21 Plants with Massive Blooming Flowers
Are you looking for a few plants with massive flowers to add to your garden this season? There are many different plants that have enormous blooms that you'll love. In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago shares some of her favorite plants that will bring extremely large flowers to your garden!

Looking for some flowers with massive blooms to add to your garden this season? When summertime rolls around, every gardener wants their garden to be bursting with flowers.
Flowers not only fill our gardens with beauty, but they are crucial to our pollinators and can be used to support the bee population. And flowers that have large, robust blooms can often be the attention-getting cornerstone to a beautiful garden.
If you are looking for plants with extra-large, supersized blooms, here is a list of some of our favorite plants with extremely large flowers that you can add to your flowerbeds this season!
Angel’s Trumpet

botanical name Brugmansia spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 6-15 feet tall |
hardiness zones 9-11 |
Angel’s trumpet is a show-stopping tropical shrub or tree that happens to have some of the coolest flowers around. If you live in a cooler hardiness zone, you can grow angel’s trumpet as an annual in a large pot and get to enjoy the trumpet-shaped flowers.
These flowers open and close depending on the time of the day, and the blooms will reach up to 10 inches long.
Hummingbirds love the flowers of the angel’s trumpet, making it a great choice for a pollinator garden. If you are growing your angel’s trumpet in a container, place the containers somewhere you can enjoy their sweet aroma in the evening.
Bigleaf Magnolia

botanical name Magnolia macrophylla |
sun requirements Full sun to Partial Sun |
height 30-40 feet tall |
hardiness zones 6-9 |
If you are seeking large flowers in a tree, a bigleaf magnolia is a great way to go. This species of magnolia has the largest flowers of all the magnolias reaching up to 10 inches wide.
The flowers are a bright white with a pretty pink center. These trees will grow quite tall and will have long 12-inch leaves to accent the huge flowers.
The bigleaf magnolia will make a really nice shade tree if you are in need of a new larger tree.
Butterfly Bush

botanical name Buddleja davidii |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 3-12 feet tall |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
The butterfly bush is a gorgeous flowering shrub. The size of these shrubs can vary greatly between varieties, as does the size of the flowers.
These long-spiked flowers can reach lengths of 8-15 inches! These flowers come in a wide range of colors, from white to purple and a combination of bright colors such as bright pink and orange.
Plant your butterfly bush in an area that gets lots of sun. After a few seasons of growing in your garden, the butterfly bush will become very low maintenance and require little water.
Casa Blanca Lily

botanical name Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’ |
sun requirements Full sun to Partial sun |
height 3-4 feet tall |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
This lily variety is a stunner both in your gardens as well as in your floral bouquets. Each stem of Casa Blanca lily can produce up to 6-8 blossoms, and each blossom grows to about 8 inches across.
Casa Blanca lilies are creamy white and have rusty, orange-colored anthers. Be careful with the anthers as they can stain your clothing.
Plant these lilies in groups to maximize their impact. The Casa Blanca lily is very fragrant and should be planted somewhere you can sit and enjoy its aroma.

botanical name Clematis spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Sun |
height 6-10 feet |
hardiness zones 4-11 |
Clematis is a broad genus that is made up of flowering vines. Because there are so many species of clematis, this genus has been broken up into 12 different groups which are organized by bloom time and bloom size.
There is both an early and a late large, flowered group. The flowers within this group can reach up to 10 inches across.
These large flowers could be single, double, or star-shaped and come in a variety of pretty colors. Train your clematis on a fence, trellis, or arbor. These perennial vines can also be planted in containers.

botanical name Hemerocallis spp. |
sun requirements Full sun |
height 2-5 feet tall |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
Daylilies are easy-to-grow perennials that produce colorful and large flowers. Even though these flowers only last for a day or so, when planted in a group, they can make quite an impact in your gardens.
The flowers of the daylily are famous for their orange or yellow colors but have been hybridized and are not available in shades of red and pink as well. These flowers can reach up to 8 inches across.
These perennials love the full sun and will primarily be made up of long grass-like leaf blades. The flowers are borne on stems that will have multiple flowers on each stem.

