11 Factors to Consider: Choosing Where to Buy Quality Seed Supplies

If you’re gearing up for spring, you’re probably wondering where to buy seed supplies. There are several things to keep in mind to get the right seeds and tools you need for planting. In this article, horticulture expert Matt Dursum shows you the factors to consider when shopping for garden seed supplies.

A woman sitting at a desk with potted plants around her, talking on the phone while using a tablet.


If you’re like me, getting your plants started before the spring is one of the most exciting parts of gardening. Whether you’re growing a flower garden or growing your food, getting a head start gives you more freedom and control

The first step to getting your garden started early is finding the right seed packets and the best supplies. For many gardeners, finding the right place to buy what you need can be daunting. There are a lot of choices, from online websites to nurseries. 

No matter where you buy your seeds and supplies, you’ll need to make sure they have what you need. Below are 11 factors to consider before choosing where to buy quality seed supplies. 

Online or In-Person?

Two women in a gardening store talking near shelves filled with packets of seeds and gardening tools.
In-person shops can be fun because they let you interact with a real person.

In today’s tech-savvy world, you can choose between shopping online or in person for your seed supplies. Each one has its advantages, so take your time to choose. 

Online suppliers sometimes have a larger variety of seeds and seed supplies. The best suppliers will be expert gardeners who know their products in and out. They’ll also have other products and content that will help you build your gardening skills. 

In-person shops can be fun because they let you interact with a real person. If you find the right store, it can become your go-to supplier. The downside to shopping for seed supplies in person is that some stores may not have what you need. 

Can You Find the Basics? 

Hands gently hold a small mound of rich brown compost soil, ready for gardening.
Basics include organic fertilizers, high-quality seeds, and garden stakes.

No matter what you’re growing in your garden from seed this year, you’re going to need a few basic seed-starting supplies. These basic supplies are crucial for getting your plants to germinate and thrive. 

Check your local nursery or online supplier to see if they have what you need. Factor in the item’s quality and durability. Look at what it’s made from and where it’s made or sourced. The best suppliers have high-quality products made in the USA from BPA-free and food-safe materials. 

Seed-starting basics include cell trays, pots, bottom trays, and soil. Other basics include organic fertilizers, diverse varieties, and garden stakes. Even grow lights count for indoor gardens. If a store, online supplier, or nursery has everything you need to get started, you’re in luck.

Do They Have the Right Varieties for your Climate?

A young female gardener with a colorful headscarf and white T-shirt studies gardening guides on a laptop at a wooden table, surrounded by seedlings and potted plants, making notes in a notebook.
Before ordering, check to see if they can grow in your USDA hardiness zone.

When choosing seeds for your garden, make sure you find varieties that thrive in your climate. Every species, variety, and cultivar has a specific tolerance for cold and sunshine. If you sow seeds in the wrong climate, you may lose your harvest, or they may not even grow. 

Before ordering, check to see if they can grow in your USDA hardiness zone and your last frost date. Check the USDA hardiness zone map and find your current location. You can look on the back of seed packets to find out which zones and temperature conditions are best for each variety. Use your last frost date and the days to maturity to determine if a crop is worth growing in your region.

Check the seed’s light requirements as well. If you have a lot of shade in your garden, you probably won’t have much luck growing plants that need full sun. Before choosing where to buy them, make sure they have the right species and varieties for your garden’s climate. 

Can You Buy Your Seeds and Supplies in Advance?

A set of gardening tools, including a trowel and fork, placed with small pots, gloves, and a sprouting plant on a light blue background.
This includes seeds, gardening equipment, and any extras we need to get our garden going before summer.

As gardeners, many of us love to be prepared for anything. That means having what we need for our garden well ahead of schedule. This includes seeds, gardening equipment, and any extras we need to get our garden going before summer. 

When choosing where to buy your seed supplies, find a place where you can get what you need right away. Order as early as you can and stock up on what you need before you start planting. 

If a supplier doesn’t expect to have what you need in time, consider shopping somewhere else. Buying your seed-starting supplies in advance gives you more control over what you grow and the health of your garden.

How Is the Quality? 

man holding a packet and reading its label while standing in front of a display of gardening supplies.
Most packets have a date on them that shows when they were packaged.

Quality is one of the most important factors to consider when choosing to buy seeds. Seed quality refers to several things, including the ability to germinate, lack of diseases, and overall vigor. Other measures include the seed’s genetics, which can play a huge part in its productivity. 

