
Whether you're new to gardening or experienced, everyone needs some gardening basics to get going!

In this category, you'll find a wealth of information that spans a wide number of topics. From seed starting to grow bag gardening, pruning tips to raised bed tricks, you'll find the fundamentals of gardening awaiting you here.

While it's optimized towards new gardeners, even a pro can find useful tips in our Basics category. We all need to get back to basics sometimes, and there are always useful tools and tips that other gardeners have developed along the way to add to your own practices.

Our Basics category can inspire you to new gardening heights, too. Those who have experience with in-ground planting can learn about other techniques such as raised beds or vertical gardening.

container gardening mistakes

Gardening Tips

17 Vegetable Container Gardening Mistakes to Avoid

Are you creating a container garden for your vegetables this season? Don't fall victim to some of the most common mistakes you can make when vegetable gardening in containers. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde walks through the most common mistakes container gardeners make with their vegetables.

Companion Planting

21 Cabbage Companion Plants You Can Grow With Cabbage

Companion planting can be an art form, specifically if you have limited gardening space. Cabbage is a shade friendly veggie that can grow well with a number of different vegetables. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Sarah Hyde examines her favorite companion plants for cabbage in your garden.

marigolds and zinnias

Companion Planting

Can You Plant Marigolds and Zinnias Together?

Thinking of planting some marigolds with your zinnias this season but want to make sure they'll be good companions before you start? In this article, gardening expert and cut flower farmer Taylor Sievers walks through if it's safe to pair these flowers together, and what you can expect when you do.

Multi colored Calibrachoa flowers

Gardening Inspiration

How to Plant, Grow, and Care For Calibrachoa

Thinking of adding calibrachoa to your garden beds this season, but aren't quite sure where to start? These popular flowers are treated as annual plants in most locations and will reward you with beautiful blooms if properly cared for. In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker shares everything you need to know about growing calibrachoa in your flowerbeds, including maitnenance and care needs.

Growing marigolds from seed in the garden with yellow blooms.

Gardening Inspiration

How to Grow Marigolds From Seed in 7 Easy Steps

Are you thinking of growing marigolds from seed this season, but aren't sure where to start? Marigolds are a garden favorite, and with good reason! They have beautifully colored blooms, and make great companion plants. In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker walks through how to grow marigolds from seed in a few very simple steps!

lavender and marigolds

Gardening Inspiration

Can Marigolds Be Planted Together With Lavender?

Trying to figure out if Marigolds can or should be planted next to your lavender this season? These two popular plants are well known garden companions for other plants. But are they also good together? In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker examines if it's a good idea or not to plant Marigolds next to Lavender in your garden.

Beautiful blanket flower growing in the garden.

Gardening Inspiration

How to Plant, Grow and Care For Blanket Flowers

Are you thinking of adding some blanket flowers to your garden this season, but aren't sure where to start? Blanket flowers are beautiful perennials that can be the star of almost any full sun flower garden. In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker examines how to plant, grow and care for Blanket Flowers!

marigolds and peppers

Companion Planting

Can Marigolds Be Planted With Peppers in Your Garden?

Thinking of planting some marigolds with your garden grown peppers this season? Curious to know if it's a good idea or not? In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker examines if planting marigolds with peppers in your garden is a good idea, or if you should stick to other companion plants.

Companion Planting

Can You Plant Marigolds With Garden Grown Tomatoes?

Considering adding some marigolds to your tomato garden this season? Wondering if it's even a good idea, and what benefits there are? In this article, gardening expert Natalie Leiker walks through if planting marigolds with tomatoes is a good idea, and how to do it properly if you decide to plant them together!