41 Plants That Grow in Water Indefinitely

Don’t like getting your hands dirty? You don’t have to when growing plants in water. Houseplant expert Madison Moulton lists 41 plants you can grow in water indoors indefinitely without worrying about watering.

Two houseplants with green and white variegated leaves grow in clear glass vases filled with water.


If you’re an indoor gardener tired of getting your hands dirty when caring for your plants, I’ve got the perfect solution.

We all know you can root cuttings in water, but few consider leaving them in the water long-term rather than transplanting them into soil. Hydroponic houseplants eliminate the need for soil indoors and take the stress out of the watering process while turning your cuttings into stunning decorative features.

Not all houseplants can grow in water permanently, but many can. Choose a few plants on this list to start your hydroponic houseplant collection.

Swiss Cheese Plant

Close-up of a Monstera deliciosa in a clear plastic vase on a white table illuminated by sunlight from a window. Monstera deliciosa is a striking houseplant with large, glossy, split leaves that are described as having Swiss cheese-like or perforated patterns. The leaves are dark green, smooth, glossy, heart-shaped.
Monstera deliciosa is an excellent water-grown houseplant known for its attractive foliage and easy care.

One of the best houseplants to grow with this method, for both looks and ease of care, is the classic Monstera deliciosa. The large and tropical leaves are often cut for use in vases, but if you take a full cutting with some roots attached, you can enjoy the foliage indefinitely.

I like to take cuttings from larger plants every few months to keep in vases, continuously expanding my collection of hydroponic monsteras. Don’t forget to trim the roots back once they fill the vase, as the cuttings will grow rapidly in the right conditions.

Swiss Cheese Vine

Close-up of Swiss Cheese Vine in a vase of water on a white background. Monstera adansonii is characterized by its distinctively heart-shaped leaves that are small and covered in unique, irregularly spaced holes or fenestrations. The leaves are dark green and have a trailing or vining growth habit.
Monstera adansonii is great for water growing, with cascading vines that can be trimmed to fit any container.

This delicious monster relative is another candidate for this growing method. Rather than remaining stiff and upright like larger Monstera deliciosa leaves, Monstera adansonii vines will cascade down the side of a vase and make an interesting pairing with other vining houseplants.

The benefit of keeping these adorable plants in water is that you can cut the vines to perfectly fit any container, as long as the original plant is large enough. Giving them plenty of bright indirect light will ensure any new leaves have the characteristic holes we all look forward to.

Heartleaf Philodendron

Close-up of a Heartleaf Philodendron in a vase of water on a black, round, wooden table. The Heartleaf Philodendron (Philodendron hederaceum) is known for its heart-shaped, deep green leaves that are glossy. These leaves are quite small, and dangle gracefully from trailing vines.
This popular beginner houseplant thrives with the water method, with some simple care adjustments.

The heartleaf philodendron is a beginner houseplant staple beloved for its easy care. A few adjustments, like a dash of fertilizer in the water and a clean vase, will allow the glossy leaves to shine.

It’s best to take cuttings from an established plant rather than transplanting from soil to water to prevent rot. Using sharp shears, cut the stem right below a node (the bump in the stem where the leaf emerges) and root for long-term growth.

Philodendron micans

Close-up of Philodendron micans in a vase of water against a green background. Philodendron micans is recognized for its velvety, deep green leaves that shimmer with a rich, bronzy undertone. These heart-shaped leaves are adorned with a luxurious velvet-like texture.
This species, resembling the heartleaf philodendron, is highly sought after due to its attractive burgundy and green leaves.

Similar in appearance to the heartleaf philodendron, this species has risen in popularity to become one of the most sought-after philodendrons of them all. The deep burgundy and green leaves are appreciated for their color and texture, like shimmering velvet in the sunlight.

Like the other vining species, cut the vine below a node and pop into a vase to root. The stems of this species are much thinner than the previous two mentions, so you may need to use a vase with a narrow neck to hold the vines in place.


