How to Get Rid of Leafhopper Pests for Good
The leafhopper lurks within our gardens and green spaces. But you don't have to let them stay in your yard! Use this helpful guide from Epic Gardening Founder Kevin Espiritu to wipe them out.

Lurking in your garden, there is a pest feasting upon the leaf sap in your plants: the leafhopper. This relative of the cicada insect is nowhere near as noisy as its distant cousin. Instead, it announces its arrival by damaging the tender leaves of your favorite crops, sucking the life right out of them.
But what is a leafhopper, other than a jumping plant devourer? Is there a good way to prevent this pest from invading your garden, and if so, how?
Let’s examine this extremely large insect family and discover how to deter the lurking leafhoppers!
What are Leafhoppers?

Leafhoppers are agile insects belonging to the family Cicadellidae. They are found on a wide range of hosts, sucking the sap from plants and weakening them.
With over 20,000 species, leafhoppers are highly diverse and classified into various genera, such as Empoasca and Cicadella. Some estimates put the potential number of leafhopper types at almost 100,000!
While they’re widespread, they shouldn’t be confused with the planthopper. This is an entirely different insect, but it looks quite similar and does the same sort of damage. It also covers another 20,000 insect types.
Types of Leafhoppers
There are types of leafhoppers that go after all plant species, including ornamentals, weeds, trees, and fruits and vegetables. Here’s a list of some of the worst agricultural leafhopper pests, although it barely begins to describe this widespread pest family.
Beet Leafhopper

The beet leafhopper is a particularly troublesome pest, a known carrier of two different bacterial plant diseases. The citrus stubborn disease and the beet curly top virus are both spread by beet leafhoppers, particularly the latter. These are widely reported throughout the United States.
Maize Leafhopper

Found in sub-Saharan Africa, the maize leafhopper is another carrier of disease. In this case, it is the maize streak virus transmitted to plants. The maize leafhopper is different from Peregrinus maidis, the corn leafhopper, which is actually a planthopper and an entirely different species.
Potato Leafhopper

Millions of dollars are lost annually because of the potato leafhopper. It eats not just potato greens but beans, alfalfa, clover, and apples. The potato leafhopper is a common agricultural pest found widely throughout North America.
The potato leafhopper has pronounced spines on its hind legs and six white spots behind its white eyes. It also has wings that extend behind its body. These translucent wings are the best way to distinguish the potato leafhopper from the green leaf hopper.
Two-Spotted Leafhopper
Native to Asia, the two-spotted leafhopper has managed to immigrate to the United States. This yellow leafhopper with a brown stripe running along its back is not a picky eater, reported to attack up to 300 different plant species including ornamentals, vegetables, and fruit crops.
Blue-Green Sharpshooter

Found from southern Canada all the way down into northern South America, the Graphocephala genus of leafhoppers is widespread. The blue-green sharpshooter, one of the Graphocephala species, is a striking example of its genus, and quite pretty. However, it also likes to eat.
One favorite food is grapes, which makes it a major agricultural pest in the wine industry. It’s also a plant disease transmitter as it carries Pierce’s disease, a type of bacterial leaf scorch that is a major issue for grape vines.
Glassy-Winged Sharpshooter

The glassy-winged sharpshooter is another leafhopper species widespread in the United States, primarily in the southeast. However, it was introduced to southern California and has become a major year-round pest there. It also carries and spreads Pierce’s disease, placing southern California’s wine country at risk.
Common Brown Leafhopper

While it came from Australia, the common brown leafhopper is now a pest worldwide. It does do damage from feeding, but what it’s known for is the long list of damaging diseases it carries.
Among these are:
- Potato purple top wilt
- Lucerne witches broom
- Australian lucerne
- Legume little leaf
- Tomato big bud
- Australian grapevine yellows
- Bean summer death disease
- Tobacco yellow dwarf disease
Rice Green Leafhopper

With a host plant of rice crops, the green leafhopper is actually a range of Nephotettix species. Like so many others, these are carriers of plant pathogens. The green leafhopper carries primarily yellowing diseases such as yellow dwarf, tungro, and yellow-orange leaf.
The green leaf hopper looks a lot like the potato leafhopper but has no translucence on its wings. Use the translucence of the wings to determine whether or not you’re dealing with the green leaf hopper or potato leafhopper.
White Apple Leafhopper

