How to Get Rid of Whiteflies on Houseplants

Are your houseplants infested by sap-sucking whiteflies? These dreaded pests can damage your plants and be a total nuisance. In this article, plant expert Matt Dursum shows you how to get rid of whiteflies on houseplants.

Close-up of the underside of a green leaf showing small translucent specks and clusters of Trialeurodes vaporariorum insects.


Have you brushed up against your houseplant and disturbed a swarm of white, moth-like creatures? These tiny insects are called whiteflies and coat your houseplants with a white, powder-like substance from their wings. As small as they are, they’re unmistakable once they form an infestation. 

Whiteflies resemble common garden pests such as mealybugs and aphids. They lay eggs on the soft undersides of leaves, sometimes close to 400 over the course of two months. If you disturb your leaves, you may see hundreds of small white flies fly around you. 

Most of the time, they’re more of an annoyance than a cause for alarm. However, if left unchecked, they can cause your plant to wilt and die. They love indoor spaces that are warm and humid, especially warm homes and greenhouses. 

If you have a whitefly infestation, follow these steps to get rid of them on your houseplants. 

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Step 1: Identify Them

Whiteflies and their eggs on green plant stem.
On closer inspection, these little creatures look like moths. 

Whiteflies are very easy to identify. At first, they may resemble aphids. But on closer inspection, these little creatures look like moths

They are between 1/10 to 1/16 inches long with small wings. They leave a sticky substance called honeydew on your plant’s leaves. The adults and nymphs secrete the substance after they feed on the plant’s sap. You may even see a sooty mold appear on the honeydew.

It’s important to get rid of whiteflies as soon as you identify them because if you leave them alone, they could spread diseases to your houseplants. They open small holes in the leaves and transfer pathogens which can kill your plants over time. 

Step 2: Spray With Water

A person spraying water onto green, thin leaves of a potted plant in a white vase.
In the early stages of an infestation, spray the undersides of the leaves with water.

Sometimes the best whitefly control is water. In the early stages of an infestation, spray the undersides of the leaves with water. Most houseplants can handle a forceful stream. Take them outdoors if you want to use a hose to take care of larger houseplants.

Use a spray bottle. The nymphs will fall off and the adults will fly away. The nymphs will die once they’re disturbed with water. Adult whiteflies should move to another plant or area. 

Repeat this process several times a week until there’s no infestation left. For most houseplants, this should work, but if the infestation is out of control, you may need to try something else. 

Step 3: Use a Vacuum

A handheld vacuum being used on a white surface near a small potted grass-like plant.
Keep your vacuum positioned away from the leaves.

If spraying water isn’t doing the trick, try using a small handheld vacuum. The flies and their nymphs and larvae are so light, they’ll be easily sucked up into the vacuum.  

Keep your vacuum positioned away from the leaves. The last thing you want is to remove your houseplant’s healthy leaves. Hold each leaf as you vacuum to prevent sucking the plant up and damaging leaves. You may even have luck finding a plant-specific vacuum that has a gentler flow.

Step 4: Neem Oil Solutions

Close-up of a dark brown glass bottle of Neem oil on a wooden surface, accompanied by fresh neem leaves.
This organic oil is pressed from the seeds of the neem tree.

Neem oil is one of the best weapons a gardener can have in their arsenal against pests. It’s non-toxic and harmful insects can’t stand it. It has a pungent smell. Therefore, its best to treat your plants with neem outdoors or in an area where residue can be washed away.

This organic oil is pressed from the seeds of the neem tree. The tree is native to tropical India, where it’s been used as an insecticide, antibacterial, and anti-fungal treatment for centuries.

To apply, mix around four teaspoons of oil with a gallon of water. Or find a pre-mixed formulation at your local big box store or nursery. Apply to the infested areas of the leaves. Keep applying‌ no more than once per week until the insects die off or leave your plants. 

Step 5: Garlic Spray

Softneck garlic bulbs have a soft, flexible stem with numerous smaller cloves tightly packed under smooth, pale white papery skins on a round wooden board.
Garlic contains sulfur and compounds that many insects can’t stand.

Garlic isn’t just for ridding a village of vampires. It’s also useful for getting rid of whiteflies. It’s cheap, easy, and totally harmless. However, it does smell really bad inside the house. 

Garlic contains sulfur and compounds that many insects can’t stand. The plant evolved to use these compounds as a natural protection against predators. 

If you don’t mind the smell, you can try it on your houseplants. To make garlic spray, blend several fresh cloves of garlic with several cups of water. Let it sit for an hour until the garlic aroma infuses. Strain the mixture with a cheesecloth and get to spraying. 

Step 6: Try Insecticidal Soap

A glass bowl filled with insecticidal soap placed on a wooden saucer, with a larger container of the same liquid in the background.
These soaps work by suffocating the insects and their larvae.

