Posts By

Logan Hailey

Logan Hailey is a passionate garden writer and former ecological farmer. She has a BS in sustainable horticulture and has been featured by, Thrillist, and Apartment Therapy as well as many other major news outlets for her gardening expertise.

Garden crops being direct sown in garden. Squash, beets and carrots all growing in the dirt.


11 Vegetables That Are Perfect For Direct Sowing in Spring

Are you intent on direct sowing seeds into your vegetable garden or raised garden beds this season? There are a number of different crops that prefer to be sown directly into the ground, especially in the spring. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares her favorite crops to add to direct sow into your garden this season.

seeds rotting


7 Tips to Prevent Rotting Seedlings from Damping Off

Do you struggle with rotting seeds after they've been planted? Damping off is a disease that can plague gardens of any size. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares how to prevent this fungal disease that can destroy your seedlings this season.

Zucchini growing in garden laying on ground ready for harvest


When Should You Start Planting Zucchini This Season?

Are you planting zucchini this season? Before you start putting seeds into the ground, it's important to understand that the best time to plant zucchini will depend on your planting location. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey examines the best times to plant zucchini broken down by each USDA hardiness zone!

Vegetables growing in garden in March


15 Vegetables to Start Seeding in March

March is the perfect month to start seeding certain vegetables through indoor sowing, winter sowing, or even direct seeding in warmer hardiness zones. In this article, gardening expert and former organic vegetable farmer Logan Hailey shares her favorite vegetables you can start planting in March!

Vegetable Seedlings growing indoors that are labeled in their growing trays


How and When to Start Vegetable Seeds Indoors

Are you starting vegetables from seed this season? Starting them indoors will help get them ready for spring planting and give your plants a head start. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey walks through exactly how and when start veggies from seed indoors this season!

Honeybee is sitting on top of garden herb yarrow

Gardening Tips

7 Herbs That Will Attract Beneficial Garden Insects

Are you looking to attract pollinators or beneficial predators to your garden in order to keep pests under control? There are a number of ways to do this, including planting certain herbs that will attract them. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares her favorite garden herbs that will help keep your garden pollinator-friendly and pest-free.

Deer eating flowers out of garden. There are many yellow and green flowers and some herbs growing together.


11 Deer Resistant Herbs To Plant This Season

Do you have deer that come into your garden to feast on your hostas, hydrangeas, or other garden plants? Did you know certain herbs will help keep them away? In this article, gardening expert Logan Hailey shares which herbs you can plant that will help keep the deer out of your garden this season.

Rosemary in containers ready for garden planting


How to Plant, Grow and Care For Rosemary

Are you thinking of adding a new herb to your garden this season? Whether growing rosemary indoors or in an outdoor herb garden, these popular plants are quite hardy, and their care is straightforward. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey takes a deeper look at everything you need to know about growing rosemary in your garden this season.

transplant lavender


How and When to Transplant Lavender Plants

If you bought lavender starts or grew seedlings this year, you'll need to transplant them when they are ready to be planted in the ground. But when should you do it, and how is it done? In this article, gardening expert and former organic lavender farmer Logan Hailey shares the easiest way to transplant lavender into your garden this season.

Different herbs growing in containers in the sun sitting on a ledge


11 Tips For Growing Garden Herbs Indoors

Have you decided to grow herbs indoors this season? Many garden herbs can be grown indoors successfully with a little bit of patience and care. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares her top tips for a thriving indoor herb garden!

Green thyme that is fresh and ready to be harvested growing in the garden.


How to Plant, Grow and Care For Thyme

Thinking about growing thyme in your garden this season? Thyme is a wonderful herb that has many different uses. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey takes you through everything you need to know about growing thyme in your herb garden, including maintenance and care.

Phenomenal Lavender Growing in Garden


11 Reasons to Grow ‘Phenomenal’ Lavender This Season

Thinking about adding 'Phenomenal Lavender' to your list of garden herbs this season? This versatile cultivar offers many different benefits. In this article, gardening expert and former organic lavender farmer Logan Hailey shares 11 different reasons you should add 'Phenomenal' lavender to your garden this year.