botanical name Delphinium spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Sun |
height 2-6 feet tall |
hardiness zones 3-7 |
For a splash of blue in your garden, delphinium is an excellent choice. This biennial or short-lived perennial has tall blue spikes of flowers.
Depending on the type of delphinium, individual flowers can reach up to two inches wide and will cover most of the height of the plant, adding a dramatic splash of color into your garden.
Even though delphinium will not last forever, you can extend the bloom by adding new seeds to your garden each year so that there will always be new delphinium plants growing in your garden.
Giant Zinnia

botanical name Zinnia spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 2-3 feet |
hardiness zones 9-11, grown as an annual elsewhere |
We all know and adore the bright sun-loving zinnia. It fills summer gardens around the country, inviting pollinators into our gardens.
The giant zinnia offers a bit more pizzaz with flowers reaching up to 5 inches in diameter. Zinnias come in a rainbow of colors and there is a zinnia for every sunny garden.
Plant zinnias in containers and ornamental gardens, but especially in your cut flower garden. The more you snip your zinnias, the more blooms will appear.
Dinnerplate Dahlia

botanical name Dahlia hybrid |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 1-6 feet, variety dependant |
hardiness zones 8-11, grown as an annual everywhere else |
If you are familiar with dahlias, then you have most likely heard of the stunning dinner plate dahlia. Dahlias are tubers and are planted in the same way you would plant your bulbs, but they are planted in the spring rather than the fall.
While most types of dahlias have colorful stunning flowers, what sets the dinner plate dahlias apart is the massive size of their flowers, which clocks in at a minimum of 8 inches.
These dahlias come in just about every color in the rainbow and usually have a few different colors in each bloom. Have fun shopping for these flowering beauties. There are just are so many different dahlia types to choose from!
Football Mum

botanical name Chrysanthemum spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 2-3 feet tall |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
The football mum, or intermediate incurve mum, is the largest mum of them all. These large round pom-pom shaped flowers will reach 6 inches in diameter.
If you are looking for something different for your fall garden, give the football mum a try. It will give you the ease of a typical garden mum with a much more dramatic flower.
Football mums can be found in all of your favorite autumn colors such as white, yellow, copper, and purple. Add these plants to sunny gardens where you want some extra fall color.

botanical name Gladiolus palustris |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 2-5 feet |
hardiness zones 7-10 |
These summer flowering bulbs can add some tropical flair to your garden. Growing to five feet tall, these stalks of flowers will bloom from early summer until the frost.
Gladiolus comes in many different colors, such as red, pink, yellow, and even green. Planting these bulbs together in a grouping is the best bet for a display of these flowering beauties. You can also stake your gladiolus up, as they tend to get top-heavy.
Gladiolus are hardy in zones 7-10 but frequently grow as annuals elsewhere. Be sure to add these beauties to your cutting garden. They make wonderful additions to your vase arrangements.
Globemaster Allium

botanical name Allium ‘Globemaster’ |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 2-3 feet tall |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
When it comes to spring blooming bulbs, there really isn’t anything quite as grand or dramatic as the Globemaster allium. Planted in the fall, this bulb will send up one straight and sturdy stem with a few sets of leaves closer to the ground.
In late spring, the large purple flowers will bloom in a globe that can reach up to 10 inches wide.
Plant these bulbs in the back of a perennial garden for a fun springtime surprise. As an added bonus, critters do not like the odor of allium bulbs, which can help keep them out of your garden!
Hybrid Tea Rose

botanical name Rosa spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 3-8 feet tall |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
There are many different types of roses available to us gardeners, but when it comes to the largest blooms, the hybrid tea rose is the way to go. These roses will grow anywhere from 3-8 feet in height and will be covered in large petals that can have up to 50 petals each!
Plant your hybrid tea roses in full sun. Fill your garden with roses, or use them as a border along your walkway or patio.
Hybrid tea roses are low-maintenance and come in just about every color, including multicolored ones. Classic reds, pinks, peaches, and creams are the standard favorites!

botanical name Hydrangea spp. |
sun requirements Partial sun- Partial Shade |
height 3- 12 feet, species dependant |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
If you are seeking a shrub with massive flowers, look no further! Hydrangeas have large blossoms that could be panicle in shape, mophead, or lacecap.
Each of these hydrangeas produces magnificent flowers in a variety of colors. However, if you are looking for the biggest blossoms you will want to look for Hydrangea arborescens, also known as smooth hydrangea.
You may be familiar with ‘Annabelle’ or ‘Invinciball’ hydrangeas which are both members of the Hydrangea arborescens species.
These flowers are creamy in color and are a large dome shape. They love the partial shade and make gorgeous additions to your shady gardens, containers, or cut flower garden.

