
Learn all about edible gardening to improve your health, save on groceries, and reconnect with nature. Our detailed guides show you how to grow food!

Gardener hilling potatoes in the garden.


When is it Too Late to Hill Garden Potatoes?

If you are thinking of hilling potatoes this season but are wondering if you are too late in the season, you've come to the right place! In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde examines at what point in the season it's too late to hill potatoes, and when it's optimal to do it!

cross pollinate cucumbers


Can You Cross Pollinate Different Types of Cucumbers?

Are you concerned about cross pollinating different types of cucumbers in your garden this season? Maybe you are just curious if this is something that can even happen? In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde examines if cross pollinating cucumbers is something you need to be worried about.


How to Grow Sweet Potatoes in Containers in 8 Easy Steps

Are you thinking of growing sweet potatoes in pots or containers this season? If you are short on space, growing sweet potatoes in a container garden is entirely possible. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde takes you through 8 simple steps for growing fantastic sweet potatoes in containers!

grow carrots in containers


How to Grow Carrots in Pots or Containers in 9 Easy Steps

Are you thinking of adding some container grown carrots to your vegetable garden this season? Growing carrots in pots or containers is a bit easier than many people think! In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde shares 9 simple steps to grow carrots in pots or containers this season!

Vegetables growing in the heat in the hot sun.


15 Vegetables That Can Grow in the Arizona Heat

If you live in Arizona, you know that growing anything in your garden can be a huge task, especially vegetables. But the good news is, there are several veggies that can thrive in the hot, sunny Arizona climate. In this article, gardening expert and former organic gardener Sarah Hyde walks through her favorite vegetables that you can grow in Arizona!

carrots desert climate


15 Tips For Growing Carrots in Hot and Arid Desert Climates

Do you live in a hot and arid desert climate? If so, growing vegetables of any type can be a challenge! But having the right information before you attempt it can drastically help along the way. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde gives you her top tips for growing carrots in desert climates!


21 Fast Growing Vegetables For Impatient Gardeners

Gardening expert Sarah Hyde will walk you through factors to consider with days to maturity, what to look for when buying transplants to save time, and share 21 quick crops to try if you are an impatient gardener! All of the crops listed here should mature in less than 60 days under optimal growing conditions.

tomatoes desert climate


13 Tips For Growing Tomatoes in Hot, Dry Desert Climates

Garden grown tomatoes are a favorite amongst many hobby gardeners. But what if you live in a hot and arid desert climate? Can tomatoes be grown in the desert? In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde gives her top tips based on her first hand experience growing tomates in the desert!

herbs that grow in shade


15 Garden Herbs That You Can Grow in The Shade

Have a few shady spots in your yard or garden that need some perking up? Want to maximize your square-foot space under the shade of your tall garden tomatoes? Discover new herbal flavors that take your cooking to the next level, grown right outside your kitchen window. Gardening expert Sarah Hyde offers 15 herbs that can grow well in part shade.

growing tomatoes in pots


13 Tips For Growing Tomatoes in Pots or Containers

Growing tomatoes in pots or containers can be great for gardeners that lack the space of a full vegetable garden. Tomatoes can be picky plants to grow, so it's important to make sure meet all their needs. In this article, gardening expert Sarah Hyde provides her top tips for growing tomatoes in pots or containers this season.

Grow Tomatoes


How To Plant, Grow, and Care For Tomatoes

Tomatoes are a gardener's best friend. They are commonly added to the gardens of beginning gardeners, and expert green thumbs alike. To get the perfect harvest, you need a combination of the right conditions, and a bit of luck. In this article, gardening expert and farm owner Taylor Sievers examines how to plant, grow, and care for tomatoes in your garden this growing season.

Grow Dill in garden. Gardener picking it with her hands.


How to Plant, Grow, Care For, and Harvest Dill

Are you thinking of adding some dill to your garden? Dill has a variety of different uses, and is quite popular as a flavor in many cooking dishes once dried and added. In this article, gardening expert Taylor Sievers walks you through the easiest way to plant, grow, care for, and harvest dill from your garden.