6 Different Methods for Storing Garlic

After growing or buying fresh garlic, it's important to store garlic properly. For freshness, and storing garlic incorrectly can be dangerous!

How to Store Garlic


If you’re a garlic-lover and garlic grower like me, you’ve probably got a bunch of it either in your garden or in your home right this very moment. These beautiful and delicious plants have so much versatility in the kitchen that I like to grow a big patch of them every season and store them for use throughout the year.

But storing garlic can be a challenge if you don’t know what you’re doing. There are a lot of different methods, some better than the others.

Let’s take a look at exactly how to store garlic properly so you can enjoy these flavorful bulbs for months to come. We’ll discuss how to store peeled garlic, and how to store unpeeled garlic cloves too.

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Selecting the Best Quality Garlic for Storage

A perfect example of a bruised clove.
A perfect example of a bruised clove. Discard these! source

Whether you’re growing garlic in your garden or purchasing it from a grocery or farmers market, there are a few quality control issues to look out for on your bulbs. Avoiding these will increase the shelf life and success rate of storing your garlic:

  • Soft Bulbs
  • Sprouting Bulbs
  • Damaged unpeeled garlic cloves and bulbs

If you’re purchasing your garlic, you’re looking for firm, fresh garlic bulbs with dry, papery skin on the outside. If the bulb is soft, it’s probably too ripe and won’t last long in storage. Also avoid buying garlic that is refrigerated. There are many types of garlic, but their storage is all similar, so don’t worry about that.

If you’re selecting bulbs from your garden, choose ones that look healthy and undamaged by pests or ​disease.

Curing Garlic Before Storage

Garlic curing in a warm, dry place with air circulation.
Garlic curing in a warm, dry place with air circulation.

After you harvest your garlic patch, you must cure it before you can properly store it. The curing process makes sure that the remaining energy goes to your bulbs (since that’s what we care about when we grow garlic).

​Before you cure your garlic:

  1. Clean the root system of dirt
  2. Do not bruise or damage your bulbs
  3. Leave the roots and leaves intact

The easiest way to cure garlic is to tie it in 3-6 plant bunches and tie to a string. The strings should be located in an area with great air circulation and the ideal air temperature is around 80°F (27°C).

Leave your garlic curing for about two weeks. You’ll know it’s done curing when the skin is dry and paper, much like the garlic you’d buy at a store or farmers market.

​Cleaning Your Cured Garlic

Garlic must be cleaned after curing to ensure good storage.
Garlic must be cleaned after curing to ensure good storage.

After your garlic is cured, you have to clean it up a bit before storage.

Brush your hands along the roots — they should be brittle from the curing process and come right off. Trim off the tops, but be careful not to cut too close to the bulb. You want to keep those skins on rather than store peeled garlic.

If you’re cleaning hardneck garlic, leave the necks on so you can crack them open easier in the future.

Only remove extremely dirty outer layers of the papery skin. Otherwise, keep it on as it helps you maintain fresh garlic.​

Cleaning Tip: If you see any damaged cloves that you missed earlier, remove them from the bulbs. If some of your bulbs are soft after curing, use them in the kitchen instead — they won’t store well.

The Best Way to Store Garlic

Storing garlic in mesh produce bags
Mesh produce bags are a fantastic way to store your garlic. source

The simplest way to preserve your garlic haul is to place it in mesh produce bags that you can buy online. These are reusable and provide the air circulation your garlic will need to keep well.

Here are the environmental requirements for storing whole garlic:

  • 60-65°F (15.5-18°C) air temperature
  • Moderate humidity
  • Good air circulation

If the temperature drops too much, your bulbs will begin to sprout after the temperature rises again. This is why attempting to preserve store-bought garlic that was kept in the refrigerated section is a bad idea.

If the humidity is too low, your garlic will dry out too quickly and shrivel.

If the air circulation is poor, your garlic has a high chance of rotting.

When cured, cleaned, and stored properly, garlic will keep for over half a year (sometimes over a year).

Other Ways to Store Garlic

If you have fresh garlic bulbs that you want to preserve faster than the method I outline above, there are a lot of different options for you. Some are better than others, and some popular storage methods can actually be quite dangerous — so read on. Many of these methods require that you freeze garlic, especially before you store peeled garlic.

Putting Garlic in the Fridge

Storing fresh garlic in the fridge is generally not a good idea. This is because garlic bulbs are low-acidity, making them prone to Clostridium botulinum, better known as the culprit behind botulism.

When you see garlic sold at the store in oil, it typically has a preservative like citric acid added to increase the acidity of the mixture, preventing Clostridium botulinum from forming. It is also stored at a lower temperature in commercial fridges than your fridge at home is capable of reaching in most cases.

Freezing Your Garlic

Freezing chopped garlic
Freezing chopped or minced garlic in an ice cube tray for easy use. source

Freezing fresh garlic is a fantastic option. Here are the best ways to do it:

  • Unpeeled whole garlic cloves — Place unpeeled garlic cloves directly in the freezer after harvesting or purchasing. When you need to use them, thaw them out, unpeel, and consume.
  • Chopped and formed into a block — Chop peeled garlic cloves into even pieces. You can form it into a block or any shape you wish, so long as you wrap it very tightly in a plastic bag or wrap. Minced garlic is fine too. Then freeze garlic. When you need to use it, you can grate the frozen garlic and use it as garlic paste or simply break off a piece.
  • Garlic cloves pureed in oil — Blend peeled garlic cloves in a food processor or blender with an oil of your choice. I like to use a high-quality olive oil. Because the oil won’t freeze completely, you can easily scrape some pureed garlic off for use in cooking.

