
All about gardening - we have many in-depth guides about edibles, ornamentals, houseplants, and much more. We provide answers for your garden issues!

Grow Blue False Indigo


Blue False Indigo: How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Baptisia Australis

Are you looking to grow Blue False Indigo in your garden? Beginner gardeners or those wanting a low-maintenance, water-wise plant to add to their landscape will be satisfied with this native perennial. Gardening expert Madison Moulton takes a look at this popular plant, covering absolutely everything you need to know from planting to cutting the flowers in spring.

Grow Avocado Trees


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Avocado Trees

Are you tired of paying for expensive avocados? It's not too difficult to grow your own instead. Depending on the hardiness zone you live in, Avocado trees can grow fairly easily, with less maintenance than other fruit producing trees. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton discusses everything you need to know to grow avocados successfully, from seed to harvest.

Apple Trees in Tennessee


Can You Grow Apple Trees in Tennessee? Find Out Which Varieties To Grow!

Are you thinking of adding some apple trees to your Tennessee yard or home gardening space? Because of Tennessee's rich agricultural heritage, it's no surprise that certain apple tree varieties can do quite well in this southern state. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton looks at if apple trees can be successfully planted in this state.

Cherry Trees vs Cherry Blossoms


Cherry Trees vs. Cherry Blossoms: What’s The Difference?

Not sure what's different or similar between cherry trees or cherry blossoms? While one tree produces edible fruit, the other is strictly ornamental. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton examines what's different and what's the same between these two trees.

Edible Hedges

Ornamental Gardens

Edible Hedge Plants That Serve as Both Privacy and Food

Are you thinking of adding some hedge plants to your yard or garden, but want the plant to also be edible? The good news is, there are plenty of plants that can be trained into being hedges, all while bearing edible fruit. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton examines the most popular hedge plants that yield edible fruit.

Tennessee Cherry Trees


Can You Grow Cherry Trees in Tennessee? Should You Try?

Are you thinking of growing some cherry trees in your Tennessee yard or gardening space? Tennessee covers two different hardiness zones (5-8), which has slightly different growth needs and temperatures. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton examines if you can grow cherry trees in this southern state.

Tennessee Fruit Trees


Best Fruit Trees To Plant in Tennessee Yards or Gardens

Are you thinking of adding some fruit trees to your Tennessee home or garden? The state of Tennessee gets plenty of rain, so it's no surprise that certain fruit trees can flourish in this southern state. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton looks at the best trees for your gardening area if you reside in the state of Tennessee.

Tennessee Avocado Trees


Can You Grow Avocado Trees in Tennessee? Will They Survive?

Thinking of adding some avocado trees to your Tennessee home or yard? Tennessee is covers two different hardiness zones (5b-8a) and the growing conditions are slightly different in each zone. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton considers if you can grow avocado trees in this southern state.

A dense bush of alyssum, appearing to have vivid green leaves and countless purple flowers looking vibrant under the sunlight


How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Alyssum

Sweet alyssum is a powerful pollinator lure that attracts bees to your yard. This spectacular plant is a must-grow flowering superstar. Join horticultural expert Sarah Jay as she explains all you need to know to grow this plant successfully.