How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Sansevieria Zeylanica

Sansevieria zeylanica, also called bowstring hemp, is a very close relative of the snake plant. This is a very good hardy plant to use as a houseplant or plant outdoors in groups. Kevin Espiritu will guide you through the steps you'll need to grow it.

Sansevieria zeylanica


Sansevieria zeylanica, more commonly identified as bowstring hemp, is an evergreen perennial plant with vividly green leaves and gorgeous leaf stripes. It is a very close relative of the more common mother-in-law’s tongue.

This sturdy and hardy succulent can tolerate a surprising amount of neglect. It’s phenomenal as a houseplant and can also be used in the garden in both sun and shade.

Much like Sansevieria cylindrica and other snake plant types, this sansevieria is a popular indoor or outdoor choice. So, let’s talk about the bowstring hemp today and how to raise it right!

Plant Overview

  • Plant Type Succulent perennial
  • Family Asparagaceae
  • Genus Sansevieria
  • Species Sansevieria zeylanica (Dracaena zeylanica)
  • Native Area India and Sri Lanka
  • Exposure Full sun to partial shade
  • Height 2-3’
  • Watering Requirements Low
  • Pests & Diseases Mealybugs, spider mites, root rot
  • Maintenance Low
  • Soil Type Well-draining, sandy loam
  • Hardiness Zone 9-11

What is Sansevieria Zeylanica?

Technically, Sansevieria zeylanica is a synonym for Dracaena zeylanica, its official name. However, it’s not often referred to as a dracaena and not often labelled as such in a nursery. That’s why we will call it Sansevieria zeylanica, the term that is most commonly used for this tough perennial succulent.

Native Area

It’s native to the Southeast Asian region, especially India and Sri Lanka. It’s grown in tropical countries for its medicinal and fiber qualities. The dried rhizomatic roots are used to make antiseptic ointments. The fibers in the leaves are used to make cloth, mats, paper pulp, and even sails.


The dark-green, long leaves of the bowstring hemp are upright, sturdy, and sword-shaped. Horizontal creamy wave-like stripes are dappled across the surface, and the leaves also have pointed tips.

While technically a flowering plant, Sansevieria zeylanica seldom blooms. On the rare occasion that it does, it produces greenish-white, fragrant flowers. But many growers never find their plants blooming at all!

Be cautious with your Sansevieria zeylanica. Like snake plants and other sansevierias, it is mildly toxic when eaten. It can cause nausea or vomiting, so keep it away from your kids and pets!


Like the snake plant, your bowstring hemp likes to be slightly root-bound. Transplant only when it starts showing signs of yellowing or leaf loss.

Should you need to transplant your plant, prepare a well-draining sandy loam. Pick a pot one inch wider than your current one. Then, remove your plant from its old pot. Use your fingertips to lightly open up the root mass, dusting away older soil. Repot in new soil at the depth at which it was originally planted. The old soil can be added to your compost pile.

How to Grow

This easy-growing plant has a slow to moderate growth rate. While it’ll take some abuse, it has preferences that’ll help it to grow well. Let’s talk about those!


For indoor growers, your best bet is to provide as much light as you can. A sunny window is a good choice. If you don’t have lots of sunlight pouring in, provide bright indirect lighting. Your Sansevieria zeylanica may be darker green in color if in lower light.

Bright and direct sunlight outdoors is good… well, most of the time. However, the peak of summer and the intense, scorching sun can cause the edges of leaves to yellow. Plants grown outdoors may be lighter in color, and the natural patterning may be less distinct as well.


Sansevieria zeylanica thrives in semi-arid to humid environments. Indoor growers will find that a pebble tray with water beneath the plant’s pot is a good idea. This increases the ambient humidity around the plant.

Outdoors, damp mulch around the plants will provide a little extra humidity. You’ll want to avoid overwatering, though – remove and soak the mulch in water, then put it back around the plant.

Watering should be done once the soil has dried out. Once the soil is dry, do a deep, thorough soak of your plants. If watering potted bowstring hemp, stop once you see water coming out of the pot’s base. For in-ground plants, water slowly and deeply to a depth of at least three to four inches.

Over the winter months, you can reduce your watering frequency. The plant goes dormant during the winter and won’t need as much. It will need more water during its active growth phase in the spring and summer.


A well-draining sandy loam is perfect for your plant. The loam will absorb and hold some moisture between waterings. Sandier soils drain off excess water very well. Avoid standing water, as this can lead to root rot.


As a tropical plant, bowstring hemp doesn’t like the cold. Temperatures below 50°F can damage its leaves. The best temperature range is 60°F to 75°F. The zones for growing this plant outdoors is 9-11. In any other zones, use as a houseplant.


These succulents are light feeders, they don’t need much fertilizer at all. A half-strength or lower feeding of general-purpose plant fertilizer monthly is plenty. In fact, many people do a single slow-release granular feeding in the spring, and it does just fine!


As a general rule, you don’t need to prune your bowstring hemp much. If the leaves on the outside of the plant fall over, you can cut them with a sterilized hori-hori knife or pruning shears. Usually, one or two leaves will flop over as the plant becomes more crowded in its pot. If they’re healthy leaves, use them as cuttings!

Otherwise, the only pruning you’ll need to do is to remove dead or damaged leaves. This should be relatively rare. You may be able to just trim off the damage if it’s only at the tip of a leaf. If it’s along the entire leaf, remove it at the soil level.


Propagation of Sansavieria zeylanica is exactly like snake plant propagation. Leaf cuttings or division are the only reliable methods.

I highly recommend opting for division when your plant is old enough. It’s a simple process that will continue on that specific cultivar. Cuttings may occasionally revert from a specific cultivated form to their parent type.

Common Problems

Resilient, your Sansevieria zeylanica is very easy to grow. It’s rather uncommon to experience issues with it. Let’s go over the few that might appear!


Only two pests are common on the bowstring hemp: mealybugs and spider mites. Both are sucking pests which drink the juices stored in the plant’s leaves. While neither is likely to transmit diseases, they can make the leaves unappealing. It’s important to get rid of the pests when they appear.

For mealybugs, a cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol can be used to remove small quantities. An insecticidal soap can be used for large infestations. Spider mites can also be treated with the soap. Neem oil will prevent both.


Root rot is the only major concern for your bowstring hemp plants. It is easily preventable, caused by overwatering. Make sure your soil readily drains off excess water. If the leaves look full and vigorous and the soil is lightly moist, you can skip watering until it becomes drier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  When should I repot my bowstring hemp?

A. Repot when it appears to be crowded in its pot. This is a perfect time to divide your plant into smaller plants, too! Generally, it’ll be every two to five years.

Q. Why are my bowstring hemp leaves falling over?

A. There’s two possible reasons. Plants that get too much fertilizer can grow too quickly to support the weight of their leaves. This can result in leaves flopping over the sides of their pot. Also, an overcrowded plant may have leaves drooping. You can trim these leaves back to soil level without causing harm to your plant.

Q: Is sansevieria zeylanica the same as sansevieria trifasciata?

A: It depends on who you ask. They are two closely related species, nearly identical in growth habits, care regimen, and the like. They’re so similar that many people consider S. zeylanica to be a synonym of S. trifasciata. But while very closely related, they’re subtly different in leaf patterning. It wouldn’t surprise me if they’re botanically considered identical in the future, but they’re still given separate botanical names right now.

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