Close-up of Pothos growing in a vase of water outdoors. Pothos features heart-shaped leaves that are glossy and variegated, with patterns of green, yellow, or white. They grow along long, trailing vines, creating a lush and vibrant appearance.
Several captivating pothos varieties exist, and you can mix cuttings from different species to create a unique centerpiece.

A few years ago, you couldn’t go anywhere without spotting one of the many eye-catching pothos varieties. Today, there are even more to choose from, making it incredibly difficult to decide which to grow.

Luckily, you don’t need to choose just one. You can create your own Franken-pothos by grouping a few cuttings from different species in the same vase. Once the roots are intertwined, you’ll have a stunning centerpiece bound to make other houseplant collectors jealous.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

Close-up of Fiddle Leaf Fig leaves in a vase of water against a white brick wall. The Fiddle Leaf Fig (Ficus lyrata) is renowned for its large, leathery, and violin or fiddle-shaped leaves. These leaves are deep green and glossy, with prominent veining and a lush, tropical appearance.
The leaves can thrive in the right conditions for long-term display.

If you follow any houseplant community boards online, you’ve likely seen the impressive leaves of the fiddle leaf fig growing in water. Individual leaves produce long roots that keep the leaf lush and green, making for an interesting display.

Unfortunately, growing a single leaf won’t propagate the fiddle leaf to give you a brand-new plant. However, these leaves will survive in water in the right conditions if you’re happy to keep them on display long-term.

Hoya carnosa

Close-up of a flowering Hoya carnosa plant. Hoya carnosa, commonly known as the wax plant, features succulent, oval-shaped leaves that are dark green and glossy. Its leaves grow on trailing vines and have cream-colored variegated edges. The plant produces clusters of star-shaped, waxy flowers of a delicate pink color.
This plant is easy to care for indoors.

Hoyas are commonly known as wax plants for their thick and waxy leaves, along with their interesting sticky clusters of flowers. Hoya carnosa is one of the most common species to grow indoors, not in small part because it is wonderfully low-maintenance and beginner-friendly.

The vines of these plants will happily grow in water as long as you keep the water and the vase itself clean. They are unlikely to flower in a vase, so stick to growing in soil if the blooms are what you’re after.

Hoya bella

Close-up of a flowering Hoya bella plant against a white wall. Hoya bella, a charming member of the Hoya genus, displays small, dainty, and waxy leaves that are deep green and adorned with white or silvery flecks. Hoya bella is known for its clusters of star-shaped, fragrant white flowers with pink centers.
This charming Hoya variety, with structured leaves and cute flowers, is compact and suitable for smaller spaces.

Another easy-to-grow member of the Hoya genus, Hoya bella is (by definition) a beautiful addition to any houseplant collection. The pointed leaves add a sense of structure to the naturally cascading or climbing vines, topped off by their adorable clusters of flowers.

Hoya bella is a more compact species, ideal for keeping in smaller spaces. Choose a shorter vase and give the vines plenty of indirect light to help them grow to their full potential.

Chinese Evergreen

Close-up of Aglaonema in a large round vase with water on a wooden table, on a white background, indoors. Aglaonema, also known as the Chinese Evergreen, is recognized for its lush and striking leaves. These leaves are lance-shaped, and they come in green, accented with silver and gray patterns or variegations.
Aglaonema, ideal for foliage enthusiasts, creates a striking indoor display when rooted in a decorative vase.

Aglaonema are perfect houseplants for foliage lovers. The large and patterned leaves make quite a statement indoors, especially when their roots are visible through a decorative vase. If you want to add a pop of color without the hassle of growing in soil (or opting for the disappointing alternative of fake plants), Chinese evergreen is the answer.

Their tolerance of lower light makes these plants suitable for less bright rooms with smaller or north-facing windows. Choose a vase with a narrow neck to stop the leaves from drooping into the water.

Mini Monstera

Close-up of Rhaphidophora tetrasperma in a beige flower pot on a decorative wicker table in the living room. Rhaphidophora tetrasperma features small, fenestrated leaves with unique splits and holes. The leaves are deep green, glossy, and quite decorative.
This plant features monstera-like splits and holes, requiring a vase with room for a full display.

