April is the start of spring, and a month when many gardeners across the northern hemisphere start planting their crops. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares her favorite vegetables to start seeding in April.
Looking for ways to use coffee grounds in your garden? Or maybe you are just curious if this is yet another garden myth? In this article, Logan Hailey shares 7 surprising uses for coffee grounds in your garden this season!
Whether indoor sowing or direct sowing outdoors this season, water is a critical part of a plant's growth cycle. But too much water can be a bad thing for seedlings. In this article, gardening expert Logan Hailey shares how much and how often you should be watering the seedlings in your garden this season.
Do you know how to use a seedling heat mat the right way? We walk you through when, where, and how to use one of these tools properly!
Are you planting seeds indoors this season, but aren't sure how deep you should be planting your seeds? The answer will depend on a few different variables. In this article, former organic farmer and gardening expert Logan Hailey shares the proper seed depth when starting your seeds indoors this season.
Are you trying to decide between indoor sowing and direct seeding this season? There are many benefits to both, depending on the type of garden you are growing. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey looks at the pros and cons of both sowing methods.
Whether you are indoor sowing, winter sowing, or direct sowing, high germination rates are something that every gardener hopes for. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares her top tips for better germination rates from your seeds this season!
Are you looking to create a garden that effortlessly blooms throughout the season? There are several things you can do to ensure your garden has plenty of flowers, no matter your hardiness zone. In this article, certified master gardener Laura Elsner shares her top tips for creating a garden that flowers throughout the entire growing season.
Do you struggle with rotting seeds after they've been planted? Damping off is a disease that can plague gardens of any size. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey shares how to prevent this fungal disease that can destroy your seedlings this season.
Hyacinth flowers are popular spring bulbs with stunning and brightly colored flowers. But will they come back after you plant them, or are they a one-season flower? Find out if hyacinth is considered an annual, biennial, or perennial flower before you start planting them in your garden this season.