How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Kurapia
Kurapia is a pretty, flowering ground cover often used to control soil erosion. It can be used as an alternative for lawns and is a perennial in most areas. Kelli Klein discusses this fascinating drought-tolerant plant and how to use it in the garden.

Kurapia ground cover is an interesting plant. Known as Phyla nodiflora (previously Lippia nodiflora) its a common evergreen ground cover that is found on most continents. It does, however, perform extremely well in drought-stricken areas. Even in areas where it gets ample amounts of water, it makes a good choice for a lawn alternative. The biggest drawback of kurapia is that it’s not frost-hardy and will die back during frosts and freezes, but it’ll come back in the spring if it is well established.
Some varieties of kurapia being used for ground covers are patented, so availability can be a challenge. However, it is available online as a low maintenance turf grass. Kurapia is common in California and is starting to make inroads into other areas as a drought-tolerant ground cover that can tolerate light foot traffic, too. It is generally sold as plugs that would be planted every 15 inches.
The plugs will grow quickly and make short work of filling in any gaps within a few months. Keep the newly planted plug well watered with adequate aeration until it is established and active shoot growth is present. It will reward you with the benefits of erosion control, water conservation, and weed suppression. Kurapia ground cover makes an excellent lawn replacement that has a high level of disease resistance and tolerates many soil types and growing conditions.

Plant Type
Ground cover
Phyla nodiflora (previously Lippia nodiflora)
Native Area
South America, southern Unites States, Africa, Australia, Middle East, southern Europe, South Asia
Full sun to partial shade
Watering Requirements
Pests & Diseases
Insects and fungal diseases
Soil Type
Well-draining, sandy
Hardiness Zone
What is Kurapia?
Kurapia, is also known as frog fruit, saw tooth fog fruit, or turkey tangle. This ground cover plant is a perennial in most places, although it is not frost-hardy and will die back in zones where the temperatures drop below 38°F (20°C) in the winter. If kurapia is well established then it can recover in the spring after dying back in the winter. It is an evergreen in zones without a hard frost.
Native Area

Phyla nodiflora is native to most regions of the world and has also been introduced into many others. The common areas cover most of South America, southern United States, most of Africa, most of Australia, some areas in the Middle East, southern Europe, and the southern parts of Asia.

Kurapia resembles clover and has a similar growth habit including small white flowers. It has a very deep root system that can reach down five to ten feet below the soil surface. The sturdy structure of the root system is what makes it particularly adept at providing soil erosion control. It can also easily be grown on slopes and it tolerates windy conditions.
Used as a lawn substitute, it can be mown to one inch tall which also makes it grow horizontally. If left for over 50 days, it will flower in the warm season with small white to pink flowers with purple centers depending on the variety.
How to Grow Kurapia
This turf alternative and ground cover requires minimal maintenance. However, read on to learn about its needs to include it in future projects for ground cover and weed control.

What makes this ground cover very effective is that is that although it prefers full sun, it can also tolerate partial shade. In part shade, it may not grow as densely and may not produce flowers. Six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day is required for optimal growth.

Kurapia is considered drought-tolerant. However, it will do better with regular water. If there are periods of drought, trials have shown that the ground cover will die down, but will spring back to life when watered regularly.
The leaves store water in their vascular tissue which allows them to hold onto water reserves longer than some other grasses.
Water this plant as evenly as possible to avoid uneven growth. Irrigation systems or a sprinker are good choices. Water kurapia in the morning twice a week in hot summers. Reduce watering in winter when the plants are dormant. There is no need to water if rainfall is regular.

Plant in sandy loam soil enriched with organic matter. It can also survive a variety of conditions including low and high pH soils and even soils containing high salt concentrations. With its deep root system, it a good choice for planting on slopes and other uneven surfaces.
In addition to the soil erosion properties, its thick, dense growth aids in weed suppression and once established prevents weed seeds from germinating by restricting their access to the soil surface.

Kurapia is considered one of the cool-season turf grasses because it can tolerate temperatures down to 45°C (7°C). It will stay evergreen in areas where temperatures stay above 38°F (3°C) like in zones 7b and higher, but will die back if temperatures drop below that level.

Fertilize kurapia to retain its vibrant green color. Apply a slow-release balance formulation twice a year – once in spring and again in the fall. Fertilizing in the spring will encourage flowers if providing food for pollinators is a part of your goal with this ground cover.

Just like with a lawn, kurapia does require mowing. A a general rule, mow at least once a month to keep it at a manageable lawn-like height in the growing season. Let them grow a few inches taller if you’d like them to flower and produce forage for pollinators. During the winter months, the growth will slow down considerably as will your need to mow it.

The commercially-available kurapia is sterile and therefore doesn’t produce viable seed, but it does spread gradually over time without seed viability. There is little information available as to whether or not kurapia can be propagated via cuttings. However, it can be dug up and divided once established and replanted elsewhere. Remember to clear the area of weeds either with a tarp or tiller before planting kurapia.
Common Problems
Kurapia ground cover is a low maintenance plant which makes it perfect for an area that you wish to cover quickly and permanently – especially when it comes to weed suppression. This ground cover sod has minimal growing problems, pests, and diseases.
Growing Problems

Most often growing problems with kurapia arise from dry areas caused by poor sprinkler distribution, clogged nozzles, or leaks in the irrigation systems. Check your sprinkler distribution to make sure your plants are being watered evenly. If certain areas are growing faster, thicker, or appear lusher than others with more runners, then this may be an indicator of irrigation issues.

In most areas kurapia has no known pests! There have been reports of damage caused by leaf chewing insects, but this damage has been minor and does not cause any long-term issues.

Just like a lack of pests, kurapia also has few disease problems. It may be susceptible to disease in more humid environments. Avoid over-irrigation in humid climates as this may lead to fungal diseases. Since kurapia is low-growing, densely packed, and has little airflow between runners, it makes the perfect environment for fungal issues in high humidity. It can have a hard time recovering from fungal infections, so preventative measures are best.
Be sure to water in the morning to avoid wet foliage when humidity tends to be at its highest. If a fungal infection is already present, then apply an organic fungicide per the instructions on the bottle.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is kurapia a good ground cover?
Kurapia makes an excellent ground cover! It grows horizontally by rooting along the stem, Keeping the stems low to the ground via mowing will encourage this horizontal growth.
Is kurapia invasive?
No, it is a sterile/non-invasive and cold-hardy cultivar. There are, however, Phyla nodiflora varieties that have been naturalized and grow like weeds in California and are considered invasive.
Will kurapia choke out grass?
Kurapia can and will choke out weeds and grass once it is fully established.
Can kids play on kurapia?
Kurapia can sustain light foot traffic, but it should be fully established first.
Is kurapia deer-resistant?
Yes, it is deer resistant.