Despite the ‘monstera’ in the common name, the mini monstera is not a monstera at all. It is scientifically known as Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, quite a mouthful compared to the common name. With unique splits and holes like monsteras, this vine is an eye-catching addition to any vase.

The stems of this plant can become quite thick, so choose a vase that will accommodate a few thicker vines at once. The more cuttings you root, the fuller your display will look.

Snake Plant

Close-up of a Snake Plant growing in a vase of water on a white table, surrounded by other houseplants and against a white curtain. The Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria or Mother-in-Law's Tongue, boasts long, upright leaves that are dark green and banded with yellow margins. The leaves are sword-like in shape, growing in a striking and architectural fashion.
The snake plant can thrive in various light conditions.

The snake plant is the perfect beginner houseplant, often labeled as almost impossible to kill. It can handle multiple lighting conditions, doesn’t require much watering, and thrives even when neglected. To add to the long list of benefits, it’s also possible to root individual leaves in water to grow long-term.

I typically cut the leaves into several sections when rooting snake plants for propagation. However, when the leaves are on display, I like to keep them long for taller displays. Since they often fall over (thanks to their impressive height), place a layer of pebbles at the bottom of the vase to keep the leaves upright.

Spider Plant

Close-up of a Spider Plant growing in a round vase of water on a wooden table against a background of a soft purple wall. The Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum) is recognized for its arching, narrow leaves that are green with white stripes. These leaves grow in a rosette fashion, and they cascade from the plant, creating a graceful and cascading appearance.
The spider plant produces small plantlets that can be rooted.

The spider plant is another beginner-friendly houseplant that is also pet-safe and great for keeping around prying paws without worry. Well, besides the worry of a vase being knocked over.

Spider plants produce small plantlets or babies on arching stems that can easily be removed to root and grow in water. Since they start small, you must choose your vase carefully or hold them up with plastic wrap to keep the leaves dry. Remove the supports once the strappy foliage is long enough to anchor outside the glass.

Satin Pothos

Close-up of Satin Pothos in a vase with water on a black background. The Satin Pothos (Scindapsus pictus) is admired for its heart-shaped leaves that are deep green with silver or silvery-gray variegation. These leaves have a soft texture and a subtle sheen.
Satin pothos offers unique color and texture for indoor settings and is suitable for water growing.

For luxurious texture and unique color indoors, satin pothos checks all the boxes. This species is related to the classic pothos (Epipremnum aureum) but is technically from a different genus, Scindapsus. Ease of care and growth habits are the same, making them ideal for growing in water.

Satin pothos vines are quite malleable and may fall out of shorter vases, exposing the roots to the air. To keep them upright, you can use clear tape to create a lattice on the vase opening, popping a vine into each gap.


Close-up of blooming Anthuriums on a windowsill illuminated by the sun. Anthuriums, commonly known as Flamingo Flowers or Laceleaf, are characterized by their glossy, heart-shaped leaves that are dark green. The plant produces deep red spathes surrounding a slender finger-like structure known as the spadix.
Anthuriums feature distinctive spadix flowers and come in a variety of colors.

Anthuriums are known for their unique spadix flowers surrounded by a colorful and waxy, modified leaf. The traditional red is always a standout, but thanks to the expertise of growers, there are cultivars available in almost any color you could hope for.

Rather than cutting individual anthurium blooms for the vase, you can cut part of the stem for a long-term display of foliage and flowers. Since growing in water isn’t natural for these plants, you’ll need to add fertilizer to the water regularly if you want them to flower.

Pink Princess Philodendron

Close-up of a Pink Princess Philodendron in a small plastic flower pot against a white background. The plant has heart-shaped dark green leaves with vibrant pink variegation, creating a marbled or splotchy pattern.
‘Pink Princess’ philodendron showcases striking pink variegation.

