Garden Pests

There are an incredibly huge number of garden pests to be aware of. Chewing pests, sucking pests, and more await you in our in-depth series of articles on these annoying critters.

Throughout, we provide you helpful assistance in how to manage your pest populations using integrated pest management tips and useful organic solutions!

A slimy brown Arion vulgaris, sitting on top of a lettuce leaf in a vegetable patch.

Garden Pests

11 Natural Ways to Deter Garden Slugs

Slugs aren’t picky about what they eat and come out to feed at night, making them difficult to control. Organic farmer Jenna Rich has 11 natural ways to deter garden slugs so you can return to the fun gardening stuff.

Close up of an orange moth drinking nectar from a pink Milkweed flower.

Garden Pests

9 Ways To Get Rid of Squash Vine Borers For Good

There’s a little garden heartbreak when a perfectly healthy cucurbit suddenly wilts almost overnight. The pervasive squash vine borer hones in on its host plants to feed, grow, and reproduce. Summer and winter squash and pumpkins are favorites. If you’ve spotted the insect or experienced its destruction, join gardening expert Katherine Rowe in exploring ways to prevent the pest from taking over your vines.

Close-up of a bright pink hollyhock flower with petals showing uneven holes from pest damage.

Garden Pests

What’s Eating My Hollyhocks? 7 Hollyhock Pests

You're not alone if you're struggling with pests on your hollyhocks. These stunning members of the Mallow family tend to be targets of quite a few common garden insects. Join gardening enthusiast Melissa Strauss in uncovering who the culprits are and how to deal with them.

A close-up of a soft pink tubular petunia flower infested with pests - tiny green aphids.

Garden Pests

7 Petunia Pests: ID and Treatment

Common garden pests are pesky. They may weaken plants and carry fungal diseases and viruses. Petunias are beautiful summer-flowering annuals that appeal to certain plant-feeding insects in their most active season. If your bloomer shows signs of stress or damage beyond cultural issues, scout for common pests. Garden expert Katherine Rowe explores pests that enjoy petunias as much as we do and how to identify and treat them.

Close-up of a red ladybug crawling along the stem of a plant, attracted by black aphids - showcasing natural predation to deter garden pests.

Garden Pests

5 Unique Ways to Deter Pests From Your Garden

There comes a time in the growing season when all the pests seem to have arrived, and we feel like we’re part of an endless cat-and-mouse game of chase. Join organic farmer Jenna Rich as she shares five unique ways to deter pests from the garden so you can enjoy all the fruits of your labor.

Close-up of a gardener's hand in a gray glove showing a slug eating arugula leaves in the garden due to mistakes made in pest control.

Garden Pests

7 Mistakes to Avoid When Fighting Garden Pests

Pest infestations can get out of hand quickly, but harsh sprays and reactive techniques aren’t always the answer. Some pest management mistakes can even make the bug pressure worse! In this article, former organic farmer Logan Hailey explains how to avoid the most common mistakes when fighting garden pests.

A ladybug with red wings rests on a green leaf, basking in the warm glow of sunlight, its delicate spots and tiny legs visible up close against the leaf's surface.

Garden Pests

Should You Buy Ladybugs as Natural Pest Control?

Ladybugs are voracious predators of garden pests, but purchasing these beneficial insects may not be the best form of pest control. Garden expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey explains how ladybugs can help control pests and why you don’t need to buy them.