Found throughout North America, the white apple leafhopper is a fruit tree pest, primarily amongst apples. They do not attack the fruit directly. These pests feast upon the mature leaves of the tree causing widespread yellowish-white spotting. They also leave droppings on the fruit below the leaves.
Life Cycle

While it varies from species to species, the leafhopper life cycle generally follows a few stages.
First, the female will place eggs inside of plant material, generally leaves. Some varieties lay their eggs on the underside of leaves as well. While the eggs can hatch within a couple weeks, they can also overwinter in a dormant state inside the plant for a period of some months.
Once hatched into a wingless nymph form, the young leafhoppers go through five instars, or molting cycles when they shed their exoskeleton. During this time, they feed on plant saps. The nymphal stage can take several weeks to progress.
Once out of the nymphal stages and into adulthood, male and female leafhoppers seek each other out via courtship calls to mate. The cycle then begins again. This cycle can happen several times a year, and in warmer areas can be year-round.
Common Habitats

There are so many different varieties of leafhopper that it’s easiest to say they are everywhere throughout North America and the rest of the world. The highest populations are in or around agricultural regions where food is plentiful and the weather is favorable.
Suburban environments with many gardens also attract leafhoppers, although generally more ornamental-eating ones like the rose leafhopper.
What Do Leafhoppers Eat?

All leafhopper species feed on plant sap. However, the choice of plant varies widely. While leafhoppers can easily survive on grasses and weed plants when their preferred foodstuff isn’t available, they tend to go for juicier leaf options. They will migrate to agricultural regions during the growing season to feast upon their preferred foods.
How To Get Rid Of The Leafhopper
If you notice leafhopper problems in your garden, it’s important to act quickly. I’ll also share some preventative measures you can take to keep them out of your yard for good.
Organic Control

When trying to establish how to get rid of leafhoppers organically, it’s hard to decide where to start. Leafhoppers move quite rapidly and can be difficult to control. It’s best to get rid of them in the egg or larval cycle, and that’s where an insecticidal soap comes into play.
Insecticidal soap and neem oil work to kill off young leafhoppers early on, preventing them from reaching adulthood.
Once they’re adult leafhoppers, it’s significantly more difficult to establish control. You’ll find better results with environmental controls and prevention measures.
If you’re struggling to manage leafhoppers, pyrethrin spray works, although it may take repeated applications. Some sprays contain both pyrethrins and potassium salts of fatty acids, so they control a number of other insects as well, including flea beetles, asparagus beetles, and tomato hornworms.
As it’s tough to target adult leafhoppers with insecticides and may impact beneficial insect activity in your garden, it’s better to tackle them at the egg stage and rely on environmental controls to manage adults.
Environmental Control

While they’re hard to kill with insecticidal options, leafhoppers are incredibly tasty to beneficial insects. Releasing ladybugs, lacewings, and minute pirate bugs into your garden will help kill off not just all leafhopper life cycle stages, but a number of other insects as well. Aphids, armyworms, and spider mites are also susceptible to these beneficial garden dwellers.
If you have plants you’re trying to overwinter and want to protect, consider using a dormant oil, also known as a horticultural oil spray. This is effective on fruit trees, roses, and other ornamental plants which may be at risk of leaf hopper damage. You will need a hose-end sprayer to apply this oil.

The best prevention is to never give this leaping pest a chance to reach your plants. Using a floating row cover can aid in that process. It needs to be removed during pollination unless you’re hand-pollinating your plants.
Floating row covers keep not just leaf hoppers at bay, but also deter various moths such as the cabbage worm or cabbage looper.
Finally, if you want to irritate the leafhoppers that’ve made it into your garden, consider a dusting of diatomaceous earth. Completely harmless for people and pets, it’s like a field of razor blades to soft-bodied insects. It won’t necessarily kill the pests, but it certainly will make your garden a whole lot less appetizing!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do leafhoppers bite?
Only leaves and stems! They have a beak-like mouth that will bite into a leaf and enable them to suck the plant sap out of it. They don’t like the taste of animals, though, so you’re spared from being bitten by this bug.
Are there any leafhoppers that eat tomato plants?
There are leafhoppers for almost every type of plant. Ones that prey on tobacco also tend to favor tomatoes, eggplants, and peppers. They can transmit the tobacco mosaic virus to your tomatoes. Some leafhoppers favor ornamental plants, such as rose leafhoppers.
What are leafhoppers attracted to?
Each leaf hopper has a host plant they are attracted to. Which type of leaf hopper we’re talking about determines which host plants they’re likely to feed on. They are also attracted to sticky traps.