19 Fast-Growing Houseplants for a Lush Indoor Garden
We know firsthand how hard it is to wait for your houseplants to start looking established. So, we've compiled a list of fast growers that you can add to your collection that will fill out quickly. Join gardening expert Melissa Strauss to talk about some houseplants that will jump-start your lush indoor garden.

If you’ve ever envied a friend’s mature houseplant collection, you probably know how expensive those large plants can be. A smaller version may cost a fraction of the price, but it doesn’t usually achieve the same effect in your decor.
Some plants simply grow slowly and take a long time to reach their mature size. For these, you have to have patience, and that specific cultivar has to be worth the wait. Others, however, can grow much faster, creating that lush appearance that we all know and long for. You know the one, all the influencers have it.
The trick to creating that look in a short time is choosing plants that have a faster growth rate. Whether you’re just getting started with houseplants or you’re a pro looking for some that will fill a space quickly, there are plenty of great options. Here are some of my favorites!
Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’

common name Monstera ‘Thai Constellation’ |
botanical name Monstera deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 6’-15’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Monsteras are fabulous for creating the look of lush foliage in a hurry. During the spring and summer, they seem to put on new growth overnight. These leafy tropical stunners have giant foliage and grow vertically, filling overhead space that most never move into.
‘Thai Constellation’ is a popular and somewhat rare variety with white variegation that looks like a spray of white stars against the green background. It has a bushier habit than the non-variegated form. Though it likes bright light, the direct sun can scorch the leaves. It also takes in a lot of water while growing.
Pothos ‘Lemon Lime’

common name Pothos ‘Lemon Lime’ |
botanical name Epipremnum aureum ‘Lemon Lime’ |
sun requirements Partial shade, Bright indirect light |
height 6’-10’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Pothos is a perfect starter plant, especially if you want fast growth. These vining tropicals are some of the easiest to care for and can put on more than a foot of growth in a single month. They’re also economical and easy to propagate.
‘Lemon Lime’ is a bit fancier than the average golden pothos. The leaves are solid rather than variegated, and they are bright apple green. It’s bright and cheerful. Pothos will grow faster with more exposure.
Heartleaf Philodendron ‘Brasil’

common name Heartleaf Philodendron ‘Brasil’ |
botanical name Philodendron hederaceum ‘Brasil’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 6”-3’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Heartleaf philodendron is similar in care and growth to pothos but with a bit more refinement. The heart-shaped leaves are softer and have a slight velvety sheen. It’s one of the easier philodendrons to care for and is easy to propagate.
‘Brasil’ is not your average philodendron. It has striking yellow and green variegation that makes it stand out in your home. It likes a lot of light, though not direct, and high humidity.
Silver Satin Pothos ‘Argyraeus’

common name Silver Satin Pothos ‘Argyraeus’ |
botanical name Scindapsus pictus ‘Argyraeus’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 4’-10’ |
hardiness zones 11-12 |
Silver satin is not a true pothos, but it has similar care needs and growth habits. It has long, thin, blue-green vines and heart-shaped foliage. The most beautiful feature is the silvery variegation on the top of the leaves. It has a metallic sheen that sets this one apart.
‘Argyraeus’ is an award-winning variety. It holds to honor of an Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. It has silver along the leaf margins and near the veins. It’s not usually considered fast-growing, but in my experience, if you give it enough light, it grows quite quickly.
Maranta ‘Fascinator’

common name Maranta ‘Fascinator’ |
botanical name Maranta leuconeura var. leuconeura ‘Fascinator’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 6”-1’ |
hardiness zones 11-12 |
Marantas are a type of prayer plant, raising their leaves in the evening like praying hands, and lowering them in the morning. They are picky about water, preferring distilled to tap if the tap water contains a lot of minerals or chlorine. It will let you know by turning brown at the leaf tips.
Marantas come in several color combinations, but ‘Fascinator’ is my favorite. Bold, neon green runs down the center, planked by much darker green. The red veins are prominent, and the neon green shade appears again in bits around the edges.
Peace Lily