Besides the seed’s source, one of the main factors that can make or break its quality is storage. Each seed variety has its own shelf life. If a supplier sells you a packet that’s beyond its shelf life, they may not germinate. 

Most packets have a date on them that shows when they were packaged. You can compare this date to the average time the variety remains viable. Seeds can also lose their quality if they’re exposed to elements such as heat or extreme humidity during storage. 

Can You Get Other Tools?

A woman in a garden tools section looking at a row of lawnmowers.
Look for suppliers that not only specialize in plants but also other gardening equipment.

Some of the best places to get seed-starting supplies sell other types of garden equipment. Why not shop at a one-stop shop for everything you need? 

Look for suppliers that not only specialize in plants but also other gardening equipment and garden tools. When you find a place that has everything you need, you’ll save time and money. 

How Are the Reviews?

A person wearing an apron sitting by a window surrounded by potted plants and holding a laptop.
When choosing where to buy your gardening supplies, take a minute to read the reviews.

Yes, reviews can be unfair, and people can be downright mean when writing them. However, they do tell a story that’s worth paying attention to. No matter if they’re happy or angry, customers give feedback that businesses and consumers can benefit from. 

When choosing where to buy your gardening supplies, take a minute to read the reviews. See what other gardeners had to say about the quality, customer experience, and service. People will mention almost anything, no matter if it’s possessive or negative. 

Of course, new businesses are always worth giving a chance. Reviews only tell a small part of the story, so shop according to your needs and personal taste. 

Is Their Catalogue Extensive?

A display of colorful vegetable and flower seed packets organized in rows on a shelf.
An extensive and diverse catalog will include varieties more suitable to your garden and climate.

There’s nothing like shopping in a shop with hundreds of species, varieties, and cultivars to choose from. Buy them from a place with an extensive seed catalog. A larger selection will give you more control over what you can grow. 

An extensive and diverse catalog will include varieties more suitable to your garden and climate. Find specifics such as shade-loving perennials or multi-colored heirlooms. 

You’ll have more choices to choose from and experiment. Try buying multiple varieties and unique hybrids to diversify your garden. Once you find a gold mine for quality seeds, your gardening experience will improve significantly. 

Do They Prioritize Environmentally Friendly Products?

A woman wearing a red apron working on a laptop in a shop filled with green plants and wooden shelves.
By shopping for chemical-free or long-lasting supplies, you’re helping the planet and your health.

When buying quality gardening and sowing supplies, look for a supplier that sells organic and environmentally friendly products. This is especially important if you’re starting an organic garden

Some large suppliers carry few organic and environmentally friendly options for seeds, insecticides, and soil. These products could contain chemicals that can be harmful, especially in a vegetable or herb garden. 

By shopping for chemical-free or long-lasting supplies, you’re helping the planet and your health. Shop around and note the percentage of gardening products that are organic or made as chemical-free as possible. 

Are They Local?

A person holding a small potted plant, smiling, and standing in a store filled with hanging plants and greenery.
Local nurseries and plant supply stores can be communities for gardeners because they know exactly what grows the best in your region.

There’s nothing wrong with buying your tools and supplies online. However, it’s sometimes good to buy locally. 

Local nurseries and plant supply stores can be communities for gardeners and know exactly what grows the best in your region. They may not have the variety you need, but you can always order what you need online. 

As always, prioritize quality and sustainability over everything else. If your local seed supplier doesn’t carry high-quality seeds and gardening supplies, it’s time to shop somewhere else. 

Do You Vibe With Them? 

Two women at a plant shop counter, one holding a small potted plant while the other processes the purchase amidst a display of green plants.
Do your research and find a store, nursery, or online store run by fellow green thumbs.

Would you ever buy a car from someone who can’t drive? The same goes for a garden supply store or supplier. If they don’t garden, they probably won’t know what you need. 

Do your research and find a store, nursery, or online store run by fellow green thumbs. Find suppliers who not only know about gardening but are willing to ‘geek out’ with you. Once you find your people, it makes shopping infinitely more enjoyable. 

Key Takeaways

When choosing where to buy quality garden equipment, it’s important to start early and find a supplier that works for you. Look for quality, sustainability, and business culture. Make sure they’re gardeners like you. 

Make sure they carry high-quality, long-lasting products and seeds. Also, check if you can order early to prepare ahead of the season. If a supplier can meet these factors, it’s time to go shopping for this year’s seed supplies.

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