When I think of famous rare houseplants, ‘Pink Princess’ is the first to come to mind, with the variegated monstera a close second. Although this philodendron is not quite rare anymore thanks to its online popularity, it still stands out from the crowd with stunning pink variegation.

Like other philodendrons, ‘Pink Princess’ will grow in water long-term with a bit of extra feeding. Also, give them plenty of bright indirect light to improve color.

Split Leaf Philodendron

Close-up of Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum in a large black flower pot outdoors. Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum, often known as the Split-Leaf Philodendron, is characterized by its large, deeply lobed, and highly dissected leaves. These leaves are massive, dark green and have unique split patterns.
Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum can be displayed like monstera leaves in a vase.

Another confusing common name, Thaumatophyllum bipinnatifidum, is not technically a philodendron but looks like one. I like to display the leaves of this houseplant in a similar way to monstera leaves – especially the larger ones – to really fill out a vase.

When cutting to grow in water to grow long-term, you can’t remove single leaves at any point on the stem. You need to include a node (the bumps in the stems), as these are the points where roots will develop from. Cut just below a node with sharp shears for quick root growth.


Close-up of Peperomia Caperata in a large ceramic decorative pot on a light windowsill. Peperomia Caperata, also known as the "Ripple Peperomia," is celebrated for its charming, wavy, and deeply textured leaves. The leaves are small and oval-shaped, featuring rich green hues and a striking corrugated texture that gives them a crinkled or rippled appearance,
Peperomias offer a wide range of species to enjoy in vases.

Peperomias are one of my favorites of all the houseplants beloved by collectors. With such impressive variety between different species within the genus, there truly is something for everyone to enjoy.

Many peperomia species are quite small, so it’s best to choose a larger species to root in a vase. Watermelon peperomia is a great example. You can grow smaller species like the ripple peperomia as long as the vase is small enough to stop the individual leaves from falling below the water line.


Close-up of Polka Dot Begonia cuttings in a vase with water in a woman's hands on a white background. The Polka Dot Begonia, also known as Begonia maculata, is distinguished by its eye-catching leaves, which are olive green and adorned with contrasting silvery-white polka dot patterns. These leaves are asymmetrical in shape and have a burgundy color on the underside.
Begonias bloom reliably indoors but require bright indirect light and regular feeding.

Begonias are garden staples both indoors and out. If the uniquely patterned and colorful leaves aren’t convincing enough, you’ll certainly want one when you spot their adorable flowers. Begonias are reliable bloomers indoors, even when grown in water rather than soil.

Although they are classified as shade plants outdoors, they need an extra boost of light indoors to flower successfully. Place your vase in an area with plenty of bright indirect light, and don’t forget to feed.

African Violet

Close-up of blooming African Violets in a dark brown flower pot on a light windowsill. African Violets, or Saintpaulia, are known for their delicate and fuzzy, heart-shaped leaves that are dark green and have a distinctive texture. The leaves grow in a rosette fashion. The plant produces charming, five-petaled, soft purple flowers.
African violets can be propagated with individual leaves to produce pups.

Africa violets can seem like intimidating houseplants to grow, but they aren’t difficult to manage if you know their quirks. They’re so versatile that you can also grow them in water alone.

A single African violet leaf can be trimmed and rooted, eventually producing a small pup that will be happy to grow in water for a while. Just keep the leaves out of the water if you want to prevent rot.

Prayer Plant

Close-up of Prayer Plant in a decorative gray ceramic pot in a dark room. The Prayer Plant, or Maranta leuconeura, is characterized by its broad, oval leaves with intricate and eye-catching patterns.The leaves are dark green with striking patterns of red veins or lines.
Prayer plants have stunning, glossy, symmetrical leaves.

You could be forgiven for mistaking prayer plants for fake foliage, considering how unreal the leaves look. Their glossy texture is one unique element, made even more unbelievable by the symmetrical patterns that look like they were painted on.

A prayer plant in a pot will steal the show, but there is something about growing them in water that makes the leaves stand out even more. Give them enough light to maintain their color and upright growth habits indoors.

