Soil Improvement

Soil improvement encompasses a whole lot more than just adding a bag of potting mix and hoping for the best! Here, we delve into the world of soil science to learn about why certain things do what they do. Techniques you can use for soil improvement are also collected here, providing you with tools you can use to improve the overall health and potential of your garden.

Soil test benefits. Close-up of a woman's hand scooping up soil with a small shovel in the garden to place it in a glass test tube. The soil is slightly moist, dark brown. A small seedling with a pair of smooth cotyledons grows in the soil.

Soil Improvement

5 Benefits of Doing a Garden Soil Test

How do you find out what’s in your soil? A soil test kit offers huge benefits for your garden health and your wallet. Instead of blindly applying fertilizer or making rough estimates of soil pH, you can save money and time with real data about your garden soil. Former organic farmer Logan Hailey explains the benefits of soil testing and how to do it as a beginner.

Close-up of a gardener's hand holding a handful of wet compost with red wigglers in front of a raised garden bed. Red wigglers are small, slender earthworms commonly used in vermicomposting systems.

Soil Improvement

Is Vermicomposting Worth The Trouble?

Vermicomposting involves keeping a container of worms and feeding them food scraps. The worms transform the scraps into beautiful organic matter called worm castings. Is keeping these worms in your house worth the trouble? Let Master Naturalist Lorin Nielsen walk you through vermicomposting and its benefits.

The striking blooms of crimson clover grow as a fall cover crop.

Soil Improvement

9 Fall Cover Crops for Fertile Spring Soil

Nourish your soil all winter with fall-seeded cover crops that protect from erosion, improve fertility, and break up soil compaction. Former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares the top 9 science-backed cover crop species, plus the best ways to terminate them in the spring.

Mixing perlite pellets with black soil

Soil Improvement

Should You Add Perlite to Houseplant Soil?

Gardeners are always looking for an edge when it comes to getting their houseplants looking great. So what about adding Perlite to your houseplant's soil? Is it something you should do? In this article, gardening expert and houseplant enthusiast Madison Moulton investigates.