common name Peace Lily |
botanical name Spathiphyllum wallisii |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 1’-4’ |
hardiness zones 11-12 |
The large, lush foliage of a peace lily will fill your indoor garden quickly. These grow larger in a short time, filling the container you give them. They are also excellent bloomers, producing their large white flowers twice a year.
Keep your peace lily out of direct sun that will scorch the leaves. It needs rich, moist soil and occasional fertilizing. You’ll love how easy it is to care for and a fast it rewards good care with fast growth.
Begonia ‘Looking Glass’

common name Begonia ‘Looking Glass’ |
botanical name Begonia ‘Looking Glass’ |
sun requirements Partial shade |
height 1’-2’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Begonias have stunning foliage and lovely, dainty flowers. They like a few hours of morning sun and dappled shade for the afternoon. Keep them happy, and they will put on significant growth in a short time.
‘Looking Glass’ named for the silvery tops of its foliage, has a wonderful look and is a vertical variety. The silver leaves have dark green veining and appear red when they first unfurl.
Spider Plant ‘Variegatum’

common name Spider Plant ‘Variegatum’ |
botanical name Chlorophytum comosum ‘Variegata’ |
sun requirements Partial shade |
height 1’-2’ |
hardiness zones 9-11 |
Spider plants are wonderfully low maintenance, and their unique variegated foliage. Add a lot of interest to the house plant collection. If you want to add a new texture with its long strap-like leaves, the spider plant is just the thing for the job. They’re also easy to care for and not picky about their surroundings.
‘Variegata’ has strong, green, and white striped variation on each long, thin leaf. This variegation is higher contrast when it receives brighter light. If the variation begins to fade, you’ll know that it wants to be closer to the window.
Zebrina ‘Red Gem’

common name Zebrina ‘Red Gem’ |
botanical name Tradescantia zebrina ‘Red Gem’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height Up to 6’ |
hardiness zones 9-11 |
Zebrina is one of my favorite hanging plants because it grows so quickly and has gorgeous purple leaves with metallic silver variegation. It is opposite to the spider plant in that the variation is stronger when it receives less sunlight. This one prefers only indirect exposure.
‘Red gem’ has glowing burgundy foliage with shimmery striping on top. If it gets just the right amount of sun, you’ll see tiny purple flowers. Getting to bloom and summer and can last all the way into the winter time. It’s also exceptionally easy to propagate.
Arrowhead Vine ‘Neon Robusta’

common name Arrowhead Vine ‘Neon Robusta’ |
botanical name Syngonium podophyllum ‘Neon Robusta’ |
sun requirements Partial sun |
height 3’-6’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Arrowhead vines are fast growers, and low maintenance. Their leaves are shaped like arrows or shields and commonly come in more than one color on the same cultivar. They perform well in low to medium-light situations and like to dry out between waterings.
‘Neon Robusta’ is bright coral to peach with some green undertones. These can even survive with only fluorescent light as long as they get it most of the day. Don’t expose them to direct sun, because it will cause sunburn.
String of Hearts

common name String of Hearts |
botanical name Ceropegia woodii |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 2’-3’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
String of hearts are small, but they fill in quickly and if you’re looking for vertical interest, they look wonderful in a hanging pot. Their long, delicate, thin stems can grow quickly with the right exposure. They like filtered light and a lot of it. If it needs more, you’ll be able to tell because the stems will be lighter. A happy specimen will have purple stems and dark leaves with pronounced variegation.
I love to propagate this plant. It’s a little more complicated than some others, but it’s fun to watch new stems poke up from between a pair of leaves. It likes a high humidity situation and makes a great bathroom addition.
Chinese Evergreen ‘Silver Queen’

common name Chinese Evergreen ‘Silver Queen’ |
botanical name Agalonema ‘Silver Queen’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 1’-2’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Chinese evergreens are wonderful for spaces with lower lighting conditions. Their bold, variegated foliage is statement-making and stands out in a sea of green. Many have shades of red and pink, but ‘Silver Queen’ is mostly dark green with silvery markings on top.
This winner of the RHS Award of Garden Merit is striking and adaptable. It’s good for spaces with limited natural sunlight. These fill out quickly and appreciate being a bit pot-bound. It will amaze you how lush and dense they become in a short time.
Calathea ‘White Fusion’