Polka Dot Plant

Polka dot plants are colorful with spotty leaves and prefer high humidity.

The polka dot plant is another great choice for a pop of color, especially if you love pink. They are named for their spotty, mottled leaves in shades of pastel pink, almost neon pink, green, and creamy white.

Polka dot plants appreciate high humidity and have relatively thin leaves that wilt quickly. This may be a struggle for forgetful waterers to manage in soil, but you won’t have to worry about missing a water session when using this method. Trim long stems and remove the leaves below the water line to prevent rot.

Nerve Plant

Two potted Nerve Plants in white decorative pots stand on a round wooden stand on a gray table. Nerve Plants, also known as Fittonia, are known for their small, colorful, and intricately veined leaves. These leaves are oval-shaped and come in dark green with bright pink veins and bright creamy white veins.
These plants are best suited for shorter vases to prevent leaf drooping.

Nerve plants are often paired with polka dot plants for their similar growth and lush leafy forms. But they are easy to tell apart with a quick look at the patterns on the leaves. While polka dot plants have dotted leaves, Fittonia has contrasting veins that resemble the nervous system from which they take their name.

The stems don’t grow as tall as other plants on this list, so it’s best to keep them in a shorter vase to stop the leaves from falling in.

Baby’s Tears

Close-up of Soleirolia soleirolii in a large white flower pot on a wooden table next to pathos cuttings in a vase of water. Soleirolia soleirolii, commonly known as Baby's Tears, is admired for its tiny, delicate leaves that densely cover creeping, trailing vines. The leaves are bright green and small, resembling miniature teardrops.
Baby’s tears, known for its tiny leaves resembling moss, can be a charming houseplant.

The adorable Soleirolia soleirolii is named baby’s tears for the tiny leaves clustered along spreading vines. The leaves are so small they almost look like moss and make a wonderful ground cover but look even better as a houseplant.

Since the vines are thin and delicate, it can be hard to keep them inside a vase to grow in water. Take a tip from hydronic growers and use a medium like polystyrene with several holes to keep the vines in place.


Close-up of Syngonium in a vase with water on a white background. Syngonium, also known as the Arrowhead Plant, features arrowhead-shaped leaves that are a deep green with cream-pink variegation.
Syngoniums are fast-growing houseplants that can be confined to a vase.

Commonly known as arrowhead vines, syngoniums are vigorous growers. They can become invasive when planted outdoors in certain climates but will happily grow indoors when confined to a pot (or, in this case, a vase).

The classic green arrowhead vine will quickly fill out a vase, making a great centerpiece. However, if you’re looking for something more unique, choose one of the colorful cultivars like ‘Neon.’

English Ivy

Close-up of a Hedera helix in a vase of water against a background of a potted plant and light windows. Hedera helix, commonly known as English Ivy, is characterized by its distinctive, leathery, and lobed leaves that are deep green. The plant has a trailing and climbing growth habit.
The classic appearance of English ivy looks great when allowed to drape elegantly in water or climb along structures.

English ivy has a wonderfully traditional look, with leaves that stand out from any other houseplants you may already have in your collection. The vines are known for their rapid growth that, while problematic outdoors, becomes a great asset indoors.

The vines will hang wonderfully over the side of a glass when rooted in water. But if you want to keep them upright, place the glass near a structure that the vines can climb along. You can also purchase wall clips for the vines to sprawl along in any pattern you choose.

Swedish Ivy

Close-up of a Swedish Ivy cutting in a glass of water. Swedish Ivy, known scientifically as Plectranthus australis, is a charming houseplant with a cascading growth habit. Its small, rounded leaves are bright green and feature scalloped edges.
This ivy thrives indoors, growing rapidly in low-light conditions.

Swedish ivy is a member of the Plectranthus genus, surprisingly not related to the traditional English ivy. This shade-lover is often grown as a houseplant, appreciating indoor conditions and growing quickly with little attention.

