How to Prune Petunias in 7 Simple Steps
Do you have petunias in your garden, but aren't sure if they need to be pruned? In this article, gardening expert Paige Foley looks at if petunias need to be pruned, as well as when and how to do it if you opt to give them a trim.

There is nothing better than neat and clean petunias. If you prune petunias, they can keep blooming and producing new growth all season long. Pruning might sound scary and time-consuming, but it doesn’t have to be a chore if done regularly.
Petunias are relatively low-maintenance if provided with the proper growing conditions. They are known for being fast growers and can quickly become leggy or stingy if left untrimmed. Pruning is a great way to keep mounding varieties compact and trailing varieties from getting scraggly.
If you are unsure of where to begin pruning, don’t worry. Let’s dive into 7 simple steps to pruning your petunias to keep them looking beautiful all season or year long.
Step 1: Do They Need Pruned?

Petunias are rapid growers and can quickly become overgrown and out of control. Pruning petunias will help keep them under control while also giving them a tidy appearance. By removing stems that are leggy and producing few flowers, you will encourage a more healthy plant.
All varieties will need pruning at some point in the growing cycle, no matter where you plant them.
For example, you may notice your hanging basket of petunias was once full and beautiful and now lacks blooms and long, sparse stems. This indicates it’s time to give them trim to encourage new growth.
Pruning is also a great way to get to know your plant and identify any other problems that might occur. You may be able to identify if you have problems with pests, diseases, or watering issues. If you can catch problems before they become out of hand, you can fix them and have happy, thriving flowers.
Step 2: Gather Your Tools

Before you begin, find a tool that has a sharp blade to cut cleanly through the stems.
Petunia stems aren’t as thick and tough as other plants, but a sharp tool will help you do the job quickly. Kitchen scissors, box cutters, or garden shears can all work well. Next, you need a container to place the cut stems into.
I also recommend using a pair of gardening gloves to protect from the sticky sap and smell of these plants. Petunias have a particular smell when touched that may be unpleasant to some gardeners.
Step 3: Prune at The Right Time

You may be surprised that you can begin pruning your plant when you bring it home! If you choose to grow petunias purchased from a garden center, most likely, they are in pots or 4 cells. They probably look gorgeous at the garden center, but they are ready to be planted in the ground or in a bigger container.
Give them a good trim once you bring them home and transplant them. This might mean cutting a few nice-looking blooms, but I promise it will be worth it! You will have bigger and fuller plants with numerous buds ready to open quickly.
You don’t need to prune the entire plant every week, but cutting a few leggy stems a week will benefit the plant. Continue throughout the growing season and watch your plants will thrive.
You will soon fall into a pattern and recognize when your plants need a haircut. They will look amazing for a few weeks and then begin to look less full and stringy. This is your sign to get snipping!
Step 4: How To Cut

First, identify limp stems with few flowers. Cut the leggy or wilting stems in half.
This method can be done for both mounding varieties and trailing varieties. Trailing varieties can get very long if not pruned and kept clean. They also tend to grow long stems without any flowers. Prune them to encourage more bloom production.
Mounding varieties are naturally compact but can look very misshapen if not pruned. When you remove wilting areas, the plant will start small and mounded. Cutting stems in half weekly will create a fuller-bodied plant with numerous blooms.
Discard cut plant debris and continue this process every week. Cutting a few stems every week will become a habit and less of a chore. The plants will also produce way more flowers!
Step 5: Where To Cut

There is an ideal location to cut when pruning petunias for fullness. New growth will eventually emerge from the nodes along the stem where the leaves attach to the stem. This is where you want to make your cut.
Cutting just above the new growth will create more blooms and fuller-forming plants. If you cut below this point, the stem might take a little extra time to regrow.
Do not cut back short stems that produce flowers. Petunias don’t benefit from hard pruning, and plant growth will be set back if you cut too much at once.
Step 6: Deadhead Spent Blooms

Removing the spent blooms on petunias is beneficial for the plant. If the blooms stay on the plant, they will go to seed.
Seeds take a lot of energy away from the plant, and bloom production will slow. Petunias are excellent at reseeding, so if this is desired, leave spent blooms on your petunias from time to time. By removing the dead blooms, you can also prune more easily.
Some varieties are self-cleaning and won’t require deadheading. Combining pruning and deadheading petunias allows you to grow lush plants that bloom endlessly.
Step 7: Repeat The Process

This process is best repeated throughout your petunia’s life. Skipped pruning can cause your plants to lack flowers and look messy. Don’t worry if you forget or decide to prune later in the season; petunias bounce back quickly!
Remember only to cut the leggy and wilting stems. Cutting short stems with flowers will only delay growth and blooms. We want to see floods of constant color, and hard pruning will prevent that.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Till I See Blooms After Cutting?
You can expect to see new blooms within 3 to 4 days after cutting. This can be shorter or longer depending on the weather. Petunias love the heat and grow best in warmer temperatures. Blooms will decrease once temperatures become collier. If you are experiencing a cold spell during the summer, you petunias will perk back up once temperatures rise.
Should I Prune Different Varieties Differently?
Pruning is all about what you want your petunias to look like. Yes, it’s beneficial to prune but how much and how often is really up to you. Trailing varieties become very long and that is what most gardeners want. But they can become too long and scraggly if not pruned regularly. Mounding varieties are pruned to keep them neat and compact.
Can you Use Pruned Cuttings For Propagation?
Yes! Be sure it is a healthy cutting that isn’t infested with pests or diseases. Inspect for any other issues and place your pruned petunia cutting into a pot for a future petunia plant. This is a great option to prevent waste and to use something that would otherwise be discarded. Not to mention, it saves you some money on purchasing more petunias to fill empty spaces in your yard.
Final Thoughts
Pruning is the easiest way to get gorgeous petunias that provide floods of blooms and foliage all summer or year long. Pruning doesn’t have to be a chore if done weekly. Trim a few leggy stems each week, and your petunias will thank you. Good luck and happy pruning!