Insecticidal soaps can also work to control these tiny critters and get rid of whiteflies once and for all. The trick is applying regularly and getting every surface the pests live on. The same frequency you use for neem can be used for insecticidal soaps: every seven to ten days.

These soaps work by suffocating the insects and their larvae. If you apply to all the infected areas of your leaves, they’ll drop off quickly. This method works for heavy infestations. 

There are several organic soaps on the market that work well with whiteflies and other garden pests. Dish soaps are harmful, especially when you use them on edible plants. 

Step 7: Create Your Own Spray

Soft green, heart-shaped leaves with a subtle citrus scent, densely packed on reddish-purple stems.
Try combining the ingredients with pleasant-smelling plants such as mint. 

If you have all these ingredients at home, why not combine them into your own handy spray? Garlic and neem oil can smell pretty foul. Try combing them with pleasant-smelling plants such as mint. 

Another common addition is adding chili peppers to your garlic spray. The capsaicin in chilis will also keep the insects away and help cover up the foul smell of garlic. 

Step 8: Use Yellow Sticky Traps

A yellow sticky sheet covered in small black specks and trapped Trialeurodes vaporariorum insects.
Once the small bugs land on the traps, they stick to it and can’t escape.

Whiteflies love anything yellow. The color looks like their favorite yellow flowers

You can make your own traps by using yellow paper and coating it with a sticky substance. Try using petroleum jelly or motor oil. 

Once the small bugs land on the traps, they stick to it and can’t escape. This method works with small infestations. After they stick to the traps, continue placing fresh traps out until your infestation is gone. 

Step 9: Prune Infected Leaves

Green leaves with curling edges and a wilted appearance, showing damage from Trialeurodes vaporariorum.
Remove any leaf damage or leaves infected with sooty mold. 

If the infestation is really bad and your leaves are showing signs of damage and disease, you may have to prune them. Disinfect your pruners before and after using them. This first step is crucial because it will prevent disease transmission. 

Cut above the leaf node on the diseased and infected leaves. Remove any leaf damage or leaves infected with sooty mold. 

Pruning works for heavy infections. Problems could arise if you prune off too much vegetation. After cutting away the infested foliage, dispose of it far away from other plants. 

Step 10: Quarantine Infested Plants

A small brush being used to inspect the underside of a green leaf with visible clusters of Trialeurodes vaporariorum.
Continue treating them with natural remedies until the infestation is gone. 

As you work to get rid of whiteflies, keep your other houseplants safe by quarantining infested plants. Whiteflies can spread to other houseplants easily and before you know it, you’ll have a bigger problem on your hands. 

Move your plants to the far corner of your home or greenhouse. Continue treating them with natural remedies until the infestation is gone. 

Sometimes, if the infestation is too severe, you may have to throw away your houseplant. This is the dreaded last step in controlling these pesky critters. 

Step 11: Combine These Methods

Yellow sticky trap hanging in flower garden bed to catch flying pests like flies.
Lay out yellow sticky traps and prune off dead or infected leaves. 

If your infestation is getting bad, try using a combination of these methods. Use organic neem oil sprays with garlic oil and high-pressured water. Lay out yellow sticky traps and prune off dead or infected leaves. Alternate your insecticides, rather than applying them together.

Move your infested houseplants to a remote location to treat them separately. That way, you can vary your treatments depending on the severity of infections your plants have. 

Remember, these methods work for other pests as well. No matter if you have whiteflies, aphids, mealybugs, or scale insects, you can try the methods above. Make a note of what works the best and what’s easiest. 

Step 12: Use Preventative Measures

Close-up of a woman's hand holding a spray bottle, about to mist a potted plant with airy green foliage and delicate, lacy leaves emerging from twisting stems.
Try applying a light neem oil spray to your plants regularly if they’re prone to whiteflies.

After getting rid of the initial infestations, it’s time to create a strategy to prevent the insects from coming back. Whiteflies thrive in a humid and undisturbed environment

Try applying a light neem oil spray to your plants now and then if you’re prone to whiteflies. Keep setting yellow sheets of paper with petroleum jelly. Whiteflies may be attracted to this surface before landing on your houseplants. 

Check the undersides of your leaves frequently for signs of these harmful critters. Look for sticky honeydew marks and the telltale white moth-like bodies. All you have to do is gently shake the leaves and watch these pests scatter in the air. 

Key Takeaways

Whiteflies are tiny pests that can cause some major issues for your houseplants as well as your outdoor garden. They despise being disturbed, so as long as you’re handling your plants frequently, you should be able to prevent them. 

Try using the methods above to control infestations if they happen. They will usually kill the pests and prevent them from laying eggs, especially if you get to them quickly.

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