The vines can become quite long in the right environment (I’ve had one hanging vine almost reach the floor). This requires regular trimming to keep them tidy. But don’t get rid of any of those cuttings – pop them in a glass of water to grow long-term. They will survive for several months, even without an additional dose of fertilizer, as long as the leaves don’t drop into the water.

Inch Plant

Close-up of an Inch Plant cutting in a jar of water. The Inch Plant, scientifically known as Tradescantia zebrina, is a striking houseplant with eye-catching foliage. Its leaves are long and lance-shaped, showing vibrant shades of green and silver on the upper surface, with a rich purple hue on the underside.
Inch plant cuttings root easily in water, thriving with occasional nutrient supplements.

Tradescantia doesn’t have the best reputation among gardeners. It’s typically considered a troubling weed that should be avoided outdoors. But some species have stolen the hearts of houseplant growers, such as the popular Tradescantia zebrina, also known as the inch plant.

Inch plant cuttings root quickly in water and will be happy to stay there as long as they get a few drops of added nutrients. The purple leaves are great for pairing with green vines (like the previous Swedish ivy) in the same container.

ZZ Plant

Close-up of two ZZ plant cuttings in a vase with water on a wooden table against the background of a gray sofa in the living room. Its glossy, dark green leaves are quite unique, featuring an architectural, elliptical shape and a waxy texture. The leaves are comprised of numerous leaflets that radiate from a central stem, creating a feather-like arrangement.
While ZZ plants are typically not recommended for long-term water growth, some cuttings have survived well in vases for months.

When it comes to growing in water long-term, ZZ plants are usually not recommended. These plants grow from rhizomes, preferring propagation by division over rooting in water.

However, I have tried growing a few cuttings in water and was surprised to find they lived happily in the vase for several months. Small rhizomes developed at the bottom of each cutting, and only one cutting rotted before it could develop roots. The process takes several months, but it’s worth a try if you love ZZ Plants.

Chinese Money Plant

Close-up of a Chinese Money Plant cutting in a glass flask with water on a wooden windowsill. The Chinese Money Plant, or Pilea peperomioides, is known for its charming and distinctive appearance. Its round, pancake-shaped leaves are bright green, making them look like they're floating atop slender, upright stems.
This plant, known for its adorable pancake-like leaves and distinct growth pattern, is highly favored.

With the cutest pancake leaves and unique growth habit, it’s easy to see why the Chinese money plant has exploded in popularity. They are also great candidates for growing in water, particularly if you spot a few plantlets primed for rooting.

When you see a baby Chinese money plant pop up through the soil, remove it from the parent plant and place it in a small vase. Once growth improves, you can transplant into a slightly larger vase for long-term growth in water.

Aluminum Plant

Close-up of Aluminum Plant leaves. The Aluminum Plant, scientifically known as Pilea cadierei, is a striking houseplant celebrated for its eye-catching foliage. Its leaves are elongated and pointed, featuring a beautiful metallic silver pattern. The silvery marbling contrasts elegantly with the rich green background. The leaves are relatively small, growing closely along slender stems.
The aluminum plant stands out with its pointed leaves and metallic silver patterns.

The aluminum plant is part of the same genus as the Chinese money plant – Pilea – but looks completely different. The leaves are pointed rather than rounded and have a metallic silver pattern (hence the common name).

The stems of this species remain relatively upright in the right conditions, perfect for growing in a taller vase. I would take several cuttings to root at once for a fuller display, helping the glossy silver and green leaves to shine.

Lucky Bamboo

Close-up of Lucky Bamboo in a glass aquarium with water on a wooden table in front of a blue and white background. It features slender, upright stems and lance-shaped leaves that grow in tufts from the stems, providing a lush, tropical feel.
In a suitable vase, it thrives with minimal care, requiring clean water and abundant light.

While many mistake it for true bamboo, lucky bamboo is actually a member of the Dracaena genus. A symbol of good fortune and prosperity, the stalks can be trained into various shapes, making it a dynamic centerpiece for any room.

