in a garden bed. The slug has a soft-bodied gastropod with an elongated, slimy body that lacks shell. Its body is dark brown with a copper tint.
Slugs love to feed on their leaves and stems.

Very few pests bother sweet woodruff, which is why so many gardeners love it! The only pest that may become a problem is slugs. They’re one to two inches long and can be brown, black, yellow, grey, or white. If your plants are in moist acidic soil, you’ll likely see more slugs since they love the acidity and moisture, too.

Slugs devour stems and leaves and are a serious threat to young seedlings. Protect your seedlings by covering them with row covers and removing slugs by hand as soon as you see them. Start your seedlings indoors if you can, and don’t move them outside until they’re sturdy.

Diatomaceous earth is a natural and effective way to get rid of them. Sprinkle it on the ground around your plants and it will injure the slugs as they move on it and eventually kill them. The cool part is that it DE won’t hurt you or your perennials, only the slugs and any other insect that touches it. If you do not have DE right at hand, an organic slug and snail bait is also very effective.


A hand delicately holds a vibrant green orchid leaf, its edges marred by brown, dry spots indicating possible fungal or bacterial infection. In the blurred background sits a white pot filled with rich brown soil, placed by a window to catch sunlight.
Various diseases may appear on this plant, such as leaf spots and fungal infections.

Sweet woodruff isn’t prone to disease, and there are only a few you need to look out for. Diseases often occur when they don’t have enough air circulation, and the conditions are too wet. Pruning and decreasing how much water you give them is usually enough to reverse the problems.

The most common disease is powdery mildew. It’ll look white and chalky and can be found on the leaves. There isn’t a cure, but removing the affected parts will slow its spread. You can use neem oil as a preventative measure in most regions, but it’s not guaranteed to prevent it in humid, warm locations.

Leaf spot will cause yellowish-brown discolored areas with brown spots. Rust is a fungus that will look like yellow or rust-colored spots. Treatment of these involves removing infected material to reduce the likelihood of further spread.

Frequently Asked Questions

How invasive is sweet woodruff?

Sweet woodruff spreads quickly and can take over an area if the conditions are right. It can grow under allelopathic trees where other ground covers can’t, and it’ll happily fill up the entire garden and then some if it has the opportunity.

Will sweet woodruff choke out other plants?

It can choke out other plants since it grows quickly and forms a mat. Competitive weeds might survive, but your other flowers probably won’t.

How long does it take for sweet woodruff to spread?

Under the right conditions, it can reach its full spread of 18 inches in just one year.

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