No matter which method you choose, it’s vital that you freeze garlic as soon as you’re finishing preparing. Don’t put it in the fridge or leave it out, for reasons listed in the fridge section above.

Canning Your Garlic

It’s best not to can garlic. As mentioned in the refrigerating garlic section, it’s a low-acidity plant that is prone to ​Clostridium botulinum. The spores also proliferate in low-oxygen environments, which canned foods are known for. If you have a bunch of peeled garlic cloves, consider the next method as a viable way to store fresh garlic!

Drying Your Garlic

To dry garlic cloves, first be sure that they’re fresh and not soft or bruised and remove teh skin to make them peeled cloves. Cut each of your peeled garlic cloves in half. Dry them at around ​140˚F (60˚C) for two hours. After two hours, reduce to 130˚F (54˚C). Take them out of the oven or food dehydrator when they are fully dry.

Storing Your Garlic in Oil

Storing garlic in oil
If you store in oil, you should freeze garlic immediately. source

If you decide to store fresh garlic in oil, you need to be extra vigilant due to the potential for Clostridium botulinum development. Whatever you do, do not store garlic at room temperature. In fact, it’s actually illegal for commercial garlic product providers to store their garlic in oil that hasn’t been acidified with something like citric acid.

Because it’s not convenient to acidify your garlic + oil mixture at home, freezing peeled garlic cloves in oil immediately after preparation is best.

Storing Your Garlic in Vinegar or Wine

One of the more interesting ways to store fresh garlic is to place peeled cloves into vinegar or wine and put them in the fridge. If you’re using wine, go with a dry white wine. If using vinegar, white vinegar will work. It will keep for 3-5 months in the fridge.​

If you use this method, keep a watchful eye for any unusual growth on the surface of your airtight container. This is usually mold or yeast forming due to a higher than ideal temperature, so make sure your fridge is cold enough.

What to do With Stored Garlic

No matter how you store fresh garlic, there are a ton of wonderful ways to use garlic! Here are a few of my favorites, but please comment below with yours — I’m always looking for more ways to use this delicious vegetable.​


Roasting Garlic
My favorite way to prepare garlic. source

Roasting garlic is my favorite way to cook it, due to sweet flavor that contrasts the typical flavor profile of most garlic. I love spreading the resulting garlic paste on bread or using it as a way to marinade meats.

To roast it, simply chop off the tip of the bulb to reveal an inkling of the tops of the cloves. Then wrap them in foil and drizzle some olive oil over them. Place them in the oven at ​350°F (176°C) for about a half an hour to an hour. Once the bulbs are soft, you can squeeze the roasted garlic paste straight out of the bulb.


Pickling garlic is a favorite of many gardeners and chefs alike. It brings the pungent, strong flavor of garlic down a bit, meaning you can throw many cloves into a dish and the flavor won’t overpower everything else.

I won’t get into a full garlic pickling tutorial here, but you can peel garlic cloves and throw them in an airtight container in the fridge with salt and vinegar.

Making Garlic Oil

While storing fresh garlic in oil is a bad idea (unless you freeze garlic immediately), you can make garlic oil using dried garlic. Put chopped, dried, peeled garlic you’ve sliced in half into a small airtight container and pour in some oil. Let sit for a while for the flavors to infuse and then use to your heart’s content.

Making Garlic Salt​

After you’ve dried garlic, you can make an easy garlic salt by tossing it in a food processor and chopping it until it is fine-grained. Add salt of your choosing to your garlic in a 4:1 ratio and pulse for a few seconds. Don’t blend too long — you’ll create too fine a mixture and it will clump up. You can add it to oil to create a kind of garlic paste too.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Should I store garlic in the fridge?

A: Especially if you’ve got peeled garlic cloves or if you’ve exposed the flesh of a clove, the refrigerator will help the bulb maintain its flavor and shelf-life. If you are storing it whole or still wrapped, keep it out of the fridge as this will promote sprouting.

Q: How long can you store whole garlic?

A: From harvest to sprouting due to age, you can maintain and store fresh garlic bulbs for up to 6 months.

Q: How do you store garlic for next year?

A: Keep it close to a freezing temperature, or at about 60°F with high humidity to keep it for the following year.

Q: How do you store garlic so it doesn’t spoil?

A: Check out the suggestions in this piece, and consider which is best for your situation. Many of the methods outlined require you to prepare and then freeze garlic to keep it longer. If you’re working with peeled garlic, you have less options than if you are working with whole garlic.

Q: Can I freeze fresh garlic?

A: Yes! Frozen garlic is possible in many forms. Check out the list above to see how to freeze garlic. Often you can take peeled cloves and place them in oil and freeze them. Or you can process and store peeled garlic in other ways.

Q: How do you store garlic for the winter?

A: Keep it whole in a humid room at about 60°F. This curing process reduces the moisture in the cloves and condenses the flavor.

Q: Can I preserve garlic in olive oil?

A: Definitely. Keep the peeled garlic submerged in olive oil to preserve it and have the added benefit of garlic infused oil. But remember that you must freeze it to avoid food bourne illnesses. You can even make a frozen garlic paste this way.

Q: What is the best container to store garlic?

A: There are terra cotta or ceramic containers designed specifically for garlic storage. You can also store it in an open bowl, a mesh bag, or a wire basket. An airtight container is important when you’re working with oil-preserved garlic, or whole cloves.

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