It’s also an ideal plant for growing in shallow water with the right vase. They don’t require much attention beyond clean water and plenty of light. To expand your collection, snip off the top and pop it into some water to continue growing.

Jade Plant

Close-up of a Jade Plant cutting in a small glass of water. Its thick, plump leaves are oval in shape and have a vibrant, glossy green hue. The leaves are densely packed along woody stem.
Favored for their ability to thrive in lower light conditions, jade plants have plump oval leaves and woody stems.

Jade plant is a favorite for indoor growth thanks to its tolerance of lower light compared to other succulent plants. The plump, oval-shaped leaves and woody stems create an excellent shape, often compared to bonsai trees. They are also known as money plants, believed to bring their owners success in Feng Shui.

While they typically thrive in well-draining soil, jade plants can be trained to grow hydroponically with a little extra care. After removing a cutting, allow the stem to develop a callous before popping in water, and keep the water line low. Continually topping up and giving them plenty of sunlight will encourage root growth in water, allowing them to grow in a glass long-term.

Peace Lily

Close-up of Peace Lily in a glass vase with water on a white background. Its glossy, dark green leaves are lance-shaped and come to a graceful point. The leaves rise from the plant's base in a graceful, upright manner, forming an attractive, arching foliage canopy.
To grow it in water, divide an existing plant and select a section with fewer or shorter roots to facilitate the transition.

You won’t find a more classic and beginner-friendly houseplant than the peace lily, often given as a gift on special occasions for its symbolism. Although the glossy green leaves make a wonderful houseplant, it’s the flowers that these plants are really known for.

Since peace lilies can’t be grown from cuttings, you’ll need to divide an existing plant to root a small section in water. When dividing, choose the section with fewer or shorter roots to make the transition to water growth easier.

String of Hearts

Close-up of two glass jars containing water and cuttings of the String of Hearts plant on a table. The String of Hearts, scientifically known as Ceropegia woodii, is a delightful and visually distinctive trailing plant. Its leaves are small, shaped like hearts, and possess a distinctive pattern. The leaves are variegated with shades of green, often adorned with silver stripes or marbling.These heart-shaped leaves grow along long, slender vines, creating a cascading effect.
This is a popular indoor succulent with cascading vines and heart-shaped leaves.

String of hearts is another succulent typically grown indoors and gifted on romantic holidays thanks to its heart-shaped leaves. The long vines can be left to cascade around the sides of a vase or guided into a specific shape based on the look you’re after.

Because the leaves and stems are so tiny, it’s best to group several cuttings together in one vase. Also, keep the container in bright light for most of the day to prevent any stretching in the stems.


Close-up of two glass jars containing water and Coleus plant cuttings on a wooden sunlit windowsill. The leaves are large and have a unique scalloped or serrated edge. Coleus leaves are a rich burgundy color featuring intricate green patterns and veining that create a mosaic-like effect.
Though typically an outdoor plant, coleus thrives indoors in bright, indirect light due to its shade-loving nature.

Coleus is usually considered an outdoor ornamental rather than an indoor plant. However, their love of shade means they will grow happily indoors in bright, indirect light. And, to take the worries out of container growing, you can simply root a few of your coleus cuttings in water to keep indoors.

One of the great benefits of keeping these leafy plants in a vase is their impressive color. There are so many unique coleus cultivars that you’re bound to find one you love. You might even group a few together in the same vase as you would in a sprawling bed outdoors.

Sweet Potato Vine

Close-up of Sweet Potato Vine in a glass of water against a white wall. The leaves of this plant are its standout feature, and they are characterized by their heart-shaped form. They are bright green. The leaves have a glossy or satin-like texture and grow gracefully from long vines.
Rooted in water, sweet potato vine makes festive home decor.

A favorite for its vibrant and lush foliage, the sweet potato vine is typically grown as an annual due to its limited tolerance for cold weather. However, you can eliminate these concerns by keeping the vines indoors and in a vase where conditions are easier to control.

