
Learn how to grow houseplants, troubleshoot pest and disease issues, and cultivate a green paradise in the comfort of your own home!

Dying Houseplant Being Held


What Happens to Plants That Are Kept in The Dark?

Are you thinking of adding a new houseplant to your office space, but typically don't keep the area well lit? Perhaps you want to know what type of artificial light you need to get your plant if the room it's in is too dark? Maybe you just want to know what happens when you leave a plant in a dark room for too long? Find out what happens to plants when they don't get enough light!

Grow Peace Lilies


How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Peace Lilies

Peace Lilies are beautiful flowers that can add a bit of personality to any garden. But growing them can take a little more patience than many gardeners have. In this article, organic gardening expert Logan Hailey walks through every step you'll need to follow to successfully plant, grow, and care for Peace Lilies.

Tillandsia Airplants


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Tillandsia in Your Home

Are you considering adding some airplants to your home to add a little bit of greenery? Airplants are great for novice gardeners, and often require very little care, making them great for people that travel. They are easy to grow, and can add a little life to just about any room. Find out all you need to know about how to plant, grow, and care for airplants.

How Long Do Spider Plants Live


How Long Do Spider Plants Live? Can They Live For a Long Time?

If you are considering adding some spider plants to your indoor gardening area, Spider Plants can be a great addition. Spider plants be excellent for many different design and layout interior styles, but you may be wondering - how long do they live? In this article, we look at the life cycle of Spider plants so you know what to expect.

Epiphyte Plant on Tree


What Are Epiphytes? All About Epiphytic Plants and Their Care

Have you heard of Epiphytes? This term encompasses a wide variety of plants that grow on the outside of trees or other plants. There are many different Epiphyte varieties and many of them can make excellent plants to keep around your home. In this article, we examine the Epiphyte plant, what they are, and why they can be beneficial to have around.