Ornamental Gardens

Learn how to cultivate beautiful ornamental gardens and how to troubleshoot common pests, diseases, and growing problems!

Dyed Blue Orchid Flowers


Blue Orchids: Are They Real Flowers? Do They Exist Naturally?

Many gardeners look for that single flower that will set their garden apart from others. For some people, that's finding a flower of a unique color. Few flowers are more beautiful than orchids, and blue flowers are some of the most sought after. So what about blue orchids? Are these flowers actually real? Do they exist without being modified? Gardening expert Madison Moulton gets down to the nitty gritty details in this article.

Cedar Trees With Plants Underneath


Planting Under Cedar Trees: Which Plants Grow Underneath Them?

Do you have a cedar tree in your yard, but aren't quite sure what to plant underneath it? Certain plants will grow much better underneath cedar trees, but how do you know which ones to pick? In this article, amateur gardener Jason White examines what kind of plants do well underneath cedar trees, as well as several of the most popular options.


21 Different Types of Hardwood Trees For Homes and Gardens

Planting a hardwood tree can be difficult, especially if you don't know what you are looking for! There are many different types of hardwood trees, and not all of them are well suited to all climates. In this article, we look at our favorite types of hardwood trees, with picture identification of each!

Orange Flowers on Flannelbush


31 Flowering Trees That Grow Well in California

Living in California provides you with many options when it comes to gardening and landscaping. Picking a flowering tree that will grow well in California isn't nearly as hard as some colder states. But with so many options, which ones do you pick? In this article, we look at some of our favorite flowering trees for the temperate California climate!

Night Blooming Cereus

Cacti & Succulents

How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Night Blooming Cereus

Night blooming cereus is a very unique plant that's not well suited to every growing zone. Their beautiful blooms make them highly sought after by many gardeners. In this article, recreational gardener Jason White walks through each step you'll need to take in order to plant, grow, and care for night blooming cereus.

Grow Amsonia


Bluestar Flowers: How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Amsonia Tabernaemontana

Amsonia Tabernaemontana, also known as Bluestars can be a beautiful flowering plant addition to just about any garden. They do contain a milky sap that can be toxic and irritating to humans, but otherwise get along well with many other plants within your garden. In this article, gardening expert Madison Moulton explains how to plant, grow, and care for Bluestar flowers.

Different Types of Maple Trees


7 Different Types of Maple Trees For Texas Homes and Gardens

Living in the lonestar state provides many different options for the home gardener when it comes to trees. Maple trees tend to do well, and there are several varieties that you can choose from. In this article, we look at 7 different maple trees that you can plant and grow if you live in Texas.

False sunflower.


16 Flowers That Look Like Sunflowers

There's a surprising number of flowers that look like sunflowers out there but that don't grow to skyscraper heights. The daisy shaped flowers makes them a popular choice for gardeners. Sarah Jay takes a look at 16 flowers that will enhance any garden landscape.