Sweet potato vines rooted in water make wonderful home décor, especially around holidays like Thanksgiving. Given the slender nature of the stems, it’s best to group a few together (perhaps of different colors) to create a fuller display.


Close-up of a blooming white Hyacinth in a vase of water in the living room against the backdrop of soft beige and white curtains. The Hyacinth is an enchanting bulbous plant known for its delightful appearance and fragrant blooms. Its leaves are long, narrow, and dark green, emerging from the base of the plant. The plant produces enchanting, densely packed, and intensely fragrant white flowers. These blossoms form a stunning cluster on a single sturdy stalk. The flowers feature a distinctive tubular shape, with each petal closely arranged.
Hyacinths are a beloved choice for indoor growth, allowing out-of-season enjoyment.

Next, we move from the world of cuttings to bulbs. One of the most popular bulbs to grow indoors is the gorgeous hyacinth. You can enjoy their blooms slightly out of season and much closer to home. Specialized glasses allow the bulb to sit out of the water and the roots to grow below without using pebbles.

To get your hyacinths to bloom at the right time, you’ll need to chill them for several weeks first. Place them in a mesh bag in your refrigerator or in a cool room in your home. Bring them out later to root in water and enjoy their flowers.


Close-up of flowering Paperwhites plants in a vase of water. The plant is characterized by its slender, grass-like green leaves that shoot up from the base. It produces delicate star-shaped white flowers that are collected in clusters on tall, thin stalks.
They create a striking indoor display, particularly when planted in groups.

Paperwhite narcissus is another bulb commonly grown indoors, thanks to its preference for warm conditions. Simply place the bulbs on a layer of pebbles and fill the container with water so the water line just touches the bottom of the bulbs. Continually top up with water while waiting for green growth to emerge.

These bulbs create a stunning indoor display, especially when planted in groups. This is the perfect solution if you haven’t decided on your holiday décor yet.


Close-up of growing Basil in a glass of water. Basil is a delightful herb with a distinctive and appealing appearance. Its leaves are broad, smooth, and vibrant green. These leaves grow in pairs along the stem, forming a lush and compact plant. The basil leaves have a vivid, slightly wrinkled appearance.
Basil is a kitchen staple worth growing indoors in water for frequent harvests.

A staple in many kitchens, basil is present in so many dishes it’s well worth growing in your indoor garden. Growing a few cuttings in water for regular harvesting is a no-brainer for those who appreciate the plant’s looks, scent, and flavor.

To boost the ornamental value, choose a unique cultivar like ‘Purple Petra,’ with unique leaves bound to catch the eye. Also, place the plant in full sun and top up the water often as it evaporates.

Green Onions

A clear glass jar filled with water holds freshly cut green onion roots, ready to regrow. The clear jar sits elegantly on a clean, white windowsill.
Indoors, green onions grow back rapidly when provided with a sunny spot.

If you’re interested in regrowing grocery store scraps, green onions are an ideal candidate for growing in water. If the white stalk and occasionally bulbous base has a few roots attached to it, you can pop the plant into a glass with shallow water.

To harvest, simply trim back the leaves as you need them with clean scissors. They will continue to grow back again and again, providing an almost endless supply of delicious garnish.


Close-up of mint cuttings in a glass of water on a dark brown background. It features vibrant green leaves that are slightly serrated and oval-shaped, with a glossy surface. The leaves grow in pairs on square stems.
This versatile herb is suitable for indoor water growth.

Mint is another herb ideal for growing in water. This plant comes with a range of uses that make it worthwhile to grow indoors. Harvest the leaves for savory and sweet dishes, dry them to make homemade tea, or leave them in the vase to enjoy the aromatic and ornamental value.

Mint is known for its aggressive growth outdoors. If you don’t want to manage its spread continuously, growing indoors and in water is the perfect form of control without maintenance.

Final Thoughts

Growing houseplants in water is a great alternative to soil for low-maintenance gardeners who want to take the stress out of watering. But be warned – once you try a few of these plants, it’s hard not to get addicted.

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