
Shrubs and bushes act as wind breaks, privacy, and beauty in your garden. Learn which are best and how to grow them here.

Blue Hydranagea Blooms Not From Pennies


Myth or Fact: Can You Turn Hydrangeas Blue With Pennies?

Have you heard that you can turn hydrangeas blue by keeping them planted with a penny? There are a number of hydrangea hacks that claim to improve blooms, or keep their beautiful blue blooms going strong throughout the season. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago examines if planting pennies in the soil actually works.

cold hardy hydrangeas


27 Cold Hardy Hydrangea Varieties For Cool Climates

Do you live in a cooler climate but really want to plant hydrangeas this season? There are actually many different varieties of hydrangea that can survive in colder hardiness zones. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago examines her favorite hydrangeas for areas that get some cooler weather!

lilacs blooming


14 Tips To Keep Your Lilacs Blooming All Season

Looking to get the biggest and brightest blooms out of your lilacs this season? There are actually several things you can do to encourage the flower growth of these prolific bloomers. In this article, certified master gardener Liz Jaros walks through her top tips for getting the most out of your lilacs this year!

Lilacs shade or sun


Do Lilacs Prefer Full Sun, Partial Shade, or Full Shade?

If you've decided to add lilacs to your garden this season, it's a good idea to make sure you pick a proper location where they get the perfect amount of sun to meet their needs. In this article, certified master gardener Liz Jaros looks at the sun needs of the lilac, and if they prefer full sun, partial shade, or full shade.

oakleaf hydrangea


How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Oakleaf Hydrangeas

Thinking of adding some oakleaf hydrangeas to your garden this season, but aren't sure where to start? This species is a favorite amongst many gardeners, so it's important to start off on the right track if you are adding them to your garden this season. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago walks through how to plant, grow, and care for Oakleaf Hydrangeas.

Lilac Tree vs Shrub


Lilac Trees vs. Lilac Shrubs and Bushes: What’s The Difference?

Lilac trees and lilac shrubs are different but share some similarities. But how can you tell the difference between the two? And how exactly do they differ? In this article, certified master gardener Liz Jaros examines lilac trees vs. shrubs, and breaks down how to tell them apart by their appearances, as well as their other differences & similarities.

watering hydrangeas


How Much and How Often Should You Water Hydrangeas?

Are you struggling to figure out how much or how oftern to water your hydrangeas to heep them looking great? Overwatering and underwatering hydrangeas is a common problem that's easily solved. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago examines how much water your hydrangeas need, and how frequently you should water them.

Smooth Hydrangea


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Smooth Hydrangeas

Smooth hydrangeas are one of the more popular types of hydrangea grown each season. Their compact shrubby nature makes them ideal for areas where you may not want a fully grown, taller plant. In this article, coastal gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago outlines each step for planting, growing, and caring for smooth hydrangeas.

full sun lilac


17 Different Lilac Varieties That Thrive in Full Sun

Lilacs are fantastic plants, but they are fairly notorius for their preference of the shade. But did you know there are some varieties that are a bit more sun tolerant than others? In this article, certified master gardener Liz Jaros walks through her favorite lilac varieties that can handle full sun conditions.

deadhead lilacs


How to Deadhead Lilacs in 7 Simple Steps

Deadheading your lilacs can be one of the best ways to encourage their beautiful blooms. Getting the timing right on when to deadhead is important, but deadheading lilacs is a fairly straightforward process. In this article, certified master gardener Liz Jaros walks through 7 simple steps to deadhead your lilacs this season!

Hydrangea Kept Blue During Blooming Season


6 Simple Steps For Keeping Your Hydrangeas Blue

Are you struggling to keep your hydrangeas blue this season? It actually all comes down to the type of hydrangea you own, and soil science. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea expert Jill Drago provides six simple steps for keeping those beautiful blue blooms!

Panicle Hydrangea in Garden


How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Panicle Hydrangeas

Panicle hydrangeas are a garden favorite for a variety of reasons. Many home gardeners enjoy their ease of care, and heat tolerance. In this article, gardening expert and hydrangea enthusiast Jill Drago takes you through how to plant, grow, and care for Panicle Hydrangeas this season.