botanical name Lupinus x hybrida |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 3-4 feet high |
hardiness zones 4-8 |
Lupines gained popularity because of their beautiful wild, growing nature. Now, these beauties have been hybridized and are available in a variety of colors.
The flowers of the lupine are spires of smaller flowers that can reach up to four feet tall, depending on the variety you have chosen. The foliage of the lupine plant is low- and beautiful in itself. Its leaves grow on a whirl and are made up of 5-10 leaves each.
Lupines make beautiful additions to any garden but are very nice when used in a perennial border.

botanical name Ipomoea alba |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 9-12, grown as an annual everywhere else |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
A close relative of the sweet potato vine, the moonflower is a vine or a climbing plant that produces crisp white flowers. The flowers of the moonflower remain closed through the day and open to reveal 6-inch flowers at dusk.
Plant moonflower where you spend your evening hours. Near your outdoor dining table or fire pit would be a great place to sit and enjoy the flowers at their peak as well as enjoy the sweet fragrance.

botanical name Paeonia lactiflora |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Sun |
height 2-3 feet tall |
hardiness zones 3-8 |
This beautiful perennial has a long history of being a very well-loved garden plant. The flowers of the peony are large and intoxicatingly fragrant.
In fact, most varieties of peonies have flowers that are so large, you’ll need to place a peony ring around the plant to keep the stems upright under the weight.
You can find these early summer bloomers in many different shades of pink, red, and white. They are magnificently easy to care for, requiring only a sufficient fall cleanup and removal of stems and foliage.

botanical name Papaver orientale |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 1-3 feet tall |
hardiness zones 3-9 |
If you seek a dramatic flower for your sunny perennial gardens, look no further than the oriental poppy. These large flowers come in a variety of colors ranging from deep red to the lightest peach.
The flowers themselves can have typical poppy flowers or have more frilled petals giving the plant a bold appeal.
Poppies are easily grown from seed or are available at your local garden center or favorite online retailer. Plant these perennials in full sun. They work wonders for beautifying a walkway border garden or planted in groups throughout your perennial garden.
Rose Mallow

botanical name Hibiscus spp. |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 3-5 feet tall |
hardiness zones 4-9 |
Rose mallow, also known as perennial hibiscus, offers gardeners a beautiful way to add some tropical flair to our otherwise non-tropical gardens.
These plants are really easy to care for and only require full sun and a moderate amount of water. You can find rose mallow in a variety of colors, though most of the varieties are in shades of pink or red. The flowers will unfurl into beautiful blossoms that will reach up to 8 inches in diameter.
Plant your rose mallow in your sunny perennial gardens on their own or in a large grouping for maximum effect.
Russian Mammoth Sunflower

botanical name Helianthus annus ‘Russian Mammoth’ |
sun requirements Full Sun |
height 9-12 feet high |
hardiness zones 2-11, as an annual |
With so many different types of sunflowers available, it can be hard to choose the right one for your yard. If you are looking for a sunflower with truly mammoth flowers, ‘Russian mammoth’ is the way to go. Not only do these sunflowers grow up to 12 feet tall, but their sunny yellow flowers reach diameters of 14 inches!
As with all sunflowers, ‘Russian mammoth’ should be planted in full sun. Due to their height, they shine in the back of perennial gardens. Allow the flowers to mature on the plant, and you will be able to harvest and snack on their yummy seeds.

botanical name Wisteria floribunda |
sun requirements Full Sun to Partial Sun |
height 13-30 feet tall |
hardiness zones 5-9 |
Coveted for its luxurious purple flowers, wisteria is a gorgeous vine that is used frequently on pergolas or arbors. Wisteria is a perennial and deciduous vine that can reach great heights. Unlike some other vines, the trunk or main stem of the wisteria will end up becoming quite woody and large with time.
Take that into account when you plant these vines. The flowers are often purple but come in white and pink as well. These flowers can reach up to 12 inches long.
Be careful when choosing your wisteria plant, there are two types of Asian wisteria (Chinese and Japanese) that can become invasive in North America. However, American wisteria will bloom well and remain in control in the United States.
Final Thoughts
No matter what your garden goals are this season, having a plant with large, beautiful blooms is something that will always draw attention to your garden. Any of the options we’ve listed here will provide you with large, showy blooms all season long if they are provided with proper maintenance and care!