
Shrubs and bushes act as wind breaks, privacy, and beauty in your garden. Learn which are best and how to grow them here.

Grown Coleus Plant


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Coleus Plants

Coleus is a versatile shrub, that grows well in shady areas/ Some varieties that can grow quite well in sunny spaces. Growing coleus in your garden can provide that additional "pop" of color that you may be missing. In this article, certified master gardener and coleus enthusiast Laura Elsner teaches you how to plant, grow, and care for coleus!

Hydrangea in Pots and Containers


15 Tips for Growing Beautiful Hydrangeas in Containers

Thinking of container planting some hydrangeas this season? Container planting can sometimes be a bit more of an art, than science. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago walks through her top tips for beautiful hydrangea blooms in containers or pots this season!

Hydrangeas Grown in Zone 10


Can You Grow Hydrangeas in Hardiness Zone 10?

Do you live in hardiness zone 10, but aren't quite sure if hydrangeas will stand up to your heat and humidity? Hydrangeas are gorgeous shrubs, but they typically thrive in the right environments. In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago examines what you can expect when growing hydrangeas USDA hardiness zone 10.

Blue Hydrangea Varieties


12 Blue Hydrangea Varieties Bursting With Color

Thinking of planting blue hydrangea but aren't sure which variety to choose from? The good news is that you have plenty of different options to choose from! In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago examines her favorite blue hydrangea varieties to plant in your home garden space!

Shrubs for Shade Gardens


31 Shrubs For Shade Gardens and Shady Areas

Do you need some shrubs for shady areas of your garden? Perhaps you are creating an entire shade garden but aren't sure which shrubs to plant? The good news is, there are plenty of shade loving options, no matter your hardiness zone or geographic location. In this article, we look at our favorite shade-loving shrubs.

Hydrangea Variety in Full Sun


21 Different Hydrangea Varieties That Love Full Sun

Thinking of planting some hydrangeas but aren't sure if they can take full sun? Well the good news is, there's actually plenty of different hydrangea varieties that are sun tolerant! In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago takes a deeper look at her favorite full sun hydrangea varieties.

Sun Friendly Coleus Variety


11 Full Sun Coleus Varieties For Sunny Gardens

Thinking of planting some coleus in your garden, but aren't sure if they can take full sun? The good news is, there are several coleus varieties that can handle more sunlight than others, despite what you may have heard. In this article, certified master gardener Laura Elsner takes a look at her favorite sun-friendly coleus varieties.

Perennial Hydrangeas Outdoors


Hydrangeas: Are They Annuals, Perennials or Biennials?

Thinking of planting some hydrangeas this year, but want to know if they will return the following season, or if you'll need to replant them? The answer will depend on your hardiness zone. In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago examines if hydrangeas are annuals, perennials, or biennials.

Hydrangeas Sun or Shade


Do Hydrangeas Prefer Full Sun, Partial Shade, or Full Shade?

Are you thinking of planting hydrangeas in your garden, but aren't sure if they prefer full sun or partial shade? Better yet, can they grow in fully shaded areas? While the answer to these questions is often variety dependent, there's some good general guidelines you can adhere to. In this article, gardening expert Jill Drago examines if your hydrangeas need full sun, partial shade, or if they can live in full shade.

coleus varieties


Coleus Varieties: 35 Different Types of Coleus Cultivars

Thinking of planting some coleus but aren't sure which variety to pick? There are over 300 different coleus species, and over 1500 different varieties, so choosing the right one can be a bit of a challenge! In this article, certified master gardener and coleus expert Laura Elsner walks through some of her favorite types of coleus plants!

Coleus Plant Before Winter


Do Coleus Plants Come Back After a Winter Freeze?

Do coleus plants come back after winter freezes? Can they handle cold temperatures? Will they die in colder weather and need to be replanted? These are questions most first time coleus owners have. In this article, master gardener and coleus expert Laura Elsner walks through what you can expect.