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Natalie Leiker

Natalie was born and raised in Kansas where she spent most of her summers helping on a farm. She helped grow thousands of mums and other herbaceous plants. She has been working in the horticulture industry ever since. In 2018 she earned her Bachelor's degree in Agriculture with a focus on Horticulture Production. Much of Natalie's horticultural experience lies in production, herbaceous perennials & annuals.

lavender and marigolds

Gardening Inspiration

Can Marigolds Be Planted Together With Lavender?

Trying to figure out if Marigolds can or should be planted next to your lavender this season? These two popular plants are well known garden companions for other plants. But are they also good together? In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker examines if it's a good idea or not to plant Marigolds next to Lavender in your garden.

marigolds and peppers

Companion Planting

Can Marigolds Be Planted With Peppers in Your Garden?

Thinking of planting some marigolds with your garden grown peppers this season? Curious to know if it's a good idea or not? In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker examines if planting marigolds with peppers in your garden is a good idea, or if you should stick to other companion plants.

how to grow salvia


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Salvia Flowers

Are you committed to growing salvia this season, but aren't quite sure where to start? These hardy plants can be a great addition to any garden, and can survive a variety of different climates. In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker walks through everything you need to know about adding salvia to your garden, including planting, care, and maintenance.

Companion Planting

Can You Plant Marigolds With Garden Grown Tomatoes?

Considering adding some marigolds to your tomato garden this season? Wondering if it's even a good idea, and what benefits there are? In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker walks through if planting marigolds with tomatoes is a good idea, and how to do it properly if you decide to plant them together!

Garden Grown Marigolds


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Marigold Flowers

Are you thinking of adding some marigolds to your garden this season? These beautiful flowers are a staple in most flower gardens, as well as many vegetable gardens. In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker takes you through all the details of growing marigolds, and their care.