common name Calathea ‘White Fusion’ |
botanical name Calathea lietzei ‘White Fusion’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 1’-2’ |
hardiness zones 11-12 |
Calatheas, like marantas, are prayer plants, raising and lowering their leaves according to the time of day. They also are particular about water, so use distilled if possible. If you notice brown tips, it’s probably a result of chemicals in your tap water.
‘White Fusion’ is a wonderful variety with feathery markings in shades of green and white with purple underneath. The leaves twist irregularly, so the entire plant is a symphony of colors. Keep this one in a humid spot.
Hoya Carnosa

common name Hoya Carnosa |
botanical name Hoya carnosa |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 3’-20’ |
hardiness zones 10-11 |
Hoya carnosa, also known as wax plant, is a fast-growing epiphyte that produces attractive, fragrant flowers. It needs loose, well-draining potting media and a container with ample drainage. Also, make sure it gets plenty of humidity and that the roots don’t stay damp. It hates wet feet.
Hoya carnosa is a trailing vine with thick, velvety leaves. It can grow quite long over time but usually won’t grow more than six feet indoors. It is also a winner of the Award of Garden Merit from the Royal Horticultural Society. It’s charming and drought-tolerant.
Nerve Plant

common name Nerve Plant |
botanical name Fittonia albivenis |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 5”-8” |
hardiness zones 11-12 |
Nerve plants are great for filling in spaces between your larger plants with colorful and interesting foliage. It prefers cool temperatures and high humidity, so indoors in a bathroom makes it quite happy. It is native to the tropical rainforests of South America where it grows beneath the canopy, getting only dappled light.
The leaves are small and dark green with heavy white veining. It thrives in a terrarium environment as well. Outdoors, it has a creeping habit, and in a container, it will spill over the sides. It’s non-toxic and safe for people and pets.
Chinese Money Plant

common name Chinese Money Plant |
botanical name Pilea peperomioides |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 8”-1’ |
hardiness zones 9-11 |
Chinese money plant goes by many names, and has a quirky kind of charm that you won’t find anywhere else. The long, thin stems bob under the weight of larger, circular leaves that resemble coins, hence the common name. These leaves turn towards the light, a fun characteristic to observe.
This plant has a clumping habit and will fill the space you give it quickly. It adds interest with its unique appearance. While it can flower, it does not commonly do so indoors. It is also a winner of the Award of Garden Merit from the RHS.
Snake Plant ‘Moonshine’

common name Snake Plant ‘Moonshine’ |
botanical name Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Moonshine’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 1’-2’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Snake plants are low maintenance and have large, fast-growing, succulent foliage. They store water in these, so they are drought-tolerant. They are flexible about light and will tolerate a wide range of exposure levels. Preferring well-drained soil, overwatering is the biggest issue you’ll face with this one.
‘Moonshine’ is a beautiful cultivar with leaves that are silver on the bottom and darker on top. They have light horizontal striping, adding to their pale beauty. The more light they receive, the faster they grow.
Dumb Cane ‘Tropic Snow’

common name Dumb Cane ‘Tropic Snow’ |
botanical name Dieffenbachia seguine ‘Tropic Snow’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height Up to 10’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Another easy-going tropical that will jump start your houseplant collection, dumb canes are tall, leafy beauties. Their large, attractive foliage comes in fast, and they can reach as tall as ten feet if they have the space.
The most complicated part of cultivating dumb cane plants is getting the light right. It must be medium and indirect, as too much will burn this one. It’s an understory plant that is accustomed to growing beneath the canopy of larger trees.
Rubber Tree ‘Abidjan’

common name Rubber Tree ‘Abidjan’ |
botanical name Ficus elastica ‘Abidjan’ |
sun requirements Bright indirect light |
height 4’-10’ |
hardiness zones 10-12 |
Ficus plants grow quickly in general, and rubber tree is no exception. With its large, glossy leaves, this tree is a wonderful addition to your lush indoor garden. It’s easy to care for and has a dramatic appearance. In its natural habitat, this one can grow much larger, but indoors, it will grow about two feet per year until it reaches about ten feet tall.
‘Abidjan’ is a wonderful variety with dark burgundy leaves for extra drama. The foliage first appears lighter, more of a bright red tone, before deepening to dark